I could make it up and you wouldn't know. It's one more thing I'm strong and getty. Before I get to that, I have to tell this story because it's a little well, it's definitely it's sophomore, because it's coming from freshman in high school. And I don't want to tell it on the radio. So I'm at the airport the other day, what a week or so ago, my son's little birthday trip with him and two of his other fifteen year old high school boy friends. We're going through security and one of his friends gets pulled out of the line because something showed up on the little radar there, thing in his crotch area, and they showed they had the screen there. It was like right in his crotch area and they had to feel him up and everything like that, and he said because he is a high school boy to his friends when he got away from the line, it's because I'm massive.
Which made me laugh. It was just such a yis I'm a fifteen year old boy? Things?
Yes, yes, that the universe can continue spinning. Everyone has played their role, and I thought there has been somebody roughly that age make that sort of joke since human beings have been able to communicate if somebody got an extra pat down entering the Roman Colisseum thousands of years ago, he made the same joke, right, yes, and the Katie and all the women there at the Colosseum rolled their eyes and thought, what an idiot. Right, nothing has changed. Human nature does not change.
Oh jeez. Even his friends rolled their eyes.
As they must again, and the dance of the universe continues.
I'm not going to go through this list of TV shows. I just thought it was kind of funny that in the Life section of USA Today it mentions the ten best streaming series on you know, on all your different streaming Amazon, Netflix, all the different things.
I am watching. I believe two hot shows right now, so I'm hoping they're on the list.
So you would know better than me.
But I was my intro as I could make it up and you wouldn't know a lot of these titles. I feel like I could make up a title and say, oh, you haven't seen that, it's fantastic, and you wouldn't know because there's just so many damn shows out there.
It's like Kentucky, Derby Horse or Yeah or what was the positive Sean used to do this, ben or horror movie or I can't really something like that.
Like are you watching The Last Anniversary on Sun Dance, No sir? Or Pulse on Netflix, No sir. The Bondsman on Amazon Prime, never heard of it. Friends and Neighbors on Apple TV shows. According to the critic, these are the best shows on all of television.
And they probably are.
They're probably freaking great, Katie Friends and Neighbors. You know that one? No, I said that was fake?
Oh the last of us I've heard of. That's got Pedro Pascal, who was the Mandalorian. He was now in everything all the time. I saw an interview with him where he came off as a dick and I didn't like him. So now I have no interest in watching anything with him because I find him so unpalatable.
And that poor gal what's her name, we got fired for expressing, you right light sympathy toward not far left communism. What's her name?
Gina uh Corano? Corano?
Yeah, yeah, well, well correct that if it's not right, but yeah, god bless her man. Did she get screwed by the Marxists?
Anyway? A bunch of other shows on here that you've never heard of that. I'm that are i''m sure are Actually you gotta.
Keep going, you gotta keep going. I gotta see if my shows are on there.
Okay, I'm sure they're actually fantastic.
Do you watch What Makes a Good Friend?
No? Never heard of it?
And or.
Oh wait a minute, I'm Disney season two of and or it's a it's a Star Wars series.
You it's supposed to be horrible.
You is on its final season. I actually watched some of that on our final season.
You yo you.
Yeah, he's a serial killer, nut job and as a pretty good show.
I watched like the first season or so see that. Yes, I saw that first season.
Oh it was troubling, but it didn't keep me around poker face mm hmmm, over compensating.
That's on all of these Sirens on Netflix.
I've heard of that one.
Also premiering this spring, Wolf Hall, which I never read the book, so it mind watching the series just because I'm really into the old timey English stuff. Hands Made Tale final season on Hulu in April. Hacks on Cinemax Doctor Who, which is a reboot.
I guess is that what's going on there?
It reboots every few years and Murder James Bond.
So none of your shows. None of your show So what are your shows that you're watching.
I'm I'm way too late to the party to get on the hipster list. I think Judy and I are watching the exactly exactly Saved by the Bell. Uh we're watching I think is it The Fabulous Gemstones, Gemstones, the something or other Gemstones. It's on Max John Goodman as the head of a televangelist family that are all crooks and pervs and immocrats.
It is so entertaining. That's a good premise.
And most of these shows I mentioned here are giant stars in them, like really stars.
And then I'm watching a solo because Judy kind of lost interest. It wasn't her vibe Severance, which is the weird, eerie science fictiony you know, high tech company that makes you put a chip in your brain so your outside self is totally unaware of your inside self and vice versa.
And you know what the show I just got into and I am I think fifteen years behind or a decade behind or something like that. Henry got onto it and now he wants me to watch episodes with him because he really really likes it Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsey.
Ever watch it? You ever watch any of that? Every single it's pretty well put together.
Yeah, I mean, even with all my cynicism about those kind of shows, it's pretty good.
I have a T shirt with Gordon Ramsey and it just says where's.
The lamb sauce? When he gets so he's a do you know much about this shoe?
It's enough to yeah.
Very famous chef he was. He was voted best Chef in England nine years in a row. I mean he's a really big deal's chef and he opened.
The English famously don't know how to cook back too.
He opened some a Hell's Kitchen. I don't remember where. The first one was the United States. I think at LA and they're only eight of them in the country and I ate it the one in Washington, d C. When I was there with my kids because it was the only place I could find a reservation. Also the most expensive meal I've ever eaten in my life. But it was very very good, with lots of yelling going on in the kitchen. It's kind of like the TV show. But he had a reputation for very very high quality in a gazillion mission and stars and all this sort of stuff, and he wants each restaurant to be to live up to his standard. He doesn't want it to be, you know, just the name, but not as good a quality. And so he's really really hard on these people. And one of the reasons that makes this seem like it could be somewhat real is that the prize is so big the at least the first season we're watching. The prize is it you get the restaurant. You're gonna run this restaurant if you win the competition, because otherwise you would think the way he yells at everybody and treats him, you just think you'd say f you and walk out of there. I'm not going to listen to you. But if you're gonna end up with, you know, a very very famous restaurant that you're running, and you want to be a ship for your whole life, you might.
Put up quite a bit of crap from Gordon Ramsey.
One guy did One guy did lose it on him. I can't remember what season, but he takes his chef coat off and he gets two inches away from Gordon's face and it's like, you want to go outside, who's from Boston. Well, take this outside.
I can see.
Getting there because he's such a dick to these people. Yeah, you're shit, You are shit. That's what your problem is. You are shit.
I'll say. Yeah.
He took a piece of bread in each hand and he slammed it on either side of a guy's face and called him an idiot.
Wow. So a couple of thoughts. First of all, it's very much like the premise of The Bear that the guy the main guy, and that came out of a kitchen like that just messed with his head and he doesn't know how to deal with people in a normal way now. But Jack, I know you hate that sort of coaching style or leadership style. Is it tough to take or is it so over the top it's entertaining.
So I had a friend who went to culinary school to be a chef years ago, and that was where I was introduced to the idea that chefs are so mean. I don't know how that ended up as a culture, but it's the culture. Chefs are just mean, And it's kind of like a real status this It comes with the job. You're a chef, so you get to beat a real jerk to people. Other industries aren't like that. I mean they talk about it, you know, fast moving and high pressure. Well, I'm sure, but so are lots of industries, and it's not like well known that if you're the head air traffic control er you get to call everybody in an a hole or stuff like that, start around and treat them poorly no matter what, and they have to put up with it for some reason. In the restaurant business, it's just a thing, and if you're a lower level you just get belittled constantly. Uh So, it's it's it's you know, fairly accurate. From that standpoint, I would I could never work in the circumstance where I'm getting yelled at like that all the time.
Another great Gordon oh yeah, another great Gordon Ramsay series is a Hell's Kitchen or not Hell's Kitchen, I'm sorry, Kitchen Nightmares, where he actually he goes around to restaurants in the country and that are awful, and he goes through revamps their menu, redecorates their restaurant and all that. But when he's discovering how bad they are, it's hysterically funny.
He's like sitting at the table.
He's just spitting into a trash cab.
This is garbage.
I could I could see liking that because he's he's a he's an entertaining personality. Yeah, but when he when he tries people's food there at the restaurant and then he just takes a plate and he shoves it in their chest and their white tunic or whatever.
Yeah, we may have to try that. I don't know. We prefer the more mellow and kind vibe of beating Bobby Flay.
God. Henry was last we.
Show period, but it's been a long time.
Yeah, I am.
It is kind of interesting though, those those super expensive restaurants, how they get everything out of the kitchen at a really high quality and hot and like in less than you know, an hour later or something.
Is quite amazing.
Mm hmm.
But uh, I guess that's why they charge so much for it. It's just it's a lot like American Iley. You get down to you got two teams competing against each other, and then you get to the end and one team has to eliminate somebody and you know the whole thing.
But what is charming is there's a also a cooking show he does with kids, and there's been YouTube videos where it's a it's a contrast between Gordon Ramsey with adults and Gordon Ramsey with kids, and it just goes from him cussing somebody out to like helping a little girl get a heavy pan off the stove.
I love that guy.
You're just a giant lump of uselessness. Why are you even here?
The idiot sandwich is a nice dush.
Well. I guess that's it.