ZM's Bree & Clint Podcast - 13th June 2024

Published Jun 13, 2024, 7:00 AM
  • Trying the Buldak 2x Spicy noodles. 
  • Did your name get funny after you married? 
  • Are you excluded from a group chat? 
  • The ridiculous things we're spending money on. 

The ZM podcast network zed ms Brie and Clint save like.

A Boss with KFC's nine nine Wicked Pet we are going to witness the most anticipated show in their history of professional radio. Did em Brie and Clint? What's going on? Everybody? It's Brie and Clinton Clinton. I. We're just discussing fuel.

Prices and what we've been getting fuel at. I today filled up my car for two dollars sixty nine.

Nice, very nice. I was stoked with that.

I haven't seen fuel that low in a long time.

You mentioned how cheap it is outside of Auckland, then if you're everywhere's about twenty since Tiper than Aukland. When we went to Todunger to do the movie Bingjathon, Yes, I bought like a thousand dollars worth of Guess on my ZID app, so I com buy it an advance z app application. One thousand dollars worth of guess. That's more expensive than what's at the pump.

Well that's the risk you take, yeh. It's a bit of a gamble something.

I am a gambler.

Text us on nine six ninety six, just because we're interested. What's fuel costing in your in your town.

Or city at the moment, where you love?

Yeah, and where do you live?

I mean, if we're going deep into feel I heard that diesels back under a dollar ninety nineteen. No ways, the cost of living crisis over, mate, don't say.

That, you know how Nicks they'll be dropping mortgage rate, you know how I know that the cost of living crisis is in full swing. The amount dried pasta costs because dried pasta is something that I've bought in my weekly shop my entire life, because of my Italian background.

And dried pasta is through the roof.

I can't believe how much it costs, because that is like a basic meal, you know, for a family, if they're doing it tough, a bit of spag bowl or a pasta is what they go to.

It is so expensive. I think it's because the grain. Is it grain and pasta? Yeah, most of it comes out of the Ukraine. It's it's wild to make jeez, move over, hither dou plus Yellen, there's a new take news show in tower. We'll take it over. Yeah, all right, fun show coming up five on timers back at four o'clock. Would you believe we're up to ten and a half grand already if you can stop our time at bang on five seconds.

Dollars seventy one diesel and fun anwing.

Dollars seventy one. You joke him, that's wild.

Oh in Palmi ninety one costs two dollars forty one. God, I always say it's always bamie in Parmi. You gotta get I gotta get down there.

It's cheap enough that I could drive there just to fill up, and then drive that and still have half a tent. Look, let's get going on trading verse, lady. The ladies are streaking ahead. It's fifty three forty two. If you want to represent either time, either team. Now is the time free inklent. It's a ready thanks to the two ship ke we owned trusted by treating two.

Let's come alrighty we go. The ladies picking up a win from behind. Yesterday they're on fifty three, the trade's on forty two.

Today we're playing for fifty dollars cash and thanks to the tool shit a cordless backpack sprayer worth one hundred and eighty five bucks. A lady is calling us some crash it. She is forty one and she has two Flemish giant bunnies. Welcome to the show. It's Lynn Hi, Lynn, Hi, guys.

How much do the bunnies way?

I will? They just had a point there three kgz. Now wow, that's a big bunny. Did you say three kg?

Are there only ten weeks old?

There's still new baby love bigger?

How big do they normally get?


It literally depends on that, like their breath like wasp your bread.

Well, they can get up to like seven kgs.

They get a fifty.

Funny, that's like a small dog. We want to burger. We want the.

Burger possible, big of the years. More Easter eggs they bring.

That's the right. That's a you're taking on our trading today. She's a lady Trady. She's calling from Tartanaki. She's thirty and she has three young children that just seem to follow her everywhere. Welcome to the show. Kindle hi, kindle hi. Are the three kids there with you?



I are?

You just have to bear with me. I make noise.

You're all good.

I must smell like food or something. They must be able to smell it on you. That's what that's why people usually follow around people that's how it works with small creatures. Okay, Lynn, your buzzer is Lady Kindle. Yours's trading. First of three great dancers gets fifty bucks cash and that tool shed prize.

We going.

They're buzzers are the names? You go? Buzzers names? Actually?

Okay, Lean your buzzes your buzzes Lean and Kendle.

Your buzzer is Kendle.

Here we go.

Question number one and one of the most successful romantic comedies in history, is my big fat what weddings.

In my big fat Greek wedding?

Yes, of course, my big fat Greek wedding. Well done. One point of the ladies. Question number two Tom Holland, known most for being the current Spider Man, which yes, Lynn.

The wow wow, I didn't even start that part of the question.

That could have been anything that could have been, name another actor to play Spider Man. Name another movie Tom Holland has been.

At the end of the question was which famous actor is he dating?

Wow? That's incredible, Lynn, Can you see questions?


Are you?

Are you in the room? No comment? Al right? That means Lenn, you're You've got two on the board.

Kindle, you need this one to stay in and here comes question number three. Buzzing when you can tell me who sings this song?

That's you, lend you superstar. You've scored yourself fifty dollars cash and that price from the toolshit as well. Congratulations, that is awesome.

My daughter's in the car.

We listen every day.

We're over thro are you amazing?


Kindle. You know you've got to tribe. They're looking for food, so we've got some KFC Chicken dollars coming your way as well.

So empty handed, Haylen.

One last time, can you test.

Your buzzer talking about purchases or things that people spend money on and you can't believe they're spending that much on it. You're like, what you're spending?

What on?


I always? I mean, I don't clean my car and I don't really get it cleaned either. I sometimes go through the BP car wash. Oh yeah, I do like doing I do like doing that. But I never understand people who regularly go and get their car like fully detailed, like a few one hundred dollars each time to get their car professionally cleaned.

And people are the people doing that?

Yeah, yea yeah, it's like two fifty for like a full car detailing.

Two hundred and fifty human dollars.

Yeah, I know, and I'm like, I get that. It's nice to have a clean car and it feels like you have a new car. Surely your car's going down on value anyway.

Surely the only people getting that done are the ones with like Mercedes or BMW's or range drovers who probably can afford it.

Well, yeah, yeah, largely like anyone or you if you take pride in your Suzuki Swift Sport, then maybe you want to do that.

Is anyone with a Toyota Echo getting it fully detailed?

We should do that. We should give that away as a prize. Yeah, we should give away. This is the this is the idea. We give away the most expensive car detailing to the cheapest car we can find. So we find someone who paid the least amount for their car, and we go and get it like detailed to perfection, and then we get the car revalued and see if it's worth more. Oh my god, I measure it's worth more than if it's worth less than the car detailing we put in it, probably, let's talk to some people about the ridiculous purchase and we'll start with Anonymous. Hig Anonymous, hig Anonymous.

Hi, Now it's people that pay you for a service, is that right?

Yeah, that's right, And you.

Think it's ridiculous and you're getting the money. What is that? Yeah?

So I get money to look after people's horses for them.

Wait, so you've obviously got a property in the facilities and people what pay you to look after their horse and keep their horse on your property.

Yeah, so it works for them just because they obviously don't have a property them well to keep the horse. Yeah, and then it just enables them to not have such a huge commitment at the same.

Time, hard, you're a professional horse whisperer.

Literally, how much are we talking, Anonymous? How much do they pay you?

How much to keep my horse at your house?

So, like the max for full is about two hundred and fifty a week?

And then you get to hang out with the horses and ride them.

Well, I don't ride them unless they ask, okay no, just usually like feeding and starts providing feed and hay and a paddock and stables.

For you to ride them as well.

Anonymous, Is that like an extra charge extra like a premium service?

Yeah, of the extra is that?

How many horses are you looking after at the moment?

So on the full around five?

Wait a second, wait, hold on, wait, I gotta do the math because I'm not that's I'm not that smart, so wait, just let me do Okay, Sorry, it's twelve hundred and fifty dollars a week, Anonymous.

Well can I have your job? That sounds awesome? Yeah, I love it.

Okay, that's ending my part time job as well.

Should I say that sounds awesome? You should say that. Good on you, Anonymous, that's great.

Someone takes through and they said, my friend is spending spending money on Man United memorabilia costing over two to three k each and buying ugly paintings.

I've got mate who is addicted to those pop vinyl things. Oh, the pop vinyls. Yeah, those little figurines like the usher one that got me for How many does he have? Like a room full? Okay, so how many were talking? There would be three hundred four hundred of them in the room. And how much does each of them?


I don't know how much are those things?


You got me one for my birthday for Christmas? How much is one of those pop.

Vinyls Oh, I'd say maybe forty, but yours was an exclusive usher one, so you know, maybe that was more than the average.

I go all out.

No, it's fifty bucks, Clint, I spent fifty on you.

Thanks, fifty bucks, fair amount.

Yeah, get your calculator out again. Kate's yeah, Hi, Kate.

Hi, Kate?

What are you there?



Y she is?

What what's the thing someone's spending good money on?

Well, I'm the person spending the good money.

Well tell us, Kate, what are you spending your money on?

Well, let me preface this by saying I'm not spending as much as I was originally quoted.

Okay, so that you shopped around for whatever this was?

Okay, Yeah, I shopped around for a doggy therapist.

A doggie therapist.

Wait a second, Wait a second, can you tell us what a doggie therapist is? And why did you need one for your dog?

Because my dog has anxiety and he needed to get medication and he needed to have some some behavioral support services.

Okay, I mean, I hear you.

I've got a little rescue puppy and she has anxiety from her past. So I do I do get it? What does the therapist do what is the therapist actually doing? How much does it cost?

The one we have is ninety dollars an hour?


The one we were quoted was five hundred and fifty dollars.

Well, okay, so you're getting a bargain. Breeze collapsed on the floor at ninety But that's okay, it's okay. Does what does what do they do? Do they talk to the dog? Does the dog lie on a little bit?

It's a few, it's a few things. It's it's about sort of behavioral technique, sort of desensitizing to whatever is stressing them out.

Okay, so it's like it's more it's more a trainer, like you say therapists, but they actually do train, do training stuff.

Right, some some sort of things.

But yeah, how many times a week does your dog see the therapist.

At the moment, we're doing once a fortnite. She does have clients that she sees more frequently than Kate.

Please tell me that the doggie therapist doesn't like hold up pictures of things and is like, look, we were really tell.

Me about your relationship with your mother.

How is that you were you were ripped away from your mother at only ten weeks old.

Yeah, you're real, you're from your birth mom. Kate her the mom.

Okay, okay, hey, Kate, I get it.

I mean, we do anything for our dogs. They're like our babies.

But damn, how long do you think you're going to be paying for a dog therapist?

I asked that question yesterday and and the response was I wasn't four to six months?

She reckons?

Is that what the dog therapist has said?

That's what the dog said, and her partner.

Might have discussed how long they were going to pay for it all, you know.

I look with I'm feeling confident with the techniques though, so perhaps we could stretch the sessions out.

Okay, well all the best it does work.

There you go. That's why as long as you get two quotes, you can justify anything. As long as you go in the cheaper quote, you can justify any EXPENSI you know, you.

Can get lazipam for your dog, really doggy loz.

It's called it's one of the pems. But you can if you run, like, can you take some of your dogs? Look, I've heard.

I say, let's move past taking someone's last name. When you get married, I say, we're done with that twenty twenty four. I say keep your keep your own name if you want to, And if you want to take their name because it's a nice thing, then do that as well.

Yeah, you choose. I think we're there.

You choose, But I think it's important that if you do get married and you want to take their last name, but your name sounds silly with their last name, then you probably can't take their last name.

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. I'd go one step further, even if your name doesn't sound silly. As a combo, if you think they've got a bad last name, just don't just don't take it, because there are bad last names there are, and you know they'll know. Also, there's also a conundrum where if you have a really good last name, like a really nice sounding last name, and then theirs is really plain. Yeah, I find they an su too. Like if someone has a last name like Rose or something that has a bit of character to it, that's more unusual, you know, no no offense to people with this last name, and minutes you become a Smith or a Brown or a you know, like that's just a bit more common or common.

There's a woman on TikTok that has shared her story about what her name turned into when she got married. I think we've got it here.




So I'm getting married next year and my current last name is Dent, which I think is like a fine last name, no complaints. My fiance's last name is mcqisten, which I think is cooler than dent. But the problem is my first name is Kristen, so I will be Kristin mcquisten, and I don't think that's.

Quite as cool. No, that's where you're wrong. Kristen, that is Kristen mcqisten. She can't. She can't. I think she needs to because.

Every time someone will meet her learn her name, they'll say, wait a second, did you do you say your name is actually Kristin mcquisten.

And then for their first dance they could learn the twist and did you'd be twist and Qustin mcquistin.

I mean, it's just it doesn't work.

It doesn't work, doesn't Edward? Edwards? You know when you people have got those sort of names.

Really, really, who did that to you?



Why did you do that? Why?

I look, I know a girl from back home and legit. Her name including middle name is Selena Yea Serena, last name Spina.

It is.

No, it's not.

Her name is Selena Serena Spaina. I swear you can look her up on Facebook from an Italian family obviously Spain do that. Spina is an Italian name.

Who did that to her?


From memory it was her parents, Like it wasn't even a did it to her twice, wasn't even That's what I mean. They to her with their first name and edit it to her with their middle name.

It's a triple It's a triple triple banger, Selena Serena Spainer.

You're taking your husband's name one hundred. There's times where it's like you go, screw screw feminism. I'm taking your name. I gotta get out.

Yeah, I don't care what it is unless it's Forelena, then you've really done.

Yourself in Thomasina, Thomas Sina, we want to ask you this afternoon. Do you have a situation like that, Like does your first name and last name sound funny together? Or did you narrowly avoid being in that situation by not changing your last name through marriage? Yeah? Like, is your partner's last name. You can't take it because of what it would have done to you.

Yes, what is the funny sounding name? And it can be for a bunch of different reasons. Doesn't have to rhyme like Selena serena spainer.

What was that other girl? Kristin Betwist, Kristin mcuist, Cristin mcqusten.

What's the funny sounding name? Maybe it's because you had to take your part's name through marriage and it ended up making your name a bit crap.

Yeah, why'd you do that? Which?

Why did you do that?

You do that?

Don't take their last name.

You're going to hurt their feelings because they had such a bad last name and they've been bullied about it all their life. And then they were like, you'll take my last name, right, You're like, no, bro, your last name is de Cox.

It sucks. Literally, we should take my last name because it's cool.

It's their last name literally was sucks. Yeah, sucks, does not know it literally is? That's the word we're going to start with. Cara, Hi, Kara, Hi, Kara, Hi, thank you? Tell us Caro, what was the funny name?

So when I first moved to New Zealand, I met this lovely girl called Ranne and her married name was.

Per Van, so her name was Rheianne per Van.

Her husband's name was Sam. He was Sam No telling.

I'm telling my husband about it and laughing, and he said it's the good job they didn't name son Cameron.

I was going to say yeah.

And he goes, you know, Cameron Camp Camp a Van. That would have been the real absolute crescendo that whole story.

Have to do it, Yeah, they have to do it. It's an opportunity missed if you.

Don't saw Yeah, no, take these people's naming rights away, super.

I'd rather Camp.

Yeah, okay, thanks Caraara.

Someone text her and said it's not a marriage name story. But there was someone in our district with the last name Quota and their first initial was s No, So on their letterbox it said s Quota and I giggled every time I saw it. I reckon that's true. I reckon that's true.

Bring up the tone my mum had Scottish cousins. Google McDougall, Google McDonald, donald McDonald and doogal McDonald.

How confusing like that is just a minefield at Christmas time, isn't it?

Do you with donald McDonald's favorite place to eat This oh McDonald's fun. No KFC as here? Hi Hi, Ava, Hello, Heio, We're good.

How are you? Ava?

A nazing thank you so I'm so excited to be here. I'm literally shaking.

Oh cool? Have you have you ever called the show before?

No, this is my first time.

We'll welcome.

We like, we like to celebrate you here ever first.

Time, Paul, Thank you so much.

Guy, welcome.

May are you absolute ray of sunshine? Who had the silly name?

It's my own name.

I've got a I've got four names my name, so I've got my first name, my middle name, and my two last names.

Okay, right, hit us with it.

So it's Ava, Marie Hunt, hyphen Ingle.

Jew Jingle Schmidt.

Thank you, Ingledew.

That is such a long name. Do you love it?

I love my last time.

I don't think if I ever got married, I would never change it.

Yeah, don't keep it. It's so unique and cool.

How are your fun? Thanks Aver? We love talking to you.

Thank you, have a stunning day for you to Ava. Bless you. Someone text her and said, my friend Zara married a guy with the last name Mara, So her name was Zarah Mara. That's not great. Someone said, my sister always loved the first name Jenna, but couldn't use it for her kids as her last name is Till. What was the first name Jenna, Jenna Till? Really, yeah, you can't use the name Jenna, that's for sure.

I remember a police detective in Wellington called Detective rams Bottom.

What is it, Detective rams Bottom. That's not true. That is not true.

You know what to be an old English thing where they used to like keep sheep or something like that, and that's where it would have come from. We don't have to continue the rams Bottom name.

Careful. There might be some rams Bottoms listening right now.

There is, I'm sure there is.

Someone said, speaking of names, my mum was born as Sandra. Her name was Sandra Best. She got married to a Bryant, then remarried and is now Sandy Beaver. But my stepdad's ex was the best as her first name was Gay Gay Beaver. Cameron, I like Sandy b Hi Cameron, tell us, is it is it your name? That is pretty funny.

No, it was my grandma's okay. Her name was Harriet and she married into the last name Marriott.

Harriet Marriot.

She ended up having to change her first name to Hitty.

Wait wait, wait a second, Wait a second. So obviously it's your grandma. So this would have been a little while ago. So rather than just not take that last name, she decided to change her first name.

Yeah, there was no other option.

For her, So a name she'd had her whole life she had to change.

Give me an idea, Harriet Marriott.

Yeah, yeah, we'll just be Harriet your own life. Yeah, just don't take the last name. Why didn't you change Harriet two kitty hitty. Yeah, it'll be like a dog and you get from the SBCA and you give it a new name and it doesn't answer. Yeah, that'd be me. Can you imagine be.

So confusing every time someone called her by a new name. It would have taken so.

Long Harriet Marriott that we appreciate it.


My aunt's last name was Dickie and her first name was Shirley. She married Ridge Ricky, but decided to hyphenate her name is Shirley Ricky Dickie.

I quite like it. No, I quite I rate that one. Shirley Ricky Dickie Ricky.

That's cool.

I like it.

Changing your first name is wild.

I can't believe that. How times have changed. Eh, Well, I guess there's only one option, change my first name.

Yeah, that makes sense. Just talking about funny names before. Just a couple more texts for you. We were laughing at Sergeant Ram's Bottom and Wellington. Yeah. Someone said there's a place in England called rams Bottom. It's like upper Hut and lower hut. So you can live in upper rams Bottom or lower rams Bottom.

What would you rather? I feel like I'd be an upper rams Bottom kind of gal.

Depends what you're into. I guess someone takes him and they said. My auntie's first name is Lee. She married our uncle whose surname was Lee, so she became Lee Lee. Were still they got divorced and she never changed her name back.

Oh no, Lee Lee.

And finally, my great great great nna her name was Fenny Puddle. It was not we are certain that she was born in a bad period, but genuinely that was legit.

Her name Fanny Puddle. Fanny remember my primary school teacher. We've called him on the show one time before, mister Fannie.

No, I don't remember mister Fanny, and.

Legit, before he came to my primary school to teach at our primary school.

He was the vice producer. Ella's laughing.

This is a true story. He was the vice principal at this other school. And you know what the principal's name is And this is no bs. This is true story. So vice principal, mister FENNI vice principal Fanny principal who was a woman, Missus Cox.

That's true story. That's Dan's true story at stanthor.


Bloody leave. It just couldn't see I do I oh jeez.

Probably probably for the mere fact that she was Missus Cox and he was mister Fenny and they would have got bullied.

My old teacher's name was Paul has Cock.

If you're a teacher, you really need to think about Paul Cock your name, don't you said? Local traffic officer was named sergeant Sergeant Coxhead.

What wasn't coxy? It was brow up? Everybody, please grow up. We've got things to do. Like what's the plots? Once upon a time there was a girl.

She was smart, debatable, talented, athletic, not really but picking a movie title based on just the plot line that she can do brill and clinse.

What's the plot It's a movie guessing game where you go here to hear with Breed. Guessing movie is as quickly as possible, and if you get two before Breed does today, you'll win one hundred dollars cash.

One hundred bucks. We didn't get to play last week. We ran out of time, so I feel like I'm out of practice.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, well we're back into it with Fiona high feet Hello, princess, heyo, how are we?



Thank you?

Do you know what I'm referencing there?


I have a fair idea.

Normally the first thing that comes up when anyone knows my name.


That was a movie test? Yeah, you passed one point early lead. No, I'm in trouble, Fiona. Pretty simple game. I'll read movie plots. You buzz in as soon as you think you know what it is, don't wait for the end, and if you get two correct before Bree you win one hundred bucks. Okay, today for no particular reason, we're just doing Academy Award winning films. Okay, so big films and not those weird niche ones too, where they win and you're like, well, I'm never going to watch that. Yes, somebody some of them. They're cool, heavy for you, never going to watch that. No, these are all good ones.


The first one as a movie from nineteen ninety eight, and it goes like this. When a car dealer learns that his estranged father has died, he returns home to Cincinnati, where he discovers that he has an autistic older brother and that his father's three million what's eating Gilbert Gray incorrect, free guest feet grand truth, gran good guess nor.

Is such a good movie.

He discovered he's got an autistic older brother and that he his father's three million dollar fortune. Bree Oh no, I was going to say he's just something about Mary, but no, no, h free guest, feel or keep going, keep going? Okay, you're both back in His father's three million dollar fortune is being left to the institution in which he lives. Motivated by his father's money, he checks his brother out of the facility in order to return with him to Los Angeles. The brother's cross country trip ends up changing both of their lives.

You haven't got it, haven't got it, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, don't have it, No no idea, even I've seen this one.

It's rain man.

Yeah, I haven't seen it.

Have you seen it?



I have not.

Yeah, that's all right, we start afresh.

It's a classic movie number two and aspiring none at an Austrian a free sister act incorrect, free guest feet music is nice one fee, one point to fee movie number three and English Prince must ascend to the throne, but he has an impediment which is holding him back. No Fiona speak King speech. Correct. There you go, I had no chits well done, fee, very good, very good. One hundred bucks come in your way. Awesome thanks team. There you go, it's seen the king speech.

Haven't seen it.

It's very good. It's got the guy from you know me. I don't like old timey things. It's not even old timy. It's nineteen forties old timing. No you like No, you liked Bloody? You like bloody? Wat's Leonardo DiCaprio and that one with the song go scooed it bu bu bub bloody the Great Gatsbe Great Gatsby.

I didn't mind it. I didn't mind it.

I like how you're like old time. He's not nineteen forties. Well, that's nineteen twenties. And you enjoyed that. How do you remember that?

Schooled it bu bub free Inklin. Guys, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is in news again. Oh yeah, have you seen this story?

Nah, last time we talked about him is because everyone got angry that he was wearing sombers. That's right, bro, you're making soumbers uncalled.

Don't ruin the sambers. Well, the thing about if you don't know much about Ritchie Sunak, the British Prime Minister, it's that he is from a super super wealthy family. And I'm not just talking like, oh he comes from a rich background, like I'm going to say, like one of the richest families in Britain.

He's he's of the establishment. He's very well.

I've done some research into it, like just how rich and so Sunac's family. The net worth is estimated to be just over one point three billion. Oh wow, okay, yeah again, putting him as number two hundred and forty fifth on the Sunday Times twenty twenty four rich list of wealthiest Brittonians.

He's richer than the King of England.

He's literally he's literally richer than King Charles. Yeah, that's how Riches goes right anyway, which he cops a lot of flak and people always say that how can he be the prime minister of this country. He's out of touch with the common man. He doesn't know what we go through. He has no idea about certain struggles and what we need, you know. And anyway, recently on an interview broadcast, he was asked a question about, you know, growing up, did your family have to go without anything?

Okay, like did you have any struggles like you know, you guys were.

Doing it exactly what did you have to go without in your family? And what he said, Take a listen to what the Prime Minister said.

What did you go with that as a child?

With lots of things because my parents wanted to put everything into our education and that was a priority. Like lots of people, there will be all sorts of things that I would have wanted as a kid that I couldn't have right famously, sky TV that was something that we never had growing up.

Actually, oh wow, oh my, what an inspirational story.

He's putting himself up by his bootstress.

Oh he's really come from nothing. He has really done it tough asn't he? So he is Actually, if you don't know anything about his family, which you probably don't, he is the son of a doctor and a pharmacist, so I believe. And what people are trying to say is his family weren't weren't.

Like that that well off, but they would do it all right. Okay, where did the billions come from?

Then? Well?

I think it was through a combination of his past career in financial services.

He's made the money the.

Family fortune of his wife, who's I believe her father, like founded like an IT company.

Was the right way to answer that question when the journo puts it to you, do you just no, Actually, I come from a very privileged background.

We actually, we actually will find I was very lucky. I actually came from it. That is the way to answer it. You answer it truthfully. You don't try.

You can hear him floundering though, searching for a thing, and I thought he was going to be like we we we We only had two controllers for our ps one yeah, it was, it was tough, and one of them was Jewel Shock. One of them was one of those Mad Cats controllers, which wasn't even a real PlayStation controllers.

Both of us wanted to play Colin McCray rally and only one of us could at a time.

Okay, I'm just like you. Yeah, he's going to get messicred in that election.

I think.

I think they're on a hiding to nothing, but what do I know?


Maybe anyway, he went without skyteeping.

You poor brother. Were you a Dawson's Creek fan?

I think I was a little bit too young, but I remember my sister watching it and was it Pacey? Yes, would always come through the window, yeah, someone's room.

Yeah, I think there was a lot of window climbing.

What was what's her name?

Who married Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes? What was her character's name, Joey. I think he used to go through Joey's window.


She was in like a love triangle, triangle with Pacey and Dawson. Yeah, it was the original OC. Yeah, big time. Katie Holmes from Dawson's Creek has just found out in an interview that she's not a part of the Dawson's Creek group chat Why. There's a story in the New Zealand Herald Today, and the interviewer asked Katie Holmes about what they talk about in the Dawson's Creek WhatsApp group and the members in it Pacey Dawson in and she thought Joey aka Katie.

Holmes, did she Katie Holmes, know anything about it?

Katie Holmes said, really, I wasn't aware that there was a WhatsApp No.

I wonder why she wasn't invited.

She said, But you know what, I'm really bad at WhatsApp. I never check it because it's all a little bit too much for me, which is what you say when you've just found out that you're not a part of the WhatsApp.

Grip and you're really upset and broken inside.

I don't reckon she's in it. I reckon they're jealous of how famous she is, and they're all talking behind her back. You reckon, that's why she's the most famous of the Dawson creekers, followed closely by Michelle Williams. Yeah, for sure, do you reckon?

It's because you know, she probably didn't stay in touch with all of them, like you know, when she fell in love with Tom Cruise and scientology much and he was jumping on Oprah's couch and they were all kind of like, let's leave her ound of it because she seems busy.

Or she always sends them voice notes instead of ticks, which is always talking about her daughter Suri, which their phone hears as Suri and then it activates to annoyings that just don't let her in the group chat.

Super confusing. You know what if you have a Samsung, you do Samsung TV.


Do you know there's a twenty four hour Dawson's Creek channel.

Yeah, I didn't know that one, but I've seen the twenty four hour Home Improvement channel.

I don't have that one. Yeah, I've got the Dawson's Creek one.

I saw the twenty four hour Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have a channel either. Yeah, weird, there's all these weird channels.


I've got a twenty four hour Shark Tank channel.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw a twenty four hour The Nanny Channel on the top that one.

I've got that one, which I don't know if you need a twenty four hour The Nanny Channel.

Oh master, what's his name?

Oh mister she I'd be gutted if I was her.

I don't know what group chats I'm not available and not a part of obviously, but I'm fine with it. In fact, I'm in some group chats that I wish I wasn't. Yeah, put me in less group chats as my as my opinion.

Normally that is the case. I always feel real upset, and this is true, This is me being genuine. I always feel quite upset that every season I've done Celebrity Treasure Island, there's always a contestant group chat, yes, and then like as people get eliminated, you know, they start to join this group chat.

You kind of your phone on the island, so when you go home, you get into the group chat.

This is what I've heard because I've never been invited. Ah, it always makes me real sad. And then they all have this cool group chat because one time.

Past season people no no season gets their own season.

Has their own one, and then you know, as they get eliminated, they all join this group chat, and then it continues on as the show goes to air, they have all this fun banter in the group chat. And then one time Laura Daniels showed it to me and I was like, I wish I was a part of the group chat.

She goes, yeah, not, well she could have ended you. I want to know this afternoon. I know eight hundred deals at him or you can text us as well. When will you lift out of the group chat? What was the group chat? Do you feel you had a right to be in it? Or you thought it'd just be nice to be in it? And when you found out that you weren't in the group chat, you're like, ouch, guys, ouch, that that really hurts. Maybe you found out there's a family group chat, your own family group chat, and you're not a part of it.

I wish I wasn't a part of some family group chat.

Actually, can I get out of my family group chat? I'm kidding?

If my family is listening, it's hard to leave once you're in though. It's like a cult. It's your family, family, family, and it throws it up on the screen. It's like Clint has left the group chat. Oh, eight hundred deals at him ll tixt us on nine six, nine six, We want to know what was the group chat that you were left out of?

Is it in?

Brian Clint? That's my favorite track on the New Belly Eilish. It's called Birds of a Feather. We're going to sing the other the Eilish song for Friday Oki tomorrow. You know the word involves not dinner but.


Lunch. Yeah, yeah, sorry, we're asking what's the group chat that you were left out of? Katie Holmes has found out that she's not part of the Dawson's Creek group chat, or she might be, but she doesn't know how to work WhatsApp.

She said that she thinks it's because she just doesn't check WhatsApp. But I think she's been left out, maybe because she didn't keep it.

Heaven even checked. If you've never responded to any of the group cheat, then they will have plowed on without you, and you are effectively not part of it. We're talking about family group chats, and Brie had a shock realization that you might not be part of your family group chat.


In the in the break, I just went, my family doesn't have a group Wait a second, maybe I'm not included in the family group chat.

There's always a group chat. You think there's a group chat, you're just not in the group chat.

Me and my brother and sister we have a siblings group chat. Yeah, but there's no such things that might be I'm sure that's it. I'm sure, I'm sure that's it.

I hope that.

I'm sure your family are not talking.

I'm sure the one that lives the further is away as well.

I'm sure they haven't got like an Australian only group chat. No, New Zealand Australians a lot, they don't they You could relate to this then. My sister was the first to move out of home. When she did, our family made a group chat without her in it, just saying things like is their milk at home? Or do we want takeout tonight? Et cetera. When my sister found out about this, she was so mad, like we didn't want to include her in the family anymore. We didn't think it was that big a deal. Yeah, but can you see it from your sister's Every time she hears that you guys are having takeaways and she's sitting in some cold Dunedin flat, she's like, they don't even want me there, they've forgotten about But you already this person wants to be anonymous because it involves the in laws. But what's the group chat that you weren't a part of anonymous?

I am my in.

Law's heather female only group chat?

It okay right? Okay?

Yeap includes my sister in law's my mother in law Auntie and law in seen her side of the family as well. Okay, my husband only sisters, so I am the only female in law and I'm not included. I don't I don't mind.

I believe you said that.

I don't mind.

For constantly they're like, oh, did you see Auntie put a photo app or did you read that chip that we had the other day? And I'm like, yeah, nah, I'm not in your group.

Why why wouldn't they include you? Anonymous?

Do you do you have any inkling wine?

I have no idea. I haven't bothered to ask do.

You want to be aga? Do you want to be in that?

I would like to baby, and I'm not I'm not blood, but yeah, I'm pretty blunt. When they're like did you see it?

They'll get though, like you're married, Yeah, how long have you and the have you been together?


Twelve years married six?

Have you got kids?

That's family?

Your family? You should be in that group. Chat do you reagon? They don't realize you're not in there, do you regon they don't know that you're not in there?

I have to know because I constantly say it.

Anonymous, do you want me, Do you want me to call one of them and call them out.

For you, I'll do it and I'll call your family bree.

Okay, yea good deal, good good deal? Or or you two left out losers, got your own group chat? Even better in a group chat and then we can just bitch about all them.

Anonymous love it?

Okay, thank you Anonymous. That's very good story. Someone said, we've got a group work a work group chat one and everyone in there. Sorry, let me start again. We've got a group work chat for all of us ladies. There is a male colleague who got so heartbroken when he found out that he wasn't in our female only group chat.

Takes my heart.

You know why he's gutted because I reckon until the group chat, he thought he was one of the girls. Yeah, he thought, I know they're girls and I'm a guy, but I'm one of the girls.

Together, we goss and there is you don't want me in your group chat, and that sucks. But then, I mean, when you call the group chat girls only, yeah, it's hard to then add him in. But if he's the only guy we've yeah, we've always had guys like that that are a part of the girls.

Yeah, we're just like, Oh, no, you're included. I'm in a girl's only group chat. It's called the Brillan Clint group chat. True, the only guy in the group chat. Wait, there's a there's not a girl's only group chat that I'm not aware of as they're girls. Oh I think we need to go to a song.

Oh look at the time, I don't say anything girls.

Like I said, I want to be in less group chats. Clint, we're just talking about the group chat that you're not in. And what is it? Someone said, We've got a family group chat that excludes our annoying sister in law. We literally only talk about how annoying she is. What if that's anonymous? Wait what if that's anonymous as family? Oh my god, it could be caught before surely she seemed lovely annoying at all.

She wasn't annoying. It wasn't that's not it. That is not it unless text that person back, text them back, be like, did she sound like was she anonymous that we just had on the phone. No, no, no, no, it wouldn't be.

Oh they've just replied and said that it wasn't it wasn't her?

Yeah, I didn't see that reply. Was that reply?


It's do your birthday bags? Number one songs when you turn sixteen? Who's up first? Jason's going to go first? Curt to Jason, Jason, how are we? We're good?

Thing you made?

How's your day been?


Pretty good?


Good to hear? Hey, Jason? What is your birthday?

The thirteenth of August nineteen eighty five?

Same birthday's Mama die?

There you go.

You were sixteen, though a lot later than Mamma die.

It was unnecessary. It was in two thousand and one.

I was just saying, and.

You didn't need to say a lot. You didn't need to say that a lot.

You didn't need to say old.

I said, poor Mama died. You said, who's it old?

You said no, No, you said poor old mamma Doe Christ. Anyway, let's move on swiftly. Here's your beday, Baker, I reckon jas.

Do you like it?

It's not bad?

It's not bad.

Not my quite my flavor, but we'll.

Go with it.

Two thousand and mone what are you hoping for? Forgot about dre maybe or something a bit more rocky.

Yeah, okay, fair enough, still not a bad one from Blue Old.

Let's go to Katie, Katie.

Oh Katie, Hi has your day being Katie? Very busy?


Why so busy?


People at work?

Just lots to do?


Fair enough, fair enough?

Hey, well let's get your home then, Katie. What's your do ob.

Nineteen eighty nine?

Right, that means Katie was sixteen in two thousand and five. When we've done our calculations, here's your birthday bag.

Film that's wrong like me? Wow?

She was film fun like me? What's he get dolls and don't chew? What do you reckon? Katie? Did you say yuck?


This was their I gave for an unfair.

This was the first pussy get doll song, wasn't it it was? This was the first hit yuck. I don't think anyone's ever reacted to their birthday banger with yuck before. I like the honesty, Katie. I like HER's Andy's birthday banger high Andy, hy Andy, here goes how you doing good?

Thank you? Andy? Lovely deep voice. So you were a voiceover artist.

Maybe in another life, in another life, Well.

All we need is your birthday. Andy will do your birthday bagh.

Yeah, second of July.

All right, that means you were sixteen in nineteen ninety eight and we've turned back the clock here.

It is when everybody's charming and fun. Such a fun one. What do you think, Andy, Oh, I think that's a belter belter, salute, belter, sing it drill. We've definitely never played this birthday bag. I'll play it. Hey, Andy, you're the winner of birthday bag in today. Congratulations, lovely stuff.

Thank you for bringing this delicious birthday bag into the airways. Andy.

Wonder if the songs still entirely appropriate in twenty twenty four.

I think it's okay.

Don't think about it.

Don't think about it.

It does.

Enjoy it. Want to meet you more.

For England.

Is a certain brand of instant noodles that apparently is so spicy they've been banned in Denmark, which seems wild to me.

Well, I just don't understand why they'd be banning them unless people are ending up in the hospital.

We'll have a listen to this.

Three versions of the popular South Korean instant noodle brand bull Dak will no longer be sold in Danish shops. Officials in Denmark have recalled the products because their capsican levels are so high they pose a risk of the consumer developing acute poisoning.

Acute poisoning.

What does that mean?

A cute poisoning? Is it like cute poisoning?

Or like, what's a cute poisoning? Like it poisons you?

Yeah, that's what they're saying. That's taking it to a whole new level. I've managed to find those noodles which are not illegal in New Zealand's and I've found two varieties. I've found the hot Chicken Ramen flavor from Bull Dak, and I've also found the two times spicy Hot Chicken Ramen noodles.

I have tasted the black packet before, and my partner and I were up and down all night.

Okay, toilet and you said you share a packer. We shared a packer is quite as spicy. Okay, So the red one is supposed to be twice as spicy as the black one. I've had the producers make up both and we can decide which one we try.

Okay, I say we go the hottest. I do too, Yeah, white wise around, dope is around. Let's just go for the hottest, all right?

Good? Deal. It's bright red. It's violently red.

It's so red it looks like the depths of hell.

Do you want me to go first? Or do you want to go first? We can go the same time. You can load up your fork. Okay, I can load up my fork. I am going to take my white, my whiteness and sweatsh it off.


Look, I'm getting worried. Doesn't coming straight back up.

I'm getting a good amount here. You pass me that other bowl so I can let this bolt and I've got Okay, you go, I've.

Got my my mouth full here. Well that's quite a bad Wait.

What what did you say before? Because you've been excited about this all day?

You said how spicy can it be? That's right, I just.

Wanted to get that on camera, just for a before and after, like you saying that before and then after.

Okay, you read all right, the read two times spicea. But this is the hottest ball deck ramen Okay, cheers, cheers. Oh it's interestingly crush by. Okay, heating up the pellett.

It's real bad. Who's eating that's.

Hot on the top end of hot on the bottom.

It's in my nostrils. Hang another bite.

Have them more a spice? Yeah, real spicy? What is it about the people enjoy? I love ad?

Clint's like, how spicy could be?

I'm just trying to imagine getting through a whole.

I'm telling you don't do that. Have you got anything on tomorrow morning?

You better clear your schedule for tomorrow. Oh I just slip some of the soup. Okay, I'll give it a go.

I'll give it a sure.

It looks very fiery, it's got a kick to it. Really not good flavor.

It's not too bad, a like it is.

Making my nose run.

Please, not the best with spice.

Yummy as well, ha a yum. Do you want to try the others and see if that'll cool it down? Stage the ship? Give those?

Give those?

I don't know if it's I don't have a spicy enough to be made illegal? Like, so this is meant to be less spicy.

Less spicy. Oh yeah, it's nicer.

Oh computer those other ones? That's they taste the taste, fantastic chicken flavor.

It tastes like megaret.

Oh there's actually no spice whatsoever. And that one computed the other one. Bood all my taste buds off think you have?

Oh my tongue is silting. Who is eating them on the regular?

Who is sitting down? These are your noodle?

Who are you?

Who is sitting down to a bull.

Dack spicy times to ram and every night? Who are you? And what do your pose look like?


Do you have any of your nurse left? I remember that because if I get home and kiss my wife with these lips, yeah, she's not gonna be happy. I can't wait to get a text from you tomorrow morning. They're not any They're not any lea, that's the bull dark two times spicy. We just ate the bull Dak Korean ramen noodles that are getting banned in Denmark. And I think we did, Okay, we did all right. Someone just sicks in and said, live in year old Chinese students eat those noodles every day. Live in your old children.

Someone else sixed in and said we should try the Cullies world's hottest ramen noodles. Next.

Look at what these look like. Cullies are ruthless colors. Maddie, and I ate that Callie sauce while you're on Treasure Island one time, and I've I've.

Got some of those sources in my fridge, and I just never use most of them. There's like the you know, the lesser ones, like the salsa verde. I'll use like the number three, and you.

Know we like three forks. I feel light hitted. I feel queasy.


Come meanwhile, Ella's finishing the whole bowl out there.

She loves it.

You're a spice hound, Ella, You're fine with it? Yeah, I mean it's it is spicy, but quite young.

Some people are just better with spice than others, I.

Mean better than others. Yes, there's there's Look, it's a spictrum. Okayret Elle's got a friendship taste for us. It's excited.

Yeah, yeah, I just want to figure out who we are okay in this New York.

Times like a buzz Like a buzz feed, which friend are you? Okay? But with some psychology attached to it? What are the options?

I'm telling you?


Are you? I don't know?

How do we do this?

Yeah? Can you tell us now? No, we're going to do it now give me two seconds, Okay, you will talk about ourselves. You did distract her with the noodles. She was having both. She was trying both of them.

And you told me it was a heat heat, not a stingy heat difference. A stingy one hurts.

One's just hot like lips, like not even a whole noodle, and I.

Just like I can't feel my lips.

The delayed sting that gets you. Yeah, it really is.

Someone said there's a times three version. Yeah, we tried to get those, didn't we. We can get them.

Do you do the Times three tomorrow?


Should we do noodle late tomorrow?

How can we get the Cullies one as well?

Should we do? Should we?

I've got an idea, guys, just had a great idea. Let's work shop it on air. Let's get in the spinny wheel and we call it the burn and ring of fire and we put on that on the wheel, on the ring of fire, all different spicy things and then you have to spin the wheel and eat one of them. Yeah, let's do it, and we do it on like a day that's like, not at the start of the week, because then like maybe at the end.

Of the week.

Hey, Ela, I'm good. We'll do the friendship test tomorrow. Yeah, amount of time. Now that's us, folks, We are out of here. Thanks for joining us where we ate the world's hottest Ramen packet noodles that are legal in Denmark, and we came up with a great idea.

We came up with a great idea a segment called the Burn and Ring of Fire. We have a wheel, there's a bunch of hot stuff on there. Like I'm thinking, you know, the world's hottest corn chip, a Carolina Reaper, hottest Ramen noodles. What else is hot?

Love? Sweet chili sauce, mayo, I love Schah.

Goal of today was not to get raman on my white sweats and a bloody done it. Oh you have to days ruined. That's not going to come out, that's going to stain now, it's put some nappy stand on. Grow up, clin Have a great night everybody, and we'll catch you back tomorrow for a Friday Bry and Clincho.

And the Flames Worms, Burns, Burn.

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