Going Forth to Teach

Published Dec 7, 2023, 4:45 PM

Who comes to mind when you think of your favorite teacher? It’s probably someone who ignited a passion, instilled confidence, or cared deeply. On this episode of the Y Magazine podcast, join host Whitney Singley Archibald (BA ’01) in chatting with two inspiring teachers who graduated from BYU and went forth to teach: high school physics teacher Wesley R. Morgan (BS ’18) in Springville, Utah, and ESL and ethnic-studies teacher Natalia Alvarez Benjamin (BS ’99, MA ’07) in Rochester, Minnesota.

Learn about how these teachers get creative to reach their pupils—from Morgan’s remote-control cars, balloon experiments, and daily hands-on lab activities to Benjamin’s assignment for students to interview an admirable person in their community. Then hear about what drives these teachers in their profession. You may even be inspired to go thank a teacher of your own.

This episode is based on the article “A Mile in Their Shoes” by Margaret J. Sheffield (’23) in the winter 2022 issue and the article “Resonating Lessons” by Rachel Hatch Webb (’24) in the fall 2023 issue of Y Magazine.

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