Yesterday's NewsYesterday's News

Queens: Empress Elisabeth, Austria's Infamous Queen

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If Empress Elisabeth was alive today, she’d probably make headlines for A) Being a dang Olympic athlete B) Seducing noted hotties of all genders and C) Dunking on anyone who got in her way.

But because Sisi (as she was called) had to deal with Victorian social mores, she didn’t exactly have the freedom to do that stuff. Instead, she settled on 1) Horseback riding so hard she nearly died 2) Marrying the Emperor of Austria and 3) Becoming a bit of a “Mommie Dearest” figure which, as we’ll see, REALLY messed up her kids.

Was she a saint? No. But Sisi was a complicated woman with a fascinating life, so prepare to meet your new problematic fave.

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Yesterday's News

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