Hour 4 of A&G features...
Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe, Katty.
Armstrong and Jetty I know he Armstrong and Yetty.
Switching gears to some entertainment news. Gwyneth Paltrow revealed that in her upcoming fill with Timothy Challomey, they have a lot of sex scenes.
Now here's the interesting part.
It's for the sequel to Wonka.
Excuse me, that would be an odd interpretation of the childhood classics by Raoul dowl Man. It's bird flu. It's bird flu.
I don't know if I mentioned we watched Wonka. I thought that was really good. I don't know why it didn't win a bunch of awards and stuff.
I haven't seen it. It's pretty good. Come. I hate that little tim shallow May, but he seems to be very talented. You hate him? I would like to, Yeah, I like he's pretty and young and wealthy, but I cannot because he seems to be sincere and working hard at his craft. Yeah. I don't give a damn what he thinks about politics, but he seems not to want to jabber about it.
So he went to some super famous like Art school in New York where talented kids go to. I read a thing about him after I watched the Dylan movie and when he's name, I want to live forever that school probably, Yeah, that exact school. He went to that school, And when he did his tryout, the board said they actually said, he's the most talented person we've ever had tryout for this school.
Is that them? That's astonished? It really is? Yeah? Sorry? Was there another follow up? I feel like I interrupted.
No, I got some Tesla news in addition to the fact that I'm looking at the television. God, that's it unbelievable that this is happening in America. I'm looking at a Tesla dealership where there are five cars fully on fire, not to mention the ones that have just been you know, keyed and damage and that sort of stuff.
But we have some Tesla news for you coming up. Okay, So a bit of a yin and yang here my home state of Illinois, which is like my best friend from high school who is now a drug addict and a thief and a wife abuser. As far as I'm concerned, I have so much affection for Illinois, but it has gone utterly perverse led by the crooks and legislature it's dominated by Democrats. JB. Pritzker is a monster and a child groomer and an experimental on, an experimenter on child's genitals. I couldn't hate him anymore. And they are. They just passed out of the Education Policy Committee of bill HB twenty eight twenty seven, known as a Homeschool Act, which imposes layers webs of regulations and requirements on homeschool and if they do not comply properly with the you would need like a full time employee to make sure you were in compliance. If you don't, they could face up to a Class C misdemeanor punishable by up to thirty days in jail.
Yeah, it's a lot harder than you'd think it would be to meet the homeschool standards they want. Well, well, this is one of the reasons actually in the public school we're losing so many teachers is they have so much flip and paperwork that they have to fill out about everything to meet. It's just a regulatory state period that causes all this. Then you add in the politics of you want to make.
It hard so that the teachers unions want to make it impossible.
They want to make it hard so that you'll say, well, I just can't do this. I guess I'll put my kid back in school.
Right right? It is utterly obscene. Yeah, it really is sickening. Yeah. I could get into it more, but I want to go back to something we talked about a little while a couple of weeks ago, the.
Helpmaten argument being that we don't trust you to homeschool, so we need an awful lot of oversight to make sure you're meeting our expectations.
Well, that's the excuse. The raw politics of it is, Oh, there may be some well meaning do gooders who actually mean what you're saying, But the raw politics reality of it is, the teachers' unions have said, you crush home schooling, you crush school choice, you crush charter schools, and you crush them fast, and so the politicians are jumping to do their evil bidding. So Jonathan Turley wrote about this while back, and I brought it up that first circuit court case that held it parents have no right to know about their eleven year old changing gender in school, and this unwritten policy was viewed as overriding parental rights. The decision is defended as a reflection of our pluralistic society. The court wrote, our pluralistic society and signs those curricular and administrative decisions to the expertise of school officials charged with the responsibility of educating people. And of course its turtly points out there's no more cherished right than citizens possessed than to raise their own children. And the idea that your excuse for insisting all children get indoctrinated in the same way at public schools and the parents aren't told about it. Your excuse for that is our pluralistic society that lets people believe what they want to believe, is just bizarre and twisted. Fair enough, So I dug into this case, the actual decision United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and it is so interesting and instructive to actually dig and disturbing to actually dig into the decision. And they mentioned in the description there are a bunch of Latin terms involved, and not gonna bore you with them or try to sound show offye because I only understand about half of them. Anyway, Court's nation, I have faced all manner of important litigation involving matters of gender identity and gender expression, including the use of folks preferred pronouns. Today's case falls under that broader heading. More specifically, it presents for our review challenging issues arising from the Ludlow's School Committee's protocol requiring its staff to use a student's requested name in gender pronouns within the school without notifying the parents of those requests unless that student consents. Our appellants are the parents of a Ludlow student who chose at school but not at home, to go by a different name the kid did, and to use different pronouns than those given to them at birth. The parents assert that Ludlow's practice of accommodating and concealing their child's requested name, and I credit the court at least for the intellectual honesty to say they are doing something affirmatively. They are not just not telling the parents, they are actively concealing the child's request and pronouns while at school, interferes with their parental rights is guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Ludlow counters that it's protocol is appropriate and necessary to ensure a safe and inclusive school learning environment for students. How many times have we heard that utterly meaningless greeting card phrase safe and inclusive? Oh yeah, well said, well said, in what way would saying, hey, your son is asking to be called a girl at school? In what way would that be unsafe? Are we to that old canard that well, the dad might beat the hell out of the kid when he gets home. So we can't tell the parents what's going on that whole because one parent out of a thousand is a monster argument and inclusive? In what way would it be exclusive to say to the parents, hey, your son is asking to be called a little girl. That phrase is utterly meaningless. So that's how they described the questions before us. Here's where it gets really really interesting. You tell me whether this is a school trying to be safe and inclusive or a school indoctrinating a child. This is from the court, from the actual decision, keeping in mind the first circuit said no, no, parents don't get to know. School gets to raise the kid. They describe Baird Middle School in Ludlow, Massachusetts. Early in the twenty twenty one school year, sixth grade students at Baird, including eleven year old BF. The student was given an assignment by the school's librarian to create biographic videos about themselves. Sounds great so far, yep. According to the parents' complaint, the librarian, Jordan Funk, Yeah, I shouldn't make any jokes because this is sickening. The librarian, Jordan Funk, encouraged students to include their pronouns in their videos. If you right there, that makes me a combination into radical gender theory. If you right there, I'm thinking, I got to get my kid out of this school, right right. Don't play the pronoun game. That is getting the camel's nose under the tent of getting you to go along with radical gender theory at a time. I hate the idea of what age was this eleven years old? Wow?
I hate the idea of you even starting that conversation to where the kid. My kid's gonna say, they're told me to use pronouns.
What does that mean? I don't want I'm a dude. It's he just teach math and reading. That's what I want. God, that makes me gets better. The parent's complaint does not state how the student designated the female sex at birth. No sex is not designated First Circuit Court of Appeals, that is language straight out of critical theory radical gender theory that was invented by them. Nobody ever used that terminology until well, with the exception of the teachers colleges, which have been left of stalin for a very long time. Nobody has ever used that terminology until radical gender theory caught hold of idiot's imaginations. First Circuit court be better than that anyway. The parents complaint does not state how the student designated the female sex at birth responded to the school assignment, but in the months that followed the assignment, the student's school Google account started receiving quote unsolicited LBGTQ themed video suggestions on their school issued computer. So they're getting indoctrination clips. I'm on their school computer. I'm so not solicited unsolicited. Somebody started sending all the kids videos that, for instance, said, you know, it's okay if they claimed you're a boy to be a girl because they get it wrong at birth. All the time, I will read this simple text of the decision.
God, once you say that to a small kid, you've warped them forever.
Yes you have, and they know it. It's intentional. All right, I'm just going to read from the decision because you know, well, I keep going off. But in the months that followed the assignment, the student school Google accounts started receiving quote unsolicited LGBTQ themed video suggestions on their school issued computer. After watching these clips, the student began questioning whether quote they might be attracted to girls, of course, and whether they quote had gender identity issues. Of course, this had never, ever, ever been a thing in the family, he says, departing from the decision again until it was it was suggested and promoted by the school. By December of twenty the student sought out their teacher, Bonnie Manchester, to have a meeting to discuss some personal issues. At that meeting, the student indicated they were depressed and struggling with insecurity what is an eleven year old girl that's never happened before, low self esteem, self image, and a perceived lack of popularity. Oh no again a first in history. The student told Manchester they needed help, but they were unsure of how to ask their parents about getting that help. Manchester offered to call the student's parents, and after reviewing the student's situation with other teachers during school planning meeting, hearing other teachers agreed that the students seemed depressed. Manchester contacted the parents. Then they talked about the depressed thing and may have been attracted to members of the same sex, and Mom was grateful that Manchester reached out so that she and the father could address the mental health issues. Then at some length it gets too unbeknownst to the parents, I'm skipping a bit. In February twenty eighth of twenty one, the email sent to Baird's teachers in the school of counselor Marie Claire Foley and a superintendent Gaza, the student announced, I am gender queer. This is an eleven year old pre pubescent girl or previous girl. According to the student's email declaration, that meant that the student would use any pronoun other than it it's and it also meant that the student preferred a name change. They asked to go by the name, you know, Rick, instead of Betty or whatever. Upon receipt of the email and after meeting privately with student, they decided essentially, hey, it's not necessary to tell the parents, and indeed call her Betty and she when communicating with the students, but during school it's Rick, and it's he him God.
I would be so beside myself with anger. You'd have to put it aside because you got to deal with your kid. But they introduced this. Otherwise none of it would have happened, none of it, and then undoing it would be so difficult, could take years, and could really damage your relationship with your kid.
And we're up against a break. But just to fully, you know, sketch out what happened here. When it was depressions, low self esteem, the teachers quite appropriately said, Hey, we ought to let mom and dad know this is going on. But the moment it became radical gender theory, gender bending madness, it was time to hush up and keep this between us. Insidious, effing evil farmtraw.
Hey, Yeddie, it's absolutely bizarre. Imagine a new mom holding her beautiful baby in a nurse pops in and says, Mama, you're doing great. By the way, is baby a questioning lesbian? I mean, this is the kind of stuff. This is why so many Democrats flogged the vote for Donald Trump, because the left is so far left. I mean, they're out in orbit.
What was that story we had, Katie? Do you remember what it was or do you Yeah? I still have it yeah, blue states, including New Jersey. Yeah, your newborn baby. They ask what gender is your baby? Is your baby gender fluid or gender queer, or a lesbian or whatever? A newborn infant? No, wait, the gender one.
Well they're all ridiculous, but certain You surely can't ask if your baby's a lesbian but they were born six hours ago.
I don't know if my baby's a lesbian. Yes, Katie.
If a nurse asked me that, I would look to my husband and go here, hold my baby exact please, I need both hands free for this.
Yeah. Yeah. The former cars parents dot identify their baby is male, female, transgender, gender queer, additional gender. Which of the following best describes your baby with answers including lesbian or gay, straight, bisexual, self described? Some questioning, I'm sure prefer not to answer, Okay, I don't you know.
I don't buy this, but you could make the argument that you could answer not sure yet.
I don't believe that. Why are you fing asking me?
Well, yeah, it's ridiculous, but to answer definitively yes, this is a uh ah, a transwoman lesbian. Paste oney, looking at your eight hour old baby is insane.
Oh my god, can you imagine you're sleep deprived, you've just been through, you know, a trying yet joyful experience, and somebody brings that s into the room. I think I'm at the wrong hospital, is what I'm at. I'm thinking, honey, can you bail me out? Have your mom bail me out, because there's about to be trouble anyway. Just my final follow up. I love that, Katie. Thanks christis final follow up. I think on that court case, I was telling you about this librarian funk in the story who the minute the kid having introduced the idea of maybe you're not a girl anymore, the minute the kid expressed doubt. This absolute groomer, classic groomer, radical indoctrinating recruiter quote, spoke with the student one on one about gender identity and provided the student with LGBTQ related resources. Then the school told you told her you can use whatever bathroom you want, trying to conform with Massachusetts law. They say, right, these people are sick.
Wow, says Slid in the World Happiness Rankings. I've got some comment on that. It's kind of interesting. Also, just off violence against Tesla, some new wrinkles on that. If you haven't heard just stay to him.
Armstrong and getty.
Tesla stock is wayed out, almost disastrously, so.
People people have been.
Realizing Tesla vehicles, new Tesla vehicles, Please don't vandalize, don't ever vandalize Tesla.
Vehicles, and so.
Taken by many is kind of a wink and a nod of feel free or isn't that great or whatever?
How about the crowd cheering that? Yeah, yeah, that gets back to that incredible divide we have in American society and politics now between a certain crowd young female, college degree et cetera, mostly grad students, and everybody else.
And then but just then, you know the what interest rank above what other interests? Because that crowd at Jimmy Kimmel, I guarantee you, is almost entirely climate change is the biggest problem we've got in the world. People who a bigger percentage of Jimmy Kimmel's crowd there drives an electric car by one hundredfold than the average population, I guarantee you. Yet they're cheering the demise of, or their hope to demise of the most really the only popular electric car company that's ever existed in America, which is just so weird the politics of it. So you've ranked hating Donald Trump because I don't actually believe you're that concerned about government cutbacks. I don't believe it. No, So it's just it's just the old fashion. You hate Trump, so you're a critical you're ranking your hatred of Trump above climate change, which you've been trying to tell us for a long time is the biggest threat to mankind that has ever existed. And if you don't take it seriously or some sort of crazy anti science weirdo, a monster. So you got that angle of it, which is really interesting. And of course, if anybody on the right did a wink and a nod toward destroying I don't know if Sean Hannity is this did the same thing about Target back when Target had trans bathing suits in it or whatever. Don't destroy targets, I mean, really don't destroy them. Uh, would have been called out. Another thing about Tesla. Interestingly enough, this is not good news for Tesla. It doesn't help anything. And you'll hear it on the news all day long today. That just broke Tesla to recall most cyber trucks because of and I saw this on the news the other day, this panel that falls off the door. So this isn't so it says in this Wall Street Journal article, this is the eighth recall of the cyber truck since it came out. I think all the rest of them are software things, so they fix them. I get things fixed through the software on my Tesla every night while asleep. I don't even know what happened, but they call that a recall, even though.
It's not a recall. They just update the software they changed.
But this, a part of the door is actually falling off, and so this will be great fodder. Guarantee you. I'd be shocked if all three hosts don't make a joke about that tonight on the late night talk shows, because that's a bad look.
You know.
This stat most alleged Tesla charger vandals have one thing in common.
She they pronouns.
Three out of four Tesla facility and charger vandals so far arrested across the country have been identified as transgender or non binary.
And the US right what I was talking about yesterday, Neo Marxism radicalizes every minority, including sexual minorities. For instance, guys who enjoy masquerading as women. Three out of four. That's amazing. Is it that you don't think that's noteworthy? I mean, I don't think that's a note.
Worry with the tiny percentage of people that are trands, that seventy five percent of the people who are attacking Tesla dealerships are.
Come on mentally ill. We got an email, guys, whatever happened to the term female impersonator? So you got a bunch of mentally ill female impersonators who've been radicalized by this idiotic European critical theory crap going around committing the accit domestic terrorism. No, I'm glad you you know what to arrest them? What's that?
I'm glad you just use that term because I've been using the term vandalism, which it is not. Here is John Miller, formerly of the FBI, now a commentator in CNN.
If you take all the politics out of it and you go by the pure FBI definition of domestic terrorism, it is the use of fear of violence, property destruction to coerce somebody on a political issue. So if this is to attack Elon Musk because of his relationship and actions on behalf of Donald Trump, it would qualify based on the definition.
How about John Miller.
How about John Miller feeling like he's got to put the qualification if you take the politics out of it, What.
If you take the politics out of political violence? In other words, what John is saying like some sort of Stockholm syndrome suffering abductee. Don't hurt me for this. But right, even though it's against Trump, and he cringes and covers himself up, this is domestic terrorism. Wow, he had arrest these people. You put him in federal prison, and ladies, you got a schwantz you're going to the men's prison.
In That's something he had to throw in that qualification, which is exactly what you just said.
I hate to say this.
Please don't kill the messenger, but this is domestic terrorism. Even if you hate Trump.
Putting aside the politics of political violence. Well, yeah, that's that's right. No, you don't get to say. On the other hand, I'm right, no, John, that's not a thing. But again he's terrified by you know, his coworkers and probably his friends.
The New York Times blaming Musk for the terrorist attacks directed at him with a paragraph about all the attacks that have happened on Tesla's and Tesla dealerships and charging stations across the country. For some, the deal breaker came when mister Musk made a gesture that resembled a fashion salute while speaking at a rally for Donald Trump. So the New York Times saying, well, that's the deal breaker, and they're insinuating that, Yeah, you can't blame him. I mean, come on, because Elon, you know, he made the Hitler salute.
So Nazi Tervian. Hasn't that been debunked enough with all me? How could you the.
New York Times include that. I mean, if you want to say people are angry about Doge just to explain the climate that we're in, fine, but you're leaning way too hard toward Elon brought this on himself.
Right, there's not good. There's being wrong, there's being wildly wrong. Then there's being a clown. The New York Times has completely beclowned itself. Honk in honk, yeah, no kidding, all you climb into this tiny car, your clowns and get the hell out of here. I don't know where this is going. I really don't know. I don't know. I don't know if this will.
Like substantially damage Tesla, like really put a din in it or.
Just the you know, it'll be a phase and it'll go away. I don't know. Oh, that reminds me to our previous discussion. I texted this to the crew and retweeted it as well. It rights itself, wrote the guy who posted this. The headline is woman arrested after explosives discovered at Tesla dealership and there's a dude, a guy, a grown ass man in the picture. Woman arrested. Why because the grown ass man said, yeah, I'm a woman. Okay, he's a woman. Seriously, nobody, but nobody thought that way like two weeks ago. You know, it was laughable, it was absurd, it was idiotic. Guess what, it's still laughable, absurd, in idiotic, but you have mainstream publications. Woman arrested after explosives discovered a Tesla dealership with a full grown man right there in the picture.
Oh to hear the Jimmy Kimmel one more thing, So listen, listen to the crowd cheer the fact that their electric car hero company is suffering, and then his insinuation that it's okay.
Tesla stock is.
Way down almost disastrously, so people.
People have been.
Vandalizing Tesla vehicles, new Tesla vehicles. Please don't vandalize, don't ever vandalize Tesla vehicles.
And so.
What he's the visual he he had to wink theah yeah yeah, or just look at the crowd the street. Yeah, that's something. If we had said that at the height of the target thing, our.
Careers would be and we would have lost our jobs and probably appropriately Yeah yeah, because we were Yeah, because we were encouraging domestic to terrorism.
Yeah, god, he should be. It's okay because it's against the right.
It's against elon the world's richest man. You got to throw that in all the time like that matters.
Oh sorry, I left that out. Who who the last step or the final straw was when he gave us loot that appeared to be Oh, for God's surly, seriously, put on your size twenty seven red shoes and flop out of here, you right, squirt water out of your little pel and get out of here. Nah, tell you what it gets me up in the morning fighting against these lunatics.
I want to mention this United States sliding down the happiness scale.
H oh yeah, you've been holding out on us and it hasn't made us happier.
It's mostly it's mostly dumb, but there is one nugget in there that's disturbing anyway.
That's next day.
Here some business news.
Trader Joe's is recalling bottles of imported mineral water because the glass could shatter. People were like, yeah, that's pretty much how glass works.
Keep with his bracelet.
That's right, Trader Joe's are recalling bottles of imported mineral water. Tough news for your offices, most annoying coworker.
Yeah, no kidding.
The United States has fallen to its lowest ever place in the World Happiness Report Who Asked You, which highlights the positive effects of benevolence and social connections have on people's life satisfaction. It says here in the summary on CBS.
All about the Big b Benevolence.
The United States ranked twenty fourth world, one place lower than our rating last year. We're getting less happy and far from our previous peak of eleven. We are the eleventh happiest country back in twenty twelve. Most of your happy countries are your tiny little Scandinavian countries well, and as we discussed at length, it was really interesting.
Finland always tops the list. And they are a rather serious endure people. They also there is a culture of contentment. Be content with what you have and be a good person. That's happiness there.
I was reading one analyst's view of it, who doesn't like this chart in the way it's portrayed in that some of these countries just their culture is to be positive. If they're in the middle of a world war and a depression, that's just their culture. And you know, there's no doubt that our culture is more. I need everything all the time, yesterday, pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, or I'm unhappy. But one nugget out of this that stuck out to me is from Gallup the increase saying number of people who eat alone in the United States, that number going up, the number of people eat alone. And obviously it's not just the eating alone part.
It's the finally the spotlight's off, drinking alone.
It's not the fact that you're dining alone, because that in itself is no big deal. It's just if you're regularly eating alone, it says a lot about your lifestyle. Yeah, which, like I wonder how many times I should ask my parents. I wonder how many times my dad's ever eat alone is life because you know, back in the day when you got married young, or my mom would be a better example. She had me when she's twenty two. She may never going from parents to college to married with kids as opposed to you. You know, you stay unmarried maybe forever or in your thirties or forties and no kids and don't date, and lots and lots and lots and lots of meals, eating alone, which means watching TV alone, which means going to bed alone, which means waking up alone, which might mean vacationing alone, all kinds of different things.
And you're not living a version of like friends where you're constantly meeting your friends at the coffee shot in the cafe and probably not. Yeah, oh man, where's it. I just came across another great think piece about how we become a nation of loaners and I can't remember what the term was they used, but yeah, things are weird, you know. My final thought today, I'm actually going to seed my final thoughts at the next for the next two days to one of my favorite authors but addresses some of this.
Speaking of authors, I was all excited about Jake Tapper's book which was released today about the inside story of Joe Biden secretly behind the scenes, his brain wasn't working so good and they pulled off a trick and nobody knew crazy cover up except for everybody. But anyway, he's got a book out about that, and I ordered it, pre ordered it on Kindle and adn't shown up yet. I'm quite angry about it. I think it's some sort of breakdown with Amazon because it came out. Hopefully i'll have it tomorrow and have some of the highlights.
Some people seem to be getting around prohibition by Al Capone. Jake Tapper, you should be ashamed.
Wow, I get to it. I understand what you Yeah, I see what I'm saying there. Yeah, I understand the point you were making.
Back to the happiness thing.
And we talked about this quite a bit a week or so ago in the Dalai Lama's book The Art of Joy and All That is this. It's interesting that as human beings were built to do all kinds of things that make us less happy, we just are and you have to overcome your desire to do things that ultimately will make you less happy, like eating too much or indulging this or that.
I don't know if it's an evolution thing or a it's a modern world thing. Keeping in mind that if humans whole existence is twenty four hours, the internet, for instance, smartphones came into being at eleven to fifty nine and fifty nine seconds. Right. The idea that we haven't quite figured it out is, well, it's not that shocking how much time we got. Michael. Let's go to it early, because this final thought is worth here. You give it plenty of time. Do it good. I'm ready to begin.
Here's your host for final thoughts, Joe Getty.
That one strestes me out because the guy's so far behind the beat. It's weird. All right. Hey, let's get a final thought from everybody on the crew to wrap things up for the day. There is our technical director, Michaelangelow.
Michael, you know, I've made a real effort to be happy for every little thing that i have, very very grateful. But now that Jack has pointed out there's a ninety eight inch TV at Costco, I'm not real.
Happy until you have ruined it. He ruined it, Katie Green are esteemed to use women as a final thought, Katie kind of along those lines, Jack, thanks a lot for that ninety eight inch TV comment, because now my husband's aware of it and won't.
Stop waitly see the truth. Wally, you gotta go to Costco this weekend? What do you see in person?
Ugh? Jack? A final thought you'd like to share is March Madness as big as it used to be?
I don't actually know statistically, I'm sure I could look into it, but I just saw an ad for March Madness feating basketball stars. The average age had to be in the low seventies on this ad. You'd have to be my age and older to know who these people are. So kind of feel like they believe their demographics are pretty old. My final thought I love. Caitlyn Flanagan is a staff writer at the Atlantic. She writes about women and stuff. She's very funny, very smart, and very grounded. She says what follows.
The Internet did not arrive like a wave, allowing us to take time to think about our humanity before we put our toes in the water. It arrived like a flood, and we've been drowning in it for more than a quarter century. It keeps taking our souls away from us. Every passing year. We're less of who we were Soon there won't be much of us left at all. The only thing that can save us is a great unplugging, but we'll never do that. We live it down here, We love it down here under the dark water.
Uh No, we'll never unplug it. So yeah, and then the generation that remembers pre internet and smartphones.
Will be dead before you know it, and.
There will be nothing great it was. There will be nothing to compare it to. No young, younger person will even remember that it was any different.
It's the Death of Joy Jack my new Quickie Tak show host book. I'm Struck Getty grabbing of another grueling for our workday. I'm co writing it with Jake Tapper and the Dalai Lama. So many people to think, so little time. Go to Armstrong e Getdy dot com. The hot links are fantastic. Drop us a note if there's something we ought to be sending it and talking about, send it along, Send us a link mail bag at Armstrong and getty dot com. Pick up a T shirt. Come on helps to keep everybody on the payroll. The Death of Joy.
See tomorrow God Bliss America.
The coroner said it was an accident, but it was no accident. It was Armstrong and get Our message is clear, go away. Are you sure? Says yes?
Well. Jack Armstrong and Joe Getty asked the same question of their listeners, and here's their response.
Could kick most of their ass. Okay, I was wondering you know what you felt about that? And I'm good, Okay, Bye bye Armstrong and Getty.