Loneliness and Social Connection with Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad

Published Feb 1, 2024, 1:00 PM

Odds are, you’ve experienced loneliness at least a time or two. According to BYU psychology professor Julianne Holt-Lunstad (BS ’94, MS ’98), loneliness is a part of everyone’s human experience; and feeling isolated can be worse for your health than big-name problems like obesity, alcoholism, and pollution. On this episode of the Y Magazine podcast, host Whitney Singley Archibald (BA ’01) and Holt-Lunstad discuss the biological explanation behind feelings of loneliness, the effects of social isolation on physical health, and the power of social connection. Listen in for tips on maintaining a healthy social life and connecting with those around you.

This episode was based on the article “Loneliness: The Shadow Pandemic” by Melody McGrath Warnick in the summer 2020 issue of Y Magazine.

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