The practice of parenting in a digital world is getting tougher by the day. Nowadays, kids are surfing the web more often. Sometimes, they are on social media. And while all of that is going on, big companies are collecting their data, even if they don’t know it. How can we responsibly look after today’s youth, in-person and with technological assistance, without giving off the vibes of a helicopter figure? In Hour 1, Kristy Cameron chats with Devorah Heitner, the author of a new book called 'Growing Up In Public'. Later in the program, we also hear from Julie Romanowski, who is an early childhood consultant based in British Columbia. Meantime, when it comes to Ontario’s healthcare system, getting the advice you need is growing more and more complex as well. And if you are an uninsured patient, it’s an even taller task in 2024, according to a new report. We dig deeper with Mauriene Tolentino, who is the report’s lead author.