The Latest on SAPOL Shooting & Anti-Social Behavior in the CBD - Wade Burns - Police Association - Summer Afternoons with Jonno Edwards
Well, once again our members of South Australian Police have been in the line of fire and put at risk. Some horrific news coming from our Southern suburbs that a man has been shot by police after a violent incident. We understand it it's a mental health incident. Here is the latest on the incident with the Commissioner Grant Stevens.
We received a telephone call from the man's girlfriend who was not at the premises. She was on a video call with him and was able to confirm that he had harmed himself and was threatening to harm himself. Further Well, it's inevitable that police officers are called to respond to incidents involving people experiencing a mental health episode, and in many circumstances such as this one, those incidents or events involve acts of violence and police often attend to support and protect South Australian Ambulance officers. At this point in time, I don't have information that would give any indications as to his antecedents that will be part of the investigation.
Police attempting to use a taser without success.
Tases are dependent on in many factors, including distance from between the police officer and the person who is having it deployed against them, as well as the type of clothing. In this instance, we understand the mail was covered in a blanket and it may have been the case that the blanket prevented the barbs from the taser from being effectively lodged. So we'll just have to wait and see the full.
Circumstances then having to use their fire a horrific incident for all involved. And indeed, the other information coming out regarding a significant number of arrests on Sunday, including assaults against police, it seems anti social behavior continuing to be an issue along North Terrace and right across the CBD to find out more and directly what is affecting the members of South Australian Police. The president of the Police Association is Wade Burns. Wade, thank you very much for your time and good afternoon.
Good afternoon, John Owen, thanks for having me on.
Well tell us, mate, I understand you've been with members that were directly involved in this shooting last night all throughout this morning. Tell us how are they and what do we know more about this incident?
Yeah, certainly, John, I've been with the members all night and certainly. I see my role as president to be there on the coal face when these things happen to support the members through it. Obviously, this is such a traumatic experience through our members and it's really crucial that we get behind and support them, to provide support, advocacy, and really of paramount importance to me is officer well being.
Yeah, absolutely, in terms of this incident. How common is it for SAPOL to respond to mental health incidents? Is with say ambulance, Is it something that's on the rise.
It certainly isn't. In my own experience as an operational police officer, there are a significant number of taskings that are not unlike the event attended to last night. It's just policing is one of those jobs where there are dynamic and fluid situations and our members are tasked to make critical decisions in very challenging circumstances.
Yeah. And the Commissioner touched on that a little bit earlier this morning in his press conference, advising that they attempted to use a taser without a success. Talk us through that decision making as an operational police officer as you are and have been, or how quickly do police officers have to make the decision.
Yeah, police are trained, they have a lot of expertise and experience, and there's a range of tactical options that police will utilize in any given situation. But it is exactly that there is no blanket approach. And my understanding is that our members who attended this event, they communicated with this person. It's alleged he threatened them with a knife. They attempted to utilize a taser, which wasn't successful, and unfortunately they've been forced to utilize their firearms to protect themselves and each other.
From here, what assistance to those employees received from SAPOLE, indeed the Police Association.
Yes, well, as I said earlier, our member well being is of paramount importance, and it's really appropriate to put a scaffolding of support around our members. Initially it's around working through the process in the aftermath of such a traumatic event, and then it's really ongoing services, whether that's counseling, psychological support, information and advocacy as they moved through the journey of this event.
Yeah, horrific, and we wish them all the very best on that situation. But turning to other news involving police this morning, Matthew Pantellos had Assistant Commissioner John DeCandia on and he called for greater assistance in terms of support from other government departments in the Adelaide CBD. Here is a bit of that audio.
On Sunday night as an example, when the earlier I was with Monday morning, virtually from about ten thirty pm until about three thirty am, we had numerous calls and need for our police resources to be there and that resulted in about at least twelve people being arrested for a whole variety of offenses, and they aged from fourteen year olds up until almost a fifty year old from various parts of the state. A number of our officers were injured, a couple needed to get hospital treatment and a number of others received some minor injuries. Now, we want to make sure that everyone that comes into the city is welcome to do so, and unfortunately, at the hours that these incidents are occurring, public transport has concluded, so we're asking for other options to be made available so that these vulnerable people can be assisted, can have some transport options to get them back to the places that they're staying in Adelaide there's other agencies that have got a role to play. These are issues that we've raised with them from prior to Christmas, So we're just asking that some measures get put in place so that these vulnerable people are getting the attention that they deserve.
Wade, what are you hearing from your members in the CBD, what's required in this instance?
Well, a direct quote from a member in the CBD is we're under siege at the moment. Assaults on police have increased a year on year since twenty twenty one. We've recently seen a member attacked with a sword. Christmas Eve, we had a member run over by a car and obviously the traumatic event tonight. What we're hearing and what we're feeling from our members is that they're overworked. There's a limited number of resources, so I certainly welcome support from other government departments, but ultimately it is the appropriate allocation of resources to particular areas to ensure that our members when they attend work, they get to come home safely as well.
It's my understanding. We formerly had an operation called Operation Paragon that was based in the CBD targeting this antisocial behavior and supporting Indigenous members of the community. Is that operation still in place to your knowledge?
Yeah, to my knowledge, Operation Paragon is still underway. And I've certainly raised with the Commissioner and Saypole in relation to what measures are going to be put into place to address these escalating incidents of violence and fighting and assaults on police within the CBD area. As you're aware, Saypole is funded for a certain number of police officers and it's really now making sure that, through recruiting and through a fix for purpose policing model, that measures are put in place through both Staypole and other government services to address these matters, to ensure that police safety is paramount, but also allowing police to go about their business to protect and support the South Australian community.
It sounds like to a certain degree the Assistant Commissioner is asking for greater resources to remove these individuals from the North Terrace area and indeed the CBD area and return them to perhaps their home. Is that not just moving the problem.
To a degree, that might be the case. And I'm not privy to those discussions that the Assistant Commissioner has been having with the other agencies from a police resourcing point of view, and certainly the feedback to me is that sapolar utilizing resources in particular location, they then move those resources to, say, for example, the North Terrace Festival Plaza precinct. But what that does for our members it leaves other areas and other metropolitan districts short staffed, where they're working now harder than ever before, and it places greater strain on those resources in other areas as well.
Wade Burns, the president of the Police Association, we appreciate your time and I appreciate you've been up all night supporting your members, so we really appreciate your time this afternoon on five double A.
No problems, John, Thank you very much