Trending something. Everyone's looking at, everyone's talking about trending. Today.
I asked both you and PJ a very important question this morning. And it's been a topic of mind for me and a lot of other women as you've been seeing this trend go around. And the question I asked you is, when was the last time you thought about the Roman Empire?
And Bill said you couldn't, you couldn't really remember the last time you thought about it or in particular, like a specific moment or anything like that. Answer it now. Oh, yeah, two hours ago when you asked me, there you go. You're welcome. And PJ had said that he had actually thought about it on Saturday night or Sunday night just from playing video games. So he did have it on a
now women are asking all of the men in their lives. So their fathers, their brothers, their boyfriends or husbands, how often they think about Ancient Rome, the Roman Empire and then posting their response online. And it's startling to see the frequency that men are thinking about it. But if you don't believe me, here's some responses from Tik Tok. How often do you think about the Roman Empire? How often do I think about it?
It's technically like every day.
Do you think about the Roman Empire ever? Yeah, I guess sometimes how do you not think about the Roman Empire? How many times, like a week or just? How many times in general do you think about the Roman Empire? The Roman Empire was a very big part of history. So, how often do you think about it? Maybe three or four times a month? How often do you think about the Roman Empire? Every a couple of days?
Once a week? I
know a lot of history and it goes on and on and on. I've been seeing this everywhere but I think these men are full of it. See, there is, there is that kind of skepticism, right? Why do you know, why are everybody thinking about this at the same time or periodically throughout the week or the month or the last day? Um Anyone who's ever been in a classroom knows that when you ask a question,
six guys put their hands up immediately because we want to seem smart, right? Even if we don't know what the hell we're talking about. It's just a guy thing. We got a show. We know Roman Empire. I think about it all the time. You know how important that was historically. Like, I'm expecting your answer, Bill. I'm expecting, I can't remember the last time I thought about it. I don't know when the specific time is, but all of these men are giving direct answers. Like I thought about it a couple of hours ago or yesterday or three times this month. That is insanity to me also. Not true. What do you mean?
They're not telling you the truth? Well, I think they're getting caught off guard. I don't know. I mean, I asked my husband this question and this was his response. How often do you think about the Roman Empire all the time? Really? When's the last time you thought about it just now? But like before then
five minutes ago, really? Five minutes ago. But come, none of you women I see in these videos ask the obvious follow up question. What do you think about it? What were you thinking about? See this? There is some people that have asked this question and it differs, it differs. It's like, well, do you know how big of a deal it was? Do you know how huge the area was, was on your mind? Five minutes ago? There's no way,
was thinking about it five minutes ago. There's no, there's 0% possibility. I mean, I don't doubt, I, maybe that's not true. He wasn't thinking about it five minutes ago. But I think the crazy thing is, is that they're giving these specific answers. Why not say I can't remember the last time. Why, why would I be thinking about it? They're giving these very descriptive times that they were thinking about it. This is just crazy to me.
So, I don't know. I don't know. They just wanna, if you're thinking about it enough to ask the question they think, well, of course, I think about it. They just want to seem like they're in on whatever it is you're saying or doing whatever is going on. They want to be part of it. They're just hedging to act like they weren't not paying attention to what I was saying. Five minutes ago. See, that makes sense. That makes sense. I feel that. Why would I be thinking about the Roman Empire? Good question.
The morning rush. We men are so full of it. This is the dumbest trend ever but it is trending.