Words of affirmation are powerful communicators of love. Complements stimulate complements.
Mark Twain once said, I can live for two months on a good compliment.
Doctor Gary Chapman with a love language minute.
If we take Twain literally, he only needed six compliments a year. Believe me, your spouse, your child, your friend will need more than that. Verbal compliments are words of affirmation. Are powerful communicators of love. Imagine hearing these words. You look sharp in that suit. Wow. Do you ever look nice tonight? I appreciate your washing the dishes. Thanks for getting the babysitter lined up. What would happen to the emotional climate in your relationship if you heard such words of affirmation regularly? Then why not develop the habit of speaking such words to others? Compliments stimulate compliments.
Doctor Gary Chapman is the author of The Five Love Languages. For more, visit five Love Languages. Com.