Hour 4 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio, the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong, Joe Getty.
Armstrong and Getty and he Armstrong and Yetty. Alright, who's in charge here? It just dawned on me.
We're all excited about a clip before the show started.
It was almost the opening clip.
It lost out to JD Van's call and Kamala drunk for reasons that you see, you can guess, but we haven't played it at all. Now, who's in Seriously, who's in charge? Well, your name's on the show, you jackass? Fair point, fair point.
Yeah, you make a good argument, But we need to get to that clip.
I can't wait, but first it must give way too many other clips. Oddly enough, it's the Friday tradition. It's time to take far look back at the week that was. It's cow clips of the Week.
Hello stranger, So this really come as quite a shock to me.
SpaceX Crew ten climbing through the skies above a Falcon nine rocket.
And splash down Crew nine back on Earth.
Well and speaking up for the women folk in space, you don't have to worry about, you know, support garments or anything, you know, your bobs flow cow.
Yes, d FBI is investigating what it calls a targeted attack shots fired at this Tesla dealership in Oregon, Tesla's spray painted in Massachusetts.
We have to make them really afraid, and what's happening now with Musk is making them very afraid.
There's some kind of mental illness thing going on here, because this doesn't make any sense.
What's the plan? If Putin doesn't agree to a ceasefire?
Bad news for this world?
Lami Putin did not agree to the unconditional US backed thirty day ceasfireplan.
It looks like more than three hundred and fifty people were killed. This according to the Palestinian health officials in Hamas.
We cannot have a world with the Ayatolas with their finger on the nuclear button.
Then as Wayland gang members arriving to his country overnight, marching into prison.
I don't care whether the judges sank.
I don't care the leftanks we're coming.
I think at a certain point you have to start looking at what do you do when you have a rogue judge?
Just say no this, and then you'll know that I'm ring.
Say no.
You'll know that I'm run first it was Elon Musk with the chainsaw. Now President Trump taking a sledgehammer to the Department of Education.
And am a firm believer that President Trump will run and win again in twenty twenty eight. As we'll say what the definitioner term limit is.
I'm a leader. I made my money all by myself. Most of their ass I do.
Him money.
I'm studying the unseen body and created spaces of a racial exposure the queer.
Do we have jobs for that?
Yes, it's called Starbucks.
God, when I'm talking, you're not talking about Hill. When I'm talking, you're not talking.
That was Alec Baldwin's wife there at the end. Oh my god, Oh how does he do that?
Just nails on a blackboard? Yikes.
Those previous clips were completely inaudible, which is odd for an audio feature, but it's creative anyway.
I don't even remember what the clip was. That almost was the opening clip today. Uh does it need any set up?
A clip? Sixteen? Katie, I think you brought this.
Uh it's it is a dude dressed as a woman and she's or he's got one of those nose rings and that looks like two hooks coming out of his nostrils, and yeah, it's he's a mess.
Okay, Clay Case, you need to load a mimp in a truck and you can use a stick with a hook on it.
It's very handy, a nose ring exactly. So this is a pay three piece. So I thought I've explained something.
When I say I'm a woman, I'm not asking if you'll pretend I fit your definitions of a woman. I'm saying I'm a woman. You should add that to your definitions of women. Now, yeah, does that make sense?
Nope? No, thanks.
Also, don't call me sweet peaude.
No, sir, hard No, I got a question for you. I'll start with Katie, Katie, I'll start with Michael. Michael, do you have something your wife calls you or you call your wife that is like a pet name?
Yeah, she calls me honey.
Okay, that's a good one. That's a classic classic.
Yeah, I mean you don't have to answer this question obviously if it's too personal, But do you call her something.
Every once in a while, I'll call her sweety or something like that. Okay, my queen, that's a good one. O.
Katie, do you have something like that with your husband.
Yeah, there we have two.
One we made up, uh sweetheart and Babo Babo?
Which one will you?
Is? Babo?
Both of us?
Both of you?
Oh yeah, Oh cool, Well bab it's they're a thrifle. Yeah, exactly, Okay, how about you, Joe?
For us, Oh no, I would never dignify that prying question with an answer. You should though, Uh, there are no less than half a dozen each, probably uh huh many many, depending on the mood in the situation. Yeah, but of course, yeah, been together.
Forever, depending on the mood.
So like in a certain like later tonight, a couple of drinks Friday night, stallion might be what it is.
Probably yeah, yeah, or she she just calls me. Thor Joe thankes references to hammers I don't bring.
Yeah, yeah, what was that sound? Wow?
And she's miles away right now. I heard my eyes, my wife's eyes rolling. That's amazing.
Yeah, Thor, it's just when when you mentioned that that gentleman uh saying sweetpea, I mean because for some people it might be sweetpea.
Play that that big fella again, would you? Michael Sweep?
So I thought I'd explained something when I say I'm a woman. I'm not asking if you'll pretend I fit your definitions of a woman. I'm saying I'm a woman. You should add that to your definitions of women.
Now, ye haven't changed my mind. I'm not see I know what a woman is.
I'm fairly confident, fairly cause I'm one hundred percent confident in my knowledge of what's a woman and what's not.
And you eight you're a fella, So there you go. Yes you can. At least we were able to settle this.
You can lead a horse to water by their nose ring, but you can't make them drink the kool aid of whatever this is.
Yes, skatie.
Oh, I'm just giving you both a nice visual of what this fine gentleman looks like.
Let me check that picture.
It looks like Stephen Tyler Verosmith in his younger days. Perhaps you are a fella, sir, you can looks like a late not coincidentally, Yeah.
Those are practically horns. That's not just like way, that's not your smaller nose ring, that's a Those are horns.
Those are tusks. He has to look at his schnaz.
He's got like various studs stuck in various locations around his his nose.
This isn't always true, but I remember PJ O'Rourke, who passed away a couple of years ago, saying that the number of piercings, tattoos, et cetera inversely related to how interesting you are. And I've found that to be a case on a case on a number of occasions. Not always true, but sometimes it is a I'm trying really hard to have something to offer the world, but I ain't got nothing.
I don't want to be cruel because there are a lot of fine folks who have various adornments that they enjoy. Sure, and blanket to indictments are are well, they're they're inaccurate, which is I PJ was not entirely wrong, though.
If you want to express yourself, express yourself, don't like stick something through your what's.
It's I mean you can if you want.
My messages to the world is that I'm but tusked. That's that's what I'm trying to say to the world.
I have tusks exactly. Yeah.
Yeah, So there's an inverse relationship between how interesting you actually are. We have some experience with a character who had multiple gimmicks slash look at me, look at me, look at me's And if you were to engage that individual and conversation, you would find it was a great deal like conversing with I don't know, a barnyard animal, glass of milk, Yes, a glass.
Milk if you prefer a cat.
A couple of interesting pieces in the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal today that I wanted to mention before we run out of time for the week. Pretty good. I think you'll like something that was called a lie by political fact that is couldn't be more true that Eli mus fact checking doesn't check facts. But we got a lot of serving. We had a lot of good stuff on the way. I hope you can stay with this.
Basically, so, I thought i'd explained something. When I say I'm a woman, I'm not asking if you'll pretend I fit your definitions of a woman. I'm saying I'm a woman. You should add that to your definitions of women. Now, yeah, does that make sense?
So completely aside from the trans issue, the is that that person there had tusks. They had a big thing through their middle of their nose and two tusks coming out and.
They consider themselves an elephant American.
And there there are different levels of adornment that have become more acceptable, you know, in the last couple of decades, obviously, and we've all grown used to it. I mean there, when I was younger, if a woman with a tattoo had this might be shocking to you, Katie, because you're younger. But I worked at this country bar. If there had been a woman who had a tattoo, everybody in the bar would have been talking about it, like if she had a tattoo because she just never ever ever saw a woman with a tattoo, right, weird. It would have seemed crazy.
And now it is as acceptable as anything could possibly and being fine, I have no problem with it.
And similar with some of the piercings that would have been incredibly crazy. You know, this thing through the nose or whatever. Now you see it all the time. But there I still find the gauges in the ears, which you had, Katie. Uh, pretty enough. So just because you're starting to deform yourself at that point. I've seen the I have seen in person the lumps under the head where you get horns.
I guess, oh yeah, they're implants, like silicone implants that they put right under your skin.
Yeah. I don't know. It looks like you're some sort of devil child.
I don't know at the point you're deforming yourself to the extent that you ought to be under the care of state because harming yourself. But you gave us an example, Katie, if someone you worked.
With, Yeah, I worked with someone years ago who used to do this suspension training, if I'm remembering properly, But they would go to these meetings and put giant fish hooks through the top layer of their skin, just behind their shoulder blades, one right in the middle of the back, and then I believe like two in the like your love handle area, and then someone would pull on the rope and you would suspend and hang from the ceiling. And you know, I'd see them at work and they'd have bandages all over their back, and I get, you know, it's I guess it's part of like some witchcraft thing.
But oh, my goodness, oh it's a witchcraft thing. I was going to ask, do they claim then that, oh, you you have no idea how freeing it is. I mean, it just it really releases the stress of a day to hang there for a while, and then the toxins in my biome, in my stomach and everything gets better when I hang from the ceiling by fish hooks through my back right.
And like when I say fish hooks, I mean like deep sea sport fishing fish hooks, not like the little tiny marble talks.
Wow, yeah, well I'd actually prefer that if I'm suspended in such a way.
If you're doing that this weekend, I will.
Teach you to play golf for free. It's frustrating at first one. I think you'll enjoy it very much. It's better for your health than being lifted aloft like you're a recently landed.
Back walking around huff and paint out of a sack would be a step up.
I don't know about that. Wow, that's crazy.
So it was it like a witchcrafty thing as opposed to a sexual thing or was it kind of both?
It definitely more witchcraft than than sexual. Here's a witch very the crowd that did this very goth dark personalities.
And they call them suspensions.
Yeah, I mean, oh boy, the blood, the blood that because you know, they would show pictures like, oh check this out, you know, it's like, oh, I don't.
Want to see that.
Yeah, so amateur psychoanalysis on this is just your incredibly lonely uh you feel like a nobody. That'd just be my guess. But it's a thing maybe I shouldn't Maybe I shouldn't be so judged mental.
Well, And it's it's a natural impulse for younger people to want.
To suspend themselves from bishooks.
Yes no, to be seen as or to see themselves as bold or adventurous or unafraid. I would suggest there are better avenues to pursue that sort of fulfillment than having yourself lifted like you're about to have your throat cut at a chicken factory.
You know, whatever, this is if I ever get to have a ted talk, this is what I would like it to be. And I've done that. I've had this screed many many times. I wish you could convince everybody, really, and certainly teenagers, you want to be like the average person. And that's the last thing you want to be when you're a teenager is like the typical person. But the typical person doesn't go to jail. The typical person graduates high school, the typical person gets a job. The typical person supports themselves. The typical person isn't a drug addict. The typical person, I mean, all of things that are like your average typical person that you're trying so hard not to be, are things that are gonna make your life so much freaking better. Yeah, you want to be that typical person, you just do. Typical person gets married, has a home, has kids, et cetera, et cetera.
Those are the happy people.
Yeah, if you want to grow a long beard, or you know, get a couple of tats, or go ahead, play a metal band, enjoy yourself. But you know, the the mainstream is the mainstream for a reason. A lot of it's because it's a better idea. Yeah, right, then, it's not that we lack imagination, friends, it's that we've tried the other stuff and it's a bad idea.
Well, I have tried everything. I haven't tried that. I haven't suspended myself even once. I want your reaction to the photo I just sent you, Jack, I don't want to see it. Is it going to gross me out?
Yeah, it's about like you'd expect.
Yeah, oh my god.
It's pretty icky.
Where the dude's getting suspended in the fashion that we have discussed.
No wear sock shoes like we were talking about last hour. You want to be really out there and bold, wear sock shoes. You'll go through a faith maybe like when I had a perman war parachute pants. Really no harm done, No harm done.
The world's leading Leo Sayer imitator in nineteen eighty six.
Luckily, pre smartphone, no pictures of this exist.
He knows he can dance. You know he can dance.
But yeah, no permanent damage, no blood. Nobody was worried for my mental health.
At least he's being lifted up by his back and not his front. I mean that would be really uncomfortable.
Oh the front is also Oh no, oh.
Katie, say it ain't so.
And I assume when you talk to those people, if a guy like me, a square like me, were to say you're mentally ill, that's exactly what they want they want. But a person like me, you know, middle aged dad to say they're antal eel typical of that kind of guy.
You know that?
Mm hmm, Yeah, I get it.
You gotta go through it, just don't don't do the super crazy stuff.
God, if I come home and my kids are hanging from the ceiling by fish hooks. I'm gonna feel like I failed.
I gotta tell you Armstrong and Getty.
On the first day of college basketball's Banner Tournament, a technical foul on Louisville's coach Pat Kelsey as the Cardinals tried to claw their way back against Creighton, turning into an ugly moment as someone through a water bottle onto the court of the announcers immediately reacting to the brazen measure.
Come on, I could have done some real damage to the full water bottle.
The University of Kentucky police quickly identified the individual who caused the disruption and removed them from the facility.
You've got people setting fire to testa dealerships. I'm sorry. I yeah, don't drunk bottles, your bottle chuckers. But yeah, sorry, no.
Outrage left, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
You drag them out of the stadium. One.
I agree, A boy.
You know, I'm scanning the sound sheet. I'm kicking myself.
It's sometimes we have too many assets and I you know, it gets lost in the stuff you need, gets lost in the forest. But got a lot of great clips about ending the department of education. We were talking about that earlier. For instance. We'll just touch on this quickly. Thirty two, Jackie Heinrich, Fox News.
The nation's report card shows math proficiency at thirty nine percent in fourth graders, twenty eight percent for eighth grade, in reading fourth graders thirty one percent, proficient eighth graders sitting at thirty percent. But the National Education Association says the move will quote hurt all students by sending class sizes soaring, cutting job training programs, making higher education more expensive.
None of those to any of those things. Now, none of those things are going to happen.
You're lying. I wonder why they would lie.
Is it because they don't want to use their great, compelling, honest arguments? Are they keeping them fresh for Sunday because that's all they have? Play Satan? Why do we always assume Satan is going to be a dude. That's sexism to me. Satan can assume many forms, including that of the overhied.
It's not been my experience.
Yeah, thirty five.
It is an assault on knowledge. It is an assault on what our kids need, curiosity, innovation, confidence in the future. That's what's so stunning about.
This Randy Weingarten, who has to have her horns filed down every three months to keep them from being visible.
She is Satan in human form.
I honestly don't know how she sleeps at night because.
She has no conscience. She is a sociopath.
She you'd have to be m Yeah, yeah, millions children suffering. You know, I was just reading a piece. Didn't mention it on the show yet. But New York City is absentee numbers. It's the biggest school district in America. The chronic absenteeism has skyrocketed since COVID. The best anybody can figure out is kids and families either got out of the habit of sending the kids to school, or the message was just sent unmistakably that we do not value your attendance at school. It's not that big a deal. Will pretend to educate you on video, it's not working at all. We're still going to keep you out of school for reasons you and your parents don't quite get. But it sent an unmistakable message, and so New York's now got just a crisis of you know, I wonder if I could find that real quickly, we get do numbers right, but the numbers are shocking.
Yeah, I've wondered about that, because it's a nationwide that's a problem. What is that psychologically?
I think it might be like.
It's a macro version of you know, like you go on a diet or you're hitting a gym every day, and then when you break that streak, oh my god, it can be hard to get that streak going again. It might just be that I wonder, we just had the discipline of sending our kid to school all the time, and the kids going to school all the time, and then we just broke that streak, and then we just can't get it back.
Jason Riley of the Wall Street Journal, who's a terrific writer and actually concerned about poor kids, minority kids, black kids, whatever, and not pretends to be for money in power like Randy Winegarten, who I might have mentioned, is satan Chronic absenteeism defined as missing ten percent or more school days in a given academic yere. I mean that's one day every two weeks. That's a lot climbed from twenty five percent before the pandemic, which ain't great, to thirty five percent last year, well above the national average. Broken down by grade level. The chronically absent rate for the last school year was forty one percent for kindergarten, thirty five percent for first grade, and about thirty two and a half percent for second grade.
Kindergarten. Admired that much, but the habit would be a problem. You don't want to make a habit of not going. But but wow, that's something. So chronic absintee is a more than ten days? Is that what you said, yes, sir, and more than ten percent.
Wow, that is something, And.
Raleigh points out, and it's an excellent point. And this makes the COVID cruelty all the more cruel.
He says, and I quote.
The figures are especially alarming because educators have long known that the ability to read by third grade, when a child goes from learning to read to reading to learn, it's worth repeating they go from learning to read to reading to learn, is a reliable predictor of future success in everything from high school graduation to avoiding the criminal justice system. Wow, and you sat millions and millions and millions of kids out at that critical point so you could extort more money and power and for the poor desperate appearance.
And pretended like the zoom thing was worth a crap.
Yeah yeah, anyway, Okay, speaking of America's youth, this was really interesting how social media expectations are destroying teenage friendships.
And this is the sort of thing I must sit.
Humbly by and be taught about, as I don't have a lot of interactions with teens these days. I've got a huge, huge amount in the nineties and two thousands.
A little weird if you did at this point outside of some sort of mentoring program or something.
Which actually I'm going to be getting involved with and I can't wait. But anyway, unmet expectations on social media are the primary cause of teen friendship conflicts in the modern day. Disappointment from friends not responding or engaging as expected leads to stronger emotional reactions and arguments, more so than the pressure to be constantly available. So number one, you post something, your friends don't like it, they don't reply to it, or whatever, You feel abandoned, You feel rejected, and then visual content on social media amplifies the feelings of exclusion and jealousy. Teens are more likely to feel left out or rejected when they see friends active online or spending time with others, triggering emotional stress and increasing conflict.
I can't imagine that as a as an unpopular high school kid, if I had had the ability to actually like see the party everybody was going to and videos of it and everything like that, Oh my god, that would have been brutal.
I don't think it's any better for a reasonably popular high school kid. Oh look, there are my three best friends doing something.
Why did they lose my number? That'd be terrible. Yeah.
And then with the whole dating thing, the ability to see you know, the early you dated for two weeks now with some other guy.
Oh, oh, you know. They don't just deal with it, you have to see it. Yeah. Oh so.
New research from a university reveals how this digital pressure wanted to constantly be available, among other things, is creating stress that leads to real world friendship conflicts for teens. They tracked twelve hundred teenagers over six months to understand how social media affects their friendships. What they found pat's a concerning concerning picture of modern teen relationships.
I do interact with teens a lot, having a couple of teenagers, but it doesn't mean I'm many better prepared to help them navigate this sense.
It didn't exist when I was young at all. Yeah.
Yeah, so it's it's the pressure of constantly being available, but even more so than that, disappointment when friends aren't available to them, and the feeling of missing out, rejection and the.
Rest of it. Yeah.
Yeah, got to unplugged the Internet. I would really miss googling who is the batting champion in nineteen eighty three.
But I'll get out a sports allmanoch like I used to have, and I'll look it up.
Or I'll argue with my friends and we'll laugh and call each other names over a couple of beers and never come up with the right answer and not care.
Right and everything will be fine.
You know what?
We I had one of those. It was just last night. I was hanging out with some fellas and a good buddy of mine. He's a good guy. But we couldn't remember. Oh what was it where I can't remember what we couldn't remember, But it was something like that.
It was a smarts trivia question. I think it was sports. Yeah, I want to.
Hear the question golf, basketball, baseball, football, all right?
You know how it goes the minute. I probably not Bowling. The minute I stopped thinking about it, it will pop into my head. Yeah, it's Bowling. Who was the guy who said that? Famous friends? But it was something like that. And before I could stop and me googled it. No, no, no, I want to be tortured by this until I can come up with the answer.
Oh, I remember.
It was what golf course in the eastern US, the Philadelphia area has baskets instead of flags on the poles that mark were the hole is the pins?
And why do they do that?
It's just an old, quaint tradition. But I was like, oh, no, no, is it No. Before I could stop him, he googled it. Oh it's blankety Yeah.
It's like, oh, how many people are aware of sand greens? I brought this up to somebody the other day and they'd never even heard of such a thing.
I was astounded by it. When we first met in Kansas and you told me about them, I was like, wait, what, what?
I don't know if they have him anywhere else but in Kansas because it was so dry and it was so difficult and unrealistic to try to have green grass stay alive. For green greens, the greens were just a big sand pit.
But they were like, you got to play golf dressed crusty sand or kind of.
But you basically just you drew a groove in the sand with your putter and then putted the ball down the groove and it went the hole. It basically just eliminated putting from the sport. It allowed you to have a golf course and play golf, but you couldn't have putting, which obviously is a very important part of the sport. But it just wasn't realistic to have greens, so they didn't.
Yeah again, I was I was amazed by that.
It was like hearing from a weird culture where they drink cat's blood or something.
At the turn.
Hey, anybody thirsty, it's hot day.
Calves blood caves, blood caves blood pinto UFO break?
Do you want me to play the full? Pete Weber clip is very good. I forgot how goodness this is.
This is one of the all time legendary bowlers. He just bowled a strike or a three hundred or whatever he did.
But yeah, he won the game. Yeah, he became the champion. Yeah a strike to claim.
It another time?
Are you that's right? Who do you think you are I think you are? I am? That's right.
Oh, you can get t shirts that say whoever you think you are, I am, you are am. That's one of the great, great those things of all time. We'll finish strong next Armstrong.
Hey, here's a guy who drives to Tesla.
I'm wondering if anything will happen to me. Give my car keet or you yell that.
Pal green energy dreaming, unicorn riding weenie. Oh, I mean you right wing fascist, maga loving racist climate week exactly, yeah something, so this might be the perfect cap on the week. Recent Gallup poll did their usual probing of Americans try to figure out what they thought about what, including their confidence in various institutions great deal, quite a lot, some are very little, and number one in America. The most trusted valued thing that they asked about, anyway, was small business sixty one percent. I don't know how you don't have confidence in small business. They live and die by their performance. It's the ultimate American thing. You talk about a meritocracy, yeah, indeed, Yeah, a salute to use small business people the seriously the backbone of the country. The military is certainly a part of that backbone. Jack it's a multifaceted backbone.
If small businesses are the backbone of the country, what is talk radio me the spleen spin.
The femurs of the country.
All right, sure keeps us being from knees connected to Pelvis's.
I mean, how weird would that be? Anyway?
Number two twelve points down and barely half forty nine percent is the military. Forty nine percent have a great deal quite a lot some confidence, a great dealer.
What does it mean to not have confidence in the military, don't have the confidence for them to.
Whoop up in a war? Or Yeah, I don't know.
Actually there are areas in which I don't have confidence in the military.
I think we've gotten kind of fat and lazy.
Well I have, I don't My confidence in the Pentagon is not that high. My confidence in the military is very high.
I don't know.
I don't know how other people.
Look at this, right, Yeah, that's there's there's a lot of nuance to that one in particular.
Or the police is net thirty four positive.
You wouldn't get that idea from the news media.
The medical system is net six positive.
It couldn't be more screwed up.
No, but an individual It's kind of like the way we everybody hates Congress, but they like their own congressman. They vote for their own congressman over and over again. Like the medical system is awful and terrible, and my doctor's fantastic and I've had him for years exactly.
The following four are all like positive negatives are balanced, the same organized labor, banks, higher education boo, and the church or organized religion. Then you get into the negatives, and I wish we had time for all of it. The highest negatives Congress fifty one percent underwater, well earned, just ahead of newspapers.
Hate kids. It's that time with Armstrong and Getty.
Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.
Let's get a.
Final thought from everybody to wrap up the week. There is our technical director, Michael Agel. Michael, what's your final thought? My wife and I we do have pet names, but a lot of times we just call each other by our full legal name and social Security number. That's good for accuracy. Well, it's any confusion. Katie Greener is themed to use woman as a final thought.
Katie, Yeah, you know things are getting serious when the first full name comes out.
When I get a caitlin O boy.
Oh wow, oh boy. Yeah, that's like a Joseph yeh Jack. Final thought for.
Us trying to figure out what to do with my teenage boys on a Friday night. I drove by a park yesterday and I was thinking about, Man, those were good times when they were young and I could just go to a park, any park, stop there, kill a couple hours.
They were thrilled.
Now it's getting kind of hard to figure out what to do. Yeah, yeah, that is the challenge. My final thoughts speaking of amusements is I'm going to a minor league hockey game tonight. I can't wait because I love the sport of hockey. And if the action never flags, grown men will punch themselves in the face or each other in the face for my entertainment, which sounds like a really good deal for me.
Wow, hit it with a stick.
Hit it with a stick, and they will hit him with a stick.
Armstrong and Getty wrapping up an other're.
Grueling four hour workday, so many people that thanks so little time. Thank you for being here. Be sure to click on Armstrong and Getty dot com. Our hot links are fantastic. It's a bunch of things to read and look at and consider.
Drops note.
If there's something you see over the weekend we ought to talk about, send us link mail bag at armstrong in getty dot com And as long as you're on the website, pick up some A and G swag for your favorite ang fan, perhaps it's you yourself.
Continues to be some really major news and narratives going on around the world and around the country, and we'll have the latest on Monday for you.
God bless America, Armstrong and Getty.
We're going to release the animal spirits of that when I'm.
Talking, you're not talking about.
When I'm talking, you're not talking. Yes, I think it was the real wake up call for me and listens and I think he's right about that. In particularly, does that makes sense?
Well, I don't have, you know, four shots of vodka before every meeting.
Whatever you say did, well, we'll just leave it there on this story.
Bye Bye, I have a great Friday. You Mother, Armstrong and Gaddy