Clarity & Courage

Published May 2, 2024, 4:27 PM

Hour 3 of A&G features...

  • The long list of Biden fibs continues to grow...
  • The President's statement on the college campus protests...
  • Russian opposition voices face death...
  • A roundup of reactions to the campus protests. 

From the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio at the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty Armstrong and Getty Show.

Or President Trump reportedly appeared to fall asleep several times yesterday in court. All right, what's going on with him? Hibernating bears don't sleep this much.

I'm starting to.

Think when they say he slept with a porn star, they meant literally. Does he even wear suits to court? Or is it just footy pajamas in a nightcap?

I know. So we have been talking about just reporting out of Mark Alprin's political newsletter that the reason Joe Biden hasn't said anything about the campus protests is because his handlers don't think he's got the rhetorical rhetorical gifts to meet the moment.

Is the phrase he can't talk his brain.

Dot where as of all our institutions.

Well, now we're hearing he's going to speak and soon, so we'll bring that to you if the President comes out, because I'd like to hear what he says and how he says it.

Well, it's between ten and three East Coast time, right, so that's when he's generally reasonably sharp the sweet spot.

So, speaking of Joe Biden, it's really quite shocking that the Washington Post has this piece today from their fact checker Glen Kessler, going through the latest group of things Joe Biden has said that aren't true. The headline of the piece is that time football legend rig driving eligible bachelor Biden was arrested. That's a pretty snarky headline from the Washington Post.


Glenn Kessler writes today in the Washington Post, there's a regular request that readers send a fact checker. Is that personal anecdote that President Biden just told true? The answer in many cases is there's no evidence. Judging from our mail bag, these stories great on some people. And Glenn says, here's a roundup of re stories that Biden has told. Again, these are recent. This isn't This isn't a Washington Post going back for the greatest hits over the This is like in the last weeks or days. He can't stop a number of these claims popped up during Biden's hour long chat with Howard Stern on Serious XM radio, which was a week ago. The White House did not respond to a request for comment, driving an eighteen wheeler, bringing that one back. When Biden spoke to supporters in Tampa on April twenty third, it's just a week ago. One audience member identified himself as a teamster. Biden said, I used to drive an eighteen wheeler. You know what I did.

I don't know what the un know what I did. I don't know what that means.

But Biden has made similar statements while chewing a touring a Mac truck manufacturing facility, while visiting a Michigan union facility, promoting leading a convoy, rubber neck, while taking Coors Beer from Atlanta, Colorado, or something like that. Buddy that same year, while promoting an infrastructure build in Minnesota, claimed you'd driven attractor trailer for part of the summer.

Michael is gesturing wildly. Why are you gesturing one? Joe Biden is at the mic. Let's do it. Here we go Joe Biden's speak.

To prevail torauto history.

We've often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free thinking and freedom loving nation, and moments like this there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn't a moment for politics. It's a moment for clarity. So let me be clear peaceful protest in America. Violent protest is not protected. Peaceful protest is. It's against the law, and violence occurs. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest, it's against the law. Vandalism, trespassion, breaking windows, shutting down campus is forcing the cancelation of classes and graduations. None of this is a peaceful protest. Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fearing people is not peaceful protest.

It's against the law.

Descent is essential to democracy, but descent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others, so students can finish the semester and their college education.

Look, it's basically a matter of fairness. It's a matter of what's right.

There's the right to protest, but not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked.

Well, let's be clear about this as well.

There should be no place in any campus, no place in America for anti semitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's anti Semitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against the Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. It's simply wrong. There's no place for racism in America. It's all wrong. It's not American. I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions in America. We respect the right and protect the right for them to express that, but it doesn't mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law. You know, I'll make no mistake as president. I will always defend for your speech, and I will always be just as strong as standing up for the rule of law. That's my responsibility to you, the American people, my obligation to the constitution.

Thank you very much.

You can't take any questions.

Forced consider the policies are from Marge to the region.

No, he took one simple question and he walks out.

The door because he's a million years old and he can't take questions. Mister President, why didn't you say that during the George Floyd riots? Good one, No, that I had a captain. Mister President, Why did it take you two weeks to say this? You know the specie was fine as far as it's no slurrier than normal one. No, no, no, no, it was fine. It was the right thing to say.

Should have said it a week ago, but it was the right thing to say, and I'm glad he said it. But what is that gonna What of most college how did most college kids? Well, they're they're they're they're still stoned out of their minds listening to their rock music. But when they wake up, are they going to be happy? The president said that or not.

Most college kids?

Speaking to the New York Times article today that Biden is really in trouble with the young people and if the young people, if he can't get those young people back, there's no way he wins because he's basically tied with Trump among young people now, and Trump won the young people. I mean, Biden won the young people by thirty points in the last election, and now it's basically tied.

I think he's screwed. I think it's the old situation where I didn't leave the party. The party left me to adequately cowtow to the young left of the Democratic Party. Right now, Joe Biden would have to go even farther than he's gone. I mean, he'd have to completely lose his mind and then he'd lose the center, So I think, and who was I just reading making the case that? And they're comparing it to Hubert Humphrey back in nineteen sixty eight during all those riots when Humphrey was the Democratic nominee in the infamous Chicago Convention. But they're talking about how Humphrey TechEd to the left because all the energy seemed to be there, and he lost the center. And I think, is it conceivable Biden's people cooler heads prevailed and said, if you do what it takes to rescue the angry twenty year old voter, you're gonna lose everybody else. I wonder.

So the latest polling on this, do you support do you favor Israel in the Gaza war? Do you favor Hamas and the Gaza warn And that's Israel versus Hamas, a recognized nation on planet Earth versus a recognized terrorist organization. This shouldn't be a difficult question who you favor Israel or Hermas. But I can tell you the numbers, including for young people.

Right after this, yeah, quick cord from our friends said, hello Fresh, satisfy your taste buds with fresh spring flavors and readines snap recipes from HelloFresh. If you think you have no time to cook at home, wrong, HelloFresh is time saving ready in twenty recipes, lets you choose from twenty weekly options that go from your fridge to your fork in twenty minutes or less.

And let me tell you this, the things I've made with HelloFresh, I am the worst cook you've ever met. I don't know how to do anything, and I've made some meals that were delicious. I think part of it is the ingredients are so incredibly fresh, because I've been trying to figure out why does this taste so much better than practically anything I've ever eaten, And I think it is the whole It's fresher than stuff you get.

At the grocery store. And it's funny. They mentioned that during Asian Heritage Month they have a bunch of recipes like Japanese pork and cabbage sun noodle Yakisober of Vietnamese Fuss style beef noodle soup that reminds me my daughter's hilarious Pacific Islander. Boyfriend is going to go around saying, hey, this is my month for the entire months now, like he does and insists that he makes all the decisions. He is a funny guy, unlikable anyway. Join Hello Fresh today and you'll get free dessert for life by going to HelloFresh dot com slash armstrong Sweet. That's one free dessert item perbox forever with an active subscription at HelloFresh dot com slash armstrong Sweet.

So your choice is asking Americans, do you favor Israel in the Gaza War or Hamas in the Gaza War? The older crowd, it's not even close. You're sixty five plus. It's ninety three to seven Israel, and so about half and you seven percent you favor Hamas?

All right? May you rotten hell friends.

People in their fifties, it's ninety one to nine. People in their forties, it's eighty five to fifteen. You get down into your thirties, it's seventy five twenty five. You get down to the youngest crowd, it's still eighteen to twenty four year olds.

The youngest people, college students, college students.

Right, it's still fifty seven forty three Israel over Hamas, which you know, in most political races you'd consider that a pretty overwhelming win.

I mean, that's a fourteen point win.

It's a little troubling that over forty percent of people that age favor Hamas. Yeah, are recognized doctrinated in their victim oppressor idiotic worldview to favor the brutes of Hamas who prize Palestinian deaths they try to cause them. They hide in hospitals, they hide in schools intentionally to get more civilians killed.

It's disgusting.

Well, and then the way they do battle, hiding in hospitals, forcing their opponents to bomb hospitals to battle them. I mean, it's just it's just awful. But over forty young people are on their side. It's disturbing.

I don't want to forget to get to this. During the President's speech, he pulled a rhetorical trick that I just clicked in my head six months ago and I've tweeted about it. But I never use the term Islamophobia, he said, where it could be no anti semitism or Islamophobia. Good point. Notice how the left couches anti Semitism as a political stance. Really it sounds like fairly reasonable, but Islamophobia is a pathological, irrational fear. It's not anti Islamism. That's funny. They don't want us to use the term INTI anti Islamism. Would you like to ask me why I don't think an Islamic system would be good for humans. I'd be delighted to tell you. But if you cast it as Islamophobia, all of a sudden, you've diagnosed me with a mental illness, all right, literally a fear of Islam, you know, or of Islamic people, right right, an irrational fear, right, not just a phobia fear. I mean, if you're being attacked by a tiger, you don't have tiger phobia. You're afraid of the tiger, right, So don't fall for that. You know, if I had the time, I would spend all my time finding examples of how the left his twisted language and gotten the rest of us to go along with language that begs the question, which literally means the question answers itself. Are you islamophobic? Okay? All right, So you've just put me in a position that I've got to admit that I'm irrational in the nut job, as opposed to I have serious concerns about Islam as a political system.

Yeah, and we don't need to bring it back to you know, we've got spin on our side. Let's just make these neutral terms as best as we can and then discuss them. I'm fine with humans to go along with that.

Yeah, like you always say, well, why does the right go along with the left's terms. They're better at it than we are.

I want to get back to some of these tall tales from the Washington Post of Joe Biden recently and against the wappo calling him out.

It's pretty funny. Stay here, this.

Is all wrong.

I want to get back into this.

We were actually interrupted by the President decrying violence on college of coincidents. What so the Washington Post has got their whole fact checking thing going today. Quote a guide to some recent stories told by President Biden that cannot be verified or are not plausible. And it's a long list. And these are recent, not just going through his life. These are recent. Talking about being a truck driver, which he's always talking about. Biden appears to have merged two stories from his life and transformed them into a more evocative tale. He did drive a school bus as a summer job during college, and then as a senator in nineteen seventy three, he rode in a truck for a political thing, and somehow in his mind he's made himself a truck driver and keeps repeating it over and over and over again. Another story told Howard Stern the other day, and sea three times in recent weeks he's talked about being on the list of the ten most eligible bachelors. He's told that story three times in the last two weeks.

That's amazing.

Biden said he was on the list of the ten most eligible bachelors after his first wife was killed in a car accident. He made his claim, blah blah blah, all these different types. No such list has ever been found. The closest thing is a reference in nineteen seventy four of him being an eligible bachelor Washington's most eligible bachelor. But he's never on some top ten list or anything like it. First of his family go to college in April again, even though this has been debunked over decades, and a dad oh, just a couple of weeks ago, while talking about student dead in February while addressing union workers. That's two times Biden said he was the first in the family to go to college. The first Biden to go to college in nineteen eighty seven, Biden's first presidential campaign collapsed when he admitted to misstatements about his life, including that he had borrowed a line on why he was the first in family to go to university.

Blah blah blah. That's just not true.

Skipped to this one state runner up in scoring in football.

I didn't. I don't know if I've ever heard this one before.

Biden was a football player in high school, but he exaggerated his record when he appeared on Howard Stern's show. By the way, I don't think a lot of people know that you were a star receiver. We played this the other day. You were like the first string guy. You were the guy who caught the ball. Runner up in state scoring, you know, Biden said. Biden made the same boast during a campaign event in Michigan in February twice on the same day in December, but Biden was exaggerating. They went back through the list. He placed fourth with four touchdowns and twenty four points and a five School Cup conference for private schools in Delaware.

Oh so it was fourth in his conference, not second in the state. Fourth out of a five school conference. Wow, which is he can interpret his second to last. But that's like Uncle Rico from Napoleon. You were a kook. Yeah, he is.

He's got to start saying, uh, bet, I could throw a football over that mountain. He's got to start saying that his school did place first in the league, was the state's only undefeated team, and Biden was a team's leading scorer. So that's pretty impressive. Yeah, but he just flat out wasn't what he said. Arrested during a civil rights protest on Stern's show, Biden repeated a claim that has been fat checked many times Why the Washington Post It says here that he got arrested standing on a porch of the black family in his Delaware neighborhood. By our account, this is the seventh time he has made this claim, which earns him four pinocchios each time. He has told a four pinocchio I seven times, according to the Washington Post.

That is amazing. I mean, who does that. Democrats would say Trump, okay, does that help? Although it's a different thing Biden. I don't think, well, he's a fabulous He's not Trump. I think when he stretches the truth, he's trying to be strategic about it. I just don't think Biden knows what reality is at this point, and does that work.

I mean, if you're making the argument that Trump is some sort of unique crazy man threat to the world, you can't use the defense of Trump makes up stuff too.

I mean, well, it takes the fun out of it. Yeah. Yeah, Biden is unhinged. Clearly, that's a weird personality trait. And I also, I can't wait till the books are written. I hope I live long enough to know.

Does anybody come to him and say, Hey, you've told that story seven times? The Washington Post, who's the most friendly newspaper we've got, just said that seven times. Now, you've told a four pinocchio lie story. So maybe don't tell any Does anybody ever say that to him?

Maybe doctor Jill not a real doctor Armstrong and Getty.

Travo history, we've often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free thinking and freedom loving nation, and moments like this there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn't a moment for politics. It's a moment for clarity. So let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America. Violent protest is not protected peaceful protest is what.

Yeah, whoops, had almost went sideways.

He has got to stop saying let me be clear, because it's almost always followed by a nonsensical sentence.

Well, kjp'sbig on that too, let me be clear, and then she says something completely flabbergasting, let.

Me be clear, or peaceful protests. Violent protests are not welcome on campus. Peaceful protests are what.


Anyway, wells very very elderly president finally came out and spoke.

So that's that.


A couple of stories about Russia area. Remember Russia. They invaded Ukraine and are killing people by the tens of thousands, including civilians, in a war of conquest and not of defense. A handful of stories, and I'm building up to the ones that really matter, I think. But National Review has some good coverage of how anybody who believes Russia's protecting Christianity is out of their minds. They are persecuting everybody but the state approved Russian Russian Orthodox Church. Indeither're persecuting the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches because they are not willing to spy for Russia. There's another Russian dissident whose name you probably don't know Vladimir Kara Murtza is risking everything by following Navalney into prison. He has also been poisoned multiple times. He has terrible health problems. He has a wife and several beautiful children, and he is being held in solitary confinement and they're attempting to work him to death as they did Navalny. Saw the headline the other day, the Big News CIA says that Putin did not directly order Navalney's killing. What and I've been saying all along, it's it's irrelevant that he didn't say kill Navalni this afternoon. Of course, it is poisons him multiple times and then sends him to work camp to be worked to death, and he died. That that that's all you need to know anyway. This guy is he has courage, Kara Murtza, he has courage like I can't even imagine, and is speaking out to whatever extent he ken and is one of those guys who says, look if it takes me dying to help Russians wake up to the prison they're living in, then I guess that's what's got to happen. Man.

When you got kids and you do that, that is a serious commitment.

Here's my This could have been our freedom loving quote of the day today. Maybe I'll I'll use it tomorrow. But the Putin regime survives and feeds on the fear it instills in our society. But fear, like blackmail, is only effective if people choose to succumb to it, and we must choose not to. That is courage man. Moving along New York Times, Many Ukrainian prisoners of war show signs of trauma and sexual violence. It is far from occasional. It seems to be a systematic effort by the Russian military to use sexual abuse and torture on their prisoners of war. The article is also about how these guys are getting minimal counseling then sent back to the front lines, which is just unimaginable. But yeah, Russia routinely torturing its prisoners of war, so that's nice. And then all of this is building up to the main point of this.

You know, you know it's underreported is how many kids they've snatched up and taken out of Ukraine and put with families around Russia.

Wow. Yeah, it's over fifty thousand, isn't that. Oh, it's much larger numbers than that. I'll look at it really yeah, okay, yeah. Can you imagine they've snatched up tens of thousands of children, children from their families and are now raising them as Russians and Russian families and brainwashing them. That is, that has some serious horror being perpetrated out of people. Now, the main point of bringing all this up is there a couple of pieces of journalism in recent days. Both of them happened to you, The Wall Street Journal. But if you want to know, and I've been trying to seriously consider this question as a fan of his, reamateur historian guy into political science, revolutionary movements, war, that sort of thing, I've honestly been trying to figure out, all right, what are Putin's goals and will he, as some have warned, go beyond Ukraine to for instance, the Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, excuse me, the Baltic countries, who are all members of NATO. Is he actually looking toward further conquest? And I would answer the question as follows. If you ask his neighbors, they're unanimous on the question. One big piece of journalism that was so interesting, and we'll post a link although you might get paywalled. But Finland long believed it countain Russia. Now Moscow is enemy number one. The Finns are full on. Russia is an aggressive power. We've got to be ready to go to a hot war with them at a moment's notice, which is a sea change in European polishest mess with the Fins. They have a serious military And then the other one is headlined as Ukraine loses ground. Baltic countries ask are we next, and the answer again is unanimously, we believe it's likely enough. We need to be ready to go at a moment's notice. And they identify this border city of Narva Estonia, which Putin has repeatedly pointed, is that's got a lot of Russian people there and they're being mistreated and we probably can't put up with that for much longer. So the Estonians and they put up fortifications that are like the war's already begun style to turn back tanks and armored vehicles and that sort of thing on the bridge between the countries, because they believe Putin is contemplating moving on Estonia. So if you're on the fence about is that like warmonger paranoid talk, or maybe you don't want to be that judgmental and you're just like, well, is that overly concerned about Putin's goals? Boy, his neighbors don't think so.

To the how many kids have been grabbed out of Ukrainian taken to Russia? The Russian Children's Commissioner, Now this is Russia's number. Now they have a reason to exaggerate it high, I suppose, or they exaggerated low. Anyway, they say more than seven hundred thousand Ukrainian children have been taken from Ukraine to Russia since the start of the war. The Wikipedian number where they cite the United States Department says about nine hundred thousand Ukrainian citizens have been forcibly relocated. They didn't break that down how many of our kids, but it's nine hundred thousand total. It's a lot of children that they've taken from homes into Russia to rais in Russian families. What an underreported horror?

That is when quite appropriately the world reacted with horror when Boko Haram abducted all those Nigerian girls. Did you know that's been repeated like thirty times since? In fact, there was just another snatching the other day that these the Slamist groups in Africa snatched a bunch of school kids from their school. But nobody's paying attention to that anymore. But you know, there's great consternation. People made a big deal if it made their duck lips on Twitter hashtag return our girls or save our girls, whatever it was. But nobody's really paying attention to this, no.

And I mean, if you want to march about a genocide, if this isn't a genocide where you're killing everybody you can try to kill and attacking schools and hospitals and then grabbing all their children and taking them out of the country to raise them as a different I mean, that's anyway.

Well, it's uncomfortable for the college marchers because Ukrainians have, you know, pale skin, so they're white people. Therefore they have the power, Therefore they're evil.

So one of the biggest stories read Russia is that Biden had said a red line for China is if China supplies Russia in any material way. Then Secretary of State Blincoln came out Friday and said China is supplying Russia and is the number one material supporter of for Russia at this point.

And actually said so.

They announced yesterday late yesterday a round of sanctions against China because of this, three hundred new sanctions on this and that. And in my lifetime, I don't feel like sanctions have ever really stopped anybody from doing something if they really wanted to do it. So when I hear sanctions, I kind of roll my eyes, although I don't know what else we would do. But Secretary of State Anthony Blincoln said that Russia would struggle to sustain its assault on Ukraine without China's support, and I made it clear, if China does not address this problem.

We will.

Secretary of the Treasury Yelling went to China last month, you might remember, and that's one of the main things she talked about. When she got to China, she confronted Chinese officials over the support for Russia.

Listened to this.

Her counterparts in China told her that China had a policy of not providing Russia with military aid. So they just flat out why to our top officials, and then we say, no, you are, and not only are you, You're the number one supplier of Russia. But we've hit them with these big sanctions. But so, anybody that doesn't think this is a China, Russia, North Korea, Iran battle to overthrow the current world order that benefits us, You're just wrong.

Yeah. Yeah, you are siding with China and Iran and North Korea when you side with Russia. Absolutely. Oh. The Chinese helpfully held a unity talk in Beijing between Hamas and Fatah, so the main Palestinian factions a unity meeting in Beijing. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the representatives met Beijing at China's invitation for in depth and Canada dialogue on promoting Palestinian reconciliation. Quote. The two sides expressed their political will of realizing reconciliation through dialogue and blah blah blah comy talk. So they are trying to beef up the cause of Hamas as well the Chinese.

How many people know? Because I hear JD. Vance and others talking about China is the real country. We need to focus on how many people know China is the number one supplier to Russia.

I don't know why Vance is saying what he's saying. He mystifies me he really does. Anyway, that's a troubling situation. China's ass. That's exactly right. They are got an update on the college campuses, including a new video of one of the sweethearts of the pro Palestine camps. I want to play her audio. Coming up in a moment or two.

Are one of our favorite senators, a guy from Louisiana, Kennedy. He always has a homespun funny saying the throat.

Yes, he always does, even when he could get fine without it.

Anyway, he's on Fox right now doing an interview. I'm reading the words, and he said Biden wants to leave Hamas to rule Rafa.

Is Israel going to go into Rafa or not?

You think you've seen college protests, wait till Israel if they go into Rafa, goes into Raffa and the carnage that's going.

To be there.

I mean, we're not even close to through the spicy part of this story, I don't think anyway.

A lot more on the ways to hear Armstrong Ngetti that made my back teeth hurt.

Voice like an angel that is an unhinged chick. University of Washington. There is ad guy, well, he's got a couple of friends with him, but he's holding an Israeli flag across the street from her little pro test encampment, and she is screeching like a lunatic at the he he looks at the camera as you or I would, with a look of can you believe how nuts w I was assuming as we were listening to it.

It was the also overwrought hysterics of people when they're you know, led away by police and they're not being hurt, but they act like they are.

But she wasn't even being touched. She's just standing there screaming lad like that. Yeah, yeah, just completely unhinged.

She sounds like that. What's that bird with the long legs? It's a white bird and it lays eggs. We had these out at the pharm a lot. It lays eggs and then if you walk near the eggs, it acts like it's hurt and runs away. Well there maybe, but it makes that sound if you get very close to it, it sounds just like her.

Is it pro hamas? That's odd? Can I hear her again? It's hurting my throat? Can you imagine being her? Dad? Can from her boyfriend? What boyfriend? Be serious? Oh god?

This has got Galloway something Fuzzy the bear should have said, that's not something you should have said.

What I said it, I'll stand by it. Yeah, and what universe does she have a boyfriend? Please? This is New York University Professor Scott Galloway making sense once again. Sixty three.

This is more like nineteen thirty eight than nineteen sixty eight. And I think there's exceptional double standards. I think if I went into the plaza of any of these universities in a white hood and a Confederate flag and started saying, winch the blacks or burn the gays, I don't think there'd be a lot of discussion around First Amendment or nuance. I think my NYUID would be shut off by the end of the day. I would never work in academia again. And if I did anything to be resembled intimidation or harassment of students and whipped other faculty and students into a frenzy that intimidated students and made them felt unsafe, I think that they call in the National Guard there. It strikes me that free speech is never freer when it devolves to hate speech against jeeves. I think there's a double standard here.

Hmmm, Well, that's undeniable. Yeah, I mean the idea of you could chant what you hear chanting and just subtract. I'm sorry to take away. You know, Israel Lei's resigonists or Jews and insert black students and terrorize black people physically black black kids from going to school. Well we've literally called in the National Guard for that, but it was Jews and it was lefties, so it was ignored. Let's roll a little Tom Cotton sixty six, Michael.

Of course, they're celebrating the little gauzes on American campuses, in the real gazz and in Iran because they know it's putting political pressure on Joe Biden to put more pressure on Israel. This is straight out of Hamas's game plan, or Iran's game plan is to use international political pressure, to include political pressure the Democratic Party in America to constrain Israel to limit its freedom of action in its righteous war of survival.

Yeah, Iran obviously is thrilled with this, but so of course is Russia and China.

They're just watching this on TV and eating popcorn. Think this is awesome. Camas put out a statement celebrating the campus protest villages tent cities, whatever forts like UCLA was a fort, right.

And again overnight while you were asleep, the cops came in and started, you know, cracking some hippie heads and got that fort taken down.

That's not exactly how it unfolded, but yes, there was quite the melee. And the little Marxists in their illegal camp are no more. Well, the little Marxists aren't no more. They didn't kill them. They just put zip ties around their hands and took them off to jail for about an hour and a half. Or they will fill out a bit of paper or right, and then almost certainly be allowed back on campus to resume their classes.

Well, I guess we didn't play the clip the other day had one of the protesters who got arrested in New York say, look, I don't care, I'll be out tomorrow just like all the other criminals. And it's kind of interesting he is criticizing his own side while taking advantage of it. But that's that's one of the problems with this whole arrest thing. They arrested three people, three hundred people in New York, who freaking cares if arrest meant something like you're gonna do some jail time in a very unpleasant county jail and maybe pay, maybe pay a stiff fine. Okay, but it's not gonna be a deterrence the way it is now. If they're there for I wonder how many of them there were there for longer than an hour, you.

Know, because it was overnight. They might have kept them in some holding cells. But they will certainly be out on the streets, you know, by the next day. And activist groups, Islamist groups will pay their fines, Marxist groups, I should say, and Islamist groups will will pay their fines, their bail, et cetera.

What's the point of an arrest. It's supposed to be a deterrent. It's either to stop you to do from doing what you're currently doing and or being a deterrent from doing it again. But it's in no way a deterrent right now.

No, No. But it got them out of there so order could be restored. So it's insufficient, but it's not useless.

But the next group of people are not going to be afraid of being arrested, No, certainly not.

No, they're looking for it. They want that, they want as much chaos and conflict as possible. They're Marxists, armstrong and getty.

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