Go Birdwatching Or Something

Published Mar 19, 2025, 4:24 PM

Hour 3 of A&G features...

  • Trump's call to impeach judges & district judges exercising too much power
  • The girl who disappeared on spring break
  • Elon comments on Tesla vandalism
  • Details on a few judges

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty.

Armstrong and Getty and he Armstrong and Getty. Oh, I'll tell you what.

A good buddy of mine just texted and said, I want to get it right. It's really getting crazy out there. I believe that it may boil over soon. I wonder Tesla's being set on fire and blown up, and.

Yeah, I was just looking at a video on that. Attorney General Pambondi came out yesterday said We're going to prosecute these people to full extend of the law. That comment always is word to me. I want everybody prosecuted to the full extent of law and every crime your break. I mean, that's the whole point of.

A law to me. But hard to disagree with that.

But the number of Tesla's cyber trucks that have been set on fire at various dealerships, it's something really.

Get We'll get to that this hour, but first and they can wear it fast. Amen.

Truer words never spoken, so particularly if you turn to the pages of the left leaning media, you see the frantic and somewhat worn out cry that we are headed toward in the middle of whatever a constitutional crisis this time because the Trump administration is at loggerheads with various judges around the country as they try to institute their policies, and the president call for one judge.

To be impeached.

We will talk about that a little more specifically in a minute. And then Chief Justice John Roberts criticized Trump's call to impeach judges and in a very gentlemanly statement. And the left, I mean number one, a lot of lefty media is absolutely desperate, and so everything they do is clickbait, and they make everything Trump versus the evil Trump versus the the you know, kind good people of whoever's against Trump, and then they jack up the significance of everything, so their hair is constantly on fire.

You're familiar with that.

But if you look at the actual substance of what's going on, it's to me it's more interesting. But Chief Justice John Roberts, in a gentlemanly statement said, essentially, the court should be left to resolve legal disputes through the traditional system of litigation, and I quote, for more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose. Meaning Judge number one makes a bad decision.

Everybody be cool. Happens a lot.

We've got a huge hole process worked out and it works really, really well.

And then John Roberts shelld Obama Care's a tax and ran back in his office.

And then Trump vowed to go down to the Supreme Court and drag Roberts out of there with his bare hands and give them the No, he didn't. Here's what Trump said on Laura Ingram's show last night, clib seventy.

He didn't mention my name in the statement. I just saw it quickly. He didn't mention my name.

But many people have called for his impeachment, the impeachment of this judge. I don't know who the judge is, but he's radical left. He was Obama appointed. And he actually said we shouldn't be able to take the criminals, killers, murderer is horrible, the worst people, gang members, gang leaders, that we shouldn't be allowed to take them out of our country. Well, that's a presidential job. That's not for a local judge to be making that determination, and I thought it was terrible.

Just as an aside, I think it's funny that Trump says, a lot of people are saying that you're the.

President of the United States of America.

It doesn't matter if a lot of people are saying it, or one person is saying or nobody.

That you don't need anyway. Ah, but it was interesting, he said, he he didn't name me.

It is fine. We're good, We're good.

And he called the judge the individual judge, troublemaker and agitator. And then Laura doubled down and asked him a really good question, is way to.

A court order?

Is that we all know that I never did defy a court order, and you wouldn't in the future. No, you can't do that. However, we have bad judges. We have very bad judges, and these are judges that shouldn't be allowed. I think at a certain point you have to start looking at what do you do when you have a rogue judge?

So you could easily assign the headline Trump affirms judicial review to that interview.

Yeah, it's sort of like we were talking about Kanye last hour. Kanye is shooting off his mouth a lot, but then when he gets in a bad legal situation, he seems to know where the line is, or somebody tells him. Trump realizes you can't be saying you're going to defy a judge's order.

He realizes that's a line not to cross, right, And it is interesting. His line is very different than other presidents, and it makes me really uncomfortable sometimes. But it seems like the whole whipping up the masses, getting people excited. It ends at the point where somebody asks him explicitly, will you do this thing that the left's hair is on fire that you're going to do, which would be an actual constitutional crisis, And he says, no, No, you can't do that, which I thought was good. I was heartened by that. A couple of notes. If you're not following this stuff closely and good for you, go live your life, love your children or your spouse, or go bird watching or something.

We'll do it for you. But look a bird. There's more to it than that. But in essence, that's it. Jack headline number one boiled it down to it.

Oh no, I thought you were gonna say you boil the bird, because that's definitely not part of it. Eh.

Birds are beautiful, though, I kind of like bird watching. Judge said.

Doge's dismantling of USA likely unconstitutional. Ruling deals a blow to Elon Musk in one of his earlier efforts to cut back the size of the federal government.

This is a federal District.

Jubdge in Maryland, likely unconstitutional on multiple fronts. Okay, you know, we can wrangle about the constitutionality of that, but this is not a four hundred level class.

This is a you know, podcast radio show.

Then this headline, federal judge blocks Trump's ban on transgender people serving in the military. This is a completely different, lowest level of the federal judiciary.

This gal in Washington, d C.

Where the courts are left to Trotzky, ruled that the order against transgenders in the military, likely violating the constitutional guarantee of equal protection. Issue a preliminary junction that halted it while litigation continues. It's a blanket to standards. The transgender folks are a great soldiers, right, wrote the judge in a seventy nine page ruling.

A lot of them are. Well.

We'll see and we'll see whether the commander in chief can set those standards and it will work its way through the courts. But I thought this was interesting. John fund It was a very very smart guy. He writes for the National Review. Mostly wrote a piece that said that's entitled the Epidemic of judge made law. By issuing nationwide injunctions against executive action, federal district courts are exercising too much power, and some of the statistics on this pretty interesting. Last month, district court judges issued fifteen temporary restraining orders halting actions of the Trump administration. That's more restraining orders than we're issued during the first three years of the Biden administration.

That's pretty interesting. Now you could say, well, you could say two things. Obviously, you could say, look, these judges are out to get Trump. Or on the other side, you could say, well, Trump does so many things that are completely unconstitutional.

That's why this is happening, right, I'm sure that argument is coming from the left. So far, district courts have blocked an extraordinary range of executive actions, ranging from the attempted repeal of birthright citizenship and abid toanned DEI programs to an effort to take down government web pages that discuss sex change operations.

District courts blocked all of those.

Things because obviously the president runs the executive branch can't take down web pages that talk about sex changes. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called it quote an emerging dictatorship of district court judges, and they point out fund to points out the latest or to Cormes from District Judge James Boseburg of Washington, d C. And Obama guy, he blocked President Trump's deporting of the Venezuelan gang members.

The alleged gang members, I think I'm.

Supposed to say to expedite the removal of members of Trendy Hiragua under the Alien Enemies Act of seventeen ninety eight. These people are neither US citizens nor lawful permanent residents, and we sent them to Al Salvador. You're probably familiar with that story or seeing the video of them being forced off planes and into buses with their heads pressed down low, which looks very uncomfortable. You cannot resist when somebody is doing that to you. Anyway, this is the judge you told the Department of Justice, Hey, anybody who's taking offer in the area, they need to turn around and come back to the US. But they landed in Nol Salvador, and there's some debate over when he said that or made it official.

Blah blah blah. We're not getting it into that.

Yeah, you do get into a sticky constitutional situation if a president starts defying federal judges, because then what do you do, right.

I mean, I send the army in? What do you do? Here's where it gets more interesting.

And if you just want to yell back in forest left right, left right, that's fine. I do it myself sometimes, but at least around here, we find it much more interesting to understand what's actually going on. So Trump's acting solicitor general, that's his number one lawyer, argues that federal district judges have no authority at all to issue sweeping orders that block policies nationwide. Instead, the injunction should only apply to that judge's district, more to the specific individuals or groups who have sued. So you can't have Johnny Trendiiagua say hey, hey, oh my buddy's got shipped out. That's no fair. There is no due process. And this judge says, you know what, You're right. You can't ship any gang members out until I give you the go ahead, and the Trump administration is making the interesting legal argument that you can't do that, she said in her brief to the Supreme Court, and I quote, years of experience have shown that the executive branch cannot properly perform its functions if any judge anywhere can enjoin every presidential action everywhere. National review not always Trump friendly. I actually think they're quite fair, and they point out she make it a sympathetic hearing from the Supremes. They realize that something has clearly changed at the district court level.

A couple more stats.

During Trump's first term, sixty four nationwide injunctions were issued, a staggering increase from the Obama and Bush ears. Justice Samuel Alito Hero recently called it judicial hubris, a practice that damaged the rule of law. He asked, did, I quote, does a single district court judge who likely lacks jurisdiction, have the unchecked power to compel the government of the United States. The answer to that question should be an emphatic no.


That's interesting because I watch enough MSNBC, for instance, to know they're not quoting Supreme Court justices who agree with Trump on this.


No, and they grossly oversimplify it and just say Trump's a racist monster. But again, I find the actual reality of it much more interesting. I could go on because I could geek out on this stuff all day long. Don't want to overdo it, but this is a super interesting and important question.

Yeah, and uh, it will end up at the Supreme Court and get figured out.

I assume good. So the process works.

The process works, and I'll tell you what doesn't work. Having Opening Day in Japan and all like that. Woo, Dodgers have won two games already and the season hasn't started for anybody else.

Huh. I like that either in Japan in the middle of the night. Foreign games shouldn't count. I'd be my new role two.

Weeks before opening day. This is stupid. Come on, MLB. I know you want to grow the game, but come on, come on.

Elon did a big interview last night and talked a lot about his cars being attacked and death threats and all that sort of Stuff's kind of interesting, among other things on the way.

Yeah, things can get pretty crazy at spring breaks. So apparently some cities have put up warning signs around some popular places, like you've seen these, like don't drink and drive.

Yeah, of course it's very important.

But there are others, some other warning signs that really caught my eye.

For instance, here's one from Myrtle Beach.

It says you're one viral TikTok away from unemployment.

Oh yeah, O kidding.

Hey, I just saw Ted Lasso's returning for season four. You're a Ted Lasso person, are you not?

Oh yeah, A big fan. Loved it?

Still good clear up through the most recent season. Oh yeah, yeah, I loved every episode. Yeah, it's the rare life affirming, you know, drama awesome. So, speaking of spring Break, we haven't really been covering this story of the disappeared attractive woman who disappeared and then they're holding on to a guy and all this sort of stuff, and you know, none of the details really.

Mattern and republican.

But what bad luck it is if you're a dude with a chick who disappears and you didn't do anything, You were just oh yeah, out there drinking.

I mean, I've been in this situation, but myself.

It's getting later and you're drinking more and you're thinking, I'm wondering this is going to turn into something, And then at some point you realize it's not or they say it's not, and you go back to your room. But then if you get a knock on your door the next day, we haven't seen this person. You're the last person did. That's a bad situation to be in. And that seems like might be what happened here, Probably happened here, especially if you were hammered drunk. All right, but you you know then what happened.

I went back to my room. What was she doing? I don't know. You don't know, No, I really don't. Yeah, she said, I want to swim. That's the last thing I remember, right, I don't want to swim. It's cold. When I went back to my room.

The one thing this guy's got going for him is he said, yeah, I passed out on the sand and woke up in the morning and went back to my room. And there's security footage of him walking back bedraggled to his room precisely when he said he.

Did, which is the sort of thing that happens a lot in spring break locations. Yeah, I have gone out in the ocean swimming, hammered drunk in the middle of the night and h and a giant wave couldna knock me down and swept me out disease.

Certainly, I wonder if when you arrive at the Pearly Gates other people probably not in me. Uh as Saint Peter says to you. You know, just we keep track of this kind of our hobby.

Up here. Here's the times you came within an inch of dying. Well, let's see.

Let's begin with the time when you were a kid and you ran out in the street. Then there was the time you were wasting a spring break and decided to swim. See there your mouth right there, it's an inch above the water. That next wave is really big. But you turned around, See how close you were? Did you just declare you think you're going to hell?

Just I'm a betting man. I'm just going with the odds.

Hmmm, it was a joke. Well, it makes your biggest transgression stupidity.

I left out the most interesting statistic in my constitutional geeking out thing last segment.

Here it is. I've lost it again. I'm truly stupid. I thought you were going to say being a disc jockey.

God is going to see you were really frequently a disc jockey, and we do not let in dis jockeys.

Right there appears. Oh uh.

Clarence Thomas pointed out that there does not appear to be a single case of a nationwide injunction against federal defendants for the first century and a half of the United States of the kind we were talking about. It's just grew up with the political polarization in our country over the last while.

It's a modern phenomena that is really interesting.

And another thing you don't hear on CNN or MSNBC or Fox from that that's.

Really and I apologize back to you. Back to the Pearly Gates. Heard a great joke.

Ricky Gervais told it's a very complex it's not really funny. It's a philosophical sort of joke about meaning God at the Pearly Gates. Get to that in the next half hour, because it's it's pretty good one.

It's not about the guy with the wife named Fanny. I don't know that one. I've always enjoyed that one. It's classic.

Okay, Yeah, there's a lot of good you're at the Pearly Gates talking to Saint Peter jokes. There's a lot of good ones. It is a classic of the genre. Elon Musk Big interview last night. He didn't like all his Tesla's being set on fire, among other things.

Armstrong and Getty.

The FBI is investigating what it calls a targeted attack after at least five Tesla vehicles were set on fire in Las Vegas. Police say a suspect wearing all black through molotov cocktails, shot three more Teslas with a firearm and spray painted the word resist on the building. Just this month, shots fired at this Tesla dealership in Oregon, Tesla's spray painted in Massachusetts, and cyber trucks on fire in Seattle. Writing about all this vandalism on social media, Musk says Tesla makes great products that people love, so all the hate and violence directed toward him must be because people are too woke.

I saw a meme on Twitter yesterday. It had how did we become friends? And it was Diesel truck driving guy and Tesla guy shaking hands because we're against the left or something like that. I have both a Diesel truck and a Tesla and like them both. I don't know if you're allowed to do that or not, but.

In my worldyard do whatever the hell you want.

Speaking to Elon Before we get to some of his interview. First of all, that's nuts that that is political terrorism going on all across the country like that against a one of the most valuable companies in the world, and it's not getting near the attention it should.

Who was their best buddy just a few minutes ago? Does that remind you of any crazy people you know in your life?

The value this is according to the Financial Times, the valuation of Elon's Twitter.

Is at forty four billion dollars.

It says there in the Financial Time social media site was valued at less than ten billion in September, a sharp turnaround for Twitter. I have no idea what drove that for anybody who we refused to call it X by the way, if you're wondering, So let's just run through some of these I thought they were all interesting. First of all, on some of the rocket stuff, as Elon's space X brought back, helped bring back those astronauts yesterday. This is Elon doing an interview with Sean Hannity last night.

Well, I'm usually a little nervous about these returns because there are some risks that something to go wrong, But thanks to the excellent work of the SpaceX team working with NASA. The astronauts are now safely home, and so congratulations to the SpaceX NASA teams on excellent work, and a huge note of appreciation to President Trump for prioritizing and explanting their return. In the beginning, we didn't actually know anything about rockets, so our first three missions failed, actually of our Falcon one rocket, and we almost ran out of money and just barely made it with.

The fourth launch.

If the fourth launch of Falcon one had not succeeded, we would have failed as a company.

So we just fairly made it.

So I have to say that I was not a very good chief engineer in the beginning, but I did loan over time.

He's just more of that in the world, right, all sorts of aspects of that, including not as assessment. Yeah, I made some mistakes. I wasn't very no, no, oh no, yea. What is the point of SpaceX? He says here, we are.

Going to be able to take Ashnalitz to Mars. In fact, we want to take anyone who goes to Mars and ultimately build a self sustaining civilization on Mars. That is the long term goal of the company. I think we could do it in twenty to thirty years.

Twenty to thirty years will be got a civilization on Mars. I hope I live long enough to see that, because I think it would be flipping fascinating. Here's a little trivia about launching rockets that I didn't know.

The falcon Iine rocket takes off with one point seven million pounds of thrust, So you can imagine something that has enough for us to lift an office building off its foundations, and it gets to orbit, it gets to roughly seventeen thousand miles an hour in nine minutes. It's just when it comes back. You've got that heat shield that's got to dissipate that energy, and hardly anything can survive that heat. And if the heat shield fails, you just get favorized immediately. So we're really testing the very edge of human ability here.

At the very edge of material science.

But hopefully this gives Hopefully for people out there, this is a moment of optimism about the future, a moment of excitement about the future, and it portends great things for America and humanity in space.

All I know is he's a monster for cutting the funding to transgender operas in Dublin.

So he took on Doge fairly recently. But I just can't imagine what his day is like when he gets up in the morning. What's the first thing he checks on Tesla stock, whether it's rocket landed, what people are saying about Ohuj, whether or not the you know, monkeys escaped with the neuralink.

In their head. Any of his fourteen children, how they're doing. I wonder what are the like the first things he looks at. I love that question.

In the examples you gave, I don't have the slightest idea Wow.

Starting to get into the controversial stuff, Elon saying he wanted to bring those astronauts home sooner.

We definitely offered to return the astronauts earlier. There's no question about that. The astronauts were only supposed to be there for eight days, and they've been there for almost ten months, so obviously that doesn't make any sense. SpaceX could have brought the astionnalts back after a few months at most, and we made that offer to the Biden administration. It was rejected for political reasons. And that's just a fact.

The Biden White House people say that's not true. So maybe that will get figured out by good reporting.

If you believe anything out of the former Biden White House at this point, I mean within reasons, just please. I think that the residents sharp is hell and ready for another term.

I mean after that, come on.

I think that I know that Jake Tapper book comes out at midnight tonight. I'm hoping it's midnight Eastern, which means it's nine o'clock my time, West Coast time, and then I'll be able to immediately jump on Kindle and start reading it and have some stuff from the book tomorrow on Jake Tapper uncovering the hidden truth that Joe Biden's brain didn't work. But I still think there could be some really interesting stuff in that book. The inevitable, inappropriate, I rolling aside, Yes, Jake.

The hard to take.

We all knew this a long time ago, but the specifics will be pretty good.

And hope to have some of that for you tomorrow.

Wanted to get this on Elon, h ask you about the crazies attacking Tesla and everybody who wants who's hating non Elon.

So it's really come as quite a shock to me that there's this level of really hatred and violence from the left. I thought the left of the Democrats were supposed to be the party of empathy, the party of caring, and yet they're burning down cars, they're fire a bumby dealerships, they're firing bullets into dealerships, they're just, you know, just smashing up Tesla's. Tesla is a peaceful company. We've never done anything howeful. I've never done anything howful. I've only done productive things. So I think we just have a deranged there's some kind of mental illness thing going on here. Because this doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I would agree.

So headline out of suburban I combined several words at once there. I'm so busy, I don't have time to just utter complete senses. Story from suburban Chicago, land where I grew up. Headline Buffalo Grove woman charged in vandalism.

I once I wrote a song as.

A teenager to the effect there aren't any buffalo in Buffalo Grove.

It was somewhat amusing. That's funny. I hadn't thought of that in thirty years.

Buffalo Grove woman charged in vandalism of Tesla dealership. And it's setting let's see what exactly did this human do? Vandalized serve as a graffiti, et cetera, criminal, damaged property, blah blah blah. The interesting part of this is that this woman is a hulking six foot two two and fifty pounds, And indeed Ellen is evan Washington state where you get to choose what sex you are, which is a hilarious notion, but it's a it's a radical transgender nut job.

And I know what you're thinking.

What is like guys who want to pretend to be women have to do with Tesla and the rest of it? And this is, you know, this is my life's jihad is getting people to understand this.

The goal of neo Marxism is to.

Radicalize every minority, racial, minority, ethnic, sexual minority, sexual, kink whatever, and convince you that you need to tear down the system because that's the only thing holding you back from happiness and fulfillment. And so, what the hell does a hulking, suburban Chicago transgender dude have to do with Tesla and Elon Musk defend defunding usaid. This person just has a vague notion that they are supposed to tear down the system, so what I'm always talking about.

So, no, it doesn't have anything to do with how in the world can any human.

Being with a straight face hold up a sign that says queers for Palestine. Somebody explain that to me. Well, I just did explain it to you. That's what's happening. And obviously if you're down with the Palestinian cause, your fight the man and tearing down Western civilization and the oppressor, that's how it all fits together.

So I want to get on this final Elon clip because this is him talking about probably the most important thing that he that he has said in recent years.

I'm very worried about America going bankrupt to the corruption of waste and if we're going to do something about it, the ship of America is going to sink, and we're all on that ship, you know. And this mega message to you know, people out there who have you know, are wealthy, have a lot of means or patrol companies. It's like, just remember, we're all in ship of America here. If your company is not going to exist, if you know, if the ship of America sinks, and we should do everything we possibly can to ensure that America is strong for far into the future.

He's the richest man. Where's my letter, fluid? I'm going to set fire to a tesla?

How dare he he's the richest man in the world, which you don't get to be the richest man without understanding something about profit and loss. And he says America is going to go bankrupt because it is just mathematically true if we don't adjust our sales. And not only are we all in the United States, all American citizens in the boat that is America that is going to sing. The whole world depends on the United States from being taken over the world being taken over by China or who knows what you know, communism or whatever.

So, yeah, be nice, we could get that all together.

But it has become about hating Trump, so can't be good.


If Trump and Elon want to save the ship of America, then I want to sink it, says a lot of the left in America. It's it's bizarre, it's idiotic, it's practically psychotic.

Well, I made my money all by myself. How dare your government take my money from me? I don't want to pay taxes.

Well, to put it on the voter neither party can say out loud, we got to do something about social security.

So yeah, I mean, come on.

At the moment the electorate understands that they can vote themselves money from the treasury, the Republicans doomed.

So I promised this philosophical joke that I thought was really interesting for Ricky Gervais.

I'm all other things we've got on the way. Stay here, he here, thumb show.

Hey, all the phones out trying to get their own perspective captured. Right here, some take right center field.

Here it is off the.

Till second goes oh Tani to home goes oh Tani.

Here's a home run. And the question is without the fans, would have it been a home run?

Review the future, hold run, I'm gonna set it absolute take.

All right, how long did it take that play? I hate reviews. Make a call in the field and let's move on. But nobody knows me.

I'm for accuracy.

Show here Atani in Japan, in front of the home crowd, hits a home run.

There you go, the middle of the night against the Cubs, two weeks before opening day.

What the hell?

Yeah, that reminds me over Christmas break, I read what is considered the best Babe Ruth biography for some reason. Really interesting, just an interesting slice of America from nearly nineteen hundreds and sports and what a different time and all that sort of stuff.

I'm ben every great biography and autobiography is about the times really in a lot of ways.

So came across this the other day on my YouTube feed, Ricky Gervais on Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians and Cars getting coffee.

This is not funny. It's such ahead of time. Don't expect this joke to be funny.

It's just an interesting philosophical joke that Ricky Gervais presents to Jerry Seinfeld.

I think this is the most interesting joke. So a Holocaust survivor and then she dies of old age to heaven. He meets God and he tells God a Holocaust joke, and God goes, that's not funny, and he says, I guess you have to be there, isn't Isn't that amazing?

What is that?

I hear?


Not mine?

Now do you hear that?

I don't.

I don't know where it is.

Have you heard that though?

Yeah? Yeah?

Wow? Because it's sold and philosophical, it's so late. He wasn't there, and if you believe he was, he didn't do anything right. Oh my god, I've got a thing of my thing about p RVEL and it's incredible.

Is that something? Yeah, that's a good one.

And Jerry Seinfeld, who's been pretty active in the last couple of years around Israel, and he was in a kibbutz in high school, same sort of place that got massacred by Hamas on October seventh, and all that sort of stuf.

I mean, he's pretty into this issue. But that's a good one.

See listeners weighing in on my prospects in the afterlife via email. Certainly if you have an opinion mail bag at Armstrong and getting dot com.

Right, man, the Holocaust survivor says to God, I guess you had to be there.

Oh okay, mmm wow. That could be a six month long theological getting class. And yeah. So a quick update on the discussion earlier in the hour about judges. District court judges like the lowest level of federal judges issuing nationwide injunctions against executive branch policies, which was unknown for one hundred and fifty years in America, has just exploded in recent years, specifically against Trump, and it's a super interesting constitutional question about whether that should be allowed or not. Again, listen, grab the podcast later. I'm strong and getting on demand. Look at our three and you'll find it and listen to it. But a couple of things to know. The judge on the transgender case who said no, you can't ban transgender people from the military is a female Hispanic lesbian, narrowly confirmed by the Senate, and she made the Attorney General stand off to the side of the courtroom during the hearing so he could feel what it felt like to be singled out. Now, boy an effing nutt, says one legal expert whose opinion I respect very much. And then this the Obama point, lifelong Democrat who did the same thing to Trump's travel ban in twenty seventeen, the terribly misnamed Muslim travel band ban.

This guy literally peddled critical race theory as editor of the Harvard Law Review, and.

Now he's trying to save USAID, which gives money to terrorists and radical critical race neo Marxists LBGTQ plus minus over the power three prop ganda. And that's the one frustrating thing for conservatives about the way progressives view the judiciary and the Constitution, But even the Supreme Court is if you're a good conservative, you want the court to rule on whether the right thing happened according to the Constitution, whether they like the result or not. You ask, what's her name, Brown Jackson, Katanji, Brown Jackson, And if you're honest, she'd tell you no. Being a Supreme Court is justice about getting the result you want right.

So are we in a constitutional crisis if we get to the point that you appoint judges that are super woke if you're a Democrat or super trumpy, if you're Trump and they're you know, is that a constitutional crisis?

And then yes, yeah, well it seems like.

It could be if these district court judges have carte blanche to stop the executive branch. I mean, if like a flaming liberal gets in the next time and I'm a district or judge and I say, no, no, you can't have a trade deal with Britain because I think Brits are stupid. And you know, maybe that injunction only lasts for a few weeks or whatever, but that's crazy. That's no way to run an executive branch. It's a super interesting question. I hope the Supreme Court gets to it.

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