The wonderful Aaron Schwartz, known to the true romantics in the fandom as Dorota’s beau, Vanya, joins Jessica and Zuzanna on today’s episode! Aaron breaks down auditioning with an accent, growing up as a child actor, and what he did to make Vanya different.
Hey, I'm Aaron Schwartz. I played Bonja, I'm gossip Girl and we are rewatching rufus getting there. Welcome back, listeners. Do you want an only source into all things gossip crul? You know you'll love it? X O x ol. Hey, what's up? Hey everybody? Hi? Aeron dude, I'm doing good. How you doing? I'm in here. Sammy's excited right now. I don't know what I'm talking to somebody? What's going on? Oh my gosh, we're talking to Aaron Schwartz today and her beautiful dog Puppy's she's like, what are you doing? She is too, she just turned to like a couple of days ago. Yes, so handful. Yeah, but she's very puppy like right she's she's rambunctious. I hear. So. It's nice to see you both. Nice to see everybody here. Yes, the last time we saw each other, this is Aaron Schwartz, everyone who played the lovely I'm gonna let you say it with the accent. God knows, I might have lost half of the accent the last time you did it. I think that's how Yeah, Vanya, I forget your last name though, doesn't need one. I feel like it's just very It's like Madonna, like, yeah, you just got it. Um, but wait, let me ask about Sam. He's your dog's name, right, yes, yes, So when you travel for work or like when we were just in North or North Carolina? Is that where we were? South Carolina? South Carolina, South Carolina? And when I said no, I'm like, no, that's not okay. Yeah, when we were in Charleston, which I loved. By the way, what do you do with your dog? I put her, So it depends if I have friends. I moved to Texas not too long ago, so I don't have a ton of friends out here, but sometimes friends will watch her. But most of the time I keep her a place called K nine Cowboy. It's very cute, very perfect. It's a little house maybe like forty minutes. I do this forty minute drive just to put her there because it's kennel free and it's easy for her to like play in a house with a bunch of other dogs, and I just leave her there when well, yeah, because she's like it's not easy to travel with that sized dog. Like are my dogs eleven you know, like eleven or twelve pounds? So it's like very easy to bring her underneath, like just yeah, I wish she was sometimes, Yeah, that you have a place like that, because that's like very hard. I've had dogs where I couldn't travel, So to know that you have a place where they're you know, can run around and are taken care of, then you can kind of go and like work without being stressed about it. Yeah, I do wish she could travel with me. I didn't really think about that extensively before I got her. We just have to get a tour bus, Aaron, you can just do the van, I know, but you know, but I've actually always been really inspired by Aaron for many reasons as an actor, as an easy, tremendous friend, generous hearted, lovely human. But he also is such an adventurous soul. So he's lived I think, you know, has this New York East Coast family, lived in l A, did the Hollywood thing, and then just picked up and went to Texas, lived in Israel for three years Israel, which I think is so cool. It's so cool, right like, and he'd like pass that. He he has that thing that we talked about with Joanna Garcia. He always has that smile to like you can see right now does not leave your face. It's so so like warm, like warm and beautiful and don't know, it's very true. But I'm like, what what Susanna I'll just said is like you have like a very interesting story, and you've been to a lot of places, and you've been an actor and worked I mean like you've been in films that when I was younger, if I would have own that we worked on the same show together, sat like my younger self would have flipped out like Mighty Ducks. Yeah, nobody knew except for um, Matthew Settled. Matthew Settle. The first scene last episode, I don't know, he came up to me and was like, by the way, I know who you are, and I was like, am I in trouble? Like what's going on? So that's the only person that ever knew. But also, you guys were pretty young. I was in my early thirties at the time, and everybody on the set was in their early twenties, So I don't think it was like a thing that people really watched. Well, speaking of young, you have this fascinating, um, you know, sort of origin story as an actor because you were on Mighty Ducks. When you were a kid. And then you also were on what's the other movie? Um with Keenan, Oh my god, Heavyweights, those movies that were kind of cult classics. So you basically had this like Hollywood child star thing. And I know that you've been working. I don't know, you want to do something. Oh yeah, I talk about later down the line. We've been working on a project documentary on child stars. Yeah, that's awesome. It's something that you're exploring and really invested in finding the sort of psychological and emotional consequences of that kind of like the stigma attached to child actors. You know. Going back into the business when I was I was a little kid, I left went to Israel for like three four years off and on. I got back into the business when I was i'd say twenty, but I didn't really like really start hustling and getting an agent again and really started from scratch. By the time I was about twenty five, I did at Guiding Light, and then like within not too long after that, I booked Manya on Gossip Girl, and so that whole foray back into the business was kind of like a little bit of a you know, it was a little bit of a shock to the system to get back into it in my you know, late twenties, but I think it did some thing where it allowed me to kind of stay a little more grounded that I didn't keep on growing through my late teens and early twenties in the limelight, and I think it helped me not you know, attached to that stigma of child actors, which also can be to like where it is kind of separate, you know what I'm saying, in the sense of because you you like getting to know yourself and yourself as an actor all the way through all of that, because sometimes I feel like you you you are a different actor in your twenties and you were when you were on Mighty Ducks than you are in your thirties. And sometimes if you stay in that the whole time, it's hard for people to disconnect and then reconnect in a new role or a new film or so. I think it's like quite awesome and neat and really amazing either. Something about fame too, When you when you in the limelight and you have fame, you kind of take on the persona that people give you. I mean, I've seen it with some of the younger castmates. They just got famous right when I got on set and Gossip Girl, and I can see some of the not in a negative way at all. I just can see that some of the stuff that even if it was tabloids, hopefully they didn't listen to the tabloids, but you know, even just outside fandom would kind of put on them. They kind of took it as their personality in the beginning, and if you're young and you don't really have a grounding on your own personality, it could kind of envelop you and you you're acting world, your personal life all kind of becomes that same narrative, and it could be dangerous for sure. And there's probably something in that where it's like, because if the world and people are appreciating it, like you're being praised for it, and it's all this like wonderful thing and it's the show that's hitting and everyone's liking this about that character, it almost subconsciously probably feels like, oh, if this feels right and it's working for all these people that love it all over the world, then maybe it's should bleed into all my other my life lanes in my life. Yeah, And so you can you can kind of see where that would happen and where it could get like slippery or you know, depending on the type of person you are, or how you can handle it more well more well in anybody that I know. It's like you know that you you know your character on Gossip Girl, you know, keep the fans don't separate Jessica from your character that you are, you know, and it's it becomes this thing where they talk to you like you're her, and it could easily get just like smeared into it. Yeah, it's a wild interesting world, right. It's so hard to be an actor for so many reasons, you know, And it's like we already have to do so much like emotional maintenance to keep ourselves, you know, positive, because there's so much rejection and it's such an unsteady career path. And then on top of it, if you do have some success that you have to you know, stay grounded. And I have to keep it going. I gotta stay relevant, I gotta stay It's like such an anxiety written place to approach it to a lot of people always ask did you love doing Gossip Grow Of course I'm like, yes, it was such a good time in our lives. It was such a good show that so many people enjoyed, whether it was you know, getting through you know, there's people that have come up to us in South Carolina, remember and into Charlotte. Yes, like now that was like my Charles, my mom was fighting cancer and we really that was where we bonded and got through that. Or you know, I had a really tough pregnancy and I could check out and you know, just be thankful. And so when you hear that and see those types of things with fans, You're like, this really is so beautiful that we get paid to do something we love and it can affect people on some sort of level in that way. And then there's times where people like, well did you really love it like with all you know, the fame that came with it, or the people that you know didn't like your character so much, And I'm like, you know, it's it's a it's a mine line to like even answer that question. I have to I have to like ride this like line, you know, like because yes, I was super blessed and great and and you know what if people were affected by how Vanessa was or came off in certain seasons or the way she did certain things, to Dan, you know that's part of the entertainment and the show that we were in. Yeah, that's part because like sometimes loved and then Hayden hearing Oh that girl, Yeah, I remember her, and I was like, I wish you could meet Jessica because you would not feel this way. But it's so crazy because it's also I'm like, no, in a million years, you know, you're as an actor, you were like, you put all this time and effort into hoping that a pilot that you do or show you a character you play is able to keep coming back and keep growing and the audience loves it. So I'm like, no, I wouldn't change any of it. Um. But again, yeah, Vanessa did certain things Jessica did not, so keep it separate. But it's like you said, they don't. So that's a really good way to put it. Stephanie and Josh really really stuck into you sometimes they did. Yeah. But speaking of that, let's talk about your with Josh and Stephanie or you're casting your story? What were you with Josh and Stephanie? Were you in New York? Tell us, I was in New York, so I'm born and raised in New York and I was, I was getting back into the business, and I I think it was a year prior I was. Actually my ex told me I have to be on the show. I remember my ex was like, you met Nikki Susan. She was fantastic and she was a big girl fan, right huge, like right when right when those billboards came up with like you know, like two people like in the middle of it, and then the ad was like, this is disgusting, don't let your children watch it. I thought it was, but the parents, it was the parent council that was, oh yeah, it was amazing. So she's like, you have to be honest, and I'm I'm like this, do you know what's honey about that? Sorry, I don't want to go off seeing those billboards, the all the parent groups that were writing those in that's what our marketing team did. They took those quotes and then put it on like steamy billboards with like Nate and Serena like naked in a pool and Blair. So they did such a brilliant job anyway, and it was brilliant, and I think that was what gave it that like momentum to like just shoot out there and it became a fan favorite immediately. I didn't know about it. She told me about it, and I was trying to get back into the business and I was doing things like I was hustling. I was like, I gotta like get seen, you know, I just got an agent and a manager, and I just decided to go to these There's these intensives that people will do to meet casting directors, and it's really to meet them, but it's supposed to be a class, and so it's like this fine line, is it a class or are you really trying to like network with casting directors. So I would just it was mel A Naggler's mal cap casting for the first and second season and then it switched to Bowling Misha, But for the second season, I would go to these intensives with Melli Nagler. I probably paid her rent or her mortgage to that year. I think I think I went like ten times, spending a thousand, and I was like, this is like going to spend money to make money, Aaron, right, And they would just like leave me alone. Almost she got to this point where she started bringing me in for everything. And then the Vanya one wasn't even supposed to be on the show. I think the Vanya one was supposed to be just for Chasing the Rhodo, which was like the we've talked about that before. Yeah, yeah, the spinoff the little web series. So they had introduced Vanya as the you know, as the boyfriend figure. So it was born of the idea of the spinoff. And then because Aaron was so fantastic, pH you know, just slotted right in and like he made the most of Vanya. Yeah, all of a sudden, he's you know, popping up as a major plot player in um, you know, g G proper. So it was like such a cool thing that that, yeah, you know, allowed for us to have a relationship. Yeah, we had a great relationship, and it was I thought it was just for the Verizon thing, and I don't know exactly what happened, but I did the show first before the Chasing the Road. I did the last episode of season two first, and I was, man, I was nerve racked because I was like, not expecting you get this to do the spinoff and then they call you and they're like, hey, we actually want you to come to to work on the c W show, to set on location. It wasn't even in the studio and was that that was the scene with paparazzi and it's the baseball that, Yeah, and they're trying to get in there, they're trying to get photos of Serena, and you're like pushing them out, pushing people off. And I'm still working on the accent because I just memorized the accent for the audition. And the audition was funny because the audition wasn't the audition wasn't supposed to be like he was kind of like I made him kind of nerdy, and I don't think they wrote it that way. I think they were like there were people in the audition that were like trying to look swab right, and I remember actually in the intensive, Mela was saying, like make your audition different, like make it different. So I was like, effort. I'm just gonna go in and I'm just gonna like whatever. I've been here a million times, I'm not gonna cast I'll just go with it. And I like got myself look at all nerdy and kind of did like a Don Nots version of of a Russian dorman. And I got out of there thinking, oh my god, I'm gonna get a call from my agents saying you're an idiot, what are you doing? And then somehow I banyas dorkiness made it into the show. Well, that's what's so lovely about Vanya is that this kind of earnestness and the fact that he's such a sweet human. And so because I think Dorota is a sweet, sweethearted person, the people like like the two of them together because you were like, you know, you believe that they were like, um, you know, good people who could you take care of each other and rot to crack the whip with Bonnia, but didn't such like such a like a wholesome way, you know. But and what's so like cool about the backstory and von Yan de Rota is that this it was all things that you never saw coming, which I know they do that a lot in the show, but it was like even in this episode, like at the end, I know, I'm jumping forward when you're at the bar with Georgina, I'm like, wait, they were planting things and doing stuff. So when I hear the story of that's what your audition you know process, and you know story was that you went in for the you know, the spinoff and then they asked you to come to set. Now you're Serena's doorman the Vanderwoods and how much. Yeah, and then you're sitting here and and this twist at the end that you throw with Georgina, Now I'm like, wait, that's gotta be through Blair and Derota, but like, we won't know now for a couple episodes. But it's really wild because it's so set up and go so smoothly, Like something had to go down with Georgina because no one on the Upper East Side is letting her get away with what she pulled during this whole episode, which was very vindictive and very wrong. And Georgina's she's not my damn nerves because she was just not character you played that. You played that episode. I haven't seen that episode in so long, and I was like, I know, she was just day and then doing that to Dan and literally, yeah, we should probably say this. The episode is actually called Rufus Getting Married Mary, the one that we're talking about here today, so we have a lot of marriage plotlines, and like you're saying, Georgina gets really nasty and like really does some bad stuff here, and we get to see this fantastic little moment of Vanya coming into totally to save the day and like get rid of Georgina. So shall we say where we left off? But before we do that, it's based on the movie title Rachel Getting Married, which a little fun fact, Sebastian Stan who is in this episode with all of us, is also in that movie, so that's us. Like, okay, so I've seen that. I don't remember that he was like on the gas pedal mack then like, oh yeah, okay, So we left off last time on Gossip Girls, Serena defused a potential meltdown from disgrace actress Ursula, which was um Tyra Banks at the cost of her job. She needed to fend off Lily's design to send her off to college. On the bright side, Dan comes to terms with Olivia's fame and identity, leaving hope for their future relationship, and then Jenny begins letting go of her quest to break school hierarchies and a lure for her own popularity. So that is where we left off, and it's like we kind of had that a little bit of a break almost from some of the plot lines in that episode, and that we're back with a vengeance today with this one. Um Lilian Riffus decided to move up their wedding day. Chuck discovers a secret that Carter has been keeping from Serena, which involves Brie and the Buckley's. Dan and Vanessa are pulled into one of Georgina's schemes when she learns Scott back to New York on a ruse. Also, Blair is suspicious of Brie and she shares her concerns Nate. So it's like, we're back to the brief stuff. We're back to I knew Brie was in something up to something from many well, see she's she plays it really well though, in the sense of this sweet dynamic where you're like, Okay, maybe she's just really going to fall for for Nate. And I'm thinking the whole time that it's because of their political families, like you know, like the Buckley's and the you know, Archibalds. Like so I'm like, okay, that's where this is going. And then of course, you know, then it has something to do with Carter and Serena now and now it's like it's like a domino effect every time, like it's always like boom boom, boom, boom boom and then still that last Domino that's standing blows your mind, like like you at the end of this episode, Erin, I'm like, what, yeah, where that was crazy? And I got to play swab at one point I have to say, like, like the whole Breeze storyline, Juanna plays it in such a way that I really didn't. I was never convinced that she was duplicitous or that she did have you know, alter your motives. So it's it's really nice because then you kind of at the end, it really is a little bit of a heartbreak when she's when Nate comes to her and says, were you're using me? And she was and for what She was so endearing at the end too, because she's also like, I'm really sorry to say like me and anything, like I really am. He's like, no, get out right, yes, okay. So it opens up with Serena and Carter are happily together, Nate and bree they're they get they're bouncing around. They keep cutting to each couple, Dan as I am in, Olivia, Chuck and Blair and bed together. Um. By the way, when they're doing this, I'm like, these couples are just all real cute like your guys are just cute, Like yeah, you know, even even Brill and Brian Nate. At this point, I'm like, I'm liking them. Dan and Olivia, I'm not quite sure really what obviously what's going on there. I think it's also like such a throwback to do the I am ng' using vanessas doc you DOCU Girl ninety one or something. Do you think Dan is okay Vanessa? So he's like he's using that, he uses that laptop like on the street chunky laptop or the flip pulls out. It's like, so I love seeing all the old technology. Yeah, so all of these things are going on. Who who Aaron is your favorite couple at this point. I mean, I know you're not rewatching it like we are, but like, yeah, I definitely in and a part of the show. So like you like watch this and I was like, let me dive in and really watch it. And I watched it from beginning to end. And I'll tell you right now. Lillian rufus Man when they when the kids get them back together in the diner or wherever they are in Brooklyn and they get them back together, Lily's reaction when she figures out like her a little smile. I thought it was really cute. Yeah, She's like, I hate this, but yeah, yeah, what about you? Years changes, right Ssanna? Who me? I think that, you know, a mind does change. But I think, like I agree with Aaron that like Lillian Rufus here, you know, they're obviously the heart of this episode. And what's so nice about it is the like Lily is usually such like a you know, kind of a badass, and like you see her get so um and a soft, a little you know soft in this episode, and that you see her her insecurity is a couple of times, and the fact that we sort of bring up in this funny, cheeky way, the fact that she's had all these husbands and how each wedding was so fast, you know, fabulous and over the top, and then she has to write these vows and she can't quite get there, and it's like he has to kind of break her down and be like, what are you scared of? You know, And it's kind of what all of these characters are usually dealing with, and then here we see it with her, which is that like in the end, it's that she based Alee says like I'm scared of having a real partner, you know, and like like that she's you know, not ready for that, or she doesn't think she is, and he has to kind of show her so and he has to like call her out. Oh yeah, she has to really take her to task. You you don't want to do this because you're scared of really falling in love and being with someone who really cares for you. And he's like, and I know that because you're breaking my heart right now. And I'm like, oh, oh, such a good scene. Yeah. The dynamic between between them is so amazing. Also because they're from two different worlds. I think that's like a big thing. Like everybody you see, all the other couples are basically from the same world, even uh Vonnie and de Roda they're from you know, they're they're the help, you know, and then everybody else is the Upper east Side. But they Yeah, but they're this good mix of like he's this rocker living in Brooklyn and she's from this big family and you see it work and I think it's a cool little dynamic. See that on the Upper east Side. It's lovely and of horse, their their union is strengthened or challenged both in this episode by the resurgence of Scott. So we have this character Scott, who we know is the love child that they think he's dead. He kind of came back around and basically copped to being from the family of the kid that they thought they had, but he wasn't quite truthful. And then because of Georgina's antics, he is outed here in this episode. And so the fact that the three of them face off and then have this beautiful moment where they come together and hug, and it's part of part of what breaks Lily in the end to see and the way she she played that too, you know, like having a very vulnerable breakup moment with Rufus two. Then the son's coming up to all the people walking and you know, their whole crew, all their kids, having like the circle around them because they're they're late to their wedding. So there's just and then there's so many things going on. She's basically like, I don't know if we can get married. Then she finds out that's her son that they thought was not alive. I mean, there's just the way she played all those things going on was like incredible to me. I'm like Oh my god, Kelly, Right, And it was I thought of you just because I was like, I feel like there's something about you know, Kelly had such a depth of emotion and in the way that she was playing Lily in those scenes, and I was like, there has to be something about she was, you know, a new mom, uh, you know, like she was just came back from maternity leave in these episodes. This was her first episode back from having the baby, right. So it's like, undoubtedly that strengthens a certain muscle in you. So I always think of you when I think of you know, young actor moms, and I'm like, you know, the idea that you have a new perspective, you know, and so you can like bring a different um you know. Yeah, how does that how when you're acting now, do you find that you are able to kind of dig deeper now that you're taking care of human life that's yours? Yeah, because I feel like you just you're looking and feeling things in a different lens, in a different way of what would you do if this would happen to your daughter? What would you do if you had to do something to protect them in this way? Or find out that I knew that there was a child along, but then found out they were no longer alive. And then he's standing in front of me and and you didn't expect that. That's like a shocking thing to your heart, to your everything that you probably tried to get through your whole life to be like it was the right decision. It was the right decision. Now they're here, you know, and on my wedding day with his father, like just the amount of things. But yes, you definitely can dig in deeper and definitely like it's just a different way. You just look at life different when you have a baby in my life, I'm showing us a little furry baby. He's like my dad talking to right now. I love it. So in this episode, we have this wedding that is the kind of pinnacle cluck climactic scene, the idea that they actually decided to go ahead and have the wedding, you know, tomorrow or whatever it is, and so which I Lorena, who is in a really good place with Carter, is sort of decided to you know, really jump on board and help Lily to organize his wedding. And she's kind of the kind of making up, you know, because Lily is still a little bit tentative about her not going to college, and so we have Serena on that mission, and at the same time you have uh, you know, Brie and Nate who are you know, in the throes of their relationship, and then Blair and Chuck and Blair is just like go into town being so mean to Bree Buckley. In this episode, she is like, I can't stand or something, and I'm like Blair the dim summum d double date, double day. She goes. Claire says, I know, uh, I know women, and none of them are that nice. I think she says that, and I'm so good. She really doesn't stick burns on Brie and that in that lunch, so it's like she knows that. She's like, it's like she has a sixth sense about Bree. But but Chuck basically tells her, your problem with Bree is that you don't like to see Nate move on even though you're in love with me. You don't want anyone else to be happy or whatever. That's kind of what he yeah, you know which, by the way, when Chuck says that, I'm like, that's like, still I feel like such a mature thing for someone their age, like Chuck, that's Nate's best friend and Blair's Chuck's girlfriend, So to be like, actually you just have a problem with Nate moving on, I'm like, okay, Chuck, are you like a grown ass man? Like that's like very also like giving giving him a little room because he saw the goons that were the brother in law's show up and he's like he comes to uh Serena. It's like, look like this was really big of him that he actually even showed up to the wedding. So you gotta respect that, Like he could have left, Like I gave him a ticket and he chose not to. Yeah. Yeah, Chuck is very been very mature, emotionally mature. That's so true. Give me two. Yeah, let's see. At the end of this one, it's like we're watching sort of this wedding kind of come together come you know, fall apart, come together, and we're kind of going down this one road and then this whole time there's this like black mail um danger brewing with Gma. So like I feel like Vanessa is really like this. I mean, this episode has been like some really good Vanessa fadder because Vanessa is the one person who knows the truth about Scott, and Georgina comes back and realizes that, Um, Dan is you know, into Olivia and he's kind of ghosting her or not, you know, not texting her back anymore, and she's jealous and she wants to break them up, so she wants to engage in Vanessa in that um it's basically like you have to break Dan and Olivia up, and vanessas like, well, I think hello, and then she's like gonna blackmailer because Vanessa asked, Dan, why are you Why are you using my? I am like I think. She's like, why are you using mine? And he's like because every time I use mine. Georgina comes and says something and she's like not getting it, Like I broke up with her? How much more can I say? So she's like, Okay, I get it. Then when Vanessa and and Georgina sit down in the coffee shop, she's like, I just don't know why Dan's not responding to me, and she goes Vanessa goes, hey, because he broke up with you, be he's seeing someone else. And see, even though I try to defend you, you're a full on crazy person. And she's like, wait, can we go back to be She's like, he's seeing someone, and then she basically is like, you have to break them up. And Vanessa because of this big secret that she has and this is not like, hey, you know, Dan made out with someone. This is like someone's child, this is someone's brother, this is someone like there's just so many things that go around Scott. I know, I say that a lot. I say it every episode because I still and it's probably because I'm a parent now. I cannot believe this storyline. I just can't believe it. It's crazy. And Gina getting out of bus to Boston little girl is all these people's lives. Yeah, yeah, between a rock and a hard place. She's like, I can't be the one on the wedding day to blast everyone out or do it to Scott. Vanessa had an intimate relationship with Scott, so it's also not just the secret she was dating him, which is when you say that out loud, it's wild. Yeah, it's really loaded. How crazy is that? So many twisted Josh pulling out all the stuffs with this ever got how intertwined all of these stories were. It's crazy, yeah, right, And the blackmail is so nuts because it's like this um. In order for Vanessa to to do it, she has to kind of convince Dan that Olivia is not right for him. So what I love is this funny thing that proceeds in which it seems like she's trying to get Dan to date her. So it's like everything she is saying, like you should look at your you know, friends you already have for people who are in your history. Yeah, he's like her too, because then he comes He's like, listen, I know what you're doing. You're like, no, I'm not doing that, idiot. He's like, I know, I'm not into Moron. The next time, like look in the Nest episode, it's so funny, but Dan takes one for the team, which is I should say, because it's also part of his whole world. And he goes and pretends to Georgina that he has missed her and that he should be with someone that he has a passed with. So Georgina is all like, Okay, I can come to the wedding with you tonight, and he said, you know, it's a private event. Should have grabbed that right. Maybe he's not such a good actor after all. How great is that? Like background actor who she He like turns to that guy. I don't know if he's like some old guy in the park or hot dog vendor something, and he's like, you know, she's she turns to him, and it's like, you know, what does it mean when the guy doesn't grab your ass anymore? And then when she walks away, the way that that man looks her up and down and looks at her ass is like so amazing. And I was like that guy, yeah, it's like he was like a you know, I had to play the small role or he was a background actor, and he really committed. He did a whole like really really gross, like old man look that reminds me. At the end of the episode, they I was gonna do like a Vanya twist to it where I was like scared at the end, like I'm like being suave and then I'm like, oh my god, this is happening, and they were like, don't do it. We don't want to give the audience any more information. Just walk away and just be cool. So my way of being cool was looking Michelle up and down like checking her out and used it. And I was like that bunny looks like a perv, Like what I didn't really notice that. I just feel like I didn't feel that I noticed it. Yeah, I didn't feel that way at all. But it's also because and years maybe why. But I also feel like the fans that really watched the show and the viewers they like really don't miss a thing. Maybe they didn't want to because you outside of the you know, your your wardrobe. For them, it would be very hot. You're in a suit. You didn't see your hair really because you had a hat on, didn't you In the with the doorman. Yeah, so I'm saying it would be very hard to be like, that's the guy that was you know what I mean? Maybe that's why it was just Yeah, it was also just introduced like only two episodes. We'd only see them in that one time with the paparazzi right right like one other one. I think it was just like me coming to the door to Lillian Um and how about speaking of different wardrobe, we got to rode out with like hats and and oh my gosh, the best I remember when people asked me about the wardrobe and all that stuff on Gossip Girl. I always think of this episode because it was, like I think the first time they gave me any outfit to wear besides my uniform, and it was like that Laurel dressing a big old hat and I had my hair done in my makeup like I look still cute my old makeup I had, I should put lashes on me and stuff, you know, because so so it was was so fun. And I love the fact that de Rhoda's job at the wedding is to attempt to get uh what's the band called that? She's um, oh, she's try then yeah, she calls them sonic youths. So that's amazing. I love that's responsibility. Yeah. Yeah. And then they end up doing a cameo and they sing a song and which is pretty married. The lead singer married love that. Yeah, it was pretty awesome. And it was like, I think the audience, the audience was really young. So the fact that they got Sonic youth and they were talking about like when they were talking about their like stint in this hotel and they were like bringing up all these things from the eighties and nineties, I was like, I don't know if the audiences it's just for the adults watching this stuff. I well, but there were a lot of adults too. I feel like that's one of the things they did well as if they had they had a sense that there was a cross generational like audience demographics, so they had they gave enough of those, like those kind of little jams special treats for the older audience too. Write definite. I was gonna ask, as have either of you ever officiated a wedding? Nobody nobody, as I have, I've done, I've done. I think I haven't. I just got asked to do another one, so I might. I'll be on Wedding numb say in March. Yeah, so I've So when I saw that scene and I was like, you know, I know, I know that feeling because she had that line about um, you know, by the power vested in me by the sketchy Internet. I was like, that's I've said that some version of that line many times because I've done so many weddings. Yeah. Yeah, So you do you have to take some sort of course, like not course, but you don't have to do anything. Just do it right. You basically don't go on a website. You fill it out. No, the website, you fill it out, you pay a little money. It's like, I mean, but you know, it's like a Bucks or something, so of course, but I thought there was no questionnaire and you get like a certificate. Yeah, they send you a certificate and and it's like good for life too. So some states have different requirements. But yeah, but you have UM. But yeah, the website is very quick and easy, and you know it's a little bit of you know, well, I still I don't have a date yet, so who knows? You might be a number. I have a good track record. I only well, I have one divorce. One divorce. Clearly you do. You keep being asked and but that's that on you. No, that's what I mean. I did my best to marry them and send them off. But yeah, but I do like how the wedding in this episode is um it goes from being supposed to be really big to impromptu and at the Botanical Bark Garden and then and the end it ends up just being just the kids in the loft um and sonic youth and sonic cute, you know what. Really crazy and until you so I was watching it, I'm like, something happened in this episode. So in real life, we were in Brooklyn filming in those and my brother at the time was in ic you for like weeks. He had a virus that attacked the brain called encephalitis, and I don't know, my god, guys wouldn't have remembered because I didn't. That's why all of a sudden, Vanessa is not in the rest of the episode, like she's not at the wedding. She's not. And I was kind of I was watching and I'm like, why is she not? Even if I didn't have like big more you know, more things to say at the wedding, she still would have been around. You know, we know that those were those long days where even if those big parties had sometimes so I'm like, this is wild that you don't see her little pop of yellow around And then I'm like, oh my god, that's right. The doctor had called my family and was like, listen, everyone needs to come home. And I'm not trying to be dramatic. My brother is absolutely fine. He's thirty two years old. He's my best friend, and he's in great health now. But he was twenty one, had to learn how to walk again while he was down to like a hundred pounds. He's six three. Like it was crazy, and remember it was all when we walked up and Scott was there and we were like telling Rufus and Lily what was going on. And then I got the call and I remember looking at it and like he's like, you need to go now and I'll finish and then I'll meet you in Wisconsin and I like, look up Blake and she's like just I said, I don't know what to do you guys, And here's the thing. This was like at the moment, a life or dath situation. So I was like, but it was so My point of this is that it was so lovely how all of our cast was and everyone was like, listen, we'll just have a standing in for your So they did my coverage quick. As I was waiting for the car to come. I went to I went to the airport in wardrobe and I was Vanessa like. People at the airport were literally like the past and I'm like, yep, this is actually her hair, makeup and here because it was just and then you got your coverage done. And then Russia because I was waiting for the car and they literally were like, if you can you hold it together and I was like yeah, but then I got like and then literally the car came and and or Transpo. I think Transport made a like even take. Yeah. So when I was watching this, not to be dramatic and what, I remember your coverage and you're life, but I remember where did she go? And they don't say anything, but I just and everyone was so lovely, like Sentim Flowers and was like checking all the time. But it was just very sweet. Remember Blake's like go girl Like. It was just very sweet how everyone was. It's really nice to have a cast that's supportive and great no this show, but I remember, because I've done quite a bit after that once I got back into the business. This show. I remember all the producers, all the cats, everybody being so sweet and just kind. They were like a family. I was really and it was like a family there. Yeah, and you know what, and through all these things, especially when a show that goes out long, it was like, you know, Kelly having her baby, this happening with my brother, people getting married, people breaking up, like you do go through a lot with people, especially when you're doing twenty two episodes for five years. You know, people moving, people coming back, people you know, booking their first huge movie. In between, like when Blake got the green lantern, like that was a big deal for one of them, one of us, you know, and a lot of you guys were dating, dating going on. I would see you like a breakup, and I'd show up the next day and I'd be like to see how they reacted. But everyone was professional. Would people are like, when you say professional, I'm like, no, really, I don't even know a lot of those stories because I was around, but I just never knew anything because I was just oblivious. So like, it's funny because yeah, it was hard sometimes too to guess what was going on because everybody was kind of just doing their job. But well, and you know, yeah, and then you know, the press always said things that weren't right. So would be like some days they would be like, did you guys break up? I'm like, no, we were literally he got picked up at his place from transport today, like we're not from up so it was a trip. Would have security guards with umbrella's covering everybody so they couldn't see the wardrobe. It was nice. It was so wild, you know, I had during the show. I had my mom passed away in twelve and that was during the show, and a very similar experience what you had is that I remember, like, you know, having to go home obviously, and you know, they just being so supported by everyone and then that warm feeling when you come back. And then also I broke my foot during Gossip Girl and I had like a boot for like, you know, so long, and so I you know, and then they always worked around that stuff too. So it's like you go through I mean, if you think about all the stuff that happens in your life in six years, especially formative years. Um, you know, it's a lot so everybody, you know, Weather's a lot um on set and you spend so much time there together and then you can also miss huge swaths of things like who's dating who and what's going on. You know, but it is but it's exciting, um to know that, Like it's such a patchwork of people's lives and they all come together for this, you know, a little character. And I'm so grateful to even say I was a part of it. It was such an awesome, awesome show and everybody there was so awesome, so cool. Yeah, and we were so happy to have you, Like we always talked about this. There was nothing or anyone or any part of it of guest stars that came out or reoccurring that weren't such a huge part of the whole puzzle, Like you added two things that you know, made serena storyline better, or de Roda's or vice versa. Do you know what I mean? Like we couldn't have done certain scenes or had certain things go down without you know, Vonya or without drawing. Felt that way until there was a wedding. It was our wedding's wedding up the sea, and I had his speech and and Layton started crying in the scene, and then afterwards she was still crying, and I was like, why are you Why are you crying? And Layton is such a sweetheart, but she would never Oh she's not the type of person would be like, god, it really touched me. She wouldn't, you know, she wouldn't say that to me. And she said to me, she was like she's like something about like just the whole thing that just happened really touched me. That was like I didn't write it, but thank you so, but I remember that and that and then at that moment I was like, Okay, Bonnie is kind of a part of it now. Yeah, but that's what I mean they're not having a wedding for of you two. If it's not that people care so much, they would they that's it's and that speaks to what YouTube brought to the table and to the characters, because it could have easily been where you were, you know, just in the you know, in Blair's home and um the housekeeper there and you're the dormant, and that could be really it. There's certain shows where that's all you see. You never get more with you guys, you become such a part. You have, you get you have a wedding, you have babies that you have a proposed like you are fully a part of this whole world. And a lot of fan favorites of you two people, you two are a lot of fan favorites. We get people writing in all the time about your relationship and what you guys have done. So that just also speaks to how well and amazing so you guys were with with what was written for you. You know, coming on the show as a get as when you and a lot of actors know when you're a guest on a show or people are characters throughout the show and you come in mid second third season, you don't feel like you're part of it. You kind of feel like there's almost like everybody's eyes on you. In the beginning, they're like, all right, what does he got? What does he got? That's what they always like. Do that You're just like, don't mess up, don't mess up. Yeah, well there was one scene I felt that, but that's because I had this big monologue in front of everybody with you, like the wedding with the accident, huge monologue. I remember the director put down like little like cards, who's going to be standing where? And it's the whole cast, and I was like, god, yeah, oh my god, let me get back into my room and remember the blind because this is that was Besides that, I always felt like nobody everybody wanted everybody to do well everybody. It was a big family. Everyone was really really yeah. And our wedding really felt like that because it was like for Deroda and Vanya. The fact that that world that the Waldorf's and the vander Woodson's and everybody um came together to celebrate them and like hold them up, that was like a big deal. And it spoke to how cute they were and how um you know, how how much they cared for those famils that they worked for, and so it was a very sweet thing. And then for Aaron and I it felt the same ways. That was like really double because I Dorota felt it, so did Susanna. Because for us, I think it felt like, you know, because we were guests, you know, guest stars that were in the house that were um, you know, dynamical as it had the same vibe which I felt like this bigger family had absorbed us and was celebrating us and it made us feel special, you know, for having So it was like I really felt that storyline personally because it was like kind of meta, you know, because it was so nice that, you know that Layton and everyone were so happy for us as actors that we got to have that are you know, So it was cool. I love that. Yeah, I love that. It was really good. Speaking of weddings, how about yeah, Lily's like getting cold feet. Did you did you feel that was going to happen? I felt like it happened maybe one too many times almost, But then in the end I saw why. I saw why, you know, because there was a moment where I was like, come on, now, just do the valves already. But I do think that they had to get to that moment with Scott, you know, for it to really all kind of come together. So I feel like the it was kind of organic, and the fact that the wedding, the you know, the botanical garden wedding fell apart and I ended up in the loft, it all made more sense in the end. So I found this slightly frustrating when watching, but then I was like, yeah, they're just such a cute couple, those two, right, um, And and the whole part with when Carter, which by the way, Sebastian too, when he plays this and he's got tears in his eyes and you're like feeling for because he really does a great job with that too. Where he were do you believe that he's actually this changed guy or is he really going to be the guy that's going to pull some ship again? And because he really loves Serena or so when he explains to Serena that he was somewhere and he needed money and he you know, did this proposal and met the family and then we as he's telling Serena this, Serena has no idea that it was Bree. She's just like, okay, but you did that to someone. And meanwhile, I'm like, are you going to leave out that it was Nate's girlfriend? But was it Bree or was it another Buckley? Oh? I thought it was Brie. Missed that, Yeah, maybe it's not. Okay, that's what I picked up from it. Oh yeah, because I think Serena the one, so it was a Buckley but maybe you know, Wow, that makes it even so much worse. Exactly, Holy god? Yeah whoa, yeah, okay, and then Rufus and Lily with Scott. I know we talked about this earlier, but when this all comes up and everyone runs over and then we have to explain, and they're like, you know, everyone's kind of dropping things like they do in the show, which I always love how every time they do this, you're still like getting so much information and liking it and somewhere glamorous like a wedding or a you know what was the other one, the auction or the the you know, the fashion show they always like have really good moments and that everyone's like super decked out, and the opera fashion week, fashion week, So they go through all of this, then they're like they gotta run and find him, and then we get back to the wedding and does Chuck say something to Blare, like how do we then look over and we pan to Georgina and then we pan over and it's it's Vania, who who like tells us it's at the end of the wedding and he said something like, uh, so what about like so what about Georgina. I think it was some sort of like so what are we going to do about Georgina? Right right? And I feel like blairs like not so fast or hold on or something. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I watched it actually twice because I wanted to see how cute I looked in the last scene. So I forgot. I forgot what I forgot? What throws it over there? But yeah, essentially they're like, oh no, somebody says, I'm I'm just mad that Georgina is getting away scott free, and they're like, not so fast. And then we go to the bar and then we're in this dark bar and Georgina is drinking her cocktail and Vanya, in It's by you know, secret character mode comes over and says he's a Russian prince and this is not my first time working with Michelle. Did you all know that. No, really, I did a show on Nickelodeon called Pete and Pete. I remember that. I was this character called Clemlinel Little Mutton Shops. He would grow you were like a really huge child stars like but I but she was one of the one of Pete's friends and Pete actually the kid who plays Pete, Danny Tamparelli, was in the ducks with me, and so it's all this like encompassing things. So when I saw Michelle and the makeup trailer, I was like, hey, Michelle, and she's like, who's this guy's agreement at me? And I was like, it's Aaron. I played in Pete Pete. She was like, get out of here. And it was this big reunion where we got to act again. It was very cute. Yeah, that's so cute, and it was such a cute scene. And also she's looking at you so like that. You guys have some good chemistry in that scene. Actually excuse like it was yeah, okay, Russian prince or Belarussian, right, So you easily convinced her to go with you, and then you reveal that it's de Roda behind the menu, right, revealing it that's the last that Deroda is like um pulling the strings here or or yeah, is there to make sure everything went down correctly when I love that little um sneak over the menu peak that she has her little head scarf on, and so it's a really high glam episode for Groda. She's really just out in the world. So I us, how about how about two when you go up to Blair and Saerna You're like, uh, what do you say the bands they're they're stuck in traffic and she's like, well, Chuck does have a helicopter, Like yeah, yeah, she calls Mr Chuck, which is great, Yeah, Mr Chuck has a helicopter. But it's when when when there's like one liners like that and like that is like wild that that's like a true statement for I mean, I know it's a television show. Can I give a shout out to Ron who directed it, because this guy was actually a DP on the show for a really long time, right Dave. That was his first episode directing, and you could see, I mean, the the videography and all of the filming and the angles were always good in the show, but that this episode particularly was really beautiful. Do you know it was it's so funny you say that. And I did know that it was run and should be giving him a shout out because I love it was excellent all the time. But at one point I'm like, okay, is this maybe did we have a little break and people had like went on vacation. It was that one time when Norman did the roof deck. Remember it was like the lighting. There was like a moment where I'm just like pen looks like a little bit more chiseled and something. Serena. Everyone else's great, like we get that, but there was definitely sometimes specially Yeah, I think Ron was whoever the DP was for this one. Ron was doing a little like a little extra hints extra Yeah. Yeah, you know they always say, I remember one of my first jobs, my friend goes always get to know the casting directors in town and when you're on set, become very close with the dps. I'm like, wine, They're like, because they can make you look good or real bad. I'm like, okay, yeah, they know how that lighting was. I'm like, okay, so anyways, good shout out. That was great. Ron did a good job for Groda's self esteem. Um, I feel like we could talk to you for a million years are and so we'll have to have more conversations, you know, especially well you have to come back to the wedding. Big wedding is coming up. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I love it. Um. It's been so fun though to have you here, and you've been such an important part of my life since we got to uh work together. I'm so grateful to Gossip Girl that such a tremendous actor with so much charisma and also such a turned into such a good friend for me. So I'm grateful to you know. I'm always grateful to the show for all of the sort of friendships and relationships that I have. But I also feel like Groda wouldn't have been Deroda without Vanya and vice versa. So I think we had like a good thing going. So I always love to see your face. It brings me joy, and I'm grateful for that signing I got to hang out yes together. I know, I was like the three of us in Chase and and and it was just like a really sweet, wonderful thing. Um. But that being said, when you just said like Zuzana and Aaron, like the Groda and an you of it all, it just reminded me of like the heart, like the best friend little like you two together, like they're so cute together on the show, like a little right, Um, can I just ask one more thing before we go? Did you did you guys see that this is where it was going to go with them at all? Like ever with Vonia and Dorota, Like when when? Or was it just bits and pieces? And then finally it was like whoa okay for me? I think after that wedding episode, I kind of got that it was kind of going in that direction. Before the wedding, I didn't see I thought it was just going to be a little like here's the normal couple in the middle of this craziness and then we disappear, right yeah, Because it's like, rather than just being on the sideline kind of judging or reacting to the drama, it's like occasionally they'd give us a little drama of our not drama, but a little romance of our own. I guess. So yeah, yeah, so I think that, Um it makes sense because like Doroda deserves a nice boyfriend to Rota. I'm grateful I got to be to Rota's boyfriend slash husband. No, it's amazing and you guys, and then you both took these parts and roles and went and did it in the reboat, which is awesome. Yeah, that was interesting. You enjoy that reunion. So it was almost like we never left, right felt Yeah, it felt Yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean a lot of the crew was the same too, So yeah, we just had to we had to um get the dust off of our old You were fine. There were moments I watched that and I was like, I really like I remember like doing a take and being like, please don't use that take because I think I want a little amazing. Is there anything that you want to tell us to look out for charities that you like or anything you want to let us know. Sometimes people can't talk about projects, sometimes they want to. The project that I'm in the middle of doing is I'm still of filming. I probably have a couple of months and then post is going to be hopefully within the next year and a half. Uh. Is my documentary A Stigma Raised in Hollywood? Yeah, And it's about the stigma attached child actors. And I talked to a bunch of fellow child stars, people who are A listers all the way down to people who are now lawyers, are doing something else with their lives and kind of find the connective tissue of it all and see what's behind the curtain, so to speak. So that's amazing. And when do we know when it's coming out or have specific day yet? Literally in mid production? Yeah, yeah, but I'm hoping within a year and a half or so. I saw some clips. It looks really promising. I'm excited. Yeah. Yeah, and he does. He gets people to be really vulnerable. Yeah, and then I get put into armed Bars by Jonathan lip Nikki, which is but it's also it's like it's a world two in which where people can are going to be interested in it because it's either movies or shows they watch, so you kind of nostalgic for the audience to be like, oh I remember this person or that or wow, that person started there and they're here, or there's an a list or now that was a child actor that talks about, you know, all the stuffing through and like the stuff people don't really know about. And that's what I mean from the perspective of a former child actor. I think it's going to be a little different avenue to go to. So I love that I well break a leg with that project and thank you you're looking for it. Do you want to do the gossip grol closing quote? Do you want to do it? Or you want to do it Susan, don't you know what? I can do it? Sammy, Okay, I'll read it and I'll read it. We'll pretend, Sammy, Okay, here it goes, here it goes. We're pretending it's coming from say. There are songs that make us want to dance, songs that make us want to sing along, But the best songs are the ones that bring you back to the moment you first heard them and once again break your heart. X O x O. Oh my god, that's so good. They're they're really good. We go back and we're like, wait, they're witty and wise and true and so writing. The writing on that show really was phenomenal. It was really good. Well, we're bringing you back when we do the wedding episode or another episode. For sure. This was lovely. I'm so excited we all got to do this. Thanks for having me, Thank you, Thanks Sammy. XO XO is produced by Propagate Content and Met Jessica's Our. Our show is executive produced by Linkley. Our senior producer is Diego Tapia. Our producers are Hannah Harris, Emily Carr and Kristin Vermlia, and our intern is Sammy Cats. Original music by Maxie and Luke m