Hour 4 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty. Arm Strong and Jettie, I know he Armstrong and Getty. I'm not understating the complexity of all this. But as a candidate, you said you would have this horse settled in twenty four hours.
Well, I was being a little bit sarcastic when I said that I would. What I really mean is I'd like to get it settled, and I'll think I think I'll be successful.
What's the plan If Putin doesn't agree to a cease fire?
Bad news for this world because so many people are dying.
But I think he's going to agree. I really do.
I think I know him pretty well, and I think he's going to agree.
Putin and Trump talking tomorrow, and that should be something. How about that first part? This has been going on since twenty fifteen. It's the old you know, take him seriously or literally thing. Of course, he didn't mean he could settle the Russian UKRAIND twenty four hours. No, No, he just meant that he'll settle it. It's a high priority and he can settle it quickly. I mean, I don't know why he has to.
I don't know either in this code, but it's an easily decodable code.
Yeah yeah, I would say, yeah, So I'm not shocked to that. But that was Cheryl Atkinson, who has a I don't know, some odd channel I've never heard of that she's on now and she used to be a big star at CBS back in the day, and Trump being old, decided to talk to her.
But on the whole Russia thing, Mike.
Wallas, who's the National Security Advisor, was on one of the shows yesterday talking about the agreement and well, I'll save my comments for after you hear this.
Are we going to dry?
I have every Russian off of every inch of Ukrainian soil, including Crimea. And what the strategy of the Biden administration was was as long as it takes, as much as it takes, no matter what the timeline is, which is essentially endless warfare in an environment that we're literally losing hundreds of thousands of people in a matter of months and could escalate into World War three. So we can talk about what's right and wrong, and we also have to talk about the reality of the situation on the ground. And that's what we are doing through proximity talks, and it astounds me how that is criticized.
If you're a regular listener to the show orre you're one of the new listeners of the show. With a bunch of stations that were going on today, my personal position is, I hate the idea that we're sending the message to the world that if you decide to take another country, you can get away with it, which I think is the message it's going to be received.
As we are going to allow Putin to get away with it.
But that cake has been baked, and it's it's interesting that Biden gets credit for saying We're with you till the end, till the very end, We'll stick with you to the end, but not actually following through it anyway that would have allowed Ukraine to win.
So how are you How are you actually going to boot Russia out of that territory they took.
I wish, I wish that the free world would do that, but Biden wasn't going to do that.
No, I think it's accurate to say that Trump is doing I'm sorry, Trump is saying what Biden was doing, right.
Yeah, and uh, and just deciding to rather than let it drag on for years until you leave office. So you get credit for saying we stuck with the democracy till the end, until the end of my term anyway, when you weren't actually doing it, and Trump's gonna wrap it up again. Not my preferred outcome, but I just think we're I think Trump's just with the reality that already existed.
If I were a betting man, wait a minute, I am a betting man. Since I am a betting man, I am betting that after some sort of brief and phony pause, Putin just continues doing what he'd hoped to do. He will not agree to NATO country peacekeepers on Ukrainian soil.
Okay, So I agree with that. So then what is the response from the Trump administration?
Then I don't have the slightest idea, I really do.
I'm not going to predict that Trump's attitude toward Russia is completely mystifying to me.
I don't know. I don't know either.
I don't know how this phone call is going tomorrow. I sure would like to hear him say something maging abou about Putin at some point, as he is one of the worst human beings on planet Earth.
So on a completely different topic, The most explosive revelations from Jake Tapper's new book about Biden's decline, Oh Boy, excerpts have been leaked.
I'm gonna read you one. It comes out when someday anytime. Now, Okay, I'm surprised that article doesn't include that.
I would think that.
Would be kid. I would have to look. My eyes are very tired. I'll look it up while you're talking.
President Joe Biden sat hunched at the head of the table. He puzzled over his daily brief, now delivered in the form of a sound book for toddlers. Quote A is for afghan A A is for A is for Afghanistan. It drove his aids crazy, but they knew the sacrifice was worth it for the moment, at least this diminished man they had taken a calling quote. The commander in corpse would be too occupied to follow up on his latest obsession, filming a.
Hot sex tape with doctor Jill.
Among the senior advisors, only a hunter had taken it seriously, but the first son had other things on his mind.
Now I feel like this might be a joke, but I'm willing to stick out the rest of your reading.
Dunkirk, Hunter said, slapping the table with authority. We can do what they did in Dunkirk. He'd recently seen the Christopher Nolan film. He explained, brilliant. The President replied, deis for Dunkirk. Where's the Secretary of Defense? Nobody had seen or heard from lawyer to Austin for nearly a month. His designated proxy, Al Sharpton, was hosting a podcast in the adjoining room. Jake Sullivan started to say something, but Hunter cut him off. The first sun preceded outline. Is planned to acquire a fleet of luxury speedboats from a shake in Dubai. You owed him a favor. They could be loaded with up with troops, then airlifted to Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. It's amazing, Hunter said, I know a guy. You can get us into the best strip clubs. You can tip in bitcoin. Sullivan laughed, mister President, we covered this in the intelligence brief. He held up a map of Central Asian pointed to Afghanistan. Al is for landlocked. Biden demanded to see the map, blew his nose in it, and urged Sullivan to quote run it by Bow and make sure the Soviets are on board.
Oh and there's a good deal more of this.
This is written by Andrew Styles, who works for the Free Beacon.
These by Bow would.
Make sure the Soviets are on board. That's almost too much. Andrew Styles is really really funny.
You know what, Jack, I'm gonna read one more couple of sentences because I know how much you'll like this. The first lady entered the small the room with a small bowl of raspberry yogurt and a paper straw. Hunter rushed out the door to the bathroom, fidgeting with his leathered topkit. What's the worst that could happen, Jill said, Joe is trying his best. If everyone in this room tries their best, I'm sure it will all be fine.
So the book comes out Thursday. I feel like I'm gonna have to hate read that thing. It might be full of some really interesting nuggets about how off the rails Biden was and we should all be highly disturbed by it. With the backdrop of you're one of the guys and networks that pretended this wasn't obviously true, so with great enthusiasm. Yeah, so that's gonna be an interesting read, but I'll probably go ahead and dig up some stuff for you for Friday.
I prefer Andrew Styles version of it. Frankly brought him. It's really funny.
Well, we'll put this, we'll repost this, post this at hot links at Armstrong and getty dot com.
Very funny.
Well, let me let me read the blurb in the Amazon about the book. So, the book from Jake Tapper and Alex Thompson is called Original Sin President Biden's Decline. It's cover up, It's how do you? How can you even have cover up in the title? When you were part of it.
You were the only one the rest of us knew, Jake, We were talking about it all the time, and you.
Yelled at us for talking about eighty percent of the country knew, right, and that includes a.
Lot of Democrats. But anyway, here's the blurb.
From two of America's most respected journalists in unflinching and explosive reckoning with one of the most faithful decisions in American political history, Joe Biden's run for reelection despite evidence of a serious decline, amid desperate efforts to hide the extent of that deterioration which we participated in. I put in that last part.
Yeah, it's just so weird. I can't get past the shamelessness of it. Sorry.
Now the full, unsettling truth is being told for the first time. Jake Tapper and Alec Thompson takes us behind closed doors and into private conversations between the heaviest of hitters, revealing how big the problem was and how many people knew about it, from White House staffers at the highest levels to the lowest levels, to leaders of Congress and the cabinet, from governor's to donors and Hollywood players. The truth is finally being told. I gotta read this, and I'm sure there'll be some really interesting stuff in it that I'll have Friday, But again, a little hard to take.
Yeah, these people are not gonna talk to I don't know, Charles Cook from the National Review or whatever, but they would talk to Jake and finally spill the beam.
How did I handle it?
So he'll almost certainly be on a bunch of the Sunday morning shows, maybe even sixty minutes. This might be a big enough one that the big debut interview is on sixty minutes. How are they gonna handle that. How are they How are they not gonna say you, we and everybody else but Fox pretended this wasn't happening.
A shameless hypocrisy, That's how they'll handle it, you child, or I mean, is Scott Pelly gonna say he didn't remember what day.
It was or something like that.
Yes, they're gonna act incredulous and ignore the fact that they two were part of the cover up.
Shameless, shameless Wow.
Speaking of shameless, one more couple of sentences, Hunter appeared in the doorway, eyes bulging, Gucci trousers stained with what looked like fresh blood. FYI, I found a couple of fingers in the men's room, he said, anyone's seeing the dog a par sucret service agents left to attend to their dying colleague.
Oh, I know, Oh Andrew, we salute you. That is really funny.
Left to attend to their dying colleague is pretty over the top.
The senior official sat in silence as Jill performed her custodial duties, and Joe mumbled semi coherently about the time he got arrested in Japan for trying to rescue a geisha, which never happened.
I feel like for a lot of our audience, we could just read from this for the rest of the hour, and I wouldn't enjoy it.
I'm perfectly happy.
Okay, more on the way, stay here playing Irish music because it's Saint Patrick's Day, which is I don't even know what it is anymore.
I don't.
I don't.
I enjoyed it as a little kid and as a parent, but I do.
I don't know what the point is that Hanson our executive producers angry about all the news anchors wearing green.
It is.
You're a third grade teacher wear green, but you're a news anchor delivering the news.
Is that harmless?
It is?
But of all my yelling that it's a culture, not a costume, Yeah, it's it's fine. I guess.
Yeah, I have.
I lost my capacity for joy the problem, That's what I'm wondering. But it's a little silly if you're a serious news anchor, isn't it. We're in green because of Saint Patrick's Day? Because because what because you get pinched if you don't.
Everybody does it.
I don't know.
Look, look how much fun this is. We're all wearing green? You know, but that is fun.
I don't want to stomp on other people's Oh. If you're feeling joy, life is hard and then you die. So feel your joy.
Over drink fight really celebrated. Here's JD Vance from the other day. There were protesters outside the White House, and I'm sure all of us saw there were a few protesters outside. And I can't be the only person wondering, you know, it's a little afternoon on a Friday, And don't you all have jobs?
Who are the people?
Something many of us have been saying for years. I'm glad to hear somebody of that level finally say, don't you have a job? Don't you have somebody to be?
I can't just like take the day off and go protest something.
How do all of you have infinite time to cheer for a moss on the streets of the.
Sitting right, No kidding.
A couple other things, just to go and through my notes from the weekend. I don't know. Rapper lul YACHTI, my son was so jazzed because Playboy Cardi dropped a new album on Friday and he and all his friends were so into it.
And then play with card he's a really big deal and called buffering to break down or ever. But I don't know lul YACHTI. But anyway, loul YACHTI got a lot of like yacht like. He owns a yacht like the boats.
Yeah, just like the boat. That's why it's about okayl YACHTI said. Black Lives Matter is a total shady scam. The hip hop Sensation recently said in a YouTube interview that the neo Marxist terror group Black Lives Matter is a scam terror group. The New York Post throw in, I've never referred to them as a terror group, although well they sponsored riots. I suppose that's accurate.
And obviously Liul YACHTI saying that it wasn't very popular. He's a black gentleman. He said BLM was literally a scam, citing facts that its leadership had bought mansions using the tens of millions donated to the anti Semitic, anti white, anti American syndicate.
Well, he's right.
About that, So I think every word of that couple of sentence this is correct.
Yeah, different thing, different people.
Maybe you saw the vandal who threw molotov cocktails at Tesla's at the dealership the other day was is trans forty two year old transgender woman it says here calls herself baby in our online persona. So not a crazy person at all. It's just a mentally illd person needing to lash out at something and chose Tesla. And this is a burbling story out there that some of you may be aware of the idea that Michelle Obama is a man and and Francis President Macrone's wife is a man. Also, where did that come from? So I was looking at the BBC. Two women guilty of slandering Bridget Macrone. This started about a year ago. Two French women claimed that the country's first lady there in France, Bridget Macrone, was a dude who had gone transgender. They've been found guilty of slander because France is one of those countries practically every country but the United States, you can't say anything you want about politicians. Anyway, These two people broadcast what it says here unsubstantiated rumors online that Bridget had never existed, that her brother Jean Michael, had changed gender and started using the name Bridget. So there was a son in the family that at some point was grooming. You know, there's a twenty five year age gap. You know the whole story with President Macron. He was a kid in school and it was this teacher that got with him who he ended up with marrying. Yeah, so it was a gay man grooming President Macrone, who then changed to woman because.
That would be easier or better for his political career. I don't know what.
But anyway, so that that started with a couple of women in France who have been found guilty of slander.
What was the procedure of I mean, because truth is an absolute defense against slander, at least in this country.
Did they give her the check or what?
I don't think they uh yeah, checked the crotch. I don't think they did that.
No justice, Armstrong and Geddy.
I remember, for a cup of coffee, Irish dancing was all the rage, share Michael Flatley, right.
That was the deal man. People would go to a packed.
Auditorium to watch some Irish dancing. You remember when guys pretending to be girls was all the rage. They called it transgenderism.
Jack, We're not gonna.
Stare at the crotches while they're wearing their little shopping shorts.
At the mall.
I don't give anything away. I'm only halfway through her autobiography that came out last week.
That was the mentally ill Dylan Mulvaney a click back in the day. This is interesting. It took a little longer than the Biden administration turning informer and calling Jake Tapper on the phone. But the whole hiring Dylan mulvaney to be a bud Light partner or whatever unofficial spokesperson thing. People are starting to talk now and a former Anheuser Busch executive talked to Fox Business recently saying that decision was not authentic at all. The problem with the bud Light Dylan mulvaney partnership was they were just not an authentic partnership. They were catering to a lot of special interests, and he told Fox News he realized he needed to leave the company when DEI was preventing the brand from what should have been a no brainer business decision, like partnering with veteran owned Black Rifle Coffee. I joined a company that I thought was a great meritocracy and then I saw the company really change, especially after twenty twenty twenty one, when the DEI movement was really gaining steam, he said, so the company said no to black Rifle Coffee, but yes to trends influencer Dylan mulvaney.
One thing I will not tolerate people saying about me is that I don't like beer, because I love beer and I always.
Have well, Black Lifel Coffee almost got folded into the Budweiser world that would have been.
It doesn't say specifically what sort of partnership would be, but the ensuing backlash, which included kid Rock shooting cases of bud Light and posting it online one of my favorite moments from that haunts the company to this day. And he went on to describe how bud Light was pressured by outside interest groups like the Human Rights Campaign, which more and more companies are now severing any ties with.
These are the way Way Way.
Left, LGBTQ plus minus over the power three of folks who make you report all your statistics and publish your trends rights manual, or else they will blackmail you and bring you to ruin. But evidently they got pressure that they gave into from groups like that, and he says he couldn't believe it. It was authentically a brand that was about sports and humor and bringing people together. It never got involved in politicized issues, and Dylan mulveny was the face of a lot of these very polarizing topics. Where's there's one more really interesting part, oh, he said. A convergence of outside factors pressured bud Light into embracing an ever increasing rubric of DEI policies that ultimately led to the disaster. He pointed to large asset managers like Blackrock pressuring companies to adopt environmental, social and governance and DEI policies. Because and I remember reading about this at the time. I'm pretty sure I brought it up on the air at least once or twice. Those giant fund funds, we're getting hardcore demands from progressive states like California and New York who were handling their pension funds. So the progressives in California and New York and Europe to some extent, we're saying to the giant investment companies, do you want our three hundred billion dollars in assets under your management with the fees, Well, then you have to institute these ESG and DEI policies.
That's interesting Okay, so that's what drove the whole thing then, right, And so then Blackrock was pressuring companies to do the same. It's worth noting last month Blackrock told employees who were shifting away from our DEI policies and ending most of them. And the former executive also said that bud Light having a European owner in beev caused it to lose sight of the American values the brand had come to represent. In his view, it's normal for business and government to collude to influence social outcome in Europe, but that kind of partnership was antithetical to bud Light's business values and was alienating to its customers. In the US, they abide by really different rules over in Europe. Europe is very PROSG pro DEI on the continent.
I didn't know that.
So if you start pressuring those big companies at the top like we started doing for briefly, it filters down like this.
Well, that's highly troubling.
Yeah, And he said the only thing that he thinks is going to cure bud Light's ills, And he said the whole Shane Gillis and that Super Bowl ad with the rapper post Malone, big men on the cul de Sac, which was very amusing.
Everybody liked it.
But he said for bud Light to truly recover a true apologies in order, and perhaps the company should even consider leaving its European parent company and finding an American owner. They have to say they screwed up and ask customers for a second chance. I think they have actually, but yeah, I mean if I bud Light's brand manager, I don't know how the in BEV you know, corporate ladder looks, but this would be a great not dodge but strategy.
Say hey, you.
Remember that whole crazy thing with that, you know one person. We're owned by a European country and they are a company rather and they made us do it. Well we're American now and we're back bud Light and have kid rock say hell yeah, check it out, you know, so whatever, take it over the top.
I don't need apologies from my watery alcoholic beverages.
But hey, it cost them billions of dollars. Yeah, I know, just I'm not demanding apology out here.
But every person on the board of directors on live TV cuts off a finger as an apology. That way, you know they're sincere was that Dylan mulvany again, pluck out an Eyebichael. Oh that's a little far.
That's how much I care. One more stupid thing for we have to take a break. This person was appointed to the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel under Joe Biden. Whatever that is, high Energy Physics Advisory.
Panel, but they was not invited to join that.
They had a lot of say in the Energy Department about wacky green stuff while Biden was president. They were a gender studies professor who once wrote white empiricism undermines Einstein. Einstein's theory of relativity. So the whole theory of relativity thing, it's it's it's white empiricism, so you can't you can't buy it. One of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the history of mankind.
A six panel.
And this person is a gender studies professor. Again, but they're talking about the theory relativity and gender and then they got put on an important board in the Energy Department.
None of it fits.
Together obviously, which just gives you an idea how how to whack the whole thing was Joe Biden was a miserable, terrible president.
How much did he know about this zero that right. So that's which proves my point. But I see yours as well.
Yeah, I don't think Jake Tapper's book is probably going to get to this. Books will be written that do get to it. There was all kinds of stuff being done all over the place that you could slip by because the President was so out to.
Launch right right, And as we mentioned earlier in the show, Donald J. Trump, the President just truthed out or tweeted out that the pardons that sleepy Joe Biden gave to you know, a lot of people are declared void, vacant, and of no further force effect because they were done by auto pen In other words, Joe Biden did not sign them. More importantly, he did not know anything about them. Will this be investigated because it is not a joke of an allegation to say, Hey, his advisors who are secretly running the White House all got together and used the power of the presidency without the President's knowledge to pardon all their friends and cronies.
Which they might have done. Because lots of that sort of stuff was going on. Jake Sullivan was freelancing, you know, a lot of foreign policies because the President wasn't available to talk with. I mean, it could have been such the just so common in a bunch of different areas there the last year or so, that you would have felt comfortable doing this because lots of people were operating on their own right.
I mean, it's very, very very believable to say, yeah, we had a list of pardons, including all of our buddies and cronies and hunters and the Biden family and told him, mister President, these are the list of pardons, very carefully veeaded by the Pardons Board. Just needed your signature there, sir, and there. But they didn't even do that, As Trump pointed out, they used the auto pen.
Is that what you call it?
I don't know how you'd investigate this without talking to Joe Biden, and Joe Biden, I can only assume it's in way worse condition now than he was a year ago or the last time we heard when did we last year from him?
When he left town and shouted at us. But like you met Ry Bush racking horn Kruger, Kruger ain't going around away.
We haven't played that in a long time. God, we were playing that for Joe Biden. How many years ago during the twenty twenty election.
Yes, a twenty third team twenty Yeah, no horn swaggling.
Uh, poor old guys talking to somebody yesterday who's h parent is fully into dementia and they're there, they're questioning, you know, whether there's any point in going to visit them or not anymore because they don't know they're being visited, and just that sort of thing, you know.
Yeah, heartbreaking and uh and.
You know that that's that's where Joe Biden is headed, if he's not already there.
Yeah, he's probably still semi coherent. But did you sign an accident?
Did you sign all of those pardons and commutations?
How would he answer that question? He can't, No, so it'll be difficult to prove it.
You're the only witness that really, really, really matters unless you can get somebody to confess to the other half of it.
But you never will. Yes, Michael, you need Biden.
Do you think we will ever find out in this book or another book who is actually running the country last year?
We will?
Someday, I doubt in this book someday we will. My guess is that Jake Sullivan played a really big role and Jill as people before me have pointed out she is going to end up being the villain, the real villain of this whole thing.
I wonder I suspect very strongly. The country was run like a city council, and maybe one of those folks acted as the de facto mayor.
But they would get together and.
Decide, yeah, all right, we'll do this, and we'll advise the president to do that and make sure he does it. And who knows, maybe he came in and out. Maybe some days he acted like the president, but not all days.
No, definitely, not all days. There's no way all days he was in charge of his faculties. As we all know, we will finish strong next.
People still don't quite get it that when they do a Google search, they're always revealing a lot about themselves. So, for example, we got a hold of some of the reasonings Zelenski's dress code for visiting White House.
We should have Travis Kelsey, How.
To break up with someone who won't take it well, Yeah, Luigi Mangoni, Ways to look less pretty in prison?
Who's go.
Bill Maher also spent part of his show on HBO Friday night talking about the Department of Education and how it has failed and it maybe needs to go, and how our public education system is broken, So appreciate that from a Democrat.
This is sort of breaking news.
Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democrats in the Senate, had a book tour because he's got a new book out, and he has canceled it so far, at least his first stops because of security concerns. They say, Schimmer's postponing his book tour. Amit a major backlash from Democrats due to his decision to join Republicans in passing the cr they call it on Friday to avoid the government shutdown. Mm hmm, So there you go. Continue to be in disarray, those of you over there. I just pray Trump can keep it between the rails.
Bangking and well, you know, everything goes in cycles. Anyway.
I've seen the Republicans down and out a number of times, and it is down down number of times in my adulthood where it seemed like you could never come back, and both parties always do.
Usually you have to adjust your sales though.
Well, I was just going to say, generally speaking, those turnarounds have been accompanied by recognizing what the problem is and fixing it. Yeah, as opposed to doubling down on what got you booted out of office.
So NBC had their polling come out yesterday, their political polling, and they had Donald Trump with the highest approval rating he has ever had an NBC polling, which is something.
Everything that you know, we all know the story, and the.
Democrats with the lowest approval rating they've had at a party as a party ever. Right track, wrong track, more Americans than they have seen in twenty years with the right track, but Donald Trump, for the first time in his political career upside down on the economy, with a majority of Americans not digging his choices and or.
Rhetoric right right, which is significant because that's what he ran on. That's what I was thinking of when I was concerned about. You know, all we have to do is not screw this up too badly, and conservatism should be able to dominate for long enough to really right some of the wrongs that have happened in recent years. But well, I have to see, I'm certainly rooting for it to all work out, but I'm a little nervous like most of America.
Yeah, I was reading from one of Trump's advisors who was one on one of the talk shows Yesterdaylah Blah blah oh, former CEO of Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfine. He said, when you look at these economic policies from Trump in a macro way, they have a method to them. The risk to the markets is dislocation in the short term. But I think our republic will be better off if we spend a few thousand dollars more for a car in return for having a workforce that can make things and can afford what they make. It's easier to say when you're a CEO of goldmand Sacks and very very wealthy, and I don't know how the regular Joe lunchbox is going to respond to paying a few thousand dollars more or a few hundred dollars more for this or that.
M h. Well.
His idea is that after a perhaps rocky transitional period, as he said, that, we'll live in a country where people make things and they can afford to buy things because they have good, solid jobs.
We'll see.
Hi, this is a.
Corn pop when I'm not trying to get my a rusty and rainbarrow.
I listened to final thoughts. Well, Ar'm throng, giddy, thank you, mister pop, I will take one for the team.
I will read at least portions of the Jake Tapper book when it comes out Thursday. Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.
Let's get a final thought from everyone in the crew to wrap up the day. There he is, Michaelangelo, pressing the buttons. Michael, what's your final thought?
Well, it's Saint Patrick's Day. I love I like corn beef, I like potatoes, but I can't stand cabbage.
Oh, I just can't stand it. Do you like coleslaw?
It's okay, that's made of cabbage as kind of a halfway cabbage.
Look at you trying to talk somebody in a cabbage just to make a conversation.
You bully.
Katie Green are esteemed Newswoman. As a final thought, Katie, just gonna.
Put it on record, I did not appreciate the nay saying about Saint Patrick's Day and wearing green this morning.
Sorry, I'm in a foul mood, Jackie. Final thought for us.
It's kind of interesting because I texted somebody I know, did you wear green today? Kind of you know, just making a conversation and they are irish and thought I don't wear green. I'm Irish, my parents blah blah blah blah. So some Irish. I wear pasty skin and red hair, Thank you very much. That's what I wear.
I can drink me culture. Come on, that's that your.
Final did see a meme? I'm so sick of these Irish stereotypes. As soon as I finished my drinking and to punch someone in the face.
There you go, Armstrong and Geeddy wrapping up. But they're grueling four hour work day.
She ley so.
Many people to thank, so little time. Go to Armstrong in Giddy dot com. It'll be like the Potto gold at the end of the rainbow for you. We've got our hot links there. We got your your swag. If you want to pick up an age sweatshirt or something. I'm wearing the hoodie myself. Drop us a note mail bag at Armstrong and Giddy dot com.
If there's something we ought to be talking about, send it along your hosts.
Patio Furniture and Pat mcgroin signing off for another Saint Patrick's day, Childish.
And we will see tomorrow with all the news.
God bless America.
I'm strong and getty. Hello stranger, you're not from around here, are you? What the hell happened here so fast?
This is an amazing geopolitical disaster.
It's outrageous, so so good, says I'm gonna call my lawyer, Garne.
We are not in the clear as of yet. No, no, that's not what I was told.
Tired of being in a good mood? Tune in the Armstrong and Getty show on that I note
Bye bye Armstrong and Getty.