While Eddie considers himself very knowledgeable about sports, he can't seem to understand one thing that gets talked about A LOT... contracts! And a lawyer named Brooks joins Bobby to explain the agreement needed, how to open an escrow account and everything in between for Bobby's potential pickleball matchup with a Twitter troll. And the guys draft the greatest athletes of all-time, fictional movie characters included!
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When it comes to college basketball and March Mania, one thing is for sure. That nothing is for sure. Upsets and buzzer beaters, Cinderella's advancing, top seeds, going home early, It's all going to happen. Bet the unexpected, every upset, every day with Draft King sports Book with live betting, exclusive content, promos, parlays. Draft Kings is the ultimate college basketball destination for March. If it's your first time, here's something special just for you. New Draft Kings customers bet five dollars, get two hundred dollars in bonus bets instantly. That's crazy. Bet the unexpected with Draftking sports Book. Download the Draft Kings sports Book app. Use the code Bobby Sports. That's the code Bobby Sports for new customers to get two hundred dollars in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks only on Draft Kings. The Crown is yours.
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It's a podcast called twenty five Wist's talking basketball and they are.
Wearing a whist.
So yeah, it's too bad, but what did you expect.
It's a podcast call twenty five Wist.
So wine wine.
Oh this is again posted on Thursday, like midnight, so Thursday. So the games haven't start yet, but they will be starting later today. Blow the West Wady. So we're very excited today. Today's today. Today's a day. We just want to get home and now I'm always like we're get everything done. It's like we got to get out of here. So big day today. You want to recap our teams real quick? Yes, our ten dollars teams are We've all picked a team. Kevin dude, Why though, I like, do you like dude? Because you're saying it with such passion.
Yeah, I've always liked to since I was a kid. I don't know the Chris Douhon days, remember the Ladies. I'm a contrarion myself. Like I understand being a contrarian. I love being the opposite of everybody. Find great pleasure in going that can't be true because this I still hate, dude, they keep.
A contrarian from being a contrarian. Oh wow, I know that's a lot of hatred. I did like J. J. Reddick though, yes at all, didn't mind him. I like to see him lose. I love see him in North Carolina's final. That was awesome. Oh yeah, that's hero hero type stuff. Mike Auburn, Yeah, me too, I have Auburn Casey.
Saint John's Baby, Let's go.
Did you see this song they did on Jimmy Fallon?
I didn't.
You got to check it out. I am rooting for Patino. I like Patina. I like yeah, and he's like one hundred and ten.
He went and coach in Europe for a while and the program was horrible and he really turned it around.
But also like the stuff that you know in the restaurant.
And Saint John's is in New York University.
It's actually the campus is in the Statue of Liberty. Really yet, and they play in Times Square at Bubba Gump Trump ayah nice. Their mascot is the guy in the underwear with the guitar. I could keep going, Get the Cowboys, Reid, who do you have? Florida?
And Eddie the Duke Blue Devils Baby. And then we picked a mid team furthest mid team to go also wins. And if it goes to the same Let's say, let's say any of them go to the same and there's two that's the same, it will not be split. It'll be coin flipped. Two have three Okay, I'm glad there's no child games here. The mid team, Oh yeah, we'll do bop it. Kevin, Kevin, Yeah, I went with you of a different U of A.
I guess right.
You guys know, sorry Arizona. We called him U of A in the West Coast, and now I'm learning out here in South.
EU, a's Arkansas or Alabama.
Uh, Alabama's not called you a roll time you have a baby, They're Bama.
Okay, Mike, I didn't have one.
Oh pick, you don't have to. We'll come back to you, Okay, Casey.
At the Louisville Louisville listen, Y like this Louisville, Louisville.
VO like v U l l Louisville. But don't stop saying it. Just say Louisville.
No, no, I don't backwards now. Louisville. Man, I don't know.
That's not they'll kick you out. You can't get through citny limits.
Louisville, Louisville, Louisville, Louisville, vol Voul Louisville, Louisville. Uh good zaga Eddie Texas A and m you can't. Oh yeah, text not texcause I wanted to take technical. Okay, Mine's Michigan.
Can I go to North Carolina? Yeah?
Because they kind of suck. I'll take it nice. When it comes to college basketball and March Mania, one thing is for sure that nothing is for sure. Upsets and buzzer beaters, Cinderella's advancing, top seeds, going home early, It's all going to happen. Bet the unexpected, every upset, every day with Draft King sports book with live betting, exclusive content, promos, parlays. Draft Kings is the ultimate college basketball destination for March. If it's your first time, here's something special just for you. New Draft Kings customers bet five dollars, get two hundred dollars in bonus bets instantly. That's crazy. Bet the unexpected with Draft King sports Book. Download the Draft Kings Sports Book app. Use the code Bobby Sports. That's the code Bobby Sports for new customers to get two hundred dollars in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks only on Draft Kings. The Crown is yours.
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I feel like I'm pretty knowledgeable at most things sports, but what I don't understand are contracts. I don't understand when people say they sign this contract, this is guaranteed. That's not guaranteed. They got bonus. It's like, I never really understand what that means. Like recently the Cowboys they say, uh, we're gonna reconstruct Dax contract. I don't understand he signed a big contract. Restructure you mean, oh, is that the restructure?
Like what does that mean? They're going to restructure and it sounds cool. Restructure it. We're gonna get more money from it. Cowboys are gonna be able to get someone else. I love it, but I don't know what it means. So can you explain it to me?
Basically, the restructuring means they're just gonna pay it differently through either signing bonus or salary through different years. But I can Yeah, Dak does get the money, yes, so, but let's do the first part of it. The first part is guaranteed money. Where it sucks to be an NFL player versus a Major League Baseball player or an NBA player. Is NFL is not guaranteed like they literally, what you're guaranteed is basically the signing bonus that you get at the beginning and you get thirty five million guaranteed. That's that's basically the signing bonus, and they can spread it out, but go ahead. The rest are what clauses. They can cut you whoa and not pay use. Yeah. No, that's why it's difficult to make money in the NFL over a long period of time because it's such a physical sport. You get hurt, and it's why they don't like guaranteeing money. Look at the Browns. They gave Deshaun Watson a fully guaranteed five billion dollar contract and he sucks and they can't get out of it. It is the first time that it ever happened, So the guarantee is going to be mostly the signing bonus. Now, restructuring can happen in different ways, and now that's converting like salary into signing bonus a lot of times, and it's just moving money around open up money in other years. I'm not sure about the deck numbers specifically, but I can give you an example. I wrote this down if a player has a ten million dollar base salary. I like using tens because my brain works in slices. A ten million dollars.
I have dyscalculus, so easier the better.
If a player has a ten million dollars salary, the team can take eight million of that and put it into a signing bonus, so we can give you ten dollars.
That's even better for me.
Okay, So let's say your your salary is ten dollars, ballin, I'm gonna go. You know what I'm gonna take. You're still gonna get all the money, but I'm gonna do eight dollars of that into a signing bonus. But now what I can do is spread that eight million bucks sorry, eight dollars dollars over three years, so you're guaranteed to get the money. And you've agreed to this because you want to make room for somebody else. So now I can give you, you know, two point five this year, two point five next year up until that eight million, which I think it's actually two point six to seven and something like that.
Okay, time out, time out, yep, So you said that I have to I've okayed that. Yes, in this scenario, do they have to Okay, does a player have to okay this?
Yes, because they can't just go in and wiggle with someone's contract. That's what I thought, and what that does is it just freeze cap space. So if I owe you ten dollars and you're getting it this year, let's say have it. We have thirty dollars for the whole show for me to pay, and I owe you ten dollars, I'm gonna go. You know, what, would you mind? You're still gonna get your money if we do eight dollars that is a signing bonus, but we spread out over three years, so really this year you're only getting two point sixty seven of it, which allows another five dollars or so to buy somebody else.
Yeah, which in turn is going to make you look better because the team's going to be better, hopefully.
Correct, that's the theory. Like, I am still going to get my money, but we're going to turn it into signing bonus money and you can spread that out to like give relief this year.
Okay, this is already helping me. Like I'm now understanding a little better because in my mind I was like, oh, well, now they're just taking money away from DAK or CD trying to make that cap space bigger. But no, they had to okay this, and that's okay with him. That makes me feel better about it.
Another way that they could do it is instead of a player getting cut not because they're bad or old, but because they make too much money. So if there's a veteran, let's do ten dollars again. Yeah, let's say you're a veteran and I'm like, man, you're good, but you're also old. I don't feel like you're worth ten dollars over the next few years.
That's rude, but I get it.
Okay, So what if I give you six dollars and I give you six dollars in incentives, meaning if you show up to the show this many times, if you have this many laugh out loud segments, if you said so, you have an opportunity to make more because of incentives. I'm also not going to cut you, but you're not gonna have it all guaranteed, but it's gonna be a way for you to stay on the team.
Okay, that makes perfect sense. Now, Now, like you know you have running backs like say Saquon I know that he was trying to say Saquon had if he broke a thousand yards, he gets an incentive. Now, if you're at nine hundred and ninety eight and the coach sits like do teams ever be like, hey man, if he gets two more yards, like we're gonna say the.
Cowboys did it this year two. I'm forgetting who, but the Cowboys sat somebody because it seemed like he was going to break a record. Yes, yes, Cooper Rush, right, it was it Cooper Rush. Yeah, so.
Dying that's dirty.
That's right because Trey Lance was put in because Cooper Rush was gonna hit one of his one.
Of them bonus senses. That is dirty.
It's dirty. Dog. And you have people that maybe not even an incentive base, but like a Saquon who was going to break the record. Yeah, and he was like, I'm not going to play. I don't want to play now. That wasn't incentive base. That was breaking a record and he just decided not to play himself.
Okay, I just used that as an example.
But the Cowboys you brought up an example, and it was the wrong example because your boys.
Yeah Cooper right now read do you understand this?
Oh yeah, I understand it.
I can give you a couple examples. Mahomes Is twenty twenty three restructure. The Chiefs restructured his contract. They converted since I've explained that his base salary into a basically a two hundred and ten million dollar bonus, like a guaranteed payout, like a signing bonus. So they were able to move that money around and they can always continue to restructure it as long as the player allows. They'll always get the money. Yeah, but they may not get as much now. They may take a lot of it earlier than later if they have plans for next year in the year after, Like, if you know you're going to suck this year, let's just pay you a whole lot this year, but we want you to stay on the team. So there's a lot of ways around it. But it's just moving things. Okay, So they did that, and then Aaron Rodgers took a pay cut to make the Jets better.
That didn't work out, that's correct.
Yeah, that's memories, man, that's having a great Friday.
But it is everybody got hit sing man. Yeah, everybody took a little shot there. Does that help at all?
It helps a lot. Yes, it helps me understand now, which one of the sports that you compared, like, you know, football is the only one that doesn't do guarantees.
Of the three major sports, Baseball and basketball you get paid.
So of the three major sports, sam an amazing athlete.
You want to be a basketball player.
Okay, explain to me why.
Less than one hundred games the sport is more popular than baseball.
Guaranteed money and again that means that when I signed my contract, you get it all like lumpsom.
No, no, no, but look at that is like the lottery. Now you can now that in basketball too, they have, uh if they have in the last couple of years something called with their contracts. They have like levels the aprons, aprons, thank you. So that's but you do get all your money. So if you sign four years, two hundred and ten million dollars, you get it all. Well, can they move money? And in the same way NFL does a little bit like put more back on this year. Yes, but you get it all. Baseball you get it all. That's why these guys signed fifteen year deals. Look at the Mets. Yeah, so yes, yeah, they get all that money.
God, that's awesome.
NFL dollars you don't. You just get guaranteed and then you continue to get what you get while you're there. But if you were to like get to pick bas it's not about your what you like playing the most. But if like, financially, what's the best for me?
Basketball, because it's not one hundred and sixty two games, you're inside, your money's guaranteed, there's less, your your face is seen more because there's five people instead of nine and the cameras on the whole court. So that's why I would pick basketball. It's not my favorite sport to play. If if it just got a love, probably pick baseball to play. Yeah, I wouldn'tick FOOTBLL because money's not guaranteed.
But of those two and you just get beat up every every game.
Yeah, lifespans of an athlete in football is a lot shorter.
Could that ever change? Meaning like as far as like the contract stuff, like they.
Tried to change, like they've tried to have a new like an agreement with the NFL. It's all about union and what they can fight for, what the owners will agree to. They'll have holdouts and strikes and all of that factors in. Yes, but they will not allow guaranteed money in football because you can get hurt so quickly. Oh that makes sense, but it's why they want more guaranteed money in football. Sure, that's why that's a big deal.
Got it? Like the Deebo Samuel deal? Like, so he had money left over in his contract. What happens? Who pays that? Or does no one pay that?
Once he's traded, the commanders pay it. So his contract has to get paid. If they can't trade him, they have to pay him, or they can cut him. They still got to pay him, but they'll only take a limited hit based on when they cut him. But they trade them Commanders for a fifth round pick, and the commanders have agreed. I think it's around twenty million bucks. I don't have the exact number. Pay the rest of his contract, that's part of it. You have to pay his contract and in exchange the forty nine ers. One don't have to pay that money anymore, and two they're getting a pick. It's only a fifth round pick. It wasn't so much about the pick, but it was about they weren't going to re sign, to sign them to a new deal, and they didn't want to have to pay twenty million bucks for a guy. It's hurt all the time.
Dude, you're so smart. I'm not. This is just I guess you are. You understand I've been reading about this for years, and I'm like, I don't get it, and I just give up.
I just don't understand.
You also have dyscalcula, that's true, and dyslexic. So think about reading an article on that stuff about numbers. I'm screwed, completely screwed. But if I have my best friend explained.
It to me, I can't.
I can like, like, it's ten dollars.
That's how I have to explain it to myself. Everything at ten dollars is even when I do math, it's all in ten and tens and round numbers.
You start throwing millions out, man, I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about.
Read any question from you?
No, man, I mean the only thing I didn't kind of understand is salary cap stuff. And that's just from playing like two K and.
Oh right, yeah, you're like, you own your own college team, right.
I did.
I'd not build out because I'm terrible at the game.
So salary caps in what way?
Why are they different? Baseball doesn't have one. Baseball you end up paying a luxury tax once you hit a certain amount. But it's why the big teams have all the That's why the Dodgers have everybody.
A luxury tax like monopoly, like the governments.
Once you hit a level, it's a luxury tax that you have to pay back into the way. And it's like so much luxury with all your team that you have to pay in And.
Like Otani's thing, they deferred like six hundred million of it, like they don't have to pay it till after his contract.
Baseball's got a lot of crazy rules. Yeah, like there's no salary cap in baseball. Yeah, and then like Bobby Boni is you know he has Bobby Bonia. They gets a million bucks every year. It's because they puts a lot of that back. Basketball is weird because they have clauses to like a bird clause where if you're with the team for a long time, a super max meaning if you're with the team for like Luca cannot get super max money because he's not with Dallas. He could have got it in Dallas if they'd wanted to sign him, but it's with the Lakers.
Lakers can offer them super max money because they have to play with them long enough. But there is a cap, but then there are little rules around the cap how you can pay people more.
Did you see Dallas is raising their their ticket prices like ten percent. But like everyone's gone, and like I think Kyrie's hurt.
Kyrie is hurt. It's a bad timing, man, the Kyrie thing. He's hurt, and that is I think it was a hamstring injury a c l oh, that's what it was. ACL And that's a season. So he's now he's next year, he's going to be out for that year.
Yeah. Yeah, Luke is gone and prices are expensive.
Bad timing. They probably would have raised him anyway regardless, just because of tickets goes down. Yes, the other sport was an FL They have a salary cap. Yeah, theirs is the hardest of the caps.
Do you imagine we didn't have a salary cap? The Cowboys would have everyone man.
And still saw it. You'd be the Yankee. We don't have to say, have all the money. He can win the world. Yes, okay, I thank you, thank you for coming to class, everybody. And if I mess anything up in this, no need a DM me. If I was like eighty eight percent right to me, that's successful being eighty eight percent right there. Update on the pickleball troll who challenged me, We had a lawyer named Brooks join us to explain some of the stuff on how we can make this happen without me getting scammed out of money or him even you're gonna hear about some legal stuff. He's a license attorney in three different states. He's now working part time because his wife's a surgeon, and he just was like, hey, I can actually help you pull this off. So, without saying anymore, here he is the attorney, not mine. Never met him, the attorney. Okay, so we have Brooks. I won't even say Brooks his last name, just in case.
Oh nice, good, I mean you got it, like Brooks the lawyer.
Well, unless Brooks, like has a legal firm he wants to promote Brooks and Brooks. Yeah, I don't know Brooks and associates. Brooks, are you an attorney right now?
I am a licensed attorney?
And so what my.
Last name is? My last name is sorry, I'll talk every but my last name is Fry f Roye.
Okay, there we go. I support Brooks. I don't know what he does, but I support him already because he's on with us. So use Brooks Fry for your needs. Why do you do it? Brooks? What do you do is your specialty?
So I moved to Tennessee about four years ago.
I did a lot of personal injury and business litigation for a few years. Then that firm I was working with one other attorney. He decided to move on and get back to doing what you call big law and went back to IP litigation or intellectual property, and I took a step back.
I've got a.
Six year old and another child on the way, and so I've been working remotely from home for the last six months or so.
Are you still licensed for if we needed to use your services, that you could hop in and we wouldn't go to jail.
That's correct. Yes, I still have a license in Tennessee. I've got win in Kentucky in North Carolina as well.
Yeah, don't even ask the questions. That's why I'm like, I'm confusing I how to be asked lawyer's questions and I don't really got there. Actually good, So here's the thing. Brooks is an attorney and we need a legal advice because that dude in Ohio who was like, i'll play you, We'll play for a thousand bucks and pickleball, But I don't trust that I'm not going to get scammed by sending him the money. So Brooks, as an attorney, what do you advise us to do so I don't get scammed and he doesn't get scammed with the money.
Well, the main thing what I would say is you don't necessarily need a lawyer. I do think it's good idea to have a lawyer to draft the agreement for you, but it's basically just set up an escrow. That way, you have a third party to hold the money for you while while the competition is pending, and you're going to have to have a pretty good agreement so that both of you trust the terms of it. Then you have an escrow agent, which could be me or someone else, that would hold that the money to be paid into them. So if I think you were saying you wanted to put in one thousand dollars apiece, then you'd have two thousand dollars as the payout, which would be held in an account that only the escor agent would have access to or attorney. And then what's the competition is over, then that person would then have the ultimate authority to decide who to award the two thousand dollars.
To now, if you were him, I'll play devil's advocate if you were him, and I said, okay, I've got my attorney, mister Brooks Fry. Ever heard of him? And he's like I haven't. I was like, oh, he's the best. And I say, he is holding my thousand and he'll hold your thousand in an escrow. Would there be a reason that he would go no, I don't trust that, or because since you are a licensed you kind of have to do the right thing.
That's right.
Yeah, So the upside of being being a lawyer, you know, you put yourself out there, so the last thing you want as an attorneys were starting to be upset, so you one. I would also if I want to draft the agreement, I'd want to make sure that both parties were completely acceptable to the agreement. I wouldn't be representing either of you individually. In fact, we wouldn't even necessarily have a true lawyer client relationship because again I would just be representing the two of you as an asker agent. The money would would just be set up in an account that I would hold. The main thing would be is one of the friend of trust. I know, I appreciate you saying I'm a great lawyer. But the truth is we don't know one another, so he has no reason to think that I would favor you over him. But it would be great to put me in touch with him if you want to move forward, and then we can talk.
I can talk to him, he can ask any question he wants on.
Me, and we can go forward. I thought I was a prosecutor for sixteen years. That's what I did in North Carolina and Kentucky. So I'd like to think that I try.
To be pretty fair.
If I were to put a dollar in your pocket, can I tell you every secret I know you could see? Cool? That's what I want to do.
I when I have something, well, that's something well with some limitation.
If you know other than like, for example, you can tell me you're going to commit a criminal act that would harm somebody else, then I'd have to to hold to that.
But if I told you that I had committed a criminal act in the past, would you tell on me?
I got to get a dollar of this guy quick. It's a good guy, and so okay, So here's now when we dropped the agreement doesn't have to be like a ten page or Can it be like two paragraphs? That's like, we agree to play pickleball. These are the rules we're going to play to. This is how we're gonna fight about if there's a discrepancy on a point in er out? Can it be like a few paragraphs?
Yeah, it would.
You would have some what you call legal lees, which is the sort of bulletplate language that you see in a lot of contracts that you would you'd want in there.
Just just to make sure it was everything was up to far.
But other than that, the meat of it, the substance. Yes, it'd just be a few paragraphs, I think. But those are some of the points I would have for you. If you'd want to make sure that you had rules established us. Seeing there's some pickleball rules or some association, you could follow their rules and adopt them. You'd want to have a referee for the match. That would probably be an interesting thing to talk about.
I pick Eddy?
Can I do that?
Can I pick my friend to do it?
Does that work? Sure? As long as he if he's agreeable.
Oh yeah, it's going to work.
Yeah, he's never throw it in the contract?
Yes, surrounded with big words. Yeah, So.
Go ahead.
So we need to.
Because I can't really establish the rules with him. But what we can do is draw up some generic rules and then you talk between both of us to establish what we agree upon. Is that would that be through it?
Yes, that's what I'd recommend, is that we come up with something.
I guess one before we start getting into it, let's get some I don't even know what the guy's name is, but communication with him.
Mister troll Johnson, so I call him troll Johnson. Yeah.
Well we're starting off in good footing.
Yeah yeah, yeah, So uh talk to him, uh.
You know, some email communication or something like that, just to get him, make sure he actually wants to do it, you know, and then you got to figure out where you're gonna do it.
Cleveland, Ohio. I think I'm gonna fly to him Cleveland, Ohio.
You know you got You're gonna have to fly up there.
Yeah, yeah, that's what drive. That's a long lost now that's true. Why you know what, I'll go, I'll go on the road. I'll give up the home court advantage. I'll go on the road to take on mister troll Johnson. I'm coming for you. And I was gonna sep with my lawyer. But I don't know, Like you said, I don't know, he's impartial impartial attorney.
Is mister Brooks? Is he doing this pro bono?
Well, it's a good question. What's your hourly rate? Mister Brooks? Just be respectful.
It's quite a obviously I was going to do this pro bow Now I just find it amusing. I do listen to the show daily, both this one and your your bigger show.
Are you a trustworth the guy which you want to go with us? What have you weird?
If you went with us and we introduce him everyone as our lawyer except but.
But he can't be our lawyers, the lawyer for the games.
Yeah that's right, lawyer, Yeah, the lawyer for this competition.
Yes, okay, So do we need to possibly do that? Yeah? I think that's that's something we should consider. That'd be especially if he's in a suit. We show up with a guy in a suit and a briefcase.
Nothing needs to be in there, just a briefcase.
Handcout to his hand. He handcuffs a briefcase to his hand so no one can steal a contract.
Yes, okay, I did hear Eddie make the sault Goodman comment? The other day.
But you know, I don't have an old school briefcase. I do have, like, you know, the leather sort of saddle briefcase.
Get you can bring that. It's monic, it's legit.
It's more find him. Okay, So is there any language because there's a difference in like a competition or a lottery or how do we need to approach this legally in order for this to be legit?
Oh? Yeah, well I was just pointing that out. I know that.
I think it was originally referred to as a bet, but when you think about the laws, that refers to like betting. Obviously that's a game of chance. So you don't want to say that because there's rules about gambling and you don't want.
To be in violation of that. But that's not what you're doing.
This is a skills based competition that I presume you're a very highly skilled pickaball.
Player, and maybe not the other guy, but we'll see maybe.
But it's going to be based on his skill or lack thereof, and yours or lack thereof, and we'll see how it goes.
I say the risk is his life once I kill him on the court. A game of chance on the court, on the court getting into a game with me, and the chance isn't going to be humiliated even though it's a four year D one athlete. That kind of sucks. I don't know that way, I don't remember that. Yeah, no, I mean okay, So do you know what sporty played? Wrestling? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's going to wrest to touch him, wrestle to pick the ball at the ground. I'm going to hold it down. Okay. So first of all, thank you so much for giving us this advice.
Secondly, I'm going to get in contact with old Feller and we will see how comfortable he is with the communication with our mutually agreed upon attorney, and then the game of skill for the based competition absolutely for the cash, should and shall take place therefore on.
Okay contract, Yeah yeah, yeah, you're writing this down for yes, for score, I've already got that note.
You want to have a time limit if he's if he backs down, you can need him by a certain question.
What if the time is again for score in seven years seven minutes?
Okay, good point, good point, okay, Hey, thank you brook Din really appreciate it. And we will be in touch really soon. I'm going to get his information and hopefully we can get this thing going. Okay, all right, Bob, thanks for having counsel.
That's funny, all right.
You've heard us do parlays on this podcast. Sometimes good, most times we're not the best I've seen. I've seen people are great at them. You know what reads pretty good atm right, if I'm being honest, you kind of nail these, Thanks, dude.
I mean, I don't know what I'm doing, but I think that's part of it.
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I just created this game and we're all gonna draft. There's four of us here. It's okay, Eddie Casey, myself and Red and so we're going to draft greatest American athletes. So there are going to be five categories Major League Baseball, NFL, NBA, the three big sports retired, so the other ones have to be current, a coach, and a fictional Okay, so take your pens down.
I just wrote mine down, a coach and then someone fictional.
In sports, and we're gonna see who can come up with the best team, and you can draft them in any order you want. Now, you could go NFL first. All have to be active unless it's retired.
Interesting, And then we'll put a graphic up on at Bobby in Sports and we'll let them vote on who the winner is and the winter will get a dollar or something. Okay, So the categories are going to because Red struggling with it, He's like, what league sort? Major League Baseball? These are all American sports? Major League Baseball, NFL, NBA. So we covered the three big any retired athlete to play American sports, any coach, current coach, and any fictional character in sports. Okay, got it, got it, got it. So we have to have an order, Mike, we write a number down on a.
Piece of paper do a random generator.
Yeah, sure, there's four of us here, so whatever it generates, I'll be one, Casey two read three, Eddie four.
Okay. So I was just kind of thinking while you were explaining everything. So do we have are the categories of the of the teams? Like do you have to have a coach?
Yeah? Okay, yeah to draft to everybody any order you want.
Like in the fantasy you got the positions. These are the Okay, it's like the roster. I love it.
It's we'll call this our sports hero draft. Okay, Mike, what's the number number?
Oh, Edie? So that's Eddie first. I'll go second, Casey didn't read, and then we wrap around and go backward. What does that over and over again? We have six categories, Eddie first, overall pick, and the sports hero draft.
Like I do in fantasy, I pick the heart, the one that has the least amount of players, so like running backs. Not a lot of running backs. So I'm gonna go with the coaches on this one. I'm going Nick Saban as my number one pick.
M Okay, it's a weird fantasy. Just try to you too. Maybe there are a lot of a lot of receivers.
I never get a receiver first.
All right, I'll go retired Michael Jordan.
Oh that's pretty good.
That's what I was gonna do. Man, Yeah, I mean yeah, that's too good. All Right, I'm gonna do MLB. I'm gonna go show Hey o Tani, Yeah, ok case.
Read, I'm gonna go fictional.
I'm gonna go radio.
Dude, Radio, you love radio the movie Radio. But a radio plays sport? Yeah he did.
He played basketball and football, Dude, he did. He played basketball at the end, but he was a football player.
Radio was played by.
That's who it was.
What a story man?
What tell us the story man?
I mean, you know he just picked on he special needs, and you know they like throw him. They throw him in a shed and like pick on him and all this stuff, and he ends up being an American hero man. They put him on the team and he he does good.
Do you love the movie?
I do love the movie mainly because it was like the first movie that I ever cried to. And I still cry when I when I when I see them like good Man. I mean, it's an emotional movie.
It's a very personal first round pick. You could have got that your last pick. You want to pick Radio, that but you know what you get? What you want that is Reid's first round pick is Radio.
And Snake Draft.
Here Snake draft. So now read will go first in the second round.
Okay, I'm gonna go Coach. I'm gonna go Bellichick.
See that's good.
All right, Like you could have waited the last pick, pick Radio. Let's be honest, but I got you. Check Casey over to you.
All right, I'm gonna go NFL. I'm gonna go with mister Patrick Mahomes.
Got you good, good job. That would have been my next pick.
You stole mine. It's do yours.
I'm going to go n B A Lebron nice.
So Jordan and Lebron are picked Jordan Lebron.
So my retired Jordan happened in basketball on the Bron is my basketball pick.
Okay, I'm gonna go to NFL. Give me the goat, Tom Brady.
I'll retired, dude, got them unless you're gonna go.
Retire retired Tom Brady. Question though about.
He's retired, so you have to go retired category. Okay, but question about retired is dead retired too. I think they need to be dude, I just made the game up, so in my mind they should be alive. Yeah, okay, we'll go alive. So then I will go retired, but going tom Brady, Yeah, retired tom Brady. Yeah, that's a great pick.
So who's on your team so far?
So I have Sabin and Tom Brady.
That's pretty solid. Okay, And now it's back over to you. You're gonna be first this round. What category are filling up over there?
I'm thinking, do I go MLB?
I'm just mad radio is gone.
I'll be honest radio star stud Let's go with current MLB Aaron Judge. Good, nice, great choice you. Hmmm, this is gonna get.
Hard in fictional I have I have so many good ones.
I know you're already done with There's.
Nothing you can do.
I could have made a way better decision.
That's good.
I don't even want to talk mine out because I think you guys will take the other one.
M hm.
So I'm gonna go NFL and I'm gonna go Lamar Jackson.
That's really good. Hmm. All right, Casey over to you.
I think I'm gonna go n B. A I'm debating who to choose here, but I'm leaning towards mister s g A, the m VP in check he gildess Alexander. Yes, you're leaning or you're there, I'm there, I'm there, Sga, I'm in read. What categories do you have? But you have everything but coaching? Fictional right left?
Yep, yep?
Has anybody said show hey yet?
Yeah? Yes, all right, I'm gonna do Bryce Harper MLB. Write that down.
And snake Yeah back to read again.
Okay, cool, let's see who do you have to wait? Ri at your team? Right now?
We got radio melogic and Bryce Harper. Okay, and so I'm gonna go retired. I'm gonna go Bo Jackson.
Oh this is solid, dude, Dude, that's good.
I read.
It's a good one.
Pulling them out right now, Son.
That's coaches have to be current coaching, right they do retired? Okay, so current coaching. I'm gonna go Andy Reid. I got the homes Andy Reid connection going here.
Wait wait, wait, so so I got saving he's under retired coaching.
Oh that's a you know what, we didn't stop you. Yeah, you get to keep you get to keep it, thank you, because we just made up the game. That's like you sold me a product and that was like and it wasn't on sale and now it was or something like that. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, good, good job. But you get to keep saving and case you have Andy Raidy said yes, yes, Okay, so I have MLB coach and fictional. I think I'm gonna go fictional. This is a tough one because there are so many good ones other than radio. Obviously, I think I'm gonna go happy Gilmore.
Oh nice, that's a good one.
He was awesome.
That's a good one.
Okay, I need an NFL current player.
What do you have left overall?
Yeah, I don't really have a structure on my paper because you don't know what you have left, like what category? Not really I know who I picked, So I kind of have an idea I have. I think I have NFL current that I need because I have NFL retired. Yeah you had, Brady, Why don't you make the list while we're going right now? Okay, did you have a coach? Should you read me the categories again?
Baseball, football, Basketball? So those are three players, kay retired, a coach, and a fictional.
Okay, so I do have retired Tom Brady and then fictional I did not have. I think I'm gonna go there. I'm gonna go with fictional Henry Rowan Gardner, the kid with the army.
Big fan.
And then I need an NBA player, So this is current NBA player, right, Ye, give me Anthony Edwards.
Good choice. So I have to take an MLB player or a coach, and I'm gonna take Mike Trout.
Mm hmm.
All right, I think I'm gonna go with my retired pick. Now you know, I'm just gonna do it. Shaquille O'Neill. I need a big man, that's good man.
I'm gonna follow the same big man logic. I'm gonna go NBA and go Wimby Nice.
And who do you have left?
I got NFL left, So you have one pick left and I'll go to you.
That's the one i'm struggling with.
Oh, that's a good question.
You know what, I'm gonna go Cee D.
I love it.
I'm gonna go se D. You're gonna go see he's.
Very different.
I'm gonna god of your time.
Okay, all right, my last pick, my fictional character. I'm gonna go with Jesus Shuttleworth from He Got.
Game Right Now, that's a good movie. Man, I forgot about that movie.
Mine's gonna have to be a coach. Just what I have left? What do you have left, Eddie?
I have NFL?
So so I could talk my coaches out. I am between Steve Kerr, John Harball, Jim Harble, both the Horrible Brothers, Pry Jim, probably Steve Jim or Jim Harball. I think I'll go Jim Harball just because NFL is more popular. So coach Jim Harball, all right, We're gonna win immediately. That's what he does. Eddie, this is tough.
I should not have left the current NFL player Like, It's just this is hard.
You can talk it out because you have plenty of times.
I would have really wanted Asatrick Mahomes. That's the first one available. I would have really liked to stop not picking that absolutely. Oh I really would have liked Lamar Jackson. Yeah, but currently Manaquon is just oh yeah killing it true? Okay, I mean that backwards jump with a split.
We all know what we've seen.
Give meon Barkley my last pick.
Everybody has their teams complete.
Yep, yep.
Let's uh, let's read our full team read you go first?
All right?
Yeah, we got we got Bryce Harper coming in number one. We got Cde Lamb, Wimbin Yama Belichick, Bo Jackson, and the Man of the Hour Radio.
It's pretty solid.
I can't I can't wait to see the graphic.
I make.
Pictures up to his, and all of ours are just like misspelled text.
Didn't the radio carry a radio around?
That's a little yeah, just because just because he always had a radio.
Got big Boo box Man Casey. Your team, Yeah, we first pick was show Hey Otani. Then I went with Patrick Mahomes, s g A my Man, Jesus Shuttleworth, Andy Reid, and Shaquille O'Neal.
Solid your team, all around team. I went, I'm just gonna kind of give you the order that I wrote it down. Anthony Edwards, Saquon Barkley, Aaron Judge, Tom Brady, the Goat, Henry Rowan Gardner, and Nick Saban as my coach. Pretty good, it's pretty good.
And then my team is Mike Trout, Lamar Jackson, Lebron, James Michael Jordan, Jim Harball, Happy go more.
I mean you got it. You're the winner, and you did you go second, you had a second pick. Yeah, that's pretty solid.
Well when you didn't pick Michael Jordan stupid, like, that's.
That's right, that's number one.
But you understand what I was concerned about running out of coaches because I.
Don't feel like coaches that big of a category. I mean, let's we just made the game up on front on the air.
It's like the kicker. The coaches like the kicker.
Can you see Belichick coaching radio though.
Yeah, radio would not respect that. He would not be my other fictionals. I almost picked teen Wolf.
I just watched that the other day.
He did.
Yeah, so teen Wolf was up there. Benny the Jet Rodriguez was up there for.
Me, of course, and he made it to the pros. So yeah, that's good.
Old school, like Jimmy Chitwood from Hoosiers.
Who was he just the star of Hoosiers.
Yeah, Bobby Bouche, Yeah, I appreciate of course. Was another one.
You're good with gilmore Man. He was awesome.
Yeah, I felt pretty good about that, and I mean unmatch Power.
Did step back and run in there.
Great technique, great technique.
Yeah, go vote if you guys, don't mind he went up like it was a hockey stick. We'll put up a little pole, one of the poles that are on Instagram at Bobby Bone Sports. All right, good job, guys, And now a part of an interview from our podcast lots to say. It's Matt Castle, former NFL quarterback, and myself and we were talking to Nico Collins and so here's the part. If you needed the whole thing, go over and listen on that podcast. Some of my friends up play pro basketball. They talk about when they're on and the rim looks like it's ten feet wide and you know they can't miss, like when you're on, Like, what's the what's the difference with you? Does the ball look bigger?
Does look softer?
Do the players look slower?
And man?
Everything I think when I'm on, like the ball everything is moving slow motion, like everything the ball's coming slow. Guys, just look slower. Yeah, it's just like action figures out there. You know, it's just a bag drill. That's kind of what it feels like. You know, it's just routs on there. You know you're not seeing nobody, everything just moving. You know, you're blocking out the noise man, it's just in the moment, man, I feel like there's that's no better feeling. Man, when you when you find that groove, you know, you know how it is, and it's it's unstoppable the stocks, you know.
Yeah, that groove. It's nice and I love being that group.
You ever self scout yourself for tendencies, to make sure that you're not being scouted for tendencies, to make sure you're not doing things like on the line that they already know what you're about to do.
Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I try to.
I try to, you know, modify my game to keep it the same because I'm a bigger receiver, you know, so it's it's easier for me.
You know, I'm six for it, so it's easier for me to you can tell when it's time for me to de sail, stop, speed up.
You know.
It's it's easier, easier indicators, you know.
So I feel like for me, man, just that's one thing I sell scout is how can I find ways to make everything look the same? You know, my tempo changing or they know when I come with the ball fast, it's either going to be a deep route or I'm coming off slow. Might be a run play, you know. So I feel like right now I'm at the point of my career where I need to make everything look the same.
And I feel like that's thinking about.
Being chasing, you know, even when I'm tired, you know, fourth quarter, you know, you got to run a post route, you know, or you got to run the incut. How can you make everything look the same? You know, So the the dbs, you know, can't cover. You know, they're smart too, you know, they great players and they get paid as well, you know, so they watch film, you know, they pros, you know, so they know they know the game, you know, so they know when when it's a run player past player. So I feel like for me, that's that's one step I gotta take, you know, just making everything look the same, you know, keep my pay level low. Being feels with a lot of scrimmens, you know, which I am, you know, But I feel like for me to just continue to work in those stands.
Yeah, you're physical, you're large. Do you like when a dB comes up to jam you? Is that fun, like let's go?
Yeah, I love it. That's try of football, man.
I feel like that's that's that brings the energy you know that brings to the competitive nature I have. And I love competing, man, Like, let's go and when God come down to press, you know, be trying to stop you from making place, you know, and for me it's the team trust me to go make a play.
You know, whatever your numbers call, you got to make it play, man.
So like for me, man, I love being pressed, you know, I love just competing, you know, because hey, they putting, they all into that that press jam, you know, so you know you beat them off the line, you know a lot. You know, keep running your reps and you know you can you'll know an when you take their pride.
Little bit speaking of getting your number called, if I'm correct, you were drafting third round. Well what are these guys feeling? What are they feeling right now? Is we're inching up? What were you feeling about this point as the draft was about to happen.
Yeah, Man, I was anxious.
Didn't know where to go, you know, I didn't know where I was gonna go, didn't know what team you know, believe didn't me like me enough, you know, just coming from the Senior Bowl. Man, you know, it was a lot of emotions, you know, Pro day as well, you know, it's a lot of nerves because if you train your whole life to get to this level where you know where God's training to go now, you know, and so when you get to this level, man, it's it's the best of the best.
You know, guys are great at this level.
So around this time, Man, it was a lot of emotions. Man, it was Man, it was hard to explain. Man, it's anxious, nervous, you know, just just what saying. You know, you never know if he was gonna get picking out. You know, it's different coming from high school to college where you get to pick where school you want to go to, and but now it's the complete opposite. You know, Teams got to see if they like you, you know what I'm saying. So I feel like that was that was the big difference for me feeling, you know, just coming into the drive, you know.
So, Man, I ended up just being with.
My family around the time, man up, you know, getting the draft house, being with my family, man, being my loved ones. I feel like that that really helped, y'all, you know, and just talking to my mom, my parents, you know, it just been telling me, you know, whatever, team get me, Man, just make sure you you go and you know, make your Martin have fun with it, you know, just thank God for it all, you know, and just have fun.
You know, the same game be playing your entire life. You know, it's just at the highest level.
You know, it's something you've been dreaming about your entire life and it's finally here, you know, So taking a round with it, man, you know, take advantage of your opportunities.
What teams did you meet with? And was the Texans one of those teams you thought might pop up and draft you.
Actually, I was meeting with a lot of teams, man.
I met with the Tennessee Titians a lot, Jacksonville to do a couple of times, man, New York Giants, Yeah, Houston.
I ended up meeting with Houston, like it was later, man, and the interview was like five minutes. You know.
They just asked me how I was doing, how I was feeling, you know, and it was good. You know, they like like my game things like that.
So it was short.
It was short and sweet.
It wasn't nothing nothing too.
But I feel like just around that time, I wasn't expecting you know, the Houston Houston Teyson is a pick ups.
Man, pick me.
You know, it was just it's a blessing you because around that time, you know, Jacksonville there was you know, they was interviewing me a lot, you know, like every day. It's hard questions, you know, just things like that. So I kind of thought, you know, he was gonna be Tennessee, Jacksonville. Jacksonville is pretty hard to with the interviews, you know, accident asking me a lot of questions.
You know, asking about the family and stuff.
So I really thought I was gonna either Jacksonville Tennessee around this time for sure, but not jackson is definitely surprising me. Man, you know that was my team.
I was not expecting. You know, they kept a short interview and ended up picking.
That's it.
Thank you very much, everybody, have fun with basketball, Eddie blud westall here were go. I say, We'll pick forever all right, Thank you guys, and we will see you next week by Buddy. Theme song written by Bobby Bones That's Me and performed by Brandon Ray. Follow Brandon on social at Brandon Ray Music. You can follow the show on Instagram at Bobby Bones Sports. Thanks to our crew co host at producer Ready segment producer at Kickoff Kevin, video producer at Redrberry, and executive producer at Mike Diestro. But most importantly, thank you for listening. I'm Bobby Bones. We'll talk to you next time here on twenty five whistles