Words to Live By

Published Jan 24, 2024, 4:01 PM

Hour 1 of the Wednesday January 24, 2024 edition of The Armstrong & Getty Show features...

  • Haley stays in the race...
  • Mailbag...
  • The inspirational words of President Joe Biden...
  • Katie Green the News Machine! 

Thanks broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty.

Armstrong and Getty and Key.

Armstrong and Getty.

Who live from the studio see see Senior A dimly lit room where deep with them the bowels of.

The Armstrong and Getty Communications Compound. Midweek hump Day, and today we're under the or is it it is? Today we're under the tutelage of our general manager.

The brand new ABC hit sitcom Welcome Back Trumper starring Donald Trump is himself, Nikki Haley as Marco Rubio, and Tim Scott is Chris Christie.

So what did the final number end up being on how many non Republicans voted?

There was a record high number. Yeah, it was a lot, extraordinary number.

Yeah, of independence somewhere Democrats who switched over and voted in the Republican primary. And that's what changed everything. That's what changed everything. That's what you couldn't predict in a poll.

Here, big finished, Now come on, now.

Do that also a lesson in expectations. Lesson in expectations that has happened many, many times in my life. If you're expecting a two thousand dollars. If you're expecting no bonus and then you find out you're gonna get a two thousand dollars bonus for the quarter, you're very excited and starting to think about how you're going to spend it. That's two thousand dollars bonus having expected no bonus. This is the day before, all of a sudden turns into a one thousand dollar bonus, all of a sudden. You're mad and disappointed. Expectations are a weird thing.

Tear up that check and throw it in your boss's face, sir, take this crap.

Huh. And if you change garbage. And if we had no polling leading up to New Hampshire and we waited till last night and Donald Trump wins by eleven points, you'd think, holy cow, he buried her. Why is she even still running? But if the poles were telling you twenty five points eleven seems like some sort of victory for her or something, it's weird. Yeah, it doesn't seem like that much. It's over. Oh yeah, yeah yeah. So the prevailing wisdom is she's staying in because so many things could happen to Trump. He could drop out of a heart attack because he eats McDonald's. He's got like nine different trials he's got to go to. He could finally say something that turns people off. That's kind of hard to imagine. But anyway, she's hanging around for that reason, the wild card in that whole theory. That would all be perfectly fine and make perfect sense if he didn't have the weird snap of your going to your home state in thirty days. Right, that's the weird one, all right, that's the.

You know, I don't know how to describe it metaphorically exactly, but that is the bulwark against the idea that, hey, we can string this out, we can change it slowly, we can work our way. No, no, no, practically, the next thing that's going to happen is going to be one of the great humiliations in the history of American politics.

Yeah, and t tick tick yeah. And you know, there's no argument against hanging around really except for that home state thing. How is she going to spin that if she does lose? By got a pole that came out yesterday. I saw Chris Wallace talking about this on CNN. The most a legitimate pole came out. You stayed for South Carolina where it was thirty six. So if she just gets trounced in like a historic way, what is their speech that night? She gave a good speech last night, but what is their speech in South Carolina? I can't even imagine what you would say.

No, No, people who know me best, who've known me my whole life, who I relate to more than ever, didn't even come close to wanting me to be their nominee.

They have rejected me soundly. So it's on the Super Tuesday.

Yeah, and hoping that people that don't know me as well will some album for me.

Clearly, I cannot dupe those who know me. Let's get to work on the people who don't.


I don't even know what you say well, and it's I don't even think it's duping.

I don't have his dark view of No Nikki Haley, as a lot of people do.

It's just a question of, look, do you want to go with Trump or do you want to try something new?

And the the answer is resounding.

Now one other thing that you didn't mention that could happen in the introim and then the second place finisher, who I described yesterday as being in the Olympic Stadium, like seven hundred yards behind in an eight hundred yard race, but the front runner falls and breaks their neck. Trump is definitely misspeaking. More clearly, he's not in Biden's league. Come on, now, Biden is a special case. But yeah, they're more and more. Oh, he doesn't mean that, he means the other person, or he keeps using the wrong pronouns or and I don't mean she her or anything like that, getting the eye and him and her and them mixed up and just you can't follow the story.

It's happening more. I don't know how bad it is. Yeah, I saw a great side by side yesterday and said, get ready for this, because it was the Trump war room put out a clip of Joe Biden saying, don't mess with mernonise unless you want to get the benefit. And it was a clip of Joe Biden doing his Joe Biden thing. But then the Biden campaign put out a clip with Trump saying we are an institute and a powerful death penalty, which I saw the clip, and whatever the hell that means I can't even imagine. But is that gonna be the whole campaig Each campaign headquarters puts out what the old other old man said that made no sense the day before? What is that? And what will the mood of America be by I say, October, I don't think it's even close in terms of the cognitive impairment between the two gentlemen. But I think you'll really working hard to say Donald Trump is the same guy as he was in twenty sixteen.

Yes, it's had discouraging but but isn't that funny?

I mean, is that just going to be the back and forth? But those were the campaign headquarters, those were just surrogates, So that just might be the battle going forward. Yeah, it absolutely will be.

If your greatest three liabilities, as Biden are from the bottom up inflation, immigration, and fighting for first place, the perception that he has completely seen how do you triangulate? How do you neutralize the senility thing by portraying your your candidate is equally senile. So people just throw up their hands and say, all right, I've had enough of that. I don't know which one is which or whatever. That's going to be a hell of a race.

What did you know?

I swear I would recall this phrase, and I've forgotten it. Already speaking of senility, but that the race is going to be long, bitter and ugly. I almost think Nicky Haley staying in and maybe the perception that she's got some juice I don't think she does, but helps Trump. I don't think there's any advantage to a Trump Biden starting.

This far out.

I don't think that's I don't think the Trump campaign disagrees with you, Strove.

I know, I know they do. Yeah, I don't know. I think America benefits from it not becoming the general election ten months it's out, nine months out.

I think the shape of this is going to be very much like the Major League baseball season.

Uh, if you're a baseball fan, you know what I'm talking about. You're right.

Opening Day, everybody comes out, they're excited, they yelled, they cheer, they throw on their their jersey, their hat, and they watch a couple of games, then realize, oh my god, it's one hundred and sixty two game season, and then everybody kind of settles in, checks the box scores, takes the kids occasionally, but nobody knows what the heck happens in April.

Now you check back in in like July. How are we doing. Are we still in the hunt?


Or like three games out of the playoffs?



Yeah, And I suspect very strongly that the presidential race is going to be like that.

I certainly hope so it will be for people. It's not going to be for the media, which we are, but we have people as listeners, so I don't know, maybe we can stay away. I don't freak. I have no idea. Everything is, everything is unprecedented. Absolutely, nobody's ever won Iowa and New Hampshire like this before. It's just it's not a doable thing.

But here you go, not since the Juggernaut Garry Ford back in seventy six.

Wow, I'll tell you what. Before we do our clip of the week, I thought, Nikki, I don't know who crafted Nicki Haley's speech. I thought it was really good, but the opening was weird. When she opened the way she did, I thought, oh my god, she's getting out. And then I was watching on Fox News. Dana Parna said the same thing on Fox. She said the way she started, I thought, oh my god, she's getting out. I thought i'd because she came out and she said, I'd just like to thank my husband sitting at home, who stood by me the whole way. Like to thank my parents who raised me to be a kid. I'd like to think, you know that blah blah blah raised me to be a kid. Well, I didn't finish my since raised me a be a kid that wanted to give back to their community. Blah blah blah blah blah blah. But she went all the thing stuff that that's what you do when you get out. Absolutely yeah, because you still have people's attention, because you realize once you say I'm suspending my campaign, nobody pays the attention. So if you want to thank your people that worked for you, and all my supporters, you've all worked so hard. I thought she's getting out, then she launched into But New Hampshire is not the this is the last state. It's a first date. It's not the last date, and we're gonna Why didn't you start with that sentence? If you'd have walked out onto the stage and hit it with that, a really an awesome moment. Why'd you think your grandparents anyway?

Oh it's all so dopey and discouraging, isn't it.

That's Michael.

I just want to say, we have a Biden clip today that will not disappoint.

Oh, yeah, that's what I all. Yeah, I just listened to it. Oh my goodness. Hanson said it's a good one. You said it's good, So we look forward to that one coming out. Oh Anson suggested it was a top shelf. Yeah, so we'll have to get to that this hour. Let's start the show officially because the FCC will crack down on us and they take your home and your cars. I'm Jack Armstrong, He's Joe Getty on this it is How did I already get to be this day? Wednesday, January twenty fourth, Life will not be a bore in twenty four We are armstrong and getting we approve of this program.

This segment isn't the last segment of the show. It's the first segment. We're gonna do a lot of segments. So let's beget officially now at Mark.

But I felt I should do this because I find in life you can't let people get away with both.

Okay, you can't.

You just can't do that.

He was talking about Nikki coming out and acting like she won. Look, you didn't win. You got killed by eleven points. How about his knock on her dress. We'll have to play that whole thing. She comes out in a fancy dress. Not too fancy, I'm guessing, he said, which was him not stating out loud. Probably cheap.

I'm way Richard in her.

I just I'm out. I'm moving to another land. Another good How about the man full of promise, fucking obsequious Tim Scott behind him and the way that went down? We'll have to play.

That's why that's starring Tim Scott as Chris Christie. Who would get who would like to get? Completely humiliated? Chou Van's anybody, mister Scott? Senator Scott h how's mailbag? Look, it's actually fantastic. I'm trying to figure out how to manage it. It won't all fit.

Okay, cool. We got three and a half hours, so we'll jam everything in. And our text line, if you want to weigh in on any of this stuff, is four one, five, two, nine fiftc Armstrong and.

The Armstrong and Getty Show.

You see in other states, most other states, you can't have Democrats and independence coming out and voting in the Republican primary. So I ain't gonna help Nicky Hailey. You see anyway we left that. Yeah.

Yeah, indeed, here's your freedom loving quote of the day quote with a nice quote from Calvin Coolidge. Here silent cols not silent this morning or today.

The armstrong and getdy show us.

The people, through unified action arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them. Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organized and selfish interests.

Uh yeah, true enough, that would seem to be the case. Yeah.

Unless the people, through unified action arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them.

Mailbag, I faced.

A choice, jack across roads. Do I go with interesting relevance and persuasive or raw entertainment value?

It's gone with choice. B There you go.

Drew la Millennial says, my chant at college students was a little long and preachy. They have to be short and punchy. How about this. This is in response to the Columbia students chanting Yemen, Yemen, we are proud, turn another ship around. He suggests Columbia students go back to class. Then shove this up your Marxist ass.


True, the millennial harsh and at rhymes millennial of the millennial violence.

I hate it. And then side rights.

You're over analyzing the leftist protesters Columbia and elsewhere. They're not pro Homas, not pro Palestinian, not pro Hesbla, not pro Housy, not pro anything. They're just playing anti American. You know, that's probably with anti America.

That's probably the simplest way to Yeah, it's probably working way too hard to come up with all that other stuff. It's just anti America.

Yeah, Yeah, they hate America because America is successful.

Well, if every class you've ever taken your entire life from kindergarten through pointed out the worst things that America did or why even the good things were really kind of bad all the way through, yeah, I could see how you'd end up that way as a twenty year old.

Yeah, teach somebody from age five they should be ashamed of being an American and see how they come out the other end.

Right, it's an excellent point.

I need to tear down America's school systems and start again. It's a cesspool of ideological disease. Moving along Andy with some really good points about the idea of taxing unrealized gains and wealth. Wealth taxes, folks are coming. You will be taxed on your retirement savings. If you are frugal and smart, you will be taxed more heavily than those who throw their money away on pleasures.

I might more on that to come. I might end up in prison. If that happens, I might take up arms.

And I could go into Andy's reasoning, and we will later on. But his ps is the following story, which he assures me is not apocryphal. While touring the Stanford University campus last year, I noticed the lady who looked as though she was having a horrible day. I asked her if everything was okay, to which she applied she'd had enough, was on her way to her dorm buildings so she could jump off the roof and die.


Not knowing exactly how to handle the situation, I said the first thing that came to mind. I asked her if she wanted to maybe bang one out before she dumped her jumped to her death. She immediately became angry and offended that I've even suggested such a thing. Then I said to her. Okay, I guess I'll wait for you at the bottom. I'm confident I saved a life that day because I never found her at the bottom. Hilarious, Andy, Andy, come on, that really happened.

That's hilarious. I'm not sure I believe you. How much time do we have? Very little? Oh?

You know what, so we have some audio. We absolutely must play you next segment. Stay tuned. Don't want to over sell it, but it's worth it. Got this note from Shan. Guys, everybody's talking about how AI does this seamless language translation. You can come up with a perfect sounding fake Joe Biden. For for instance, why doesn't Joe Biden use it?


Good one, Jen, What a brilliant point. The guy he completely incoherent. Why doesn't he just have his folks type out what they want him to say? Since he's no longer a really effective puppet, have him type it out and have AI say.

It sound like nineteen eighty eight Joe Biden, have a I do it. Yeah, that's a great idea.

If there's anybody connected with the Biden campaign listening right now, they're shouting, oh my god at their speakers and running to make a phone call.

We did some more bombans yesterday. There are a number of other things to talk about, and then we got this great Joe Biden clip we're told coming up, so stay tuned for that.

Armstrong and Getty. The Armstrong and Getty show.

Some of the breakdown of the numbers of how things turned out the way they did last night. New Hampshire's kind of interesting. What it might mean probably worth taking a look at. We can do that in a little bit.

Were we going to play Hail to the Chief, ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States of America.

Roteas Donald shopping a valuable lesson. Don't mess with them in awaic unless you want to keather benefit?

Pretty good? Pretty good?

Whoa you thought it kind of started slow and then it was an onslaught.

You thought like I thought, that's it. Oh, No, that's it. That's good. No, that's not all of it. Wait, there's more.

Roteas Donald shopping a valuable lesson. Don't mess with them in aware unless you want to kee the benefit.

Wow. So he words to live by, so he does that thing all the time. Whereas teeth don't work.

Don't mess unless you want to the benefit.

Trump's had nothing to do with his teeth. It's this frontal lobe Trump's thing. And the reason I bring this up is basically just because this is going to be a giant part of the lefts argument. I'm I watch enough MSNBC to know that it already is of Trump's lost. A look at this Trump's uh it just uh gets the wrong names and stuff like that. It's a different thing. I don't think it's even a close call as to who's more debilitated by their age. But don't.

Unless you want to the benefit.

Yeah, yeah, big guy, tough guy. So does he finish that sentence? And thing? Holy crap? I mean because when I do that, I think, geez, you can't understand me at all? Whoops that one? Badley?

Don't unless you want to kee the benefit.

That's almost like that clip we always play from Blazing Saddle. It sounds a lot like that. No, Shine Wand and Cracker Croger. Wow? Is that his his teeth? Don't his teeth and his tongue? He doesn't have real teeth? Is that what that is?

I've already answered that it's not his teeth, it's his frontal lobe. I've known people with poor fitting dentures. They make perfect sense, but their annunciations a little off.

And no shame Rain and Bushwagon points Kruger Kroger, Hey, going around away, I'm sorry unless you want to get the back.

No, no, loose teeth doesn't make you say nonsense. There is no freaking chance unless they hide him away, put him in at a dungeon, in an iron mask or something, that he can be the presidential candidate come November, and especially that cripple that if that half with Kamala Harris is still the veep. I mean Trump could could be caught in bed with Chesion Ping having sweet commie love making. Wow, and you couldn't vote for a basket case and a moron.

Biden and Harris, you mean, yes, yes, don't.

Mess with them in a work unless you want to get the benefit.

So we were working on our credentials yesterday for the conventions. We're going to the Republican Convention and the Democratic Convention, because we still believe there's a lot of craziness to come. I mean, you could think, well, what are you gonna go, What's what's the excitement It's over in January. What's the excitement of go in the conventions because I don't think we or most people think it's gonna turn out the way you think it's gonna turn out out. Who knows what's going to be happening by then. Yeah, I just think there's so much crazy in the air. It's difficult to sense that and then say nonetheless, I think everything will unfold in a calm and fairly standard fashion. There's just too much crazy in the air. I think one of the problems with the whole Nicky Haley I'm just gonna hang around in case something happens theory is I think if something happens, they're not going to automatically give it to you because you're the other person running and you got a few delegates. I don't know what the current rules are in the RNC, but they change them all the time. I think they'll still make a decision of who they want. Now it might be her, I don't know.

You know, it's funny, it hadn't occurred to me, but that might be her strategy. Get it to a broker convention and have her as the alleged centrist. Yeah, well, have folks unite around her the way they united around Biden. Nobody likes Biden, particularly just nobody hates him particular four years ago, the alleged centrist.

It's interesting that she's kind of got that knock because that's not exactly what her brand has been her whole career.

Well, what's you know, it's no longer about left right and center. It's just about you know, populist trumpiness versus old guard corporatist, whatever you want.

To call it. So we mentioned this already several times, and if you're into this, you probably already heard this. The breakdown of the primary vote. Trump won the Republican people that are traditionally Republicans seventy four to twenty five, not even flipping close. No, But Haley won Independence who came over and voted on the Republican side sixty one thirty seven, and won Democrats eighty four to six. Now, you could say, who gives a crap if she wins Democrats or that's not a good thing, But the thing is interesting, she just rocked the Independence and so there's you know, the people in the Haley camp would make the argument, that's what the general election is, because you see, you can vote for anybody you want. The general election.

Yeah, at least a third of America is unaffiliated, independent, whatever, and Trump is terribly weak among them, right, or.

A chunk of Democrats who think, you, I can't vote for Joe Biden. He's not what I thought he was, or he's ninety years old, or the border's open, or whatever the reason is that you soured on Biden from last time. I think Nikky Haley would win in a landslide over Joe Biden, but who knows. Yeah, maybe so.

New Hampshire is such a small state, shade stunning, right They According to the polls, twice as many Republicans said they would not vote for Trump as Democrats who said they would not vote for Biden, you know, which is interesting. You combine that with the weakness among independents that Trump hassed.

You could extract late blah blah blah.

But it's just this too small of a sample and there's too much that's going to happen. As the old English politician what's his face said, events, dear boy.

Events, here's the one thing that is known and interesting, and I wonder how the White House is gonna come at it. The number one issue by far in Iowa for people who turned out to vote was immigration, And the number one issue by far for people who turned out to vote in New Hampshire was immigration. How long are you just gonna get hammered on what is the number one issue for voters and you have an eighteen percent approval rating and you haven't done anything about it? What You're just going to ride that horse all the way to the loss? What the hell is that?


That's that is one of the great unanswered questions. What do they do with that? At albatross around Biden's neck? A couple of stories from the immigration front real quick. This is a column by Todd Bensman in The New York He's talking about how in twenty twenty one, as the Biden border crisis really started in earnest and people were their attention was drawn to the enormous number of people pouring across the border, which is of course being dwarfed right now. Bill Malugit on Fox News as long as we're on the topic, is reporting that the Biden administration is holding onto the numbers, but they've been leaked to several media outlets that there were I want to get this right.

I believe three hundred thousand.

Plus encounters in December on the border, three hundred thousand plus came in and.

Were borders is secure anyway.

So this columnist is talking about how in twenty one he was reporting that the United Nations was handing out debit cards and cash vouchers to aspiring aspiring illegal border crossers on the way north, and several border security minded lawmakers pitched a bill that would require the US to turn the UN's spigott money to expayer money spig it off because the UN is financing illegal immigrants, and then fact checkers fact checked.

And said that's not happening. The UN is doing no such thing.

Well, as usual, the so called fact checkers lied, this guy's dug into it. And the UN just released the twenty twenty four Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela R four V for short, a planning and budget document handing out one point six billion dollars in seventeen Latin American countries. And where does the UN get the bulk of its money from the United States? And so they're absolutely doing that, setting up checkpoints and handing out vouchers and cash cards and that sort of thing. To folks as they come to El Norte.

Wow, I did not know that.

Yeah, well, they've worked very hard to make sure you don't that. It's a a controversial story. In a nutshell, The UN and its advocacy partners want to spread three hundred and seventy two million dollars in cash and voucher assistance to multi and multipurpose cash assistance to six hundred and twenty four three hundred legal immigrants who are in transit to the US during twenty twenty four. So you got that, then you've got this. This's got a fair amount of attention online. I thought, wow, that's interesting, and then the follow up happened and it's more than interesting. Uh let's see, I'm scanning for the clip.

There it is. This guy was stopped at the.

Border by a reporter who was asking what a lot of reporters ask for, uh, hey, where are you from? And this guy got his back up immediately at being asked that, and gave the guy a load of attitude.

Clip sixty one, Michael, You're not smart enough to know who I am, But soon are you gonna know who I am?

Very easy?

Then entitlement, entitlement no believe it.

I'm much better.

So it says you you're gonna ask me who I am soon, You're gonna know who I am.

You're not smart to know who I.

Am, which may have been an insult against the Biden administration policies. This guy's name muvs mar Oglu Samadov. He's an Azerbaijani. He was released from prison last year after serving twelve years for arms trafficking and terrorism.

And your suggestion you don't think he should be able to come into the country.

I would prefer that he didn't. Yes, So anyway, they figured out who this guy was. You'll know who I am soon enough, just like the guy said about Osama bin Laden when he was asked about his picture on the wall.

You know, if I had to predict a black Swan event, which kind of nullifies the whole concept. But if I had to predict a black Swan event, it is some sort of horrifying event that comes out of people that stunk into the country across the border that changes the metrics somehow.

Yeah, I know what you mean, and I think that's a very good prediction.

I hope I'm wrong. Yeah, because there's no upside to it.

It could certainly be said that maybe not absolutely horrifying, but extremely troubling is already happening in the cities and schools and emergency rooms and the rest of it. There are more and more jurisdictions in America that are just pissed off about this, and not like pissed off in principle, but pissed off at what is happening in their neighborhood, in their town.

Ah ah.

But here's the good news. Kamala has the solution. Clip sixty.

Michael, we should have a bipartisan approach to fixing this problem, which is a long standing problem.

But what are those solutions.

The solutions includes putting resources at the border to do what we can to process people effectively, and putting in place laws that actually allow for a meaningful, meaningful pathway to citizenship.

So process the people at the border or more quickly to turn them loose and then give them a pathway to citizenship.

That is her solution. Awesome, how do you run on that? That is not going to play well politically. Katie's got our headlines. We got so much we got to talk about, including various wars around the world. A couple other things that aren't grim. Let's we'll have to at you with some not grim that's coming up to stay.

Here Armstrong and the Armstrong and Getty Show.

I was looking at the text line. A couple of people suggested this sort of thing. I think I do know what is going to be the altering of our normal system of electing a president. That is going to happen this year. So maybe we'll talk about that in the coming hours when we have more time. I want to hear about Hunter's Art Dealer you've been looking into that. We can get into that an hour or two. That's fantastic.

Everything the media reported was dishonest and inaccurate about the whole thing.

We are in a post truth world. But the Washington Post has a story really laying out the latest details. So they apparently do they decided to tell yes. I don't know anyway. Wow, okay, hey, let's figure out who's reporting what. Speaking of the wahpoh, it's the lead story with Katie Green.

Katy some ABC News Russian plane carrying sixty five Ukrainian prisoners of war crashes near border Moscow, says.

Yeah, so the Russians, So they were given they were doing a big prisoner swap, and this plane full of Ukrainian prisoners headed back home goes down. Russia is saying Ukraine shot it down, or that the United States shot it down, and how awful that is. And all these people were going back to their loved ones in Ukraine and you shot them down. What monsters you are. Nobody's exactly sure what actually happened. Nobody believes that happened. But did it just crash and they just thought that'd be a good excuse? Did they shoot?

The latest I just read was Ukraine is saying that ordering people on board their missiles.

Interesting, who's an arms shipment? So who freaking knows? From Fox News.

American university hit with federal complaint over persistent anti semitism.

Yeah, I don't know. A whole bunch of other universities. From the New York Times.

Delta Airlines Boeing seven fifty seven lost nosewheel before takeoff.

FAA says, you need your nosewheel. Apparently that's that wheel up front that keeps it from just grinding on the tarmac as you go along.

Life's better with both your nose wheel's no doubt. Yeah, I guess one pilot radio the other pilot and said, yeah, Delta four three eighty three heavy? What are your tires? Just rolled off.

Into a ditch and the other pilot's like, uh wait what and so they pulled over.

It total the folks, we're gonna saw you today, but not on this plane.

We appreciate your patience.

From USA today, Ford recalls over one point eight million Explorer SUV's for windshield issue.

What's the windshield issue?

Apparently they're not attached correctly and there's a piece of them that could fly off and hit another vehicle or cause a accidents.


From the Associated Press, With Oregon facing rampant public drug use, lawmaker's backpedal on decriminalization law.

Yeah, we did the great experiment in Oregon. We tried it. Even they think it doesn't work, So let's not try it anywhere else anymore.

Okay, though, enough dead people, Yeah, enough dead young people.

From the Washington Times skip the first date. New Matchmaker app sends AI avatars to meet each other.

I wonder if that's the future. I can meet in a virtual world.

And have your first debt, and then the app sends you a port of how this avatar how they met, and you decide whether you are on board with it or not.

Wow, you know I can see advantages to that. Yeah.

From page six, Kylie Kelsey told shirtless husband Jason to get his ass back in the Chief suite after he jumped into the crowd at the Bills game.


I thought that was pretty funny. You're embarrassing us. Get back in here. He never put his shirt back on. As far as I can see, that rings truth.

They seem like regular folks, Sonny, get back in here, get back in Oh my god, look at him.

And finally the Babylon Bee Oakland in and out relocating the safer location in Gaza.

Yeah. Yeah, that's a shot at Oakland safety. You see Joe high crime. So the whole Hunter Biden selling art for lots of money is not completely on the up and up.

You're saying, well, that's one way to put it. Yeah, the shocking details.

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