A Chat with President C. Shane Reese

Published May 4, 2023, 11:00 AM

What’s the probability that the 14th president of Brigham Young University would love faculty basketball and family pickleball, turned down a job with the Philadelphia Eagles, and prefers a PB&J over most other foods? Probably zero, if you asked C. Shane Reese (BS ’94, MS ’95), a statistician by trade and the successor of President Kevin J Worthen (BS ’79, JD ’82).

But for Reese, his story is notable for other reasons—like the series of personal spiritual impressions that led him to switch his major to statistics his freshman year, he and his wife’s decision to leave a “dream existence” in New Mexico to come to Provo, and their passing on a job offer from Andy W. Reid (BS ’82), then head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Y Magazine sat down with Reese to discuss these experiences as well as other parts of his life—diving into his time at BYU, his interests in the field of statistics, and his family. Tune in to learn more about Shane Reese—father, husband, statistics professor, sports nerd, and the new president of BYU.

Read more about President Reese in the Summer 2023 issue of Y Magazine, coming July 2023.

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