Summer Afternoons with Richard Pascoe - 30 December 2024

Published Dec 30, 2024, 6:01 AM
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Five double a Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

At one minute past one. Thank you for joining me this afternoon, just watching in the cricket. At the moment, Mitchell Stark has just had a DRS turned down, so India are still three down three four point fifty four. I will keep you updated throughout the afternoon with any cricket schools that we can because most of you and I'm a big cricket fan, and I think it's gonna be a very exciting afternoon. I'll be with you at four o'clock today when after four o'clock, as we all know, the Sports Show will be on with Wayne Phillips. Always looking forward to that. On the show today we have a packed show for you, lots of time for your calls and texts, so gimme a ring eight double two three double o double o text zero double four eight eight thirteen ninety five. Sean Fork is going to be on Sean as the head of Life saving and Emergency Operations. Three drownings over the weekend adds to Australia's growing tollers. Life savers are pleading for caution on there so Drowning Death SID twenty twenty four were overwhelmingly mail, accounting for twenty two of the twenty nine lives lost. Health Minister Chris Pictor will be on. He's going to be talking about the defibrillators. Anybody's heard me before now, I always seem to struggle with that they become mandatory and relevant state government owned buildings, facilities and emergency service vehicles. From the first of January twenty twenty five, we're going to be talking lobsters with the owner of the Bankseer Tree Cafe Save in so And as Matthew said, are they lobsters or crayfish? So we will ask We'll ask the question, great question on there. We're going to revisit pill testing with Robert Simms from the Greens. If you've got an opinion on it, would love to know, because honestly, don't think you're going to stamp it out. So we've got to make sure that you know that people and anybody who takes it is safe out there. And Yep, Matthew said, one of the questions that we should be asking when we do pill testing is where did he get it from? They're never going to answer that, but I think in so many cases It really is about making sure that people are safe out there. Mike Smiths will be on with what's on Channel seven News and his news stories of the day three o'clock the usual three o'clock segment with Dr Derek. Always enjoy talking to Derek. Make sure you get in early. Give him a call. Don't leave it to the last minute. Derek seems to always seems to it gets left. But if you've got a question about he hates me for those birds, horses, anything like that, give him a call. Loves to talk about all your pet issues out there. Would be a sports preview with Wayne Phillips coming up at about ten to four, but please give me a ring eight double two three double O. Doublow would love to talk to you about it. Earlier today, SAPOL have talked about New Years, don't drink and drive.

Is festivities are a busy time on the roads. I remind everyone using our South Australian roads do your part to keep your families and your communities intact. Don't drink, drug drive, stay focused on the road at all times and have a great New Year.

And we want you to have a great New Year. We really do want you to have a great New Year. They also talked about the mobile phone cameras.

Mobile phone detection cameras have now been operating for over three months. The initial three month trial I saw a total of over sixty eight thousand detections. Now, after three months of operations, that number has declined to just over twenty eight thousand, twenty eight one hundred and twenty to Bigxact, this decline in detections is encouraging and indicates that most drivers are getting the message.

Still see a lot of people out there who don't get the message and do get distracted from it. When I'm driving around, I always use from an Android phone in the car. I use Google hooks up to my screen that I do have in my car, and I can call it to make fasket to make phone calls for me. I just do not pick up the mobile phone because it does become a distraction.

Some drivers are simply not getting the message. Action has contributed to over thirty lives lost and over seventy five serious injuries on Essay roads this year alone. Using your mobile phone in any way other than to make calls from an approved holder is simply not an option when you're driving a motor.

Vehicle and during the first three months, two hundred drivers were issued with fines.

During the first three months, more than two hundred drivers were issued with multiple fines. Alarmingly, one driver has been issued with a total of forty one expiations, that is, fines totaling over twenty seven thousand dollars. Another two drivers were each issued with over twenty xpiations.

Each twenty seven thousand dollars worth of five You hope they get the money, and you hope that person lose it, but I think, good luck get this person to go along and cough up twenty seven thousand dollars for it. But you know, it's just seems we seem to ignore it, but we really do. As well as things we have on the show today, What are your predictions for the new year? What do you think is going to happen? And I will give a Wallace Family Pass to the people the best who comes up with the best phone call for me today. The more outlandish, the better, you know. Put your go out there, put your foot on the line and say this is what I think is going to happen this year. And we're going to talk about some of the predictions and psychics out there and what they predicted in the past and what they're predicting. What are your political predictions federal state? You know, my political prediction for the federal election is I think Anthony Albuneasy might be in trouble, that we might have a hung parliament when it comes back. But you know it's heading to that state. So what what's your political prediction. What's your climate prediction? Is a climate going to be any better this year? What are your sporting predictions? Will Poort Adelaide within the premiership? I hope?


Will the Crows, you know, get into the top eight? Will they do better this year than last year? And when I was on last year at the beginning of the year, I thought the Crows would have quite a good season. That all went by the way. Will the Australian selectors finally drop Mitchell Marsh because honestly, the bloke needs to go back to Wa and just have a rest. Give me your give me your predictions for the year. You've got to have some of them, you know, whether it's a personal thing out there that you're going to do better in whatever you want to do. But I'd like some outlandish predictions. As I said, the best one this afternoon will go along and we'll get a Wallace double movie. Pass on there. Texts just come in my predictions. I think we're in the car before the storm, before Trump officially takes over. That's going to get me texts that is not coming from me people, that is actually coming from coming from one of the listeners out there. Sean has called in good, Good Sean, what's your prediction.

My prediction is that Donald Trump is going to come in. He's going to because he knows it's the last term. He can't run again. He's going to go all out and one of the biggest things he's going to do is release the Roswell files.

Wouldn't that be good?

After seventy years He's been he has been, He's been quizzed about it whether he's going to He says, I've seen some things, I know some things and things I can't say. I think you'll hold it on as long as he can. But we know Donald Trump, he has the biggest mouth on earth. I don't think he can. I don't think he can hold it in. I reckon, we'll find out a lot more this year.

Mate, you know so you might you might be under something on the on there and you know that call is going to get me texted, well are you a Trump you're a Trump supporter?

I can't stand the guy, right, that's gonna go.

That's going to get me to People know where I lie on Trump, they really do. And I think, you know, we've got so many people here in Australia who took the US election very very seriously.

People, you know, it's a bit scary.

It is a bit scary. I'd somebody come up to me this morning going, why did Joe Biden pardon all of those people that he pardoned? You know, for I was just in the gym this morning, and because I'm on radio, I've got to have an answer for the poor guy. But you know, some of the people that you know he pardoned, you know I wouldn't have pardoned good heavens. Yes.

But it's funny they they it's the if I like this side, then I have to hate the other side. If there is I hate someone saying the other day. In America more than anywhere else, there is no there is no middle ground, there is no gray. People are very very it's all in one and not the other whereas, like I mean, I think myself, I think I'm a reasonable person.

I can't I can't see the gray.

But if you asked me about like Biden, for instance, yes I would have voted for him, just to go off a little tangent, but I can name one hundred things wrong with the guy, Whereas if you find a full on Trumper, there is there is nothing that the guy has.

Done wrong, and you go, what about this?

This this is like five examples, it's all the conspiracy or that's all lies or you know, like it's it's very very interesting and yeah, very scary.

It's the joys of following the US election. There really is, you know, for it, and we've we've got the inauguration coming up for it. So yeah, no good prediction, Sean. It would be very interesting for that because thank you, thank Sean. Have a good have a good new year.

Thank you, sir Richard, thank you.

No so predictions for twenty twenty five. I've just learned to take life as it comes, for better or for worse. My predictions. I think we're in the carn before the storm. Yeah, twenty seven thousand dollars in fine, So if I never pay any fines. I won't go to prison. Then why does anyone pay anything? Ever? We all must in mugs. If we do, it'd be good to get them to pay the fine. That'd be what I'd say straight away. If we could get them to pay the fine it is, that should be what we are looking for now. Psychics are on there because we're doing predictions today. Ring up, give me your best prediction. We'd love to hear, would love to hear it.


Last year, a Brazilian psychic dubbed the Living Notra Damus, who is Athos Salome thirty seven comes from Brazil. He predicted COVID for twenty twenty four, market chilling new chapter in human history didn't happen on there. The spooky robot. Future Gazing claims to have previously predicted the coronavirus pandemic, the World Cup final invasion of Ukraine, the death of the Queen. He said, twenty twenty four will be one filled with aliens that didn't happen on there. A robot rebellion didn't happen, global catastrophe. Don't know. We're all still here on there, So he's not batting too well at the moment. He said, twenty twenty four, it will be an utterly transformative year that we would say humans finally make contact with aliens. Has it happened? I must have missed that news part, so that hasn't happened. He cautions, it wouldn't be something out of science fiction narratives such as spaceships invading Earth. Instead, he forcas that humans and aliens will communicate through encrypted signals intercepted by a network of telescopes on there, They've always got a reason. They're always kind of like that out for them, he said, what and we're going back in time because I've got his predictions for this year as well. He also claims an asteroid abundant with rich materials, it's hurtling for Earth and will land safely next year. That's this year. I can't find that one on This year's for him. He predicts that the mass have never before seen ancient space materials will spark the new space race as different global superpowers get to battle their hands on a piece of it. China, Russia and their pariah powers, that's what he's saying, will battle the West to learn what secrets the asteroid holds, and things could get nasty. He predicts in twenty twenty four, superhuman intelligence systems will achieve self awareness. Still hasn't happened on there. So let's go do this year and guess what's the first thing off that he's going to say? Proof of alien life will be revealed next year. So he said it was gonna be last year. Now it's next year. We're just hedging our bets and we're just sending to me push pushing them out. Most of his predictions this year were the same as last year. So psidekicks, you've got to take them, you really do. Got to take them with a grain of salt out there. So if you've got a prediction, let me know. Give me a call eight double two to three double O, double O, or send me a text zero double four eight eight thirteen ninety five. I'll keep you up to date with a cricket all afternoon. It is now one sixteen here on five double.

A five double A summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.

At nineteen minutes past one and suddenly say the music when I first came on? What was? I can't tell you. We don't actually haven't recorded here where I can go along and tell you the music surf life Saving Andrea. We seem to discuss this every summer and you know they just keep on going on and on on the line. Now have Sean Faulkner, the Life saving and Emergency Operations manager, Sean. Happy New Year to.

You, Thanks Richard, and greetings to you Sean.

It just we get drownings. Just they don't stop, do they for some reason?

Well, groundings happen all year round, but what we find is when our beaches get busy and our waterways get busy over the summer periods when there's warmer weather, unfortunately, the numbers do go up.

It's a majority of men though, isn't it sort of around Australia.

Yeah, our data does show that about eighty percent of the drownings are male. But the reality is our water doesn't discriminate on age, sex or gender, so everyone's at risk, which is why we everyone to be safe at this time of the year, particularly over the public holidays, where again our statistic sh that the drowning risk on public holidays significantly increases up to about four times.

I mean that's an amazing stat I mean, you know, you look that two young sisters ten and fourteen have been orphaned because it was a drowning incident at conspicuous speech near Walpole in Western Australia. I mean, these tragedies that could be avoided, aren't.

They most definitely. What we find, unfortunately, is that people are focused as they should be at this time the year of enjoying themselves, and so they may not just be taking appropriate awareness of any of the hazards or risks that they're encounting. So one of the reasons why we encourage everyone who's going to the beach, just before you jump in and enjoy the water, take the time to stook stop sorry, look for any hazards or any issues and actually look for the red and yellow flags because that's the stafest way to attend our beaches, because we've got additional people keeping their eyes on you, remaining vigilant so that you or the community can enjoy the beaches.

Do you think the message gets through to people you know for this sort of thing or is it a bit now? I'll be fine that I think I can swim. At a lot of cases they can't swim.

Yeah, Often people overestimate their own abilities, and that's why the recent very recent tragedy down in Tasmania was actually someone going to the assistance of four young people and so people think that they're capable, but unfortunately the raality is not. We actually had a near lift so to speak, at Glenelbe only a couple of weeks ago, where a young boy was playing with some mates, threw the ball out too far, just had to swim twenty meters away from his mates and that's when reality kicked in and found out that he didn't have the swimming ability he thought. But fortunately for him, our jet rescue boat would just happened to be passing by sheer luck if anyone else, and they're the plucking out of the water after you've been observed face down for about thirty seconds, and the paramedics who attended were convinced that that prevented a near drowning.

Just yeah, I mean that's you know, for the parents and everything out that's so so frightening for them. Do you think over time that parents out there, I say, some of the parents should learn how to swim. But I always say when I went to school, one of the requirements was you learned how to swim. There was no ifs or butts about that. It was one of the things that do we do enough with swimming lessons.

I think the Education Department has a very good aquatics program, and over this summer period, Surf Life Saving is offering what we call vacation to will back swim at hundreds of sites around the state. We just can't reinforce. For a country that's surrounded by water and has so many amazing inland waterways as well, being able to swim should be almost essential for everyone in this population because it allows you to get out and enjoy our amazing coastline waterways, but it also allows you to do safely.

Yes, and you know you guys do such a great job out there. The planes that you've got now use. AI don't like to go along and determine a lot of things that you see from the plane.

Well, the Shark's of aveillance plane is actually operated by the state government, and I do not believe it has IR but I wouldn't be able to comment. I know that our westac helicopter, what it does, it relies on having our crews trained and vigilant, and just on this weekend passed it had its first trip down to Robes to support the community swim down there, because thanks to the support of the government, we're getting out to more and more community swims to provide that extra aerial coverage and giving people confidence in the water. But surflof saving is also continue to roll out fleet of what would you'd call drones to again provide that areas of aillence, just give people a bit of more confidence in and around the water, but it allows us also to detect problems with swimmers in danger and react accordingly.

How many drones have you got around We've.

Currently got fourteen drones and we've got twenty one clubs, so we're trying to get more, but again money is always an issue. But we've just successfully trained twenty six more operators and we're always looking to train more volunteers so that we can have those drones in the air as much as possible. Just today, thanks to the generosity of our volunteers, I know that the drone following above Horseshoe Bay down to Port Elliott, where again our volunteers are giving up their time just to get that extra set of eyes.

On the water.

I mean that's a great I mean that's a great thing and Honestly, if you want to volunteer for that, that'd be a great summon job, wouldn't it Really.

Exactly what we say in surf. A lot of people think surf life savings you have to be the ones who go out and do all the swimming, But there's roles for everyone to be actively involved, So it could just be someone who provides first daid on the beach, someone who can just have your observers wards so you're just recognizing. But also, drone operators don't actually have to get wet. They don't have to be big swimmers. They just be able to have enough to be able to pass through the training which we run through our amazing trainers, which are all volunteers themselves, and they can contribute that way without even getting wet.

A great idea, it's a wonderful idea. So Sean, you know, we need to make sure that if we're going down the beach that we make sure we swim between the flags. We look for assistance that way.

Don't we Most definitely, as I said at the start, the roality is we want to enjoy the beaches when we go there in our holidays, and just so you can have a little bit more peace of mind if you attend to patrol location. That way, you've got other sense advice on the water, keeping an eye out in case something goes wrong, because as that example in Glene just took someone to swim twenty meters too far and they found themselves in trouble. And the quicker we can respond to an incident, the more likely we're invert a tragedy.

And if you want to go along and learn how to train up for one of the drones, where do they come to?

If you visit our Surf Life Saving Australia website, there's links on that to all of it. But effectively they will need to join one of our twenty one clubs spread up and down the coast from Waler through the Beachport. Join one of those clubs and then we'll be able to run some training well, depending on availability of our trainers of course, because they're very busy at this time of the year, because all our trainers are also active life stags as well.

Great idea, Sean, Let's hope we have no more drownings this summer.

Most definitely all hope that, and I hope you we can have a safe and enjoyable festive period.

No is Sean, thank you very much for taking time out to talk to me today on five double A. Thank you, Sean Fortner, life Saving and Emergency operations manager. Doing a great job out there, and we bring this subject up every summer and we get those drownings on there. You know, the poor kids in Western Australia have lost their parents now because our parents tried to get them out of trouble in the water and lost their lives. Absolutely awful on there. Let's go back to predictions on there. Mike from Parafield Gardens has sending high Richard. I think Nostrodamers is a bit late. Aliens are already here in Area fifty one US Air Force based Groom Lake in southern Nevada. Mike, A lot of people believe that, Mike, they really do. So if we go back a few weeks ago, there were the drone sidings in the sky all over the place, including here in Australia. The people said were first contact but just got put down to somebody's flying some drones around. Psychic World is a website and psychics are predicting a challenging year ahead for twenty twenty five, with significant changes and transformations expected globally. Got to say, I've never been to psychic world at all. They're saying a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine as seafire is anticipated, with NATO under Trump two point zero, prioritizing stability over territorial disputes. They're saying Pluto's move into a querious signals profound changes in technology. Tech changes all the time, people equality, and collective ideals, potentially leading to resurgers of Christian values and transformation in the European Union. I'll come back to that. But David, how are you? I thought you'd ring me out one.

Day it happens. I just thought I would reach out. And here's a prediction. And I want to be wrong, but I reckon the next version of Windows will follow Office three sixty five and most likely be called Windows three sixty five, with the significance it'll have a yearly subscription. I want to be wrong, but it's my gap.

I've got a feeling you're not too far off the truth on there, So yeah, I just yeah, I don't. And And for people out there who had a call on the weekend, David, you'd understand this that somebody who's saying to I download twenty four h two, Yes you do. You know that was a whole new copy of Windows that went out and for.

People out there, yep. And of course, and we both had this conversation. October is a big day for a lot of clients that were sitting there on Windows ten. Please make sure that you have a plan, like you know the world's not going to end fold into October, but you just need a clear plan where your home or your business is going next. And talk to your software, provide a zero MiB your print to just make sure that you pick those boxes, will leave devices follow you nicely. And if you don't know, you've got the lovely Richard here, or you may know me or another quality technician who can help you with that information.

I'm telling a lot of clients. You know what you do is now as you put a certain amount of money away per month, now all of up. If money's tight, start budgeting now. You know, I say you're going to spend twelve hundred dollars in a new computer where you put away about one hundred and fifty dollars a month to make sure that you can go on and buy something, or if you're a business out there, David, you'd be aware of this. You might want to extend your Windows ten computer by another year by giving Microsoft another fifty dollars a month on top, so you don't have to buy a new computer. What do you think about that?

The extended support option will be an option for some people, yes, but it's not and as end users, it's not going to fit for a lot unless you have legacy software. And I apologize for all the IT gigs out there that are listening, listen going what are all of these strange acronyms? I apologize, but please are the majority of Windows Team machines in the world won't run Windows eleven. That's right because of its system requirements. So and Windows Teams coming to end, you still have eight months. Please engage with your technician. Engage with you, Engage with me. Get quality advice from a trusted source, not some strange telemarketer that calls you. I dg you because there are options, but if you engage with them now, they can you can work out a plan so you can safely transition with no data loss. Because both of us what always is the horrible look when you go, hey, I am sorry, those photos are lost, that content is lost. That software, that strange bit of ancestry software that you've been using on your Window seven machine, it doesn't exist anymore, and there is now no way of easily transitioning that data or some way. There's sometimes there's no way at all. Ask the questions early. If it's IPC person is worth any kind of salt. They've got to hold your hand and lead you to some kind of conclusion.

Exactly right, David, have a good year, you two, and I hope we all arrive there, and I hope that you can deal with this time next year's completely wrong with the next version of Windows.

No, we should be. Yeah, I think just going back to that, I think there'll be a couple of options. But long term, I think you'll spot on. I really do, because that's the way it's all heading now. And people will hate us for going along and saying it, but it is that. It's all about a subscription version now. So there'll be the subscription people, there'll be the non subscription people, and they'll do everything they can to push you on that subscription.

Well, they've done that with Office three sixty five. You see people running legacy copies. They receive that attached document from Joe Bill, whatever it may be, and they bring us up going why does the document look wrong? And you're going, you're running Microsoft Office twenty ten. It's fifteen years old. It's not compatible anymore.

Yep, it's spot on. David again, have a good new year.

And you always do well next.

Time, Thanks David. Lots of things always change in the world of computers. We're going to go to a short break. It is now one thirty four here on five double.

A five double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

At one point thirty seven here on five double A still three down in the cricket. My next guest the Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Chris Picton. Chris, Happy new Year, Happy new year, Richard. Good news for more life saving equipment out there, with the automated external defibrillators being mandatory in relevant state government owned buildings.

This is really good news. This is the first charge of what's going to be some significant world leading legislation that we have here in South Australia. Was originally brought to the Parliament by Frank Pangelo and it's taken it up and we're now implementing this as a really great idea in which we can save people's lives. And people might be familiar. You can see DEFIB devices in all sorts of locations, whether that be shopping centers or offices increasingly around the state and the city. But we want to see more of them and have more of them located where people need to be and also publicly accessible. And so the first step of that is that we're from New Year's Day, so a couple of days time, it will be mandatory for government public areas, so whether that be schools or the state library, or places like the convention center or the entertainment center will have to have enough defibs to meet the population needs of those locations. So that's really exciting news to get a big role out of those defibs. But this is the first trunch, and within a year's time, so by the first of January twenty twenty six, there will be even a bigger role out as we make it mandatory for places like sporting clubs and council properties like libraries, etc. To have those devices installed, as well as well as places like shopping centers too.

I mean, it's a great idea, it really is, you know. For it, we had somebody ringing the Matthews show buses on the radar and public transport.

That's right. So in the second tranch we'll have buses, trains, trams all included as well. So obviously that's a place where there's lots of people. You're not necessarily always near where a defibed device will be, so to have those handy in those public transport vehicles is going to be another potential way that we can save people's lives. I mean. The other good thing to say about these devices is that you don't need to be an expert to use them. People sometimes feel intimidated, they feel like they can't use them unless they've had particular training. These devices are so clever that they will actually talk you through. They'll speak to you and tell you exactly what to do, whether that's using the DFIB or how to do CPR. And of course you can call Triple zero as well and they'll talk through the steps as well. But you don't need training to do it. And the other thing is that they're always safe. If you are using a defib device, it will test that person's heart rhythm to see whether it needs a shock. If it's inappropriate, the device won't shock that person, and so you can't cause any harm to somebody from using one of these, but potentially you could save their lives. So we want to see them available. We want to see them publicly available, but we also want to see people using them as well.

Which is a great idea because so many people out there would be just overawed sometimes by you know, when something happens to somebody, So you know, if you can't hurt anybody, we really need to get that message out.

Don't we exactly right? And I mean the other thing is, you know, there's a lot of these devices that are kept in offices and in locked cabinets and things like that where no one knows where they are. All of this legislation is about making them publicly accessible. So as a good example of that, my local Surf Life Saving Club at Maana, they've had dfibs for many years, but they've always been in the first aid room behind closed doors, lock and key. Now, through this legislation and a grant they were able to receive from the state government, they've now put one publicly accessible on the outside of the Surf Life Saving Club, so any time of year, any time of day, someone can use that DEFIB. They're also these DEFEA devices will be part of a register which will be connected to what's called our good SAM app. And this is an app in which people who are trained as first aid responders or they might be healthcare workers can register to be part of good SAM. And if you're in the vicinity of somebody who's having a cardiac arrest and they've someone called Triple zero about that, then you will get a ping on your phone and it might be somebody three doors down in your street, it might be somebody on the other side of the shopping center, and you, potentially, as a lifesaver, will be able to go and save that person's life within seconds of being there. You otherwise wouldn't have known about that. And importantly, all of those DEFIB devices will be part of that app as well, so people will know where the defives are in those locations, whether it's a shopping center or a sporting club or a school, etc.

Great great Audie. Now there are eligible not in not for profit community or sporting organizations can apply for a grunt of up to one thousand dollars per location to assist with this.

Can't we exactly right? So we know that sporting clubs and the like, many of which have those DEFIB devices already, but there will be others that don't that will need to get that over the course of this year. So we've already run some grant programs already, but we're going to be doing more through the course of this year. There's going to be another one coming up in a few weeks time, so encourage people to look out for that be done through Preventive Health Essay and so sporting clubs and not for profit groups, people that run halls and the like will be able to apply for one thousand dollar grant and be able to get that assistance to get the DFIB installed at their location.

Absolutely great idea, Minister of Health, Chris Pickton, have a good new year and look forward to talking to you next year on five double A.

Thanks Richard, it's been a pleasure.

Thank you, great idea, you know for all of these DEFENSEI well done for Frank pang Gello too. We might try and get Frank on the phone this afternoon just to talk about it. Frank's always good for a chat. But just remember that if you're not for profit community or a sporting organization, you can apply for a grant of up to one thousand dollars per location assist with the cost of purchasing these for your building or facility. The next round of applications do open from Monday to third of February to Wednesday, the thirtieth of April. It's all about going along and saving people's lives. A couple of texts come in aliens are already here, all the meth heads walking the streets causing how everyone ha it? I was waiting for that good afternoon, Richard. I just wanted to mention something I heard on Matt Pantella's show this morning regarding signs perhaps not being big enough or bold enough for drivers to see on the road. Firstly, why do we even need signs to alert drivers that mobile phone detection cameras are around. There should not be something drivers need on the road to alert them. We are not children, and people who drive should not need these warning signs.


Using a mobile while driving is not allowed while vehicle is in use. Period, you shouldn't need your handheld to be told that driving on the road is a privilege and not a given right. Thank you, Richard, regards Shane. Some of the things I see when I'm coming because I do a lot of cases, most people know. Some of the things I see just astound me. I have a phone taped to a dry to a steering will in my time. There is a free Windows tool to check if your PC is okay to upgrade to Windows eleven. I to enable one feature in motherboard bus. Now I can upgrade it. There is for it. If you've had a PC purchase in the last three to four years and it says you can't upgrade to Windows eleven, go along, have a look and see they're upgrades to what's called the bios on there. Get some help if you need to. But a lot of cases you can. Once you've upgraded a certain part of the bus, which is called I'll get really techy here now called TPM two. If you can upgrade to that, then suddenly when you go to Windows Update, Windows eleven will come along and start to download. If you do have any tech questions, give me a call. I will not be here on Wednesday because I've got to go. I've got to do the Breakfast Show on New Year's Day, so I won't be here on Wednesday afternoon. Another text coming in. Can you eat and drive? You actually can't. It's all about staying in control of the vehicle on there. But I've actually seen a couple of people recently pulled up on Northeast Road by the police who on their motorbikes right alongside and basically looking at you in the car while you're eating and drinking, and to pulled people over. So it's good to see that. It is now one forty six here on five Double A. We're going to go to a short break and be right.

Back five Double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

Nine minutes to two. We heard his name mentioned before and I just gave him a ring out of the blue. Frank pang Gello. Happy New Year to you, Frank.

Happy new Year to you, Richard, and to your listeners.

Frank. I had to ring because I just think you're introducing the legislation for the automated external defibrillator is just such a great idea. You need to be congratulated for that.

Thank you Richard and all. It's actually passed and comes into effect on January the first and What that will mean is that AEDs or defibrillators will need to be installed initially in all government, local government buildings and other buildings that calender the umbrella of the government or local government, and in twenty twenty six it then is rolled out to all the private businesses and others that will then need to install an AED.

It really is all about saving lives.

Absolutely it is. And look, and I'll have to say that the government has been fantastic on this. Mister Chris Picton has been fully supportive, as have say Ambulance in getting these devices into the community, and they've really started to roll them out actually even before the legislation came into effect. So we're starting to see them in government buildings already. They're in emergency vehicles as well with apart from the office, which of course in ambulances where they've always been, but we're seeing them in fire appliances. The CFS sees they'll also have them, and by the time the legislation rolls out and is in effect, what we'll see is that you'll have these defibrillators within easy reach, and that is within say three to a five minute walk of someone who may well need one to save their lives, and every minute counts when it comes to cardiac arrest.


You know, if you get to somebody within five minutes and apply CPR and an AED, then their chances of survival increases enormously and they can make a very quick recovery. So the shorter it takes to get to someone with an AED, the better it is for the community. And I will say it lives. I'm pretty confident that we will. We've seen some tragic incidents in recent years where, unfortunately, because of delays of getting an ambulance to somebody who had suffered cardiac arrest, they had to wait something like forty five minutes before help arrive, and by then it was too late. Now I'm hoping that this will certainly help curtail those long waits for people and also what we will have in the community because this legislation also encompasses app called the good SAM APP.

I think it was a very important point you're about to mate, Frank, Yeah, So.

The good sam app. Essentially, what it does is alerts people who are able to perform CPR and first aid and also know how to operate an AED if they are in the vicinity. They get alerted with the Divy app and they are able to go to that location and render assistance. It's a very effective app that's worked in Victoria very well. They have it on Kangar Island, believe it or not, Richard, which is well. Kangar Island is a fantastic example of a heart safe community. There are more than fifty AEDs on Kangaro Island and there was an initiative that was started a few years ago by a local doctor called Tim Lawnberg, and twenty five percent of the island can now perform API and CPR and know how to use an AD. And I've got to say, you know, people tend to be a bit if of using an AED where you don't need to be. They are very simple to use. In fact, the ads tell you what to do in concert with the performing CPR, and this all can be done when somebody is also making an emergency Triple O call, where the operator will then tell them what to do in terms of using the device. The other thing great thing about these ads is that they will also have to be registered with Triple LOW. So somebody calls in and says, look, you know my name has just suffered a cardiac arrest. I don't know what to do. The Triple O call will say, look, it could be a while before we can get an ambulance to them. There is an ad NEU and the address. If you can go there and come back, you know, it could render assistance before the ambulance arrived. So that's the beauty of that. So look, I'm really I'm really proud of this legislation. I know that it is going to save lives if that hasn't already, and it's now being you know, widely accepted throughout the community. And there's some fantastic corporate citizens out there as well, Richard, you know, basal like Bunnings and On the Run and Goals and Woolworks and a lot of other big corporates are putting them in their stores and around their buildings and they've been very effective. In fact, Coles have told me when they sent me a message of endorsement for the legislation that one life a day is saved in and around one of their stores. Because so that gives you an indication. You know, if it saves one life, Richard, it's well worth their you know, their while having them in our community Adelaide City Council have about twenty eight i think split around the CBD, so they're becoming more common. You can start to see them places pop up now and yeah, that's what we want.

A couple of questions from listeners. Can you purchase them for the average home?

Yes, you can. In fact, I've got one in my car. It's I mean they vary in price from and the prices are coming down now, particularly in South Australia because there are going to be so many of them and there's going to be a demand. But you can get them for the from Saint John and other retailers that are out there. They are very in price, from fifteen hundred to two thousand dollars. But there is also the single use device, the cell aed, which is the one I've got, which costs around four hundred dollars, and I can carry that in my car and if I need to use it, I can use it on an occasion. Those portable ones will administer at least two hundred shops, so they're going to be and they also very and they're also very effective. I've also got a heart Angel with me, which is a it's a heart shaped device that's been manufactured in Germany that gives you the correct pressure to apply when you're doing CPR. And many people are also a bit reticent to do CPR on people because they've prayed about hurting them and breaking ribs and the sternum and everything, which is probably likely to happen, and they don't know what the correct the pressure is. Well, this heart angel. You place it on the chest and press down and it clicks when you hit the right pressure, and then release and you keep doing that. It is a great source. And of course they're also going to be rolled out in schools and kids already are being taught CPR, and no doubt we'll also be taught the use in AED. So it's an Australia first legislation and one of the few places in the world that has mandated them in the community. And I'm really hoping that the other states will follow suit. I'm confident they are, because I know New Southwest and Victoria already looking at it, and I'm sure that the others will follow.

The other question I've got is that is there a maintenance program required with them?

Well, yes there is, as it is with anything you buy, including everything from cars to computers and everything else. But it's usually maintaining the batteries on these devices and the pads that are with them. Now, the batteries can last between two and three years, and now there are models that are coming out that can actually last. The batteries can last a lot longer.

But what usually.

Happens is if you purchase the item saved from Saint John's, you'll get ample notification beforehand to say, look, your batteries are going to run out. You may need to check them. They these devices will also tell the owner of the device when it's time to look at the replacing the batteries and the pads. So they are quite smart devices. And you know you can either get the information from the provider or all the machine will tell you itself.

Very good, Frank, have a good new year, all.

Right too, Richard.

Thank you very much, mate, No.

Thank you, Frank, paying gallow Independent MLC. We're going to go to a short break. We'll be back soon with your calls and talking lobsters. Here on five double.

A five double a summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.

At two minutes past two in the cricket. They are India three, four ninety five. So we've got bowling and line bowling as a tandem at the moment. So they're digging in as we knew they would.

Peter, good afternoon, Good afternoon, Richard Seasons.

Screen and to you, Peter.

Yeah, I've got the Englewood in and that's a nice part.

Australia, great up too. The Australian Hopes Else Association about just over two years ago distributed about two or three hundred of these two hotels. Most hotels, major hotels or a lot of country ones all have them and they're usually outside so you can get them with Unfortunately we've used ours once. It was a bit late to have motorcycle accident, but you know it's upsetting, but it was there and if people are looking for them in a hurry. Most pubs have them outside of the front doors. If you have a look for them, you'll pay them all there. So there's a couple of hundred of them just by the Australian Hotels Association.

What a great yeah, great thing and it is about and you know it must have been so devastating to actually lose that person on there, but you know it's you did your best Peter.

Well, it's motor bikes through the Adelaide Hills and you know, we won't go on about that one. They're very easy. When the battery runs out, you get a message and we're just spring Saint John's. The battery comes out. Even I put it back together. You've got to buy another pad as well. They're great, you know, but just say it's one.

It's all worth it.

And the beauty about the means you can't hurt anybody.

No, No, that's what worried That's what worried me about it. How to use it, but that they had done just tells you what to do not to do.

Very good. You're looking forward to you? Are you hoping for new Peter.

No, we're not. Unfortunately we've gone very quiet. We're a lot of weddings and things and years.

They've gone a little bit quiet.

And we won't talk about the rates that they charged down. It's a double time and a half something, yes, but no we're not. We're not open on New Year's Eve and I'm going to go very good.

Yeah, that sounds good. It's nice to talk to you, Peter. Have a good new year.

Thank you, Thank you.

My next guest is Sabian and Sabian runs the bank banks your tree Cafe. Good afternoon, Sabian.

Okay mate, how are you very good?

Thanks? Now you've got a big lobster festival on, haven't you.

That's right? Yes, that starts tomorrow for the next three days.

And why do we come down to you because I actually I'm going to devate slightly. We had somebody this morning when I mentioned you were coming on going Are they lobsters or crayfish?

What's the difference? Does anyone know?

That's why I'm asking you.

Yeah, you know what. So my my understanding is is it in Australian orders we call them crayfish. In Northern Hemisphere waters, they're generally called the lobster, so they are slight slightly different, although they are all crustaceans. But what they are not is Moreton bay bugs. So yeah, so they are Australian, they are South Australian. Lobster Fest just sounds I think a little bit nicer than the crayfest.

Oh yeah, yes, it's all about it's all about make it feel nice before we come back. Now, you're going to do some great things with the lobsters, aren't you.

Absolutely, So you know people who are a fan of lobster but not a fan of picking it. We do all the hard work. We cook it, we pick it, and then we pair it with some beautiful little briosh buns and we do this little lobster rolls with a couple of little native ingredients and a beautiful mayonnaise, a little side of truffle fries and wish yeah right, if you so wish a glass of prosecco.

To wash it down, which will be needed. Yes, yes, on there it all sounds really good. So what gave you the idea for this?


Look, it started Christmas twenty twenty. In the lead up yep, from memory, there was a ban on importing seafood to a large overseas country who I won't name, but they stopped importing a lot of our goods and so the price of things like lobster and wine fell dramatically, which was great for Australians but not so good for the primary producers. And I had a friend in Port Lincoln who had a boat who had a lot of backstock, and we actually we went down and we picked up you know, almost a ton and brought them back here and distributed them to guests for Christmas Day. Right back then, I think it was about sixty dollars a year he and we had a lot of leftover. So for New Years that's when we did our first Lobster Fest and we choped them up and put it into you know, into these little lobster roles. And then the next year rolled around and we kind of just thought, let's do it again. And I think this is now our fourth.

Year and it's growing every year.

Yeah. So last year was the first time that we did it over three days, and we introduced I think we also did prawns and a couple of other things. This year, we're just keeping it nice and simple. I mean, unfortunately for us, but I guess great for the primary producers. Is that again those trade routes have opened back up, so the price of lobster isn't what it was in the last few years. But we've decided to still run with it anyway for the three days.

Yea very good and yep, it must be so popular. There's a queue out the door.

Yeah, there usually is, you know, even when we're not doing lobster Fest.

To be honest, that's good.

When I mean when times are good, they're good. When they're not, they're not. But in this time of the year, we generally find everyone's on holidays. Everyone wants to come and visit and celebrate, and so we thought, why not give them something a little bit extra, you know, as we close this year off and seeing another.

One, and you know the fact that you go along and there's no preparation for the person because normally that that's the big thing with shell fish. There's always something you've got to do to it, isn't.

He absolutely, And with us being zero waste, you know, we're actually just got all of which I literally just finished picking all of the lobster today and the shells are now sitting in a pot and they're going to bubble away and we'll do something else with them later on and then we'll dispose of it. So there's also no smell at your house, right, So yeah, what I would say is anyone who even wants he wants to try lobs there, who hasn't, or anyone who really loves it, they can come down. They can grab a lobster roll and or you know, or the whole, the whole deal, which includes that class of prosecco or a Bloody Mary.

Yeah, very got nothing wrong Bloody Mary's. So you said before, Savian zero waste that intrigues me.

Yeah, So, without going too deep into it, our venue is very big on making sure that the food that we produce doesn't therefore mean that we're producing excess landfill. You know, having worked around around the globe and having worked with a lot of farmers and producers, I kind of want them to be there in the long run and for us to have great lands that we can continue using. So we try really hard to make sure that, you know, we're not contributing to excessive landfill. So we do everything we can to be zero waste, whether that's through composting or recycling or really being really creative with our leftover produce.

Yeah, I should.

Be congratulated for that, Sabin. If I'm a listener and I want to come down, where do I come?

One hundred and forty seven Saint Vincent Street in Port Adelaide.


So that's across from the partially renovated Globe Hotel or next to the Council chambers, only a stone throw away from Semaphore Beach, and tomorrow we are open eight till three. New Year's Day, we are open nine till two, and lobster Fast continues through to the second when we're again open eight till three. They can also go into our website and book and it's really straightforward and needed to book straight from the website, which is www dot thebanksafree dot com.

Very good, Saban, wonderful to talk to you. I know it's going to be success and happy lobstering. It's the way I can think of it that time.

Love it, Thanks Sabian, no worries, Thank you.

Great event. And zero waste. That is what I like. So so many businesses out there sometimes send waste stuff on there, but you know, I have somebody go along and commit to zero waste. I think is absolutely wonderful. Hi Richard, do you know who will be supplying the defail machines? I want to get shares Cheeres trev I think they, I think don't know from that, but we will find out for it. I don't want to go along and say you should be vesting in anything, because every time I go along and go along and say, you know, she'd vested this, it probably tanks on this. So James, how are you?


Good, Richard good. I'd do a bit of computer work for an elderly couple and they let their office three six five subscription goa and so we then couldn't open and close word and stuff like that. And I've since reinstated that. But in the meantime something called WordPad has taken over. Yes, so you do. So you go to Microsoft Word, go to blank document, do your stuff, and then the next and save it. And then the next time opens it tells you it's opening it as a word pad document, not a word document.

So you've got you've got word You've got word on there, don't.

You I have now? Right, So your formatting or your pictures and all that sort of stuff, it's all gone.

Yeah. So what you need to do is you need to get that word document in Style Explorer, right, yes, right, click on it, yes, and go open with and this time we pick word and then we go make that the default.


So in that meantime period it's lost that function and I've got to tell.

It to do it again.

You got to tell it to do it again.

Yeah, fair enough, thank you.

Very much, not no problem, thanks.

James, Okay, thank you bye.

I knew you would ring me father Joan. How are you?

I am fine, thanks Richard. But I am struggling to get my beautiful iPhone twelve plus or something, whatever it's called. I'm struggling to get. It's to pair with like wife by pair with my laptop or my I Pad. And it used to do it. Now it won't.

So you go to like you're talking about Wi Fi at home or when you're out about Yeah, no.

When I'm at the cafe and I haven't brought my little moor with me, I think I can use my phone.

You can use your phone, all right, So.

Come up on the list when I click Wi Fi where I want to connect?

Yeah, but you want to go along. So what you need to do is you need to go to settings and then you need to open up personal hotspot. I pay, all right, and then it's going to go along, and you'll have your Wi Fi password there for it, and you look down it'll be like Jones iPhone, put your password in. I listen to Richard on five double A. That's not of password people, I'm there, and then you connect straight through.

Right now. I used not to have to put the pathword in, but once I've put the pathword in once, will it then come up automatically.

Most of the time. I've got a Windows laptop of it. If it goes out, sometimes it comes back on. Other times it doesn't.

But it's a great hell Riches, thank you for my two sersen and twenty four New Year's gifts.

Very good pleasure for you, Joan.

All right.


Oh, by the way, our darling's friend Peter that you've helped with his computer, Yeah, died last week.

I'm so sorry about that.

Yeah, ninety four February and only two weeks before he died, he was on his computer. Yeah, we talked about you two weeks ago.

Oh dear so Yeah, he was a wonderful man. He really was.

He's a wonderful man and we're going to give him a good send off. I haven't worked that one out.

Yet, but very good.

He's worked it out though.

He's worked it out, so it's not going to be hard to organize.

Please pass on my condolences to.

His Yes, I tell Lucy that I've spoken to you.

Thanks Joan, Bye bye. I thought you might ring today. Simon from Lewiston. It's like old favorites day.

Armie Army. Now I've got a tech question for you. Okay, I've got an Australian computer that's about fifteen years old, right, and I can't find replacement pass it's not working and it's called a cricket team PC.

What do I replace?

Yes, you know you've went. You went a long time of that gag, didn't you, Simon?

Not really about thirty seconds seconds?

Yes, that's all Australia are. We had a need seven wickets.

Yeah, another seven wickets they're going to they're going to draw it. I told you this last week will be drawn.

That we will we will see for it.

So it's an aging Well you look at the batters yep, oh there's a young Yeah. Our their team is like twenty two twenty three. Look at ours, they're all.

Simon barracks for England people and you never would have guessed that with that accent on there.

So make we've got.

We've got to wait and see. There's obviously going to be changes to the side. But three three for nine, yes, without saying good heavens And I thought it was very funny that justin Langer yesterday and this is not the sports showed by the way people Justin Langer said, I'll give him one more test. I wonder why he's good friends with his dad. Good heaven.

Yeah, I'm just listening to it and they're going to draw it, and they may even win it if they go nuts.

No, run out of time to win.

It, Yeah they will, No, they won't, won't have any wickets stay out, yeah, run out.

Of time three for ninety nine. I think Australia will still win this, but I think it's going to go down to the Why Simon, have a good new year if I don't speak to you tomorrow.

All right, you too, for everyone out there by the army.

There we go, Thanks Simon, mate Jeers. We're going to go to a short break. It is now eighteen minutes past two. We're going to come back with Robert Simms from the Green. We're going to revisit pill testing here on five double.

A five double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

At twenty two minutes past two. Here on five double A India three four one hundred and four line is bowling. At the moment he has none for twenty nine. I think we're on the forty ninth over if my eyesight doesn't file me looking at the TV across the room. My next guest is Robert Simms, Green's MLC, and we're going to revisit an old chestnut, aren't we, Robert.

We are.

I feel like I talk about this one regularly, particularly at this time of year, but hopefully the government's listening in and will finally take action.

It's all about pill testing, and we get the people that are for it, we get the people that are dead against it. As Matthew said, you know, he made comment this morning going why don't we ask where they got them from? On the time? But it is about saving lives, isn't it?

It is?

It is, And look, I think it's really important to be clear with your listeners that pill testing isn't about encouraging people to use drugs. I mean, obviously that the safest thing that people can do is actually not use these substances. When we know actually that illicit substances, you know, things like m DNA, they're not safe to take for a range of reasons. But what happens when pill testing is made available at site is the people are given information about the drugs that they've taken, that they might be taking they're warned of the potential risks, particularly if the drug is not what it purports to be, but they're also have to think about what strategies are in place if they are going to take the drug, even if it is what it says on the packet, so to speak. So you know, do you have a plan about how you might get home, do you have a friend that you can call, Will you make sure you have enough water?

You know?

Are you sure you really want to take this substance. What the evidence shows in jurisdictions where they've had pill testing is that even if the drug is what it purports to be, people are a lot less likely to take it once they've had the opportunity to talk through the implications with a counselor.

And you know, it's not going to stop people taking drugs. That's one of the two, isn't it. It really isn't. You know? The drug illicit drug trade in Australia is thriving, and this you.

Tell me if I'm wrong, Well, it won't stop people taking drugs.

That's true.

But I think one of the problems we have, of course, is that the current legal regime isn't stopping people from taking drugs either. I mean, there are quite significant penalties in place for people that take these substances. And as I say, it's my view that people shouldn't take them, but they're going to take them. And particularly of concerned parents at this time of year, is what about young people? You know, we have this concern a few weeks ago with schoolies. We have it as people go into the festival season. Young people that might be just given a pill by a friend, they take it without question, without really thinking about it. When pill testing sites are available, it gives people the opportunity to get it tested and to try and do what can be done to produce that risk. And I think that's a really important thing because the last thing we want is for South Australian young people to experience what's happened in some other places around Australia where they take a pill, they don't know what's in it and then they have a severe adverse health outcome and the consequences of that life long for these young people and their families.

And especially when it's hot weather at these fistacts and everything out there, that it just sends the effects through the roof, doesn't it amplifies it.

It does, it does, and you know, one of the great things about pill testing is this actually allows law enforcement to identify is there's a particular dodgy product that's on the market. So in the Act a few years ago, for instance, they were able to identify a new and emerging drug in the Act. And because of the way that you know, the Act moves, that could have moved into Sydney as well, and that could be really serious there too, So they were able to knit that in the bar. And I think that sort of collaboration between health and law enforcement is really important if we're going to actually stop some of these very dangerous drugs moving onto the market.

What the other part is, why are they against this?

Well, the oguments that I've heard are that this is about encouraging drug use, and you know that it sends people the wrong message that it's safe to take drugs. As I say, that's not my view, and certainly my personal view is that it's not safe for people to take these substances. That's set though. It's actually not safe to take any drugs, and that includes alcohol. So I think if we had our time again, would we make alcohol legal? If you look at the terrible health consequences that flow around addiction, but also the way in which that's so ingrained in Australian society. It does have some really serious health consequences, but you know, that's a legal drug and we use it freely. There are other substances and pills in particular, that people might you know, get on black market. They don't know what's in them, and we don't have the level of socialization around those drugs that we have saved with alcohol. So people don't always know if they're odd or what might be the wrong consequences. And that's why pill testing is very helpful because it tells them what's in it, it tells them how their body might react, and it also encourages them to make a plan around what they might do to try and ameliorate that risk. So that's why I support it. I get the concerns that people have. I'm not a person that says, hey, let's just you know, take take drugs, knock yourself out. But that's certainly not what pill testing is about.


It's actually about reducing the risk and saving life exactly right.

Yeah, but we just you know, again, you know, parents out there get very concerned about, you know, what's happening out there. And I remember, like last summer, I had discussion with a girl behind the bar who was going to one of the big rave dance things out there. It was going to be about forty degrees. I said, you know, just be careful out there for some of the stuff that is floating around. And she goes, I know, Richard, I get mine from a proper dealer. You know, I'm there, I said, but you still don't know what's in it.

No, exactly, And this is the this is the real And someone can think, oh, look, you know, I might say they've taken ecstasy before and they think they know how their body might react, but they may not know how they're going to react if it's a bad batch and it's kind of Russian roulette. So you know, my message would be don't take it. But the reality is politicians saying don't take drugs doesn't work. People have been taking for years. I'm a pretty pragmatic person, and I think, well, we've got to do something to actually protect people, particularly young people. Let's give them all the information that they need at their fingertips, you know, in the act where they have pill testing available. They have a fixed site venue. They do pill testing and STI testing in the same location, so you can get all the information to try and reduce to all the kind of elements of risk that can occur at some of these music festivals and the aftermath. I think that's a really good thing. Let's give people all this information and make these things accessible so have more control over their bodies and reduce the risk to others.

Exactly right, Robert Sims from the Greens.

Have a good New Year, all right, thank you very much. Happy New Year to you, and stay safe and you and your listeners as well.

Exactly right. Don't go out too late on New Year's a Robert.

All right, I'm having a house party this year, so I better prep the neighbors. I'll have music loud.

There we go. Thanks Robert, I'll talk to you soon.

Thanks very much.

Happy New Year, and do you.

Robert Sims from the Greens. Emily so tired of people thinking pill testing is encouraging drug use. It is encouraging responsible use a sub something that would be taken anyway. I wish it was around twenty five years ago, and maybe I would have some more friends live very very good text Emily. We are going to go to a short break. We're going to be right back with Mike Smiths and telling us what's on the Channel seven News tonight.

Five double a Summer Afternoons with Richard.

Thirty three here on five double eight, the man I enjoy talking to every time on air, the Great Mike Smithson. Good afternoon, Mike.

Yeah, it's good afternoon Richard, and Happy Christmas, pre New Year to you. And the list.

It's about like that, isn't it, Mike say yes? But some big stories around today, isn't here.

Yeah. Look at the top of the bulletin tonight, we're looking at latest figures put out by SA Police and mobile phone detection cameras, and it's a three month update. Now I have been caught. I declare that, and this dumbest thing I've ever done. In my defense of which there is very little defense. The camera was installed for the month we were overseas. It was installed during that period. I didn't even know it was there on Port Road. But anyway, I learned a very costly lesson six hundred and fifty eight bucks I think it was, and a couple demerit points. Never ever ever again. But some people aren't learning. They're doing it the hard way. Now. Whilst the number of offenses or expiations is down in the second three months of this trial, we had in July to September, and these were warning notices, mind you, but it's sixty eight thousand odd and it's down to twenty eight thousand now, so that's the good news. But more than two hundred drivers were issued with multiple expiation notices, including one driver who received forty one of them. Now can you imagine the tens of thousands of dollars. I think he's lost his license. Now, how could you get caught and not go, oh, well, that's a no note because it's a big loss of money and demerit points. But there were others with multiple So what I'm saying is to all your listeners who are driving along at the moment, I think they're five of these locations, but a police officer can pick you up. I see it happening all the time where someone has been on their phone or looked at their phone, and they did giveaways. Obviously if they're turning right at the traffic lights or going straight on and all the other traffics moved and they haven't. They just happen to be looking down on us. That's a fairly sure sign. But look, just for everyone, just be careful from bitter experience. It's costly and there are demerit points involved, but I just can't believe that someone could get forty one of.

Them made you getting the bill.

Well exactly, I think I said twenty six thousand dollars or thereabouts. But I think they've lost their license because they've run out of demerit points, or they've got too many merit points, whichever way you want to look at it. But look, it could be that people go through a location multiple times on the same day. They might go down to the shops, they might be picking the kids up from school, they might be doing all sorts of things. But even so, it shows you that every time they're going past a detection camera, they're using their phone and it is obviously a no no, and you can't say you haven't been warned. My only regret was I thought, why didn't I do this when there was a warning period on? Why did I have to wait until you had the book thrin at yet?

Yeah? I got mine on glen Osmond Road, and I had to sit at four changes of traffic lights and the person I had in the car passed their phone over to me just to look at something while I was sitting there, and the policeman just tapped on the window. You're standing behind a fence. So that's how I got mine. I've got a few years ago.

So oh, I'll tell you another notorious spot. And I'm not dobbing police and they may not do this anymore, but we did a story on it. And this was when mobile phone the law first came in. And it was a corner up in the notag Terrace on the way out to the ABC where you're coming down and on that by intersection, and there was a little park on the sort of south eastern side. So people coming up and I might add often school mums after drop off time or pick up time from just down the road, so they're coming up to along that stretch of road, and the police officer would be dressed very casually with a baseball cap and just look like they are looking at their own phone standing at the intersection waiting to cross, whereas in fact they were looking at drivers turning left. And then there was they would tap you on the window and say just pulling around the corner and you'd get done that way so and look good. A lot of imagination shown by sapole officers, but they were disguised, they didn't look like police officers, and they were and they were working within their rights. And there is one easy way not to get caught. Don't touch your phone.

Don't do it.

And also part of tonight's story is smart watchers. There's a big push to have them included that if you touch your watch an Apple watch or whatever, that's going to be very quickly I think added to the list because a it will help with safety, and b it raises revenue.

So you can get your phone to talk to you, you know, if you want to it to read text messages for you, but just don't do.

It soon or wait till you get home. Is it that important that you have to check your phone. I don't think it is.

The truckies date with the magistrates coming up.

Yes, I've just checked with our court reporter and your listeners might have seen this yesterday with a truckie turning left hand turning gawler. I think it was the triple from memory and he's cleaned up all the over hanging veranda of the shop on the corner and then collected a four wheel drivers. He's gone through and then allegedly shot through and was nabbed down the road. Now we're very eager to see. I think he's from Western Australia, but he's taken a wrong turn obviously in Gawler slightly maybe just wait for help to arrive rather than keep going. And I think it seems unlikely that he could have done the damage that he did, which is quite visible in the vision that we showed last night, that he would have if he wasn't aware of it, well, that would be another question as well. If he was aware of it and decided to keep going, well, there in lies what the charges relate to. So I just checked with Dianna Williams, our court reporter who's down there, and he hasn't appeared yet, but at six o'clock he certainly will have and we will be very keen to know if there is a version of events or if he's trying to apply for bail. Whether he gets it or not, I don't know, but we're waiting to see on that one.

Good luck for that one. That horror plane crash, Mike. It's just devastating, isn't.

It what it is? And it now looks authority to saying this is the South Korean Airlines that belly landed basically and then exploded as it hit a barrier at the other into the runway. The listeners would have seen this last night. To a horrible, horrible accident, and it appears to be put down to a bird strike, whether they affected one or both engines of the flight. But again it crosses my mind every time I take off or land in a passenger jet at certainly at Adelaide Airport, let's just hope the birds are off the runway. And I think this is a I don't know what you do about bird strikes. If you a commercial pilot, perhaps they might want to ring and say here's what we know and here's how we avoid it. I just don't know. A freak accident, but this shows you even you can be very unlucky, but it has fatal consequences exactly.

And the AUSI is watching the cricket.

Mike, I have watched just about every ball of the Test match so far, as I'm glad to say, as have many of our viewers as rating are going through the roof. But India currently three for one hundred and twelve, so you know they lost three wickets pre lunch. But all they have to do is hang on and not I don't think they'll make the score in the mid three hundreds. But whether they can hang on or whether the Aussis can get another seven wickets before close of play, there's a lot riding on the game. But I'll tell you what if the Aussies don't if they lose, they'll even be more upset. But even a draw, they would be upset with Mitch Stark, with jays Val earlier in the day, it looked a plum LBW to me and the technology they went to DRS. The umpire didn't give it out, so they took the matter upstairs. And would you believe, according to the commentators who have access to the fine detail of the DRS, forty nine percent of the ball was hitting the stump, would have hit the stumps and it was an LBW obviously, and it was given not out umpire call forty nine percent. To me, that's pretty close to our football.

It is not bad, say good heaven.

All you needed was another one percent and Jay's Vale's gone on to you know, he's thriving at the crease. So a really fascinating test game. But we'll have all the highlights tonight and a fair bit of an analysis on that. And the other big one was Lava Shane's appeal for a court behind where the ball missed the bat by about thirty centimeters. I think that's called over exuberance. That's what he loves.

He loves to doing that night. Absolutely it's close.

But it's close, it's by thirty centimeters and he's still he's got into this wild appeal which everyone's going looking at him saying, what's what's in your head? What did you see? We didn't see that. But anyway, good great a feast of cricket. But anyway, we'll have all of that tonight.

Look forward to it. Mike will cheat to you to my h right here on five double A.

Great stuff.

Thanks Richard, Thanks Mike, Mike's missing the best in the business on Channel seven News tonight at six o'clock. It is now two forty three. We're going to go to a short break. Give me a ring eight double two to three double O double A. Let me know what's on your mind? Hi, Richard, Sorry I have to say this, but if you take drugs, you're a bloody idiot. Period. You're playing Russian Roulette with your own life if you do. Regards Shane, yep, Shane. But it's not going to be stamped out. That's just it. And yeah, that's one of the reasons why I think pill testing at these festivals and everything is a good thing, because it just might put some people off again. Two forty four. We're going to go to a short break right here on five double A.

By double A Summer Afternoons with Wichard Pasco.

To forty eight. Thank you for joining me the shnoon. You can leave your hat on if you want. Coming up after three o'clock the Great Derek McNair with pet Talk. If you've got a question for Derek about whatever animal you've got, the more exotic the better. He always likes that, and he's cursing me at the moment when I say those sort of things. Give us a ring eight double two three double O double Oh. Crocodile Dundee a famous Australian film. We all love Chrolele I do. I think it's a great film.

Yeah, sure, kid, there you go.

And your wallet, Dick, give him your boment?

What he's got a knife?

Nie, that's a life. Some great scenes in the film, but have you ever sit down and watched a movie and gone, that's not how I remember it. So over in England there was a heavily edited version of Crocodile Dundee that aired in the UK and removed some of the best known scenes. So the nineteen eighty six hit movies in Paul Hogan, who played Mick the crocodile Poatro and Linda Koslowski as journalist su Chong aired on Boxing Day, but much of the movie had already been edited out, so viewers rushed to social media to go along and complain about it and basically say it was unwatchable. Half the scenes make no sense now was on some of the comments awful white crap on there again, lots of people say edited it all out. So among scenes viewers complained about being edited out of the film that aired, including Gwendolen, who is transgender in a New York bar that Crocodile Dundee approaches and then grabs in the groin area for it so just to prove that it wasn't exactly who he thought was, so that's all been cut out. Another seed which focuses on race where mickars a limousine driver Gus about his heritage and if he's part of an indigenous drive that was also scrapped on there. I think this is just the beginning of what we're going to be doing to old movies out there. And you know, traditional broadcasters, God love you all out there. But if we start going along and cutting all of these films, I wonder where we are going to be at for it. So there are lots of films I just did a quick look about films that could not be made today because we're all very sensitive now about what's happening. Tropic Thunder that used block black face for comedy on there, that wouldn't be allowed to be made today. Great cast in there been still a Tom Cruise Jack Black. Producers were pushing for Downey Junior to get an Oscar nomination for the film eventually got to be didn't win on there, so that couldn't be made. Film called Here's an Old One for You, Myra Breckenbridge, made in nineteen seventy. It was based on the gore of that old novel of the same. It's a seventies comedy about a man who gets a gender change in order to swindle his uncle out of a large sum of money. They wouldn't make that today. There is I Now pronounce You Chuck and Larry, So it's about two straight guys who decide to marry each other so one of their children can receive healthcare. It's got Kevin James and Adam Sandler in it. It's insurance fraud. It's beyond rude to couples who waited for the opportunity to get married. But they wouldn't go along and make it today. And Rob Schneider played an Asian minister in it, so that's another film that wouldn't be made today. There are so many of these movies that there's always a scene or two that they go, no, we won't do that. Siginstink back in nineteen ninety two packed the cinemas out at the time. So you can have a look at Sharon Stone. Breakfast at Tiffany's not a bad film, but Mickey Rooney playing an Asian on There's just it's those sort of things, and probably one of the kings of them out there Blazing Saddles. There are so many scenes in Blazing Saddles, which I think is one of the funniest films of all time. But you know a lot of people with Great mel Brooks. He collaborated with Richard Pryor for it. But a lot of people die had fans on there. But it's rarely ever played on TV. It's on streaming, not an issue. You can go along and grab it on streaming on there, but they wouldn't make it today. And mel Brooks the producers that had music in it, such as springtime for Hitler with one line and were marching to a faster paced lookout, here comes the Master Race. It was made just two decks aides after World War Two, and you know it's a film that has so many non PC jokes in it that made it very funny for the day. If you can think of a movie about this, give me a ring eight double two three double A double A. Would they make Gone with the Wind in the same way? Now? Probably not on there. You know there are people in there called Mammy and Prissy for it. You know the jerk was Steve Martin. Steve Martin, very very funny man. So if you've never seen The Jerk as a comedy of Steve Martin playing a man who believes he was born a poor black child in Mississippi. It's very funny film at the time, but we wouldn't make it today. And I just worry about these sort of things where we go along and we just go you know, we just can't go along and make those sort of jokes today. But what I don't want to see is that people chopping these films up to make them friendly to you know, the year twenty twenty four and twenty twenty five. Now it really is. I wonder where we are heading when we go along and have to deal with those sort of things. So, you know, if you've got a film that you might say can't be made today, give me a ring, let me know about that film. Would love to talk to you about it. We've got plenty of time for your calls. On there on eight double two to three, double O, double O people living down Lord Dinger, so South Australians could soon enjoy surfing it until midnight of the on Caprina Council approves a proposal for five twenty seven meter high lighting towels at the upcoming one hundred million dollar wavepool in all Dinger. The Break Surf and Stay wavepool, set to begin construction next year, will produce waves up to two point one meters high for seventy surfers at a time. The plan includes extending the surf parks operating ours to seven am to twelve am, seven days a week. Sam Williamson, manager of No Longer's Beaches Apperil Surf Shop, expressed excitement about the proposal, highlighting the convenience for time poor surfers. However, Surfing South Australia operations manager Craig port Guy raised concerns about the impact on local residents, suggesting a closing time of nine or ten would be more appropriate future urban The planner behind the project sures that the lighting towers will meet legal noise requirements and add minimal visual impact due to their slender design and modern led fixtures. The application for the lighting towers and extended ours is own for public feedback until January the twentieth. Is that going to get off the ground? You know, are people going to be happy down there with these light toowers? So it's five twenty seven meter high light towers. If you're an ordinger resident down there, you know, make sure that you go along and you know your say. Mike has sent me a text in Richard Blazing settles around the campfire with the beans are classics seed for Mike, Mike it is. But what they actually go along and make that film today is one of the things. The A Triple C has revealed that many households are paying too much for electricity. We all knew that. The A Triple C. An investigation found that households on older electricity plans are paying over two hundred and thirty eight dollars more per year than those on newer offers. The A Triple C urges consumers to shop around or contact their electricity providers for better deals done in the Origin and Energy Australia dominate the market with a combined sixty two percent. Despite a drop in electricity prices over the past year, many households remain on plans priced above the government's safety net. The A Triple C highlighted that energy retailers have increased their margins, with residential customers paying an extra one hundred and ten dollars and small businesses an extra four hundred and eleven dollars. The A Triple C also warned the complexity of retail electricity pricing, especially with the rise of use terriffs. Climate Change and Energy Minister Crisp bowl And emphasize the government's efforts to modernize the energy grid with renewable power and provide immediate release through energy bill support. However, Shadow Energy Minister Ted O'Brien criticize the government's handling of energy costs surprise Surprise, urging consumers to seek better electricity plans and a better government. Blind Freddie could have told us that electricity was too high in this country. We've got an opinion on that. I just think they should do something about it. You know whatever. People are making money and it is so hard to go along and pay your electricity bill for so many people I talked to out there. It is a huge, huge cost to so many out there that struggle to understand the plan or sit on the phone for ours with these retailers trying to get a better deal. It is now two fifty eight. We're going to go to a short break and we're going to be talking pets with Derek McNair Right after this break.

Five double a summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

Two minutes past three here on five double A, the Great Derek McNair has wandered in from you, having called great for a while of course. Yes, how many years? Thank you for there, amazing Richard.

Thank you anyone.

There we go.

We're just mutual appreciations, flatter each other for the next hour, just go back and forth. And people are going, you're gonna talk about pets al what. No, we're just gonna know. I'm just going to at each other exactly right. How many years have you've been on now? Thirty? Maybe? Yeah, yes, it's four teenth year on it.

A few yes, neither have aged a bit.

Yeah, that was good. Was good looking as the die we started?

Yes, yeah, yep, our eyesight must be feeding a bit. It's good fun, isn't It's always getting fun. It's nice to try and help people.

Yeah, and that's why both of us do it. Yes, yeah for it. It's getting warm again, Derek.

Yeah, this weekend, Yes, I saw that this weekend, thirty eight degrees. So here I go the forever scratch record. And if no one did it, we'd never have to mention it. But people still take their dogs out in a car, and they still take them for walks in the morning. It was a couple of weeks ago. It was about I can't remember something. My thirty five degreed here and by the side of our house we've get read brick paving, and I thought, I'll just I thought, I'll just got to my bare feet and just see what it's like. It would have been maybe two seconds I could have Yeah, I could stand it and bear it, and then I just had to jump and go straight back inside again. So dogs pads are not like shoes. They can and do burn. So be very careful if you have to take your dog, and you don't have to take your dog out every day. If the day's forty degrees, don't take them out, or if it starts off maybe twenty first thing in the morning, go out first thing in the morning. But nighttime, Jenny, and those hot days, it doesn't cool down. So do your walking in the morning and then keep them cool, shuring the.

I'm I've done on the stem. When people don't, I really don't.

Know, and don't take them out in the car. I was doing some research into thirty eight this weekend. But if it's thirty seven and you go out and you leave your dog in the car in the sunlight fifteen minutes at sixty degrees and your dog will be have passed away.

So don't do it.

Don't take the risk. If you don't have to go anywhere. Obviously, if it's an emergency you have to go to the vets, that's a different thing. Other than that, don't go anywhere that you can of you know, if you can avoid it. Leave them at home inside air conditioning, lots of bowls of water, lots of means to keep cool, and let them have an icedy listening to five double a indoors.

That's what we like. If you've got a question for Derek, give us a call I double two three double a double. Now, question is too hard, Direk and the animals. I shouldn't say that.

I was going to say, give a prize out for the one that stumps me, but that there'll be too many prizes we're giving out for that one.

So wait, have a Wallace double movie pass to go along and give away. There you go, give us a call IKE double T three double A double a week ah the Derek or I can answer the pick.

Question yes, yes, yes, and it's Yeah, if it involves just switching it off and rebooting it, that's probably one.

For any dog on and off again. Yes, exactly for it. It's just going back to the height on their side. I told yours before we kind of the break us part next to car in shopping center, and they'd obviously gone it's on to do all the shopping. They lift the dog and the car, but the engine going, you know for it. But we just that type the dog.

Yes, it would be much more sensible. Yeah, you don't. One is, you don't leave your car running anyway unattended, which is sort of.

Seems a bit silly really think about that.

Yes, yeah, you just don't take your car your dog at all. And the other thing, you know, off a tangent. I still see dogs running around in cars. I still see them walking along the back unattended. And if if, if you have a car crash, depending on the size of the dog, you've got ten to forty kilos of weight flying through the car. One is, the dog will die, and if it hits you in the back of the head, you will die as well. So you you must have harnesses. They must be restrained. If you have a cat it must be in a in a cat cage and either put on the floor or with a seat belt around it. And dogs need a seat belt through you can get special walking harnesses that have a strap that restrain them in the in the car, you need to do it. I've had two sort of sad stories. A lady was driving along with a little poodle on her lap when she was driving, and.

She had a very.

Mild, if you like, car crash, but the air bag still went off and the air bag actually killed the dog. So you want to have your dog restrained ideally in the back seat because of things like that. And I had another lady who had a car crash because she had her cat loose in the car and the cat ran under the pedals and so she couldn't press the pedals because she was going to squash a cat.

So you know, cat the car with you.

And I'm not well, if you have to take it to the bet, you do, but then you have it in the keys, then you have it in a cage. So I know, I always think common sense is sadly not that common.

Yeah, we've got a lot of comedians out there today, Derek, Okay, all right, how can Derek explain why parrots are left handed. No, there we go, that's you must have. I thought there was a joke. I thought it was a punchline coming. There's punch the punchline. Please send it to us. Love our listeners for this afternoon, gentlemen, my pick, here we go, my pick. Kilpie called Bell has just swallowed my mobile phone. Who should I be talking to? Richard? Ordered Dtor Derek. That's very good. That's going to be like that world un job.

Yeah, yeah, that's fair. You talk to me first because I can remove it from your your dogs, from Bail's stomach, and then I have to hand it to Richard because it's probably a bit damage with the acids and the stomach. So you're just to go by another one.

Yeah. We love our listeners for these sort of things. On there again, we'll re visit and all chested up. We've got New years Ive coming up.

Yes, yes, yep. Keep them indoors, Keep your pets indoors.

We have.

Every year, without fail, every year dogs and cats go missing because they get frightened by fireworks.

So have them indoors.

If you've got a dog or a cat who's scared by fireworks.

Stay with them.

You don't have to go out every New Year's Eve and have a big night yourself. Stay with them and reassure them. You can if you want to talk to your vet about it. If they're really bad, if they get super anxious, and maybe you know, we have dogs that literally run through glass doors and glass windows because they're so upset. Then there's medication we can give which will calm them down and usually cams them down well. But we'd still recommend that you're there to keep an eye on them, you know, to make sure they don't damage themselves.

I was going to say, the past a couple of weeks, I've had fireworks already going off. Yes, on the wakends, Yes already, and it's going to be cold tomorrow for better legal fireworks and don't have that. The mfs have come out, but then there as well. But it just terrorizing, doesn't it. Yes?

Yes, Oh, they don't know what it is.

You know, we like it.

See fireworks. This is exciting.

You can watch it, but they just hear the bangs, and the bangs for them are very frightening. They don't understand it. So if you have a pet who's prone to anxiety and panic attacks because of it. Please stay at home or have have someone stay at home with them who can look after them, and maybe talked to you of it beforehand.

Exactly right, Patricia, Well done? Hell are you?


Hell, I'm fine?

Take you thanks thanks for calling.

Oh not at all, half. I always listen to the from home. I have a very shy cat. It's ridiculous. He comes out for food, then we don't see him again, and then he goes back, you know, it comes back for the next male. So he just doesn't like people. Well, he just panics about all of them. Yeah, he lives you know. I have a dog as well, and they get it on quite well together. I think, how if I call him the cat? But he's just so shy and timid. He's a great, big, great fluffy thing.

Yes, boy, So does he live in your house or does he disappear? So he disappears inside the house.

Yeah, he's a What was he starting life?

Where did you get him from?


The R S P C A.

You know, the sad stories that they're abandoned and what have you. I think him with cares before he had you know, before he kind of lived with us.

I feel so sorry for him.

Perchances here that he wanted out and some sort of whether it's you make fast of him, and we just watched him see what he was guarded to, and he sort of had a quick look at my salon walks off again. And that's about the most sociable he's ever been.

How long have you had him for?






Again? He's still like that?

Okay, Yeah, I mean he's obviously very anxious, and there's things you can either just let them stay that way because he's sort of happy. You don't know the start he's had in life. He's obviously suffers from a bit of anxiety when it comes to sort of socializing. Have you tried anything. There's something called a feel away diffuser, which which may help. It's actually it's a basically a thing you plug into the socket in your house and instead of giving off just like nice deudorizing fumes, it gives off happy cat pheromones and it can work very well for anxiety cases. We always recommend it if someone's moving house to plug one and when you get to the new house, and then that will help to ease the anxiety and stress of the new surroundings, so you could try that. I guess to be honest, if he said three years and he's still as timid as you're describing, you know, you know.

Try if people come sign you would never believe that cat lives here apart from camps of gray for floating about. Yes, but when he's with me, he's fine. Brush him and yeah, you know it's all this about, you know, when you talk to them and you want to biscuits and things out there. Yes, you know it's all there. And he gets out of right with the cat the dog. But it's just I feel so sorry for him because he just set out of everything.

Old guy.

Not I was mad, Okay, Yeah, everything's.


Yes, I mean he's obviously just comfortable with your company and that's it. And really when it's as extreme as you're describing, I think that's him and that's just how he's going to be. I actually I had a cat she went to heaven about oh five years ago, Chrissy. She was cold because she was white, and we got her near Christmas time, so so we called her Christy, but we know her. It was a client of mine many years ago when she was a kid. And it's an awful story. Something actually threw threw her over their high wall and they found her in their garden and they brought her into my clinic and we just kept her and adopted her. And she was very nervous, and a lot of our friends didn't know that we had her, because as soon as the doorbell rang or somebody knocked on the door, she would disappear. That it was sort of funny. When she got quite old, she actually got dementia and she and she became the most sociable cat you've ever seen. She used to come up to everybody and the good we didn't know you had this cat. But until until that point, yeah, she was very nervous.

And I didn't do anything.

You just you just have to sort of work around her to make sure you don't increase her anxiety.

In the cat off if I'm watch to the use of something occasionally, if it's only not my dog and I because one of my sons here, yeah the cattle wandering and yeah, I'll always talk to him. And he's paid at me and Haley from jump up and in a way to he was sitting on my lad you got my dressing hair and but not for very long, you know, usually they cats before.

I mean, it's the thing he could try. My son saw an Instagram yesterday and he sent it to me. Somebody's such I know, but no, it's quite interesting. And I didn't believe this, but this person said they knew what cat was for come here sort of thing. So yeah, but so anyway, so Callum played on his phone and I've got two cats, Wilman Pebbles, and he did it three times and each time Wilma came towards him and Pebbles didn't, so it actually, we're going to keep trying it. So it seemed to work for Wilma doing this same and basically the guy said, this is what it means to say, come here to a cat. So I just think you can maybe you can maybe try Patricia with your cat to see if you can get it to come out from from the murky depths. But anyway, I we just let him have whatever life he wants. It's very nice you're looking after him so well.

Oh it's just so frustrating, you know, but they are so sorry for him and health. Thank god. I had some rese injections of that and need a panic guided the way. But that's fair enough, okay, just enjoying.

His Patricia, thank you.

If he gets the other thing slightly going at tangent. If he gets really really anxious when he goes to the vat, talk to your vat about getting a tablet called Gaba painting, which if you can give it to him an hour or two before you go, that often just relaxes them for the for the trip.

To the vat.

Okay, yeah, thanks for your help.

Thanks for the call and good luck. It's very nice.

It's very nice you adopted him. That's the important thing that well.

I'm Patricia, Yeah, thank you, thank you, Thanks, Patricia, thank you. Have a happy new year.

I forgot, I keep forgetting this new year. Being a Scotsman Shot member, you.

Should know that course we're going to go to a short break and we'll be right back here on five double.

A five double A Summer Afternoons with Richard Pasco.

Three twenty one. Thank you for joining me.

Five double A. Bushfire information.

There is bushfire grass plains approximately seven kilometers south of Owen in the mid North. Watching at his leave now this bushfire bay threaten your safety. Check that the path is clearer, and go to a safer place. Do not enter this area. The Grace Planes bushfire is uncontrolled. The Stuble fire is burning in a northeasterly direction towards Owen Road, Tank Road, Finch Road and Davies Road. Can tischs are continually changing. For updates, check the Saface website. We will keep you updidded with that until I'm here at for I'm sure Flipper will do the sign afterwards. Derek eleergies for animals at this tom of you.

This year I think is I think I say every year, I think I say this is the worst year here for allergies. But I haven't come across an awful lot of people who say their hay fever is really bad this year. And Adelaide is the asthma and allergy capital of the world. Yeah, yeah, because it's so dry and everything floating around, and it's like we're in a ball, yes around, yes, yes, and all sort of settles down and we all start sneezing and rubbing our eyes and rubbing our noses, and the same thing with dogs and cats. So we have a lot mainly dogs more so dogs, but cats do get as well. But dogs who get hay fever and hay fever in dogs is different from hay fevering people. They generally get itchy paws and itchy face, so yeah, and often it's their ears as well, so they get hot, itchy ears which make them more prone to getting infection as well. Yeast like to grow in hot, moist conditions, which is why if you run a lot you get athletes feet are athletes foot foot you could get both the athletes feet, and it's the same with dogs ears. Dogs ears are fairly sort of dark and hot as it is, but if they get allergies, it warms up even more and you get these yeast infections that are quite.

Difficult to clear.

So if your dog gets ear problems, also check if it's looking at its paws. Chances are it's actually got hay fever. If it has got hay fever, a couple of things to do wiping it down with a damp cloth when it's been outside, so leave a bucket of water at your back door and a face cloth, and every time your dog goes out and comes back in, wipe it down with a dark cloth. They found a lot of the allergens. The skin specialists have found a lot of the algines will stick to the skin and can actually cause irritation. Dog would love that too, Yes, and if it's a hot day just cools it down as well, so it's so that's very nice. You can give anti histamines, but dog's allergic system they release more of different things like lucatrines and stuff like that. We release a lot more histamines, So anti histamines work usually very well with people, but dogs release a lot less or fewer histamines, so antistamines don't work as well in dogs, but they sometimes do. It's worth a try. Zertek is the one I found that works best. One tablet pretend kilos of dog, So give it a go and see if it helps one tablet. P.

Yes, we're not the same for humans.

Because because dogs are not little humans, so they vary in lots of different ways. They're very similar and in some ways, but they're also very different.

So don't mention that tacking nons they take.

Yes, yeah, that's a big dog. So yes, so check with your vet before self medicating, because if you do give too much of any medication, you can cause problems. But there's also other things that cause itches if they're just itchy on the underside of their tummy where there's no hair, then that is likely to be what's called a contact allergy, where they're actually coming into contact with something, which is usually grasses or creepers like wandering jew is classically what causes it, and so they only get the itches on the areas of their body which are not protected by hair. And if that's the case, obviously trying to find out what's causing it is good, and keeping them clear of the grass or the weed or the creeper, whatever it is that helps is well. So this time of year fleas, I've started to be out and about Fleas love warm weather. Fleas can breeding under a fortnite, and one flea can lay two thousand eggs, so you can very quickly have a massive population literally on your doorstep or in your house. So yep, so there's there's many good things to go rid of fleas, but if you have them in your house, you usually need to get those flea bombs or get a pest control person in because the fleas don't actually like light, so they're not sitting in the middle of the carpet in the middle of the room.

They move all the darks. They move, Yes, they do. They go.

They go under cushions, behind curtains, under tables. So if you're doing a spring clean, make sure you move the furniture, get under the under the setee, get behind the curtains, and you've got a better chance then of clearing up fleas if you have them in the house.

I's going to say, all the people out there are standing there inching at the moment now that we start to talking about it. You do you don't, Yes, yeah, you showed me a fire eye before that you pulled out of what do you take out of the point?

Well, yeah, it was a really nice little dog came in yesterday and it was limping in one leg. But the owners said, oh no, you know, he's often limping in different legs as well.

And lovely, lovely people. And but they live up in the hills.

And we found literally hundreds of tiny, little sort of grassy spikes, which they're almost the.

Owners of going home to try and find out what plant has come from.

It's almost like mini cacti spikes.

And I was surprised what I looked like when you showed me the fire eye.

Yes, yes, And and this dog had just had them stuck in everywhere. So yeah, it took us a long time to try and find them all. Hopefully we've got them all. But there's so many and are so small that that's a problem. And grass seeds are out and about. So if you've got a dog with fluffy feet, after you take it for a walk, especially if you're down Victoria Park or anywhere with lots of grass, check between the toes, check under the toes, lift up the ear flaps, have a look in the ear to see if you can actually see any grass seeds, because you can often catch them before they burrow their way under the skin. And then yeah, and that's a problem if they do that.

So yeah, very good. Where can we find you, Derek?

We should yeah, wait, you can find me on the parade, Yeah, twenty seven the parade near the full at the road end and the phone numbers eight three six three five three two three.

Derek Maney are the best in the business for the Vitzen Adelaide.

Richard Pascal with the best in the business for technology in Adelaide.

There we go, Derek, have helped you and you'll have a great new year.

Thank you, you too, you too, and remember what you do just before midnight you walk outside the door. My dad used to get a lump of coal. So I try and find some coal and then whiskey and short bread. And because the first person who comes across the door is the first footer and they are meant to be tall, dark and handsome, so that's what I fall down. But you, but you're meant to bring coal for warmth and food and drink. So it's whiskey, short bread and a lump of col There we go, brings you happiness and warmth.

I haven't heard that. My mum told me that.

Yes, yes, good old Scottish tradition.

Yes, Derek, you and you'll have a great new year. Thank you two and the listeners thank you next year. It is now three point thirty here on five double.

A five double, a summer afternoons with Richard Pascoe.

Now if you're a cricket fan, he gives me pretty happy at the moment Stralian cricket fan. By the way India and now six four, one hundred and thirty nights on a line, just got a wicket So at the cris we have oswell, who's still there? Not out seventy six and Washington Sunday has just come to the crease, so six for one hundred and thirty. I think they're in a bit of trouble now, so it's about sitting down and just grinding. If you're an Indian fan, you want to just come along and see them grind this out. But Notathan Lynne is looking pretty happy at the moment. Bowling figures Mitchell start one for twenty four, pack comers two for nineteen, Scott Boland one for thirty three, and Travis had one for fourteen. He could take the a Roundo spot in Sydney. Sorry, Mitchell, marsh Fans still not happy about that. Madeline has come in my producer. Hello, hi Richard, how are you going good?

Thank you?

How you've done a great job since you and I've been together.

Oh thank you?

Scottl smoothly and everything. You've got an afternoon delight?

Do So.

I'm lucky enough to have little siblings. So they are I always forget how old they are? Ten and nine.

I'm pretty sure it's a good age, isn't it.

Yeah, it's so good because you can relive Christmas all over again. So yeah, my afternoon that I was spending Christmas with them, getting to see them open their presence and whatnot.

See that's lovely.

Yeah, always so good. And they just they get so excited. I get excited gifting him way too much.

But yeah, and that's what they do. Scott Fox, who runs the local gym where I go to, he's got two kids, and you know, I bought them presents or my house mate and I bought them presents for Christmas Day and they're all excited about that.

They would have loved that.


And it's like Scott and Sam James who from SJA Establishment, they're a partner. They've got the kids. Scott's thinking about building another room onto his house that he's just building at the moment for all the presents the kids keep on getting out there. So because he swamps. People get swamped at Christmas time, don't they? Some of the little kids buying presents, I know, that's the thing.


They get excited and you're just like, oh, I want to buy them everything. But they're only that young once, so I figured, may as well, have you.

Got anything from when you were at that age still left?


I only have one and it is a giant white bear. But I would say that he's a bit brown now, right, yea. So there's a lot of photos of me with the bear in my cot and I still have it in.

My room now, so that's lovely. But a lot of people don't have those things for those years.

No, I know.

I'm very lucky that my parents made sure that I held on to at least something to make sure, you know, had something to remember from my childhood.

So yeah, which is well done for your parents. Thank you out there, Madeline. That was that was really nice. We've got anything else we can think of?

I don't think so. Have you got an afternoon to delight?

Not really, to be quite honest, so that my afternoon delight would be seeing Australia within the cricket I've got to say on their six for one hundred and thirty two. So it's going to be very interesting next couple of ours. Thanks Madelin. That's good. Thank you. Mike sent me in a text Richard reckon the airplane Home alone and Rush Hour movies wouldn't make it today. A lot of issues in them. I still don't understand by you know, anything should be able to be said within reason on there some of the other things that have made the news. It's a massive one point seventy five billion wind farm project in South Australia Southeast has been shelved. The developers, German based Skyboard Renewables and Australa's Energy, withdrew their application with the Federal Environment Department without explanation. The project, announced in twenty twenty one, planned to house seventy five turbines generating six hundred megawats of energy, enough to power four hundred thousand homes. It faced opposition from environmental groups concerned about the impact on whales and seabirds. State Planning Minister Nick Champions side a potential harm to local aquaculture, fisheries marine parks as reasons for not grunting development authorization. The project has now been abandoned, with the developers moving it to Commonwealth waters, but seemingly withdrawing from that process now as well. If you're down at Aldinger, you're listening down there, please, I'd love somebody from Aldinger to ring me up and tell me if you're happy about the light towers down there, and or do you think the surfing is a great idea?

I do.

I think the surfing is a great idea to go along. I probably couldn't surf to save my life because my glasses would come off, and I'm pretty blind without my glasses anyway, So give me a ring. On there at a couple of texts coming in about the price of electricity on there. The atriple Sea has revealed that many households are paying too much for electricity. Just we all knew that, and it's going to be such a big election issue for so many people out there. The good. Just going back to the predictions, we go back to psychic world twenty twenty five. They said cryptocurrencies and ai, bitcoin and crypti are predicted to expand. I think anybody could told them that with a friendlier regulatory environment under the incoming Trump administration. However, stringent regulations are expected to balance innovation with ethical oversight. An unnamed psychic's always an unnamed one predicts a devastating pandemic in twenty twenty five, potentially more severe than COVID nineteen. Remember, psychics also said that last year was going to be bad for COVID, and we basically went along and forgot all about it after a while. Twenty twenty five is predicted me the year the space Age truly begins with reusable rocket and Elon Musk's ambitions making multiplanetary life a plausible. The show on Apple TV called for All Mankind. I think that psych it was just watching that.

For it.

Got anything to talk to me about. Please go along, And do you think we'll see alien aliens on around this week? We've had a couple of jokes about aliens. Do you think we will see them come around this year? I've got my doubts at the moment, still looking for a good prediction from people. Give us a ring eight double two three double o doublo. We're going to be right back after the break.

Five double A summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.

Now, if you're a cricket fan, you give me pretty happy at the moment Australian cricket fan. By the way, India are now six four one hundred and Nathan Lyne just got a wicket. So at the crease we have Joswall who's still there not out seventy six and Washington Sunday has just come to the crease. So six for one hundred and thirty. I think they're in a bit of trouble now. So it's about sitting down and just grinding there. If you're an Indian fan, you want to just come along and see them grind this out. But Nathan Lyne is looking pretty happy at the moment. Bowling figures Mitchell Stark one for twenty four, pack comers two for nineteen, Scott Boland one for thirty three, and Travis had one four fourteen. He could take the a rounder spot in Sydney. Sorry, Mitchell Marsh Fans still not happy about that. Madeline has come in my producer. Hello, hi Richard, how are you going good?

Thank you?

You've done a great job since you and I've been together. Oh thank you, scottl smoothly and everything. You've got an afternoon delight, have you?

So I'm lucky enough to have little siblings. So they are I always forget how old they are, ten and nine.

I'm pretty sure it's a good age ist.

No, yeah, it's so good because you can relive Christmas all over again. So yeah, my afternoon that I was spending Christmas with them, getting to see them open their presence and whatnot.

See that's lovely.

Yeah, always so good. And they just they get so excited. I get excited gifting him way too much.

But yeah, and that's what they do. Scott Fox, who runs the local gym where I go to, he's got two kids, and you know, I bought them presents, or my house mate and I bought them presents for Christmas Day and they're all excited about that.

They would have loved that.

Yeah, And it's like Scott and Sam James who from Sjay Establishment. They're a partner. They've got the kids. Scott's thinking about building another room onto his house that he's just building at the moment for all the presents the kids keep on getting out there. So because are you swamps? People get swamped at Christmas time, don't they some little kids buying presents?

I know that's the thing though. They get so excited and you're just like, oh, I want to buy them everything. But they're only that young once, so I figured, may as well, have you.

Got anything from when you were at that age still left?


I only have one and it is a giant white bear, but I would say that he's a bit brown now, right.


So there's a lot of photos of me with the bear in my cot and I still have it in my room now.

So that's lovely. But a lot of people don't have those things for those years.

No, I know, I'm very lucky that my parents made sure that I held on to at least something to make sure, you know, had something to remember from my childhood.

So yeah, which is well done for your parents out there, Madeline. That was that was really nice. We've got anything else we can think of?

I don't think so. Have you got an afternoon tolt.

Really, to be quite honest, so that my afternoon delight would be seeing Australia within the cricket I've got to say on there six for one hundred and thirty two, so it's going to be very interesting next couple of ours. Thanks Mateling, that's good. Thank you. Mike sent me in a text Richard reckon the airplane Home alone and Rush Hour movies wouldn't make it today. A lot of issues in them. I still don't understand by you know, anything should be able to be said within reason on there. Some of the other things that have made the news. It's a massive one point seventy five billion wind farm project in South Australia Southeast has been shelved. The developers German based Skyborn Renewables and Australa's Energy withdrew their application with the Federal Environment Department without explanation. The project, announced in twenty twenty one, planned to house seventy five turbines generating six hundred megawats of energy, enough to power four hundred thousand homes. It faced opposition from environmental groups concerned about the impact on whales and seabirds. State Planning Minister Nick Champions side a potential harm to local aquaculture, fisheries marine parks as reasons for not granting development authorization. The project has now been abandoned, with the developers moving it to Commonwealth Waters, but seemingly withdrawing from that process now as well. If you're down at Aldinger, you're listening down there, please, I'd love somebody from Aldinger to ring me up and tell me if you're happy about the light towers down there, or do you think the surfing is a great idea?

I do.

I think the surfing is a great idea to go along. I probably couldn't surf to save my life because my glasses would come off, and I'm pretty blind without my glasses anyway, So give me a ring on there at a couple of texts coming in about the price of electricity on there the atriple see has revealed that many households are paying too much for electricity. Just we all knew that, and it's going to be such a big election issue for so many people out there. The good. Just going back to the predictions, we go back to Psychic World twenty twenty five. They said cryptocurrencies and ai, bitcoin and crypti are predicted to expand. I think anybody could told them that with a friendlier regulatory environment under the incoming Trump administration. However, stringent regulations are expected to balance innovation with ethical oversight. An unnamed psychic's always an unnamed one predicts a devastating pandemic in twenty twenty five, potentially more severe than COVID nineteen. Remember, psychics also said that last year was going to be bad for COVID, and we basically went along and forgot all about it after a while. Twenty twenty five is predicted me the year the space age truly begins, with reusable rocket technology and Elon Musk's ambitions making multiplanetary life a plausible. The show on Apple TV called for all mankind. I think that psych it was just watching that.

For it.

Got anything to talk to me about. Please go along? And do you think we'll see alien aliens on around this week? We've had a couple of jokes about aliens. Do you think we will see them come around this year? I've got my doubts at the moment. Still looking for a good prediction from people. Give us a ring eight double two three double o doublo. We're going to be right back after the break.

Five double a summer afternoons with Richard Pasco.

In the studio with me now the great Wayne Philip who you know it's more about cricket than I do, but I can still pin and Garli please do how you do?


Very good things. Six for one hundred and thirty two. It's like with bowling hand. Grys now just.

Started to ask some genuine questions of the Indian batting lineup. They kept themselves in it with a chance to really take the chase on and then another wicket, then another wicket, and then Travis Head grabbing one as well.

Which was that says yeah? And then there was another.

Line on the back of that Nathan line, So look, yeah, as you say six for one, thirty two they need another four. There's a few overs still to go, about.

Twenty eight to thirty still to go, so the life will be they've finish their for it. Does that annoy you sometimes as slow over rate?

No, it's part it's it's it can be. But yeah, sometimes they're doing it for a reason. Sometimes they're but yeah, with the Australians bowling two spinners, they're getting through those overs and the other thing that'll allow them then to do is go hard and maybe get another new ball to throw to the pace bowler is to really have a go at putting some eat on them that way. So on India juswhile still not out, he's just been brilliant. Yeah, yeah, been very impressive. So seventy six not out, but within Washington, so we'll see where it goes from there.

Who'll be good bring up my regular subject as I do with you in Campeg. Mitchell Marsh will be driving that to w A.

I'm not sure.

Well, I mean the selectors have been braved through the series in making decisions. They made strong decisions, haven't that, you know, bringing in young Sam Constance and then then they will then have the confidence. I think if they need to make another decision, and that might be to the detriment of Mitchell Marsh, but perhaps it's time and let's have the confidence of finding the next that all round her that they need to see and that we need to see.

And by website can both spin medium pace that bad bat.

It's not bad and he's been attached to the squad for some little time, hasn't he? So is it time for him to fully deserve? But it depends if they grab the win, well, then there's every chance, well make the change. Might as well make the two one? Yes, got a bloodsome people correct, Yeah, let's see where it goes from there, But yeah, we'll do.

I'd still like to see Lance Morris in that side one hundred and fifty. Let him go and let it go.

Yeah, we're just not sure how we're going to try and get to Theodoropolos over there at the MCG. Know, well, just he might update us if there's been any announcements as far as the side what's going on. They've smashed all crowd records over there.

Which isn't it fantastic?

A five day Test match at the MCG. Two great teams and people are coming along watching and genuinely supporting.

It's just brilliant, mate, which is good. What else we got tonight?

Daniel Garb will bring us up to date with all of the soccer results from overnight. So disappointed again Stutenham. Those Sttenham fans so to too being held to a draw there, so they'll be disappointed. And also Debbie Sherry from the Adelaide International the tennis down at the Drive, so starting early next week early and then you year six of oh, just and attracting such quality players into what a fantastic facility the Drive, so it should be a ripper mate.

We'll have a bit of fun. That's as we should, all right, Thanks, we'll just wait and see the Yeah, the crickets just going so well people out there, so we just need those last four tickets. Then all my Indian friends at the gym will be so happy with me for it. So Wayne's laughing here at the moment, but they come and talk to me about the cricket every time I'm there. Mike's and the text and Richard, don't know what your ours are, but all the best for New Year's even all the best for twenty twenty five Mike, Mike, thank you very much for that. Really appreciate it. There is a fire in the southeast issued for Canalpen in the upper southeast Kourong area. Avoid the smoke. Smoke from Venning Raide Hay Shed fire is in the Canal area. As we all say before, when we do the smoke ones, it can affect your health. You should stay informed to be aware of the health impacts of smoke on yourself and others. Symptoms of exposure include shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, burning eyes, running, those chest tightness, chest pain, dizziness or lightheadedness. So that is at Canalpen. There is also the other fire that we have going at the moment for Graceplanes seven kilometers south of Owen in the mid north. Leave now this bushfire might threaten your safety. Check that the path is clear, Go to a safer place. Do not enter this area's conditions are dangerous. The grace Plane via is uncontrolled. This double fire is burning in a northeasterly direction towards Owen Road, Tank Road, Finch Road and Davis Road. Conditions are continually changing. For updates CFS website at CFS dot s A, dot gov dot AU. Just be careful out there people and if you do see something. I know, we talked Matthew talked about it with the police.

You know.

Just if you do see something, just you know, report it. There's nothing wrong with doing if you see people acting suspiciously in the hills, report it. It really is you know what you should be doing, Karen. Psychics speak whole of rubbish. They never see good things. That's always doom and gloom. I would like a psychic to tell me what the winning low numbers are coming up. That would be very good before we go. South Australia's largest waste water treatment plant is undergoing a series of major upgrades at a combined investment totally one hundred and twenty one million dollars to increase its capacity in preparation for Adelaide's population growth in the northern suburbs. The major upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant has received a significant milestone, with new inlet screens installed to double the plant's capacity. The Bolivard plants inlwere raw sewadge apologies. If you're reading something at the moment, arise from the the wider sewer network will soon be able to process up to six hundred and thirty million leaders sewerage per day, the equivalent of two hundred and fifty two Olympic sized swimming pools every day. Now, if you're sitting at home at the moment and I've just said that, I bet you've got an image in your mind right now of what I just said. Currently it processes are on average three hundred million leaders of sewerage daily. It's all about making sure that as we expand the housing up there, that we can go along and cope. The combination of course and fine screen serves as the final stage of the treatment process by removing solid inorganic materials such as web pipes, paper, and plastic stands more than six meters high. The screens prevent blockages or damage to the plant's pipes and pumps downstream. Over the coming months, SA Water will begin testing the inlets, automated processes and electrical equipment by running clean order through It. So really good to see considering we've got the out of people in the northern suburbs being you know, it really is. It's an investment in the future for people out there, and police are investigating a shooting in Prospects So Police are seeking assistance from the public to help identify a man involved in shooting a prospect About eight twelve pm on Monday, the sixteenth of December, a man rode a black Yamaha MT seven motorcycle into a car park on Coogar Avenue and discharge a far im fire arm a number of times at an unknown white Mazda three sedan. The motorcycle then travel west through the park before turning right to travel northbound on the Prospect Road. The master was later seen heading south of Prospect Road. Is damaged to the front left of the vehicle, next to the headlight. A speed cover detected motorcycle being ridden by a man matching the suspect's description on Trimmer Parade at scene about nine to two. Suspect is described as being a Caucasian appearance between twenty to thirty years old, with a tatoo of writing text on his left hour forum. He was wearing a white helmet with black stripes, black T shirt, black sleeveless puffer jacket with hood, bright blue shorts, black socks and white sneakers. The motorcycle had dark blue wheels. Anyone who may witness the incident is asked to call crime Stoppers on one eight hundred triple three Triple O or online at crime stoppers essay dot com dot au. Thanks for listening today. We will be back tomorrow here on five double A between one and four on New Year's Eve. Let me know tomorrow what you're doing on New Year's Eve? Do you still go out the way you used to go out before? Not many people seem to, or some people are going out more than ever. I'm going to be ending up having a very quiet New Year's Eve this year because I'll be doing breakfast the next day. So you do breakfast, you've got to be in here about four point thirty am in the morning, so it will be very very quiet for me. So let me know what you're doing on New Year's Eve. We've got a great show lined up for you tomorrow, so many good things to go along and see. We'll be talking to a couple of mayors out there about what's happening in their electric when it comes to New Year's Eve, because you know, the councils out there, I think this time of year do a very very good job for making sure that it's a safe and safe celebration for you, so we will be talking about that. Will be a bit of responsibility about New Year's Eve as well. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I've actually had a lot of fireworks going off the past few nights. I don't know if you're getting warmed up for New Year's Eve out there, so just be careful out there as well. It's very very dry, so we don't want the illegal fireworks going off at the moment because it can cause fires and we don't want that. We've got to go along and make sure that we don't start any fires. But it is the big thing out there every Year's Eve when for the last few years fireworks are going off all night, we've got the fireworks celebrations, So you know, just go along and be careful out there. In the cricket at the moment, we are still six four one hundred and thirty eight. It's ending up to be a very very exciting Test match. So ind you need two hundred and two runs to win, that's not going to happen. Joe's Way is still there on eighty two not out off one hundred and ninety seven balls. Sharma was out, was out for nine, Rahul for a duck Coalie five a bit so many people were pleased about that. It's a great player, but he might just be coming to the end of his time. Pant was out for thirty, Jadeja was out for two, Ready was out for one, Washington Sunda and Josua at the crease at the moment. Bowling figures Mitchell Stark one for twenty four, Pack Cummins two for nineteen, Scott Boland one for thirty nine, Nathan Lyne one for thirty five and Travis Head one for fourteen. Mitchell Marsh the all round us bolt and people had texts come in before saying, absolutely hammering the bloke. I really think that Marsh shouldn't be in the side. I don't think he should have been inside for the last couple of Test matches on there. We need an all proper all rounder in the side. And you know, people say it's a bit of a running gag with me, it is, but you know, why is a bloke in the side if he can't go along and take you know, mate runs and take wickets. Even had a friend from Tasmania go along and you know he said, how do. Mitchell marsh is going to go and it really is a bit of a joke. At the moment, there's been a shark has been spotted just as we're getting ready to leave. If you're down All Dinger, just be careful. There is a shark has been spotted at All Dinger. Lookout for the shark on their two meter bronze while I was seeing about fifteen meters off the recent All Dinger Beach. South Australian Police issued the alert on x just before one pm. Comes after a three meter great white shark spotted one hundred meters offshore at Largs Beach, about seventy kilometers west of Adelaide on Boxing Day. I always remember going to Larks Beach when I was a kid. Thank you for joining us this afternoon. We'll be back here on five Double A between one and four tomorrow and I'll be doing the breakfast show on New Year's Day. I hope you have a good rest of the day and we will talk to you tomorrow here on five Double A.

Afternoons with Stacey Lee

Join Stacey Lee for FIVEAA Afternoons as the award-winning journalist steps behind the mic discussin 
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