Making Peace: How to Mediate Conflict in Our Families

Published Apr 4, 2024, 12:00 PM

Who wouldn’t want a peaceful life? Making that desire a reality is where many of us get stuck. But Emily de Schweinitz Taylor (BA ’97, PhD ’24), an expert in mediation and conflict resolution, believes that even a three-year-old can learn to navigate conflict effectively. The trick? Practicing a few simple communication tools.

On this episode of the Y Magazine podcast, Taylor and host Whitney Singley Archibald (BA ’01) discuss five ways to deal with disagreement and how to help children do the same. Listen in and learn how to mediate and de-escalate conflict with Taylor’s five conflict resolution skills.

This episode is based on the article “Blessed Are the Peacemakers” written by Sara Smith Atwood which will appear in the spring 2024 issue of Y Magazine.

Check out Emily de Schweinitz Taylor’s books Raising Mediators and Conflict Fluent: Mastering the Five Conflict Approaches.

Listen to Elder Uchtdorf’s referenced talk here.

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