The Morning Rush with Matt Harris for Wednesday April 14th, 2021

Published Apr 14, 2021, 1:12 PM

 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to the current COVID-19 situation in Canada being "extremely serious" and underscored how the consequences of that reverberate through the healthcare system at large

Trudeau discusses the shifting demographics and increasing number of COVID-19 patients

A woman in Quebec who received the AstraZeneca vaccine marks Canada's first reported blood clot linked to getting the shot, while use of Johnson and Johnson is being paused in the U.S. amid concerns about clots. However, many doctors are emphasizing that the likelihood of having this reaction is exceedingly rare, and safer than getting the virus itself.

Dr Horacio Arruda, Quebec's national director of public health, says it's a good sign overall the clot was identified

The Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario is preparing to accept transfers of adult patients requiring critical care as local hospitals see record numbers of COVID-19 patients.

 Alex Munter, President and CEO of CHEO, says it's more an issue of staffing than space.

U.S. recommends 'pause' for J&J COVID-19 shot over clot reports, and Canada get’s its first cause of blood clots with the Aztrazenca vaccine. Are these vaccines still safer than getting covid? We find out the facts on Medical Myth Busting with Dr. Barry Dworkin.

Sunday House Call, Sunday afternoon at 3 on Newstalk 580 CFRA

Should the Canada-U.S. border be opened so Canadians can receive excess American vaccines? Over 15 US states have allowed Canadians to get vaccinated, would it be better to open the border for Canadians to head down and get vaccinated?

Joseph C. Grasmick, “U.S. immigration lawyer for Canadian businesses and professionals,” author of TN Handbook for Canadians

Majority of Canadians not using COVID Alert app, study finds. Why? Jennie Phillips, PhD, Director of the Digital Global Health and Humanitarianism Lab at York University

The Morning Rush with Bill Carroll every weekday from 5:00 am to 9:00 am on News Talk 580 CFRA.