2020 is coming to an end and it has been unforgettable. In episode 65 of ALL THE SMOKE, Matt and Stak reflect on a year like no other. The boys remember the losses, the triumphs, the hardships and of course, some extraordinary guests.
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Welcome to All the Smoke, a production of The Black Effect and our Heart Radio and partnership with Showtime. Welcome Back Man, Season two of All the Smoke. We got a real special guys, what's up with your Brodie? With the virtual handshake, I'm gonna tell you something that I never told go back, I want to smoke. Welcome Back to All the Smoke. The end of the year, Rundown Man has been crazy Jack, to say the least, a crazy one. But we still here, my brother, We're still for a real reason. Unfortunately, one of the things I had a good time doing last year was was the Christmas tree skit with you trying to hop the fence and me smelling trees and you cutting that bitch crooked. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic in California being shut down, we're not gonna be at the Christmas tree hunt this year. But it's still gonna be a good holiday. Yeah, man, as long as everybody's healthy, everybody's happy. I think that's the biggest thing. It's been a tough year, but think we're gonna end it off on a happy, healthy, joyous note. And we can't cut the trees, but you know, we got a lot of good stuff coming for the new year. Absolutely, so you know, we got started late in nineteen came out the gates screaming in um, just a list who we had out the gates to take our fans back. We came out the gates with Kobe rest in peace. Obviously we're going to get to him in depth. Carry Champions, Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, Kevin Garnett, DeMarcus Cousin, Jamal Hill, Ai Snoop, Paul Pierce, Shannon. The list was incredible. Man, When I think back and read that and just kind of process all that, like, it's crazy to think that we've had all these people and much more many people didn't name on our show the first year. Man, to start off like that, I think, you know, it was a blessing. But it showed also not only the support we had, but how a show like this was needed, you know, because so so many people wanted to come on our show and say things that they couldn't say on a platform. So uh, I also thank them, but I think everybody needed our show as well. I've been doing a lot of other people's podcast you know, kind of since our stuff taken off. And the one thing that I didn't even realize because we, like I said, we were doing it because we just wanted to get out here and talk. Our ship is we're kind of opening doors for other people, you know. Brandon Marshall spoke on that. You know, we're kind of paving the way for like real fun in depth and serious at times, but but a great conversation from two people that don't really hold anything back. And I think, um, the perspective we have obviously from our guests, but our ability to make our guests feel comfortable and talk to talk to us like we're not on camera. I think that's been kind of like our secret sauce. Yeah, it's been beautiful. Man. You don't have to wear a mask on our show, you know, me and you have two guys. What you see is what you get with us. We were emotions on our sleeves, so we don't hide nothing. People know we're being real authentic. So people they love to come on the show and be the be their authentic sales, and I think that's what we welcome. Yeah, I mean, although this this remote, it's kind of cool. I prefer obviously the in person, but just because once you come to the studio, whether it be in Santa Monica or in New York, you feel the vibe. You hear the music, you see the food, you see the smoke in the air, You see us going back and forth with our team, sometimes our guests coming pre party with us and just kind of catch all. I think the energy we set from the rip allows people to realize like, Okay, I'm just here to kick it like this isn't no let me stick a microphone in my face type talk. This is like then we're just gonna talk like there is no cameras. And I think humanizing our guests and them opening up that much to us has been, you know, the reason for our success. A lot of outside of us being low key dope. You hear a lot of guys that we did doing doing the remote shows always say and I still got to come in the studio because they want that vibe. That vibe. That vibe in the studio is unmashed man and and me personally, I love it too because I love being able to sit there, spend a little time with our crew talk you know what say, talk to them, vibe with them, and shoot the show. I just like being in the studio sometimes, so when when our guests come there, I know they catch that same vibe as well. Absolutely, but let's uh, let's track. I mean, obviously, like I said, we came out the gate strong, and unfortunately we're gonna start with our brother Cobe, who on January, along with Gigi and a handful of other passengers, were lost in the tragic helicopter accident man fifteen minutes from my house. Um, it was heartbreaking. Um, but I think the one thing that what special was we were one of his last interviews, if not his last interview, and um, you know, kind of being able to reflect on that and have him open up the way he did for everyone else to see our interaction we had with them and what the vibe and energy was, Like, I was glad we were able to bring that to our fans. Yeah, man, I'm getting emotion I think thinking about him, and I might just admired Kobe so much from a kid to a grown man man, and and just to just to get the love the love from him the time for the interview and just to know how proud he was of us. Bro. I think every time I just think about him, is he I get emotional because, like I said, I admired him so much, and for him to tell us that he was proud of us, man, for what we were doing, what everybody expected us not to be doing. I think that meant a lot to me. And I know our fans appreciate. You know, the conversation we had with him as well. We'll be able to talk about Jordan and other things like the McDonald's game. To the McDonald's game. You had to sneak that in there. You were like a kid in the game when we left that ship. You had all the new colors that you have, the whole new color You asked for it and got it. Your begging section, that was the fastest begging section turnaround we've ever had in the history of all the smoke. Well that and you know what, I should have ended it there, because everybody else just led me on. You know what I said, Kobe, Kobe, Kobe the only one that listened to me. Man, He listened to me, He felt my pain, and he made it happen on site. Man, that's the moment. I'm glad we was able to get the footage. Man, you said, I posted on my page. That's about my whole on too, Bro actually to shout out read it to read Man a great woman, you know, she was kind of the person that made to happen. And it was a tough time for her too, because she had decided, after being in l A and working and transporting back and forth for Code, that she was actually, uh, you know, gonna retire from working with Code, and they were like family. Red has been around for a long time, so I know that part was already hard on her. And then to see what happened, you know, so I think it's always good we're checking on her and see how she's doing. She send us some pictures on the year anniversary we shot the show, which wasn't too long ago, but big shout out to Reda. We love you, we appreciate you, We're here for you. UM Rest in peace to Kobe g G and everyone else who was lost on that flight. Um transitioning to there. It was a soleber moment at the All Star Game, which wasn't long after that, but that's when we made our debut as our first in studio show, which was crazy. Uh. We were fortunate enough to have Kevin Garnett, who's I still to this day like his energy when he spoke and even in back in the green room before we were getting ready to go, like gives me goose bumps just thinking about to me, that was one of my favorite interviews man. You know, like Matt, these are guys that we compete it against, but we looked up to you know what I'm saying, so so to sit down to them, to hear some of the things that he was thinking about some of the combos. And then again every time we see me want of the guys they give us our props. And to give props from guys you look up to to, your big from your big brothers, it means a lot, bro and that and that that that's just motivation to us. And what did what did KG say? I need some of them more? Uh pre roles? You need some of them pre roles? Yeah, some of them U NB seven League pre roles. We got you kJ Man. We appreciate you. Yeah, that's that's that that blue slush. Yeah nice. But anyway, man, like I said, I think it was a great fun, energy, fun crowd. To be able to do it where he played high school ball apt and be at the All Star Game. The one thing that tripped me out. Was obviously we got love and respect as players, but when we went into the All Star Game, that the energy and focus on us was like I was like, that's when I kind of realized we had made it because motherfucker's were yelling all the small from the stands, the fans were, the media has swarmed us like we had just made the All Star Game. Like that was kind of the surreal, kind of kind of like coming to it because to keep it real, I love doing this podcast, but I'm not really entrenched in the podcast space. I don't really understand the magnitude of how big podcasts are. But that was kind of like a damn, Like people are working with us, like they're they're yelling all the smoke from the stands, like not even if someone yelling our name, but people are just yelling all the smoke, and I'm like, Yo, we've arrived. Bro walking and walking into the arena, I felt like the year after we beat Dallas, how it was in San Francisco, we were felt like rock stars. They were everybody was naming all the smoke, even even even the exactly exactly how the players was, even they were on the way to practice, every player made their way to come back and speak to us and how they let the show want to be on the show. So, man, whatever whatever we're doing, you know what I'm saying, we gotta keep it going to our team. Man, wherever direction y'all guys going, Man, let's keep going this right direction, because that I have to agree with you on that, Matt. The All Star Game, let me know that what our show was doing was what everybody wanted. Absolutely, man, absolutely So. Then All Star Game we had into the shutdown of the world, which was crazy because I was in New York working for UM for ESPN that particular day and we start hearing COVID the president is kind of downplaying no one's really taken it serious. And I literally was on the air on the air that morning on first take and I think, get up when the NBA had canceled the season, and then it was almost like a domino effect of the world shutting down, you know what I mean. So it was just an interesting time. I never thought in my lifetime we would be in a situation where kind of a pandemic has has not at that time, was on the way of ravaging our country and killing hundreds of thousands of people. Um, so we're kind of locked up dealing with that, and then we run into in May. Uh, your brother, so when you've known for over twenty plus years, was you know, his life was taken buy some podcast, cops and from there. I don't think even you saw this coming, but you know, you were the face of of movement that that shook the world. You know, fifty states, uh, eighteen countries that correct me if I'm wrong, and the biggest protests in the history of the world the United States for sure. Um, you know, I know it's a tough topic, but but but take it back because actually today it's kind of special to you're doing something for his daughter. But take us back to May. Uh when all this broke loose. Well, well, what's funny was when you was working ESPN when everything shut down, I was in New York to doing something with Gary Payton. So we both was in New York at the same time. And uh and yeah, and we both flew back, you know, during the same time. It was that was that was crazy. But it was just a crazy time, man. You know, it took it took us all off all caught us all off guard. Um. We never We've seen a lot of a lot of police brutality going on in the last couple of years. We've seen, uh, you know, the war against the black man going on for a while, But nobody ever thought it would be somebody who they call a twin. Nobody thought it would be you know, you never really take it that serious till it hit your doorstep. And that's sad to say. But to get to know and to see somebody who I was real close to the only person I consider my twin in this whole world. Um, it changed my life. And I'll be the first to say it. You know, it changed my life in a lot of ways, you know, as far as the way I think, the way I moved religion wise, a lot of things have changed, you know. I've I've taken on the role of being a father to his daughter, um and and and being a brother to to to her mother. Um. And it's made me a better person because you know, the things that are important in life and things that are important to other people. You know, I'm I'm caring about and I'm putting other people you know, opinions and feelings you know before mine. Even when I went to Minnesota. Speak up from my brother. Leaving the courthouse, I saw so many other older women whose sons have been from police brutality and things like that, but they didn't have a voice. So I end up being their voice. So my my life has changed completely, dog, but I'm happy it did change. And like you said, today is something special with Johanna's birthday, and uh, we're doing something big. Yeah, happy birthday to Gig. We're doing a big We're flying out to Allanta and doing a big surprise birthday party for that she has no idea about, so you know, and when when with no applause. Man, I'm just I'm my brother's keeper. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to keep my word. If something had happened to you, God a bit, I would do the same thing for you, bro, so and I know you would do the same for me. So um, God, God, God don't make mistakes. Man. Everything happened for a reason. But the good thing about it is we are getting changed. You know, they're changing laws that change. They're changing the the the no knock, the no knock um warrants that that they're they're changing the choke, the chokehold, the way they arrest people, and and and when people start to resist. So it's a lot of stuff that that has changed. But we have a long way to go, man, And I commit in YouTube for doing your part as well, because I didn't just get this done by myself if I had brothers like you supporting me. It's a lot of INNBA players, Bro, that didn't get behind me because they was worried about losing things. But one thing about you and Showtime were the first people to call me to support me and get behind me. So I'm failving down with y'all. Bro. Yeah, absolutely, I mean and it was special, you know, as as your friend, as your brother to kind of sit and watch you do your thing. And I think this you like you found your calling, you know what I mean, to be able to see how passionate you are about these people, how much you care about these people, how your boots on the ground with these people. But then actually getting a chance, you know, a little while ago, to go out there with you in Memphis and really see the joy it brings to you and and and how passionate you really are about this and your goal to touch all fifty states and really try to make a difference. Um, I think it's beautiful, man. So I definitely commend you on your on your new space. I think you're a new person. You've hit on it, you know what I mean. You're on your religious thing, you're on your educational thing, and you're a real leader and appun appealer in the community and in a voice for the people. Um. And I think that's kind of a somewhat of a new role for both of us with this platform exactly like what you know, what we say now, like we really have to watch what we're saying, because like we are a voice or a pair of voices now for our culture who people lean on and turn to to address not only sports but life. And I think that's what's beautiful is because we're so much more than athletes. Obviously we made our way and got here because of basketball, but we're man first and foremost, and to be able to see all the other stuff that that that that obviously that we're passionate about that we but we that we can directly have a hand in and and changing it's special, you know. So uh you know we're we're not there. Uh, it didn't take us We didn't get here overnight. We're not going to get out of here overnight. But I definitely feel like, um, we're heading in the right direction. So since we're talking about that, then you say you got admirations of being a mail one day too. Yeah, yeah, okay, I mean, I gotta I'm gonna keep that in your mind. I don't want you to forget about that, bro, Come on, no, that's not going to where you know what I mean, Like I said, when you when when you were in the streets, you know that I was. I was up here at the state capital Sacramento talking to politicians and sacked, talking to politicians in l A meeting with the Black Caucus, you know, help you know, being a part of getting the George Floyd Justice and Policing Bill Act UM out and known and visual and getting that in your mind and the things to the the no knock warrants, the you know, the choke holds, lynching um, police immunity, all that kind of stuff like that was a kind of I was doing the kind of the political side of it, you know. And then you know, me being able chance to you know, get a chance to talk to Biden and asking the tough questions about the uh you know, the crime bill and his plan if he is elected president to right his wrong you know. I mean all that kind of stuff is important to me, just as it important is to you to be in the streets. Is that important to me? I just it was so far away from me. I knew I had to do something, So that was kind of my way of giving back. But I think, like I said, we you know, you did what you did. I did what I did, But it was for we had the same goal with the same mission, you know, which is changed and bettering our people. We had a lot of dope guests. Um, you know, the NBA decided to go to the bubble and we'll get there. But you know, we started doing this remote ship and uh we had some amazing Yeah. Like you said, I mean all the remote guests, I want to say at least ninetent of I'm saying, like, yo, I gotta I want to come in studio, and so I want to just shout out our remote guests real quick. Uh, so bear with me. We had Chris Paul, We had Dion Sanders Primetime my favorite, one of my favorite games. We had little a Little Wayne Jr. Ryder has some crazy stories for us. You know, my man pac Man Jones, UM coach, Mark Jackson, the Rookie of the Year, John Morant, uh O g Gary Payton, great session with Draymond green Man, great session with Draymond Green. That was one of my favorite ones. Who else do we have? We had, uh John Wall, John Wall, Troy had Trey Young, John Wall, Steve Nash, Jason Tatum, Um, Penny Hardaway Box, Yeah, Jamie Fox, t Mac, Vince Carter, Bradley Beal, Kim Griffey Jr. You know, like the list what Earl Spence Jr. The list was. I mean it's hard, you know, it's hard to name all of them, but like you said, it's crazy that now first we had to kind of go find people. Now, like people really want to come on our show, and I just think, you know, it's the tip of the cap to you and obviously what we're doing as a team, because like I said, they knew us as players, and we've been able to move in this space and carry ourselves and and and and still be about our morals and principles and succeed in the media space. That's that that's nasty, you know, what I mean, Like, you see Kyrie, Kyrie doesn't really want to talk to the media, and I feel that although it's his obligation and they're probably gonna play games and try to find them. Like the media has kind of always been like kind of a bad analogy because as players were not criminals, but like criminals talking to cops, you know what I mean. Like they're like, we really didn't funk with the media, and I think that what we're doing and you know, shout out to the Knuckleheads and Q and d Miles, We're starting to show people like, you know, we can tell our stories and and and and paint our pictures and change the narratives that you know, for so long that we just had to live with. And that's why I'm so thankful for Showtime and and all the smoke and having you as a partners, because like we're showing people that are like, Okay, hey, shoot, if they could do it, why can't we do it? And that's what we want to see because we need to see more people like us in our space telling our stories because everyone else is always telling our stories with their paintbrushes. Yeah, when we when we first started recording doing the pandemic and going remote. Man, listen, I was getting so many calls from other shows and other people asking, Hey, man, what template y'all using? Uh, y'all using zoom like everything, everything shout out the show time. We had all this stuff from the jump, but everybody was calling, Man, how y'all, how y'all doing y'all show now? So you know, we really we really stepped it up, you know, salute to the team. We really stay ended up doing that time. Man. I think that that time where everybody was sitting at home with nothing to do, we gave them entertainment, you know what I'm saying. We we we gave we We gave them information, we gave them tears, we gave them laughs, we gave them everything during that time when they couldn't leave the house. And I think everybody was tuned in. No, I I completely agree, you know, um is what was needed at the time. And then you know, kind of almost fast forward into the bubble, which I think was good for us too, because you and I and we've talked about it before the sheaveing hit. We can agree but still respect each other. We can agree without disrespecting each other. Because you were against the bubble for your reasons. I was for the bubble for my reasons. We talked it out, we talked on the show, we talked about it on other shows, but we had a completely for our experience, Like you're on the ground. I mean, you see, you know that there's much more obviously important things in basketball. But then for me what I'm doing and connecting and realized we need to get our voice and our message out and no bigger platform to do within the NBA. That's why I was pro, you know. I mean, so we went back and saw each other side and respect to each other side, and you know, to me, the bubble was a success outside of seeing great basketball. You know, they continue to push the envelope, they continue to push their messages. Now we've got their owners doing stuff, and I think there's still more good to come out of them going out there and playing. But like I said, it was just one time where this is something completely knew, like that the world was in shambles and basketball coming back was really a big debate, and and people were mad that the guys went back and played and and and and they were called certain things. But to me, I think at the end of the day. Looking back, I think they made the right decision. Um, I think we made, you know, a good decision by supporting them and and and and helping people understand the bigger picture of what's going on. And then just as important as your movement, I mean, like your movement hasn't stopped, you know what I mean, Like you said, your goal is that hit all fifty states. So just because the season stopped and now it's about to start, you've been in motion the whole time, with your movement and continuing to push your word, um, along with the rest of the people. And that nobody I love and respect more than you, bro. And one thing I've learned from you, you it's it's always two ways to look at things, and I've always been open to learn, you know, even when we sit down, you know, with be Eric or anybody shows, I'm still learning from people. So I understood that even though that I felt the way that I felt, you know what I'm saying, I understand it's a different side to look at it. And as time passed, I understood what you meant because I've seen it. It actually happened, you know, you know, the them them being in the Bubble and Lebronum doing it, it got worldwide wide attention. So so I was able to understand that because I've seen it. But you know, at the end of the day, it's a sensitive subject. It's it's real sensitive because so a lot of people think it's so easy to get equality. It's so easy. Really it is when you when you just treat people how you want to be treated and don't look and don't look at color. So it's really, it really is easy. But at the same time, so much has been built up, So much has been built up, and so much hate has been created, you know, towards people that just treating somebody the way you want to be treating it's not good enough. Some more you have to knock so many walls down. So what we're gonna do it, man, We're gonna do it together. No, definitely, And like you said, it is that's it's as simple as that. And I had a situation with the boys when I was talking to them, to them about George Floyd and you know, a white cop killed the black person. And then I asked the boys, um, are you are Are you born hating or you taught to hate? And they kind of pondered for a second. I remember what one said there, like you're taught to hate, right, like absolutely, just like you're taught to love. And then one was like, well, we're gonna have to teach Ashton how to love. And that's really it's really Although Ashton is crazy and tries to fight everyone, it's really that simple. You know. It's what you pour into that cup, especially as children, and it starts his youngest children, you know what I mean. So for us to make any kind of change, man, we have to erase I mean, color is always gonna be not saying a race color, but just a race those bear like at the end of the day, we're human and that's the only where we're gonna move forward. And it sounds simple, but like you said, just hundreds of years have built up hate for no reason, has slowed down the process. But I definitely think we're heading the right direction. Man. We kicked off season two and picked up where we left off in season two. We've been acquired a few accolades here and there. You know, we've been nominated for, uh you know, are we one Best Athlete Generated um content from a publication. We've been nominated for a few more. So it's kind of to me, it's gratifying, you know what I mean. It's like people are kind of starting to recognize us, and I think the more people tune in and get to know us, uh, the more of those kind of accolades will come. But it's been fun to kind of see like here and they're like, oh, like you got nominated over its Spotify or I heard or all these different places obviously shout out I hardened black Effects for our partnership, um, but it's fun like to kind of sit back and see and see our hard work being recognized. Man. It's it's just an honor to to be in the same category with names like the barstool Ringer, Hollan, I heard all of them. It's it's an honored up being the same category with these guys. But one thing we got to remind the guys at the studio. By time we get back in studio, make sure some champagne, because we're gonna have some more stuff to celebrate. Absolutely, man, we want to continue to to build, you know, I mean, we want to add new new uh parts to our show, new segments. You know, We're we're in We're in talks to teaming up with a with a couple of other companies to kind of uh expand our viewership in the type of the age demographics. So we're continuing to try to you know, evolve this show, um to really because we feel like we have something to say, you know, so as many eyeballs in the ears as we can get on it, um, I think, the better. So the best is definitely yet to come. Um. We're closing out the year with some big hitters. Uh. You know that Paul George episode. Uh, people were waiting for and and and thank you. Obviously Paul, he took some heat from the interview. But to me, you know, people want to know what's going on inside of our heads. And then when we tell you you you give the players ship, which always trips me out. But I don't think obviously that's gonna stop our guests from continuing to tell their truths, which we love. But you know, we got a nice lineup. But you know, we started with Paul George, We got Demarja Rosen, we got Rondo, the Mari's Daughter Mayer interview was a blast Tomy, Uh, Mike Rapper, poor Um, Jim Gray, Jim Gray and the stories he was telling. Man, I was, I was hypnotized. I was one of those interviews where I kind of lost my place because this guy is telling us legendary stories about his first interview with Muhammad Ali and and and and interviews of Mike Tyson and and integral details between Shack and Kobe Man. So make sure you guys checked that Jim Gray episode coming out soon. UM shout out the little homie Kelly Oubre. He was someone who actually we just dropped to. He's with the Warriors now. So we've had a good close out to the year. And and like I said, I think one not only for this show, but for the world is gonna be better. We you know, we the sun wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for the rain. And it seems like it's although it hasn't been. It's it's literally been raining the whole But like you said earlier, man, we made it out. Uh, the sun is gonna rise in one and we're gonna be on the horizon. Man. One thing about it. P g PG wasn't worried about the heat because he had a two hundred million dollar fan coming his way. Talk to him. Believe that talk to him. He really cool right now, the two you can say what ever you want about that. The shout at the gym grad though, Man, I'm to my family, come on our show for for him to talk about, you know, about about the brawl and me having me in his in his book. I think just having him on the show, how much he admired our showing what we're doing. But let's just like that to come on our show one one thing, but but to give us, you know, our flowers to at the same time. Man, it was just it was just a great feeling. Well, I mean, to me, that's the best part because like I said, we know of Jim grand of ows respecting him, and then obviously with most of our guests, we're friends with them or know him. But you know, once we start digging and getting to like that's when you really find out who they are. That that's still exciting to me. Like I didn't realize the caliber of legend of that that that Jim Gray is, you know what I mean, with all the awards and accolades and his span of being able to have players trust them for as long as they have, like I said, which is very hard to do to starting with Muhammad Ali. But if Mohammed Ali stamps you, you shouldn't have no problem, you know what I mean. So that was a great episode, so make sure you guys stay tuned for that. So looking one man, we just hope to continue to bring you guys the best of us. Obviously we're rocking when birch now, so you're gonna have our merch. We're gonna do some cool stuff to get like our real real fans involved. I don't know, Jack, maybe making do like an all the smoke tattoo contest or something, because I'm ready to get it tatted on. We were down for life, so we're gonna be really creative and outside the box in hopefully the world will start coming back to some sort of normalcy so we can start doing contests to have you guys shadow us for the day or come up to the studio. So we really want to start opening up these doors and showing you what it's like behind the scenes and and keeping you in heard and engaged. Uh. We continue to hope to raise the bar and and have meaningful conversations in one with some of you guys favorite people. So you know down below when you see this tag who you want to see in one? I know I want to see who are some of the people you want to see. I'm gonna start thinking of my listen, who are some of the people you want to target. I definitely want to see Regina Hall on the show first and fore most happy. I think it was just her birthday, right, happy birthday? Yeah, yeah, I gotta get for you too. Also, uh, also, I want to see I want to I want to see more rappers, man. I want to see fit to Say and I want to see jay Z. I want to see, you know, I want to see Chard drink a little more. I want to see some of the young rappers little baby uh me goes. You know, so I want to get the younger generation on this year. I'm with that doctor, doctor dres uh. You know. I want to see Magic Johnson. I want to see Obama. I want to talk to Biden. I want to talk to I want to talk to more women. You know, we've only talked to a hand to Mika Mallory. We gotta get to make a rabbit, gotta get you. Gotta get Tamika on there. You know. I want to talk to athletes. I want to talk to social justice fighters. I want to talk to actresses. I want to talk to female mcs. I want to talk to Cardi B, Nicki Minaj. Who else is out there right now? Sweet Megan the Stallion. I want to talk to people like that because, like I said, I think we have our fan base now, and our fan base is rocking with us, so you know, I want to keep it fresh. So whether it's athletes, musicians, actors, social justice fighters, whoever it is, I think we could bring a good conversation to the table. So um man, we appreciate all the love and support. Has been some ship. We've lost some real important people, but like I said, one is on the horizon. The sun is coming out and all the smokers are gonna be there to lead the way. So we love you guys, We appreciate you guys, and we'll see you guys next year. Sir. This is all a smoke A production of The Black Effect and Our Heart Radio in partnership with Showtime