More Help Around the House

Published Jan 10, 2025, 6:00 AM

If your husband doesn't do much to help around the house, it makes you feel more like his mother than his wife. Perhaps your love language is Acts of Service. Speak to him in his love language, and he may begin speaking in yours.

A listener, writes Gary. How do I get my husband to help more around the house? I feel like his mother more than his wife.

Perhaps this wife's love language is acts of service, and she's really feeling unloved because her husband's not helping her around the house. Uh, and I can see that she would feel more like a mother than the wife. I think she needs to express this to him very clearly. You know, this is where I'm coming from. This is what makes me feel loved. And when you don't express love to me in this language, it makes me feel like you're just. I'm just here to take care of you. And I'm just here to be your mother. And I don't think that's what you want. That's certainly not what I had in mind when we got married. That kind of open conversation can be very helpful. But again, I would suggest that you learn his love language and be sure you're speaking his love language on a regular basis, because your love of him may well stimulate his love for you.

Doctor Gary Chapman is the author of The Five Love Languages. For more answers, visit brightcom.

A Love Language™ Minute

A Love Language™ Minute draws from Dr. Gary Chapman's years of counseling experience, excerpts from  
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