Beats Sucking Ditch Water Out Of My Hoodie

Published Mar 13, 2025, 4:23 PM

Hour 3 of A&G features...

  • Indiana woman survives 6 days in her car & happy spouse happy life
  • Covid originated in a Chinese lab
  • Rahm Emanuel running for President & schools promoting Marxism
  • They, them, turtle

Broadcasting live from the Abraham Lincoln Radio Studio the George Washington Broadcast Center, Jack Armstrong and Joe Gatty arm.

Strong and Jettie and he Armstrong and Jetty.

Brianna Castle, a mother of three, was driving late at night last Wednesday when she fell asleep, her car veering off into a ditch underneath the bridge. Castle stuck inside with several broken bones, her car hidden from view. The forty one year old unable to reach her phone.

The only way she was able to survive was using her hoodie and dipping it into the water in the ditch and suck in the water.

After six days, someone nearby finally spotting the vehicle. Castle airlifted to a Chicago hospital for treatment.

This is quite the crazy story. So this woman, she's forty one years old. She's visiting her mom and then she leaves and she falls asleep, she says, driving her car or she thinks and crashes into a ditch and breaks her legs and a number of other bones. Yea, and can't move. She's a mother of three. She's in this deep ditch but right off the main road like lots of traffic, and she's right by the road. But you know, it's not like it's a place in the road where inby's stopping and she's yelling and yelling and yelling. But you wouldn't hear somebody yelling even if they're, you know, twenty feet off the road. You know, you get your windows rolled up and everything like that.

And she's there for six days.

Cell phone's dead or I heard saw one report where she couldn't reach her cell phone. It said this, one says it was dead. I don't know which. But she couldn't move. Her legs were all broken up and she just couldn't move, and she was able to take her says sweater here. That report said hoodie whatever overwarming overgarment. She would take out and out the window and dip into the ditch where her car was crashed, soak up the water, then bring her wet hoodie into the car, ring it out into a cup and then drink that. That's what she lived on for liquid for six days and suck.

At it straight out of the hoodie.

There's conflicting reports here, because I was really excited about the using the expression going forward. Well beat sucking ditch water out of my hoodie.

Six days is a long time. One hour, six hours would be excruciating. Well, she's in excruciating pain also, But yeah, all day in your phone's dead?

See you like?

He can't you know, he can't be on Twitter or check out in your Facebook or any of the stuff that you.

No whordl what's trending on TikTok? I have no idea and my legs are broken, yes, Katie.

Well, if the case is that she couldn't reach her phone, imagine how much more agonizing it.

Would be because it's on and you can.

See it but you can't get to it.


Well, hang on, now, if it was an iPhone and I don't have an Android phone, but isn't there a command? I would just tell old Siri, don't turn on. I'm not talking to you. Please call you know those three digits. I have my Siri turned off. I don't like Siri, so, oh you don't I use it all the time?

You do?

I never ever ever have it turned off? I don't. I don't know.

Yeah, I now, it's so good find out anything for you. Maybe I've had enough meddling women in my life throughout the years.

Michael, go make me a sandwich.

Michael's response, Wow, AnyWho, whether she can't reach her phone or it's dead. She's there for six days, pinned beneath the steering wheel, with their broken legs and a number of other bones.

She's an eye. I see you. She's in serious conditions. She's not in good shape.

Well, just just not having any food for six days doesn't leave you in great shape.

Well in the surgeries, I mean, oh yeah, poor gal. And I'm sorry, where was this south of Chicago? Eighty miles south of Chicago? Wow, I know that area very very well. I wonder what road it was.

But so she's her legs, wrist, ribs all broken anyway, and her relatives were all thinking the absolute worst, because, I mean, six days, nobody's spotted her car, nobody's heard a word from her. You'd be thinking all kinds of horrible things. You probably wouldn't be thinking car wreck. You'd be thinking some sort of abduction or something like that.

Sure, yeah, I mean virtually any car wreck you can imagine would be discovered almost immediately.

Some guy who works for the county pulled over into the ditch to like check drainage or something like that, and and saw the car. And that's the only way she got rescued, or she probably would eventually, you know, expired.

Down there with no food.

Oh, the whole dip in your hoodie in the water and then wringing it out into a cup would be a I'd give you something to do.

You're pretty bored.

I'd be thinking this ditchwater is not doing me any good. But I gotta have some water. You know, she would she would die of dehydration, you know, a week before she'd started to death.

That's the issues.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Well, I hope that doesn't happen to me. I'm not sure how else to end this discussion. I wouldn't that suck? Is how you end the discussion? Yeah, that would be rough anyway, she's do you have transition music?


There's something it's a happy ending aside from the broken bones in the ICU, it's a happy ish ending. It's a man's ability to overcome obstacles or something.

Yeah, yeah, go ahead, Michael, play some transitioning.

I gotta forget about that.

I used Siri on my watch occasionally, or I press the button and say, you know how old's Paul Simon and they'll tell me he's eighty two, but I don't have it on my phone.

Yeah. So it's a commonly expressed sentiment. In spite of Jack's awful, misogynist ramblings a couple of minutes ago, happy wife, happy life.

They say, oh, I don't doubt that. Well.

A study, a brand new, big study which probably didn't need to be done, has pointed out that, yes, your partner's happiness can lower your stress levels.

Research shows that.

When your partner experiences positive emotion, you got to slow down here.

You're trying to jot this down, are you? When your partner experiences positive emotions, your body produces less cortisol, the primary stress hormone. The effect is even stronger when you experience positive emotions if your partner's walking around obviously super angry, slamming things, muttering, what does that do to your body chemistry? And let me scroll through the report and see if I can find that for you, the benefits are greater and happy long term relationships, older adults and satisfying relationships showed the strongest link between their partner's happiness and reduce stress, suggesting that emotional support plays a critical role in healthy aging.

There's you know, we all enjoy positive things, like a good thing happens, like you know, you're enjoying hanging out on the couch together, or your kids did good as something. You know, positive things happen to make you feel good, but the lack of bad things is underrated.

You know, like for the end of the day.

If you can just get through the end of the day and everything was just okay, that is awesome.

It really is. Yeah, you know, that's funny.

I have another study about how the pursuit of happiness makes people miserable, and the pursuit of you know, meaning in your life and doing good work makes you happy.

We can get to that later on. Interestingly, I talk about that all day long.

And I'm not presenting this as if you know, this is some sort of breakthrough wisdom, but it is interesting that science is looking at, you know, various really well known human tendencies and they can explain it chemically.

I guess that's useful.

But among happy long term couples, the negative emotions don't have the same impact negatively, and they have hypothesized that among those older couples. Number One, you've been through it a number of times. You know, the storm will pass and you've developed strategies to shield each other from stress, and or you.

Just think, okay, it'll be fine.

Right in a way, that makes a bigger impression when you're younger anyway, happy wife, happy life, happy hubby, like a foot rubby. I don't know, I haven't heard the alternative.

Or just the if.

You know, you've been around the block a few times, and clearly this sort of thing is not enough to blow up the whole deal, oh Ron, once you become aware of.

That, right, yeah, yeah, the benefit of age and wisdom, the benefits.

Some of it might be low t there's that too. That was the most disappointing thing you've ever said to me. What a couple of years ago, I handled some sort of situation well without getting angry.

And I said, you just have less testosterone. You haven't.

You haven't got sard or learned to handle things. You just have low tea. Well, that's that's I said that to you, because I've said that to me. It's not wisdom, it's just you don't have the testosterone to get angry anymore.

I used to be just crazy competitive in all sports, loved it, just loved to compete, hated to lose love to win, and it was making me insane in golf, partly because my body was breaking down and I didn't know it, but anyway, arthritis stuff.

But but my temper got.

Much much better through the years, and I realized, no, I'm not more mature, and I just have less testosterone. I think my half a woman. I don't know about that. But anyway, Uh, enough of that. What was I gonna get to? I can't remember. It seemed very compelling and I was all excited about it. Oh, the DEI thing campuses really good news and news that reminds us it's going to be a real challenge to root this stuff out. The neo Marxism on campuses, Well squeeze that in this hour.

And Trump did announce today he's threatening and of course you never know if football is true and these things are not two hundred tariffs on booze from Europe, so that would be like French wines, Italian wines, Champagne from the actual Champagne region.

WHOA what about my luxury lifestyle to speaking to Trump threatening stuff?

Tariff would make it something you just would never yeah, prohibitive unless you're crazy rich.

You'd be prohibitive.

Well, when your wrot wines would raise the prices too a little or a lot, because you might as well to see if people go for it. But speaking of Trump threatening things, it was more than a week ago now that he promised, promised all hell would break loose on.

Hamas because they didn't cooperate.

Now, well, I'm not saying, hey, time and place of our choosing as they say this.

Wonder hasn't been any follow through on it is the hammer going to come down? I do know this, as everyone knows. You can't make that sort of threat and not follow through more than maybe twice and haven't have any meeting. I'm not even sure once works. Right, Yeah, that's that's rough a lot.

On the way, stay here, Chrispy Creme is unveiled at Saint Patrick's Day menu which includes four new donuts, while Duncan just poured jamison in the kuladas.

So kind of breaking new is not the sort of thing that we pay a lot of attention to. But Trump's nominee to run the CDC was on his way to the confirmation hearing in the car on the way there when Trump pulled him.

Oh, so that's a.

Weldon, uh, doctor Dave Weldon. But anyways, trying to look through the various stories on why he got pulled. He's expressed skepticism about vaccine safety.

In the past.

Skepticism's fine. I doubt that's the reason. I mean, nobody knows the reason. I'll bet they uncovered some sort of personal thing.

I'll bet yeah.

I mean, if R F K Junior got the Giggy's in please right, I would you know? And I want to disparage this dude not knowing, but I'll bet some personal thing came out some I would like to particulate your responsible There's a there's a chick somewhere saying I.

Assume he has slaves humans human slaves.

But anyway, you're on your way to the confirmation hearing and you yeah, yeah, mister president, Yeah yeah, what your life just changed?

Anyway? Calls you late in the afternoon. How the hearings go? Honey? Hi, Sorry, I'm at a bar right now. Five call out of the funny way. Sorry.

So this from the Berliner Fight Kung, which is a newspaper, of course, subscribed to the Berlin Times. Yes for five years, the Federal Intelligence Service there in Germany that's kind of their CIA thing. I guess BND has assumed that the coronavirus originated in the Chinese laboratory. They classify the lab theory as probable. It is eighty to ninety five percent certain. This all just came out yesterday. They've known this for five years. For five years, the highest intelligence agency in Germany has been eighty to ninety five percent certain that it came out of that lab in Wuhan.

That just shows you the depth of Trump derangement syndrome that the media, the health authorities, some of whom were in on the scam Fauci please Francis Collins, the ANDIH They were in on financing the Wuhan experiments, so that was their motivation. But the idea that you couldn't even post that on Facebook or you'd.

Be banned, that is obscene. Never forget friends from the Daily Mail. Bombshell report confirms COVID came from Chinese lab and the writing in there all informed persons without exception knew by early twenty twenty that SARS CoV two likely entered humans through a research related incident, right, but most chose to lie ar stay silent for.

A variety of reasons.

You're in the pocket of the Chinese, or it became so politically uncool you'd ruin your career by saying it out loud. You didn't want to be on Trump's side. I I don't know.

I mean, John Stuart.

One thing I do like about John Stewart is he he'll only so far in boosterism on his side, you know. And he got so much flak for going on The Colbert Show and saying, oh, I don't know, there's a research lab in Wuhan with the.

Very same disease. I wonder where it came.

From, you know, and just but even then everybody had to push back on that, Oh you're some sort of racist or conspiracy theorist.

I mean, I can't.

Even believe this actually happened. And I would love to talk to those people. We tried to talk to them at the time and say so, the communist Chinese who were actively, feverishly trying to obscure the early days of the virus in every way they possibly could, they were doing that because it had an innocent genesis.

Is that what you're trying to tell us? It's so effing stupid? Is it an illogical. Pardon me, it's disgusting that that was the quote unquote mainstream.

Is it driven entirely by Trump arrangement syndrome?

Is that it?

Or is there some I don't know what it is, but like I had a friend who this was even a couple of years ago when the FBI first came out and said, we think the most likely thing that happened is it came out of that lab. And I said, you see that, and they said yeah, but they said that they have low certainty. I said, yeah, but they said it's the most likely thing that happened. Yeah, but with low certainty still, like you know, let's not go too far and assuming the Chinese would lie. I mean, I don't even get the skepticism. What is it driven by entirely by Trump derangement syndrome that that would make Trump rite?

Is that it?

I'm searching my logic center in my brain. I don't use it often. The only other thing I can think of is the xenophilia that exists on the left, where anything foreign is good and beautiful and the only stupid racist country is the United States.

But no, I think it's Trump derangement syndrome. Ninety percent.

How many more million people died because of that than if everybody had gotten on board right away with Obviously he came out of the Chinese lab. Turn over the samples so we can get to work on the vaccine. You know, it's close down around the area. Blah blah blah.

Right, and keep the kids in schools. Don't get me started.

Very frustrating, but that story's over as far as I'm concerned.

Armstrong and Getty.

Department of Educations, maybe more so than any other place, has a lot of people that can be cut.

The number one not showing up to work. Number two, they're not doing a good job. We have a dream, and you know what the dream is.

We're going to move the Department of Education. We're going to move education into the States so that the states, instead of bureaucrats working in Washington, so that the states can run education.

That's not the way I saw it.

I was watching MSNBC last night and they had a parent of a disabled child on there is not going to get the school help they need because of this or something.

Oh yeah, Trump's just going to kick the crutch out from under them. Yeah, sure, that's going to happen. Yeah, right, more on education. In a moment.

On the political front, I just saw Politico's headline Rom Emmanuel gears up to run for president. Former mayor of Chicago, chief of staff to Barack Obama and really good politician.

He'd be talking, really smart guy, and he's the anti kam law.

I don't love him, you know, don't get us wrong here, but he's a formidable guy. I mean, he's way more mainstream Democrat than you know, you're Elizabeth Warrens and Kamala Harrison and all those people.


Well, the rumor story, I'm not sure. I think it was a leek who knows. The other day a lot of people thought Pete boot Edge Edge was going to be running for the Senate in Michigan, Indiana. That's the guy, right, But the word is he's not running for the Senate because he's keeping his powder drive for his twenty twenty eight presidential run.

Eat him for breakfast.

You got Gavy, you got Rom, you got boot Edge Edge.

Boot or to come. Yeah.

I was about to say some but you know what, why would I say anything about that topic. I'm not going we have the same thought at the same time. I was like in so ends any discussion twenty twenty eight.

So, speaking of education, we are making we the samee Americans, The vast, vast, vast majority of people are making progress with cleaning up the DEI out of education. And DEI is Marxism masquerading is a moral cause. It's pitting everybody against everybody and terrifying people into giving up control of their institutions.

In favor of the woke crowd. Make no mistake.

It has nothing to do with racial harmony or helping people achieve. It's an instrument of takeover of institutions. Anyway, The Trump administration has vowed quote to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical left, and they have issued edicts ordering colleges to end diversity, equity and inclusion programs or anything they deem as discriminatory. You want to end racism, don't be a racist now, your lunatic ibromex kendy DEI crowd would tell you, oh, no more racism will bring it the end to racism. But anyway, they need to end all that crap or they risk losing federal funding. And they're beginning the process, and there are a lot of examples. University of Virginia voted last week to dissolve its DEI in community partnership offices. DEI is done at the University of Virginia, said Governor Glenn Younkin. University of North Carolina will no longer and the fact that this existed is outrageous. It will no longer mandate students to take DEI classes to fulfill their general education or major requirements. Wow, you want a degree in microbiology, You've got to sit there and be lectured that all white people are racist, that this country was founded on racism, That being punctual or accurate, or being able to read and write is white supremacy to get your degree that was required at the University of North Carolina.

That's unbelievable, insane.

Harvard announced a freeze on staff and faculty hiring, et cetera. Actually part of this piece by it's good writing Douglas Belkin, Yeah, he's a good writer. In the journal was talking about how higher ed in Florida is a few years ahead because Ron DeSantis, speaking of presidential hopefuls maybe down the line someday, was a couple of years ahead in saying, hey, we're ending this crap University of Florida, no more racism masquerading's anti racism. They well, and they give some examples of all sorts of jobs cut and programs ended, and and and it's all good. It's all really, really good. Here's the yang, the the tough part. This is the story about how the State Department, you know, part of the whole USAID thing is we give enormous amounts of money to the State Department's international schools. These are the schools that US foreign service workers their kids go to. So if you're working for the US government overseas, they probably go to an American school that is one quarter our people diplomats and three quarters kids from around there who mingle with the Americans. And theoretically the idea is to promote American values and education, which is lovely, except that all of these schools have been completely drenched in the DEI thing and have been preaching neo Marxism. American government of government slap me Jack, go ahead, I could say you taxpayer funded schools had been promoting Marxism around the world. And it's hundreds of schools, nearly one hundred and forty thousand students. We have been indoctrinating people into this around the world, and the Trump administration is trying to get rid of that. But the great challenge is, and this is going to be a generations long fight. Even if you know Trump and then jd Vance for two terms and then I don't know whoever, Mike Waltz for two terms, It's going to take a very long time to sort this out. But the neo Marxists on college campuses, they're not casually into this.

This is like their worldview.

They're as into Marxism, neo Marxism as we are into the free market, patriotism and democracy. Okay, they're not going to give up. They are rebranding all of their woke crap. I almost dropped an s bom that would have been unfortunate. They've rebranded all their woke crap as community involvement or student support people same programs.

So the fight goes on.

Yeah, and I feel like if we're if the United States were to collapse under this at some point, historians wouldn't even understand what happened. Like it's so it's so well hidden and woven into the fabric of everything. I'm not sure anybody's really.

Picked up on it.

And the way they get so many people to go along with it, like well meaning, nice, middle class average people, is they couch it all in moral arguments and people think, well, I'm a good moral person, I'm not a racist, so I must I should probably follow Robin DeAngelo's book or whatever. And you're being lured into something absolutely satanic and awful. Oh one more thought, this college description. Excuse me a number They quote a number of college kids who say, just in the space of like two three years. They quote one senior, she has gone from I don't dare breathe a word about what I believe about immigration or politics or whatever too. No, I pretty freely share my opinion now, and I think that's beautiful.

That's great. Let's keep fighting a good fight.

Trying to decide if I want to play this on the late the air later or not, or if it's just mean because the person is mentally ill, but it's it is someone who identifies as a turtle who is on the mental health Advisory Board in Oregon.

I suppose because they're.

On the advisory they're not under the care of the advisory board.

They're on it.

I suppose because they have some power it's worth pointing out, and not just mockery that you identify as a turtle.

Well in our Tertillian brothers and sisters deserve our understanding at the very least.

What is it with it in Oregon?

I mean, we've been on in Portland for many, many years, but what is the deal? Is there a gas leak or what is it? My son lives in Oregon.

I've spent many, many happy hours vacationing, traveling in Oregon.

Love Oregon.

But yes, there is something emanating from the soil. It's like the raid on gas that'll give you cancer. Whatever, they've got something that will give you crazy. AI apparently is going to make it way more accurate to figure out what your dog is saying to you with its various actions. Yes, finally, wait, wait, wait, mostly saying you're a moron.

I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm horny, I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm hungry.

Can you read a clock eating time? Maybe he's like really snarky.

Yeah, we've got more on the waist here, So I wonder to hear the voice of this person, and they are you know, I'm perfectly comfortable saying mentally ill or well they're just mentally ill, I think. But this person helps make policy recommendations for mental health services in Oregon. They're part of the structure of mental health, the you know, handing it out to people who need it into here.

It's not forgive me crazy to have somebody who needs care on the board.

Okay, well here they are.

Hello everybody, it's JD. You say them or turtle for pronouns. Hello, everybody, it's JD. They them and turtle for pronouns. In the Fildy Gene area.

That's where my son lives. I wonder if he's run into the Turtle.

Eu Gene organ their pronouns are they them, turtle? Whatever the frig that means?

Yeah, I ah huh.

So you got that crowd on the left. They're almost entirely on the left, right, Yeah.

Worst part of the Internet is that it reinforces the ideas of wacked dos right, everything from neo Nazis to Marxists to people who think they're a turtle.

How everybody's your reaction to that? Isn't It's so sad? And what can we do to help this person as opposed to you, they're in charge of making some decisions.

Yeah, you're a woman. I'll refer to you as she. We're done here is that on the end of the discussion.

On the other side, and I realize I'm walking into dangerous territory here as some of you are part of this crowd or adjacent or whatever the whole Tucker Carlson Candas owns crowd. I've been like, I watched Tucker every night back when he was on Fox, but I often couldn't figure out.

Like, where are you going with this? And I still can't.

I just like I haven't been able to wrap my head around the worldview, the Tucker candasce Own's worldview.

I just I can't, like, I can't.

Put it into a cohesive, coherent this is what we think. But I came across this and Jason Whitlock, who we've had on many times on the air, and I generally like, I don't know if he's being sarcastic here or actually believes it. He said, I'm three episodes into Candace Owens invested into Harvey Weinstein. He seems to have been wrongfully convicted, so Candice Owens has got a multi part thing you can watch online where she's trying to make the claim that Harvey Weinstein was railroaded by I don't know who, while at the same time being part of the the Democrats are part of a child eating, child abducting sex.

Ring well, and she was stop anti Semitism dot COM's Anti Semite of the Year for twenty twenty four.

Weinstein's Jewish. I know that's a bit of a head scratcher. That's why I started with this. I haven't been able to figure out.

I don't know what the worldview is and unless it's just get attention and clicks and make money, yeah.

That's part of it. That's part of it. Although I think just for entertainment purposes quote unquote, you have to conform to some identify worldview. But I think the best I can come up with for the Candice Own things with Harvey Weinstein is that one thing you absolutely must have is the unspoken truths behind a giant story that they've misled you on they have. Yeah, you've got to have that as a hook, no matter what it is. But you know, I was going to bring this up looking at the Free Press, which I absolutely love.

It's been quite a month for anti semitism.

Last week, TikTok conspiracy theorist Ian Carroll, who believes the Israeli government is behind both nine to eleven and did Jeffrey Epstein cover up? So that's probably it. She's staunchily like anti israel I guess, appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the country's most popular podcasts, this weekend. Rogan also plans to host Daryl Cooper aka Martyr Made, a right wing podcast. Drew made headlines last year for implying the Holocaust was an accident and saying Churchill was a bigger villain than Hitler was Tucker Carlson. Also last week, popular podcaster Theovaughn interviewed conservative influencer and Stop anti Semitism dot COM's Anti Semite of the Year Candace owans Oh And in light of his ongoing feud with the president over a funding bill, far right ex accounts are rehashing a conspiracy theory that Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massey's wife was killed for criticizing APAK. That's the American Israeli Political Action Committee. Yeah, there's a there's a real vein of wackadoodle conspiracy theory, anti semitism on the right these days. It's highly troubling, is it, you know, is it driven by like Tucker and Candace? I mean, is that is that the main driving force behind it?

I'm reminded the.

Whole uh, Trump didn't create the modern world. The modern world created Trump thing, so.

You think it was working out there?

And yeah, yeah, Like I said, the one drawback into the Internet is you could have awful ideas that if you just encountered people in your town, your workplace, your juice school, whatever, you would quickly realize, oh, that idea is really people don't dig that idea.

It's a bad idea.

But on the Internet you can always find two thousand, five thousand, one hundred thousand people who say you're one hundred percent right, whether it's molesting children or being a neo Nazi or like backing Putin or whatever.

Well, whether you know about this, like agree with it, or just know something about it, let me know what is the whole Rehabilitating Harvey Weinstein?

How does that fit into everything?

I mean, he's one of the worst monsters. I mean, conservatives were loving I mean, it is an awful story, but loving Hollywood getting exposed for being the you know, bunch of degenerates that they are willing to hide this monster while they lecture us all about the world. I mean, that's the way story unfolded originally.

Sure, yeah, the best I can come up with an I don't know, I haven't come across it, but is see how vicious the Jews are. They even turned on one of their own and framed him, uh to cover up something something something.

Wow, Okay, just trying to figure out what's going on in the world.

Good luck with that.

To figure it out, call me any hour of the day. Tucker probably made what last year thirty more money than any of us can imagine. He's been making that year after year after year of year.

There's an all that reminds me I need to run to the liquor store and get some champagne because I uh, you know, I should drink champagne. Find French shape. Well, yeah, you only bathed my skin. And Trump's tariffs are about to hit six.

Two tariff on champagne, which, as you said earlier, that that makes that and French wine and all that sort of stuff prohibitive, Like unless you're inanely rich, you just wouldn't buy it. There are other things that would be as good, that would be a lot cheaper and with you know, apologies to my friends making wine in California. There there's one particular Italian wine Judy and I really like and we're going to stock up on it, so we need to get that done.

No, really, yeah, it's super good with pizza and Italian food just can't be beat, Okay.

The Italians. No from Italian food, Jack, hmm. It's just a threat from Trump. So far he hasn't followed through that. You know, I have no idea how that's all going to turn out. But here's the delio with us. We do four hours of radio every single day, and you might not get all four hours or every segment. You got a life to live, right, You got to drop your kids off at school, or pick somebody up or do whatever.

Maybe work.

If you missed a segment or an hour, you get the podcast Armstrong and Getty on demand.

Criticizing a couple aspects of the right.

This segment coming up next hour, the current state of the Democratic Party, somewhere between chaotic mess poop show and dumpster Fire.

Yeah, and there's another little development on the whole ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia. It ain't looking good again. If you missed a second, make at the podcast more to Come, Armstrong and Getty

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