Jason and Rosie dive into the first two episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man on Disney+. Spider-Man swings into animation again, this time at Marvel Studios. Led by Jeff Trammell - who helmed some of the best episodes of Craig of the Creek - this series unique look has divided fan, but it's big heart gives reason to stick around. Rosie and Jason wonder why Spider-Man doesn't sound like a Beastie Boy. And of course, there’s that big twist involving Norman Osborn!
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Warning today's episode. Today's spoilers for the first two episodes the really fun episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man on Disney Pluce. My name is Jason ECCEPSI.
And I am your Friendly Neighborhood Rosie Knight and.
Welcome back to x ray Vision, the podcast we dive deep an your favorite Joe's movies, comins, and pop culture gobbyras, where we're bringing you three episodes every single week.
In today's episode, Spider Man, Spider Man, Cam marvel Land and Animated Spider Man. Yes he swings from a web, but he doesn't sound like a kid. He's got a mature accent. Look out because we are reviewing Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man.
First two episodes are on Disney Pluse. Right now, let's go to the air lock.
Okay, as we step out of the air lock, let's first do a spoiler free review of the first two episodes of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man, in which we get an alternate origin story for Spider Man, as well as some reimaginings. If you're a Spider Man, you know, a longtime Spider person spider fan, then you're gonna see some reimaginings of Spider Man's friend group, the people around him, the way he gets his powers, and also reimagining of his rogues gallery. Quick top level thoughts, this is fun. I think you and I both have concerns like.
I had it. We didn't know, we didn't know where it was.
What if did not hit for us in that way, And it's obviously hard to top anything or even come close to X Men ninety seven. But I was just really pleasantly surprised by these first two episodes, which I probably shouldn't have been because Trummel, who is the showrunner, he is an incredible creator. He's a big hand in Craig of the Creek, which just finished, and I.
Just should have not.
I probably should have known that this was going to be targeted directly at me because I love a show with a big group of kids, and all the kids are going through it and they're living their life and you just want to protect them. And also I was kind of blown away by the breadth of characters that we meet in the first There's.
So many, I mean many, so many right away.
But you know, you know what, it kind of reminded me of is like the old Spider Man cartoons that some of which are on Disney.
Plus we still.
Don't have it.
Yeah, the eighties one, especially when you go back and watch those as an adult, you are like, oh my god, every famous Marvel character is in these episodes.
Like you go back and there's.
Lizards there, and you know some random, like deep cut kind of female character they created just for the show who went on to be part of the Marble universe. Like when you go back and watch them, that eighties ninety Spider Man show, you can really watch every single major arc happen in it, and it's very direct, and it's very much like a sort of adventure of the week occasional kind of crossover plot lines. But this reminded me of that because family characters, though are but it felt more like contemporary animation, where there is a direct plot that is going through this show. Every single episode is gonna connect.
Yes, and visa vis animation. I was a little bit. It took me a little bit of episode one to kind of get used to it. I was I was like, God, am I watching Archer?
But the action is line weight definitely screamed.
Yeah, the action is one reethera line weight is quite very bold. A lot of contrasts.
Very critic say, I.
Was feeling like, allegedly they were trying to go for that Dickco kind of jomre me a senior look, and I do feel like that. But for me those it's got that samny crispness, that kind of throw back to the gold Yeah, I'm the same, you know what, I think this most the first episode watching it, the reaction I had that I think is most akin to another show that we love, is like, you know, the first time you watch like Rebels and you were like, this animation style is just I don't get it.
I'm old.
This is made for kids who are so much younger than me. But once you get into the characters, you begin to love it. You love the character designs. This happened to me very quickly in this show, because Yeah, there are just certain choices they make that we'll get into in our recaps that I feel like, just scream like, we love comic books, we care about comic books, and we want to make a great comic book TV show for kids, and I think that's so vital and needed, and I love you know, I'll talk about this more. But I think, you know, all of us come into a show like this and we think, oh, well, what about the Mars Morales Spider Verse. That's groundbreaking, that's a whole different space, like what can Disney do? And I think that the biggest impact that Spider Use had on this is actually not the animation, but the fact that now because of Spider Verse, because of Miles, you have to realistically render New York City and what it's actually like. And this to me feels like this diverse, melting pot, like gorgeous, kind of probably way more close to what kids actually at school go through nowadays. And yeah, I think Spider Verse is like so impactful on so many levels, and it kind of moved me that that was the big thing. Also, we do get a funny new reimagining of Peter's origin that's definitely in that MCU space of always behind Miles, Like whatever happens to Miles when Peter starts doing something with Disney, it's probably Miles influenced.
Well, we will talk about all of that in detail as we move into our spoiler filled review.
Spoiler filed, so the spoiler alarm is going off, guys.
We'll be right back after word from our sponsors.
Yeah okay.
Episode one, Your Friendly Neighborhood spider Man, directed by Mels Wire, written by showrunner Shift Frommel we meet the teenage Peter Parker, and he's everything that you think about when you think about Peter Parker. He is very smart, he's late for school as he always is.
Awkward, he's a little awkward. He lives, still have out May.
We've got hot name makes her animation debut, but I love it. Uncle Ben is already dead in an event that seems to be not connected to Spider Man's evolution in terms of his crime fighting philosophy. One thing I want to say about about Hudson Thames. He does the voice. He does have a deep, kind of like a scratchy voice. We need to normalize Spider Man Peter Parker having a very very like thick New York accent. Yes, I don't understand why he doesn't sound like a fucking beastie boy or something.
Exactly from Queen's Let's let him let him.
Happy, let him the accent, let him sound like one of the Ramones.
That's all.
That's all I'm thinking. One of these days we need to do a accent correct spider Man.
I'm very excited for that day. I think it's gonna come.
So it is Peter's first day of school and he's late. He goes to Midtown High which is a renowned school for its science program, notably robotics, which Peter really wants to get into. As he walks up to school, May drives him in a portal, A Strange portal opens up. Doctor Strange the school and a venomized like alien that looks like a brood maybe alien.
Yeah, something outrageous, huge kind of collar, but it has and it has ant facial.
Features, ant face.
Right, it looks.
Like a Starship Trooper's drone insect that has been venomized. Doctor Strange begins fighting this thing, although he realizes that, wait a second, I brought it to the wrong He's probably meaning to bring it to some like limbo empty world where there's nothing, but he accidentally brought it to whatever this reality is.
We do get a great moment here which we've this is the kind of thing that nobody else cares about apart from people like me and Jason, And we've talked about this a lot, and it's one of my main issues with Doctor Stranger the MCU. Finally here he gets his leper prink gloves, his famous lepper prink gloves, and they're right there there in your face.
And I also have to say, Dick co vibes big.
I have to say as well, once the action started and we saw how they animated Doctor Strange, you saw how they animated the cape. I love the sentient cape in the mc I think it's so great. Once that happened, I was like, Okay, this is a show. I was like, the way that they bring to life action in this show is really really great, especially when there's so much emotional teenage kind of school drama to go along with it.
But this scene really sold me.
I would love to see more of Doctor Strange in this animation style.
So the school gets like completely wrecked, and it's a wonder that there aren't twenty or thirty fatalities.
I'm saying.
The fight the tea Strange and the and the symbiote, you.
Know, like smashing every months.
Peter shows his heroism by distracting the symbioda as it's about to attack a student, allowing Strange to come in and lasso the thing back through the portal and they're gone, but a spider from that dimension powered up on something symbio juice who knows though some kind of radiation that pervades whatever reality came from we don't know, remains behind it drops on this on Peter's collar and it bites him as he is introducing himself to the student that he saved, who is also a freshman who is named Nico Minoru. Who's that Rosie.
Nicko Minor is? Yeah, she's absolutely fantastic.
Character first made her debut in Brian Cavaorn and Adrian Alphone is smash hit like Cult Classic.
Loved this.
It was a game changer when this comment came out Runaways, which is about a bunch of kids who had to become superheroes off of realizing their parents with the villains.
She is a cool goth.
She is the child of two superpowered villains calling themselves the Pride. It will be very interesting to see if we get any Pride action here. I'm guessing not, but her parents are in the comics are very powerful wizards.
Nico is.
She has in the comics I think called the Staff of One, which allows her to bear magic, and I will say as well, this is a very comics accurate reimagining, like Nico is the cool goth kid, and just like the comics, we do learn here that Nico is a is definitely queer like like her comic book character. We get a little hint of that. So yeah, very excited for this. She's one of my favorite characters. I have a Nico figurine. I loved Runaways. I thought it was very underrated, and the actress who played Lovely Lovely Nico in the in the show was called Lyrica A Carno. She was so great, and it's Yeah, I'm very interested to see I think they're doing something in this show that they're very good at at Marvel Studios, where they're basically introducing a bunch of side characters in a main character series to see who sticks.
And who people like, and I'm hoping Nkos is one of them.
Same Peter passes out from the effects of this spider bite, and then we had a flash forward during which months have passed, and in those months, Peter has grown comfortable using his powers. He's swinging around, he's made in a costume, he's made the web slingers all homemade, so it looks.
You know, what it does have that we've never had before though.
It shows where the propulsion of the webs comes from because he has like like a scuba tank. It's like a scuba tank on his back. And I thought that was really cool because I was like, we never get to see that. Also, just before we get the flash forward, we see the spider from another universe, like Miles's Spider. We see it follow a different character get into their bag. It's a burgundy bag. They're wearing white and bred trainers. I scoured this episode and to find out who that could possibly be, and I think my guess is it's probably Richie Gilmore, who goes on to become this character called Prodigy, who is part of this group called the Slingers. We're getting a lot of characters there, so it's going to be interesting how that plays out.
Other option, of course, is Miles.
But I don't I've only watched the episodes we're talking about, so I don't want to jinx it by wishing for Miles. I think that's probably gonna be a live action thing. But yeah, I thought that was really interesting, and I also I like a flash forward man, Like if you can do it well. I actually want to see Peter already knowing his powers. We've seen that origin. We don't need to see him learning how to be Spider Man. I want to see him in those early days. And this was originally going to be called Spider Man Freshman Year, and I think that it's doing a great job of showcasing that part of his journey, Like how do you balance high school and being a superhero when nobody knows it's tough.
On the way to school, Peter in full costume ens are stopping a mugging from a trio of muggers who are live streaming the whole thing, which seems like a great way to really get prosecuted, Like no questions.
Give yourself, don't video yourself, guys.
Also, I just need to say Jays said, what is the likelihood that when he stopped those muggers, one of which he's Spider webbed a bridge and like smashed the kid into the head.
He killed him out of like a building and smashed into the kid's head, that kid is like dead.
He's dead.
And also I do love that they use a lot of like social media kind of stuff here that they build in like the live streams, you see the comments people being like bean here since day one, or this is a new loaf for the account. And we also get this funny recurring threadhair of people just Dragon Spider Man's.
Costume like online that always like who is this guy? It looks like shit, Like what's going on?
Well, the kid that Peter saves is Harry osbo boo, and Peter doesn't realize that he just Harry's like, I don't have any money, but is there anything I can do? And Spidery's like, I'm good, but he doesn't realize that Harry is like super rich, so he should have taken.
Super cool, like kind of, He's got a gorgeous, nice little styly haircut, he's wearing all green. They're really leaning into the possibilities of his future. But I really like this interaction. I wanted them to be friends.
Later at school, Peter and Nico run into Pearl, who was Peter's babysitter when he was four. She's like three years older, so she's a junior while he is a freshman. Peter clearly has a crush on her and has for a long time, and Nico roasts him about it. And it's like you need to ask her out. Who is Pearl Gone?
Okay, So so Paul Panang is an established character within the Marvel universe.
She is her alter ego is called Wave.
And I really like the way they brought Pearl to life Hit because the creator Great Pact the creator of Wave. And also I will say, like she is really a She was in an age of Atlas, so she was made to be a different kind of you know, Asian American representation in the show.
And I just think she's so cool.
And one of the coolest things about this design is they were not afraid to make Pearl big like Waves. Hence she's muscles, She's super badass, and I love how in the show they were not afraid to do that, like she's huge, and yeah, I.
Think this is great. Is she gonna get her powers? I don't know.
I think what we're seeing here is the setup for potential characters that you might see in other projects. I don't know whether in ten episodes you're going to get to see Pearl get her powers, but it is notable to mention that she is here, and I would love to see that.
Yeah, I mean, who doesn't love Greg Park. He's a genius.
He's always making fantastic comics and fantastic creations.
During school, Peter leaves like makes an excuse to go leave and apprehend criminals. When he sees a police chase go by the school. He is so like drunk on victory and the crowd cheering him. After he apprehends these guys that he's like, you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna do what Nico said. I'm gonna go ask Pearl out. Only problem is Lonnie Lincoln, captain of the football team, has gotten there first.
Peter and Lannie end up partnering up in science class. Peter wanted to I love, but it didn't happen. And guess what, Lincoln's a smart guy. He's much to Peter's kind of surprise.
He was making a lot of assumptions about the black you know, captain of the football team not being able to keep up in science.
And he was incorrect.
He's a very smart kid. Lonnie then tells Peter that Pearl is often talking about how smart Peter is and kind of against his instincts. Peter discovers it, you know what, I really like, Lonnie, I think I we're going to be friends Lonnie. Yeah, is a character, So Lonnie is a comic book character, and Miles, I think this could be a spoiler if you want.
To put if you want to put the spoiler ear muffs on, take out your air pods.
This could be a spoiler.
But I also think that what they're doing here is a really empathetic version of the character. If it is him in the comics Lonnie Lincoln, Alonzo Lincoln, spoiler Illa, that's the Spider.
Man villain Tombstone.
So so it does seem here that they probably are going to set up Lonni for that, especially when him and Peter have this interaction and it's very clear that Lonnie is kind of like, do you want to hang out?
Like can I come to your house? And Peter is.
Still a bit burnt out about pul So then we see Lonnie heading home and he takes the subway and on the way there, they do a great job of establishing that while Lonnie goes to Midtown High his neighborhood in Harlem is not being looked out for, like he experiences racism on the subway. But what I really thought was great about this was that is all outside issues that Lonnie is dealing with as part of society. But when he gets into that house, Chase and his home life and family are great. There were they love him, They're so happy to see him, And I just thought that was really cool and kind of once again showing that this show can do something intricate and interesting without falling into like a lot of stereotypes and tropes that we've gotten in other shows.
So I'm already a big Lonnie fan.
He is my breakout character for this first episode. I just thought he was so well drawn and interesting, banging character design, such a cool kind of play on the general romantic triangles that Peter always gets himself into.
Here, it's kind of Pearl and Lonnie who both really.
Like him, and he's kind of the one who's like, oh, I wish I was going out with Pearl, but the three of them together seem to really get along. Yeah, and then you know, we get to this kind of final couple of minutes.
Jason, how does the episode end?
Well? Spider Man continues, of course to fight crimes, and we see a little bit of something I think there's really unique to Spider Man, who has like a Matt like a huge, massive, one of the biggest rogues galleries like in comics, if not the biggest of a major character. Like there's probably fifty villains, major and minor villains that Spider Man has. And one of the things that I think is unique to Spider Man is a lot of those villains get redeemed because Spider Man is a good guy and end up becoming not heroes, but like anti heroes. So like Venom, this has happened to Venom, this has happened to Black Cat, on and on and on. You know, Harry Osborne is like it goes between good and bad sometimes, And so we see here Spider Man has apprehended a thief, but rather than turn the thief in, Spider tries to convince the pizza shop owner like, hey, let's just like let it go because this person obviously feels really really bad and they're down on their luck and they just did something on the spur of the moment.
Finally, and not just immediately sending people to the cops, as this show does. He does.
He does have a very Spider Man game tendency here where he's always just webbing up randoms and being like, now, they're in the incarceration system, and you're like, Peter, imagine a bad day, and he did.
I really loved that interaction.
And then we get this crazy moment where on the way home he finds a free he gets a free pizza from the pizza guy, and he finds a DVD player, which immediately throws your mind back to the first Spider Man movie. We're in the MCU with Tom Hollands. That's the night that he goes home and something incredible happens, and that happens here, but.
This is where we learn that we're not in our MCU as we know it.
So there's a really nice car in front of his SuperM building, which he takes a selfie with, and when he gets inside, he realizes that car belongs to Norman don Dun Dun Dun, who in this imagining is a black gentleman, which is wonderful because that means he has ethnically correct him for the first time ever.
Because everyone, and this is if you don't know.
About this, there's a running joke that for some reason, they always draw Norman Osborne with waves.
And everyone's always like, so is Norman Osborne black?
And I love that here.
They were like, yes, he is black. He is also clearly this universe is Tony Stark. He has Oz Corp. He has all that stuff I does.
Stark is around Jem.
He's around because because because he has a little Iron Man figure.
But yeah, to see Norman here with the voice by the incredibly talented Common Domingo, who's about to be all over your screens for Awards season, I just thought this was such a cool way to end the episode. Jason, what was like your breakout moment from this episode that made you want to click and watch the next one?
I think the Norman Osbourne, the Norman Osborn drop is great, just all the characters that they are sprinkling in throughout. The addition of Nico was a prize and I really enjoyed that. It made me wonder, like, are her parents super villains in this telling? And does she not know that her parents are like a big time organized crime villains. That's a really interesting thing to think about. I really liked I really like the way the animation works with the action. I will say that I think I don't know if this is conscious or not, but it felt like some of the choppiness which feels purposeful, feels like a callback to the original Amazing Spider Man Spider Man and His Amazing Friends eighties cartoon, just something to make it feel like there's a through line between those properties, and there is a through line in that. One of the crazy things about the Spider Man in an Amazing Friends cartoon was like, how random the characters they threw in with Spider Man are, you know, Like he's partnered up with Iceman, who is an X men, Like what exactly food they made for the show? And it feels incredibly like wait, who, that's so crazy, But it's fun to see Spider Man like bounce off these different characters. And it's the same thing here where you know, unexpected to see Pearl here at the high school, unexpected to say Nico, to see Nico here at the high school, and it's all of that is just really fun together. What about you?
Yeah? I agree.
I was definitely emotionally invested, especially when they showed Lonnie's walk home and I kind of thought, Okay, well, this is going to be realistic to how somebody's experiences living in this world, and we're getting to see different aspects of New York in the Spider of us. We're getting to see different characters. I thought it was very interesting that they did hot Aren't May because that was definite bait and switch to make you think.
You were in the MCU.
Yeah, generally, I just thought the first episode was really fun, enjoyable, and definitely hooked me emotionally, which is the most important thing for me.
It's why I love The X Men ninety seven so much.
Is like I a head about the characters and after this episode also half an hour episodes, So this is not a twenty two minute show. It's not an eleven minute show old school style. This is a half an hour show, and I think I think that adds to it too.
Up next episode two after a word from us, Yeah, and we're at okay. Episode two of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spidern directed by Eliza Singer, written by Charlie Nooner. Peter of course knows who Norman is. He's really famous, like a CEO science entrepreneur, the leader and founder of oz Korp, and Peter is stoked that this guy is here in his apartment. Now, Peter, you know, wants to keep up up his crime fighting schedule, despite the fact that he has now been offered a position on Oscorp as as an intern and you know, it turns out that commuting to school as Spider Man is probably a lot faster than master transit at school, I like Peter to the football team, and he makes Peter hold the trophy, like the high school championship trophy for good luck. They go to the game. Nico roast Peter for like going corporate and working for Oscorp, and she's like, if you if you end up working for rocks On, then I'm going to be actually really important.
Recognize that name and moment because it feels like they're going to be a big player in this series.
Pearl comes by to congratulate Peter on this internship, which is obviously a big deal, and then meanwhile on the field, the Midtown Ravens are absolutely balling. Peter can't stay for the game though he has to go to his internship. He is late for it. He gets there, you know, he gets killed by the elevator doors. And then he meets the fellow in turns in the program there is Amadeus Chow New York City.
Who he's gonna be the Hawk.
Probably the smartest guy in this building and a gene from Lyon tell Us about these characters.
Okay, so Asha Asha is a real relatively recent creation.
She was actually introduced in twenty thirteen.
She was the Wakandan emissary during the Contest of Champions. Essentially, she was chosen as one of three students from Wakanda and the Wakanan School for Alternative Studies to basically kind of spread the tech of Wakanda's help save the world from fanos in the comics, and we see her here now in this stow She was Actually this was a really interesting one because I always watched the creator credit thanks at the end, and Matt Kin was on for this, and it is because Matt Kin, in his rare Marvel work donning indie cartoonist and Brier, he worked with the Stephen Sanders, the artist to create this story and this character.
So that's really cool.
Jane is a really interesting one because that's another like super super deep cut character from the Marvel universe. There's not really a lot kind of she doesn't have a lot of canon, but her code name is Finesse and she was created by Christos Gage and Mike McCone.
It's very interesting.
She's essentially kind of like a young task Master, and in the comics you wonder is her father task Master, but it's not clear. She graduated MIT at fourteen in the comics and was also an Olympic athlete. This is another one of those weird comics. I wasn't expecting them to pull through Avengers Academy. That's such a great story. Jean plays a long role in that.
I love that book.
And of course Amadeus Cho who you probably know about, who is And again I would they put your is over your it be hands over you is if you don't want to hear a spoiler, because this feels like it's coming, the other one thinks. So I don't think I don't necessarily know in this store, in this show, but I will say I do think that Amadaeus's if he's not one of their top tier guys right now, as a potential for a young Avengers or a new era, I think they're making mistakes because I love this character. He was created a Greg park and This and a Canadian artist called Takashi mi Azawa, and first peted in an Amazing Fantasy volume two fifteen, same place as Spider Man. First appeared in his Amazing Fantasy volume one, and he's a Korean American kid, absolute genius, and he succeeded Bruce Banner to become the Hulk in the comics.
I don't think we're going to see him hulking out here.
But I don't think it was an accident that they introduced these characters, who are all young superhero characters who do or could have powers.
Well, it's an incredible group. Their manager, however, is not necessarily an incredible guy. That is doctor Whitman, who is kind of very mean, miserly, kind of older gentleman who is brilliant, is in his own right. I think we will discover eventually.
I was going to say, this feels like a definitely probable spoiler. If you want to such the name Whitman w I T. T. M an and novel, you may find out who this character is. But I agree with you, Jason, this is I need tond out because it's probably a spoiler.
Uh. Peter is like, hey, when Norman came to my apartment, he said to come see him as soon as I got in the building, and it was like yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever, give me a you're an inn that's not going to happen. What is going to happen is we're going to put you through your paces right now with the kind of a multi field review of your science knowledge, and that will dictate what part of the company you go to. Peter of course wants robotics, but that goes to Amideis because Amideus is probably like a top three smartest.
He's already probably played like five thousand drones. Yeah, yeah, he's his genius.
Peter goes to work with Carla Conners, who is not yet the Lizard, but clearly they're setting it up. She is working on a self sustaining power source like the Stark arc reactor, but not that because it's trademark, so they have to copy it and not make it seem like they're copying it. Nico calls Peter during the This Is after the game. She's like, Ravens won. You've been invited and I've been invited to the football team party now because it seems like everybody is saying that you had something to do with the success because you touched the trophy, So you have to touch kiss the trophy and you're gonna touch.
It every single time.
Well, Peter Uh, you know, is busy with his internship. He's commiserating with his new coworkers when he sees a news report about an arson. So Peter makes an excuse, which all of his new colleagues think is really weird.
But he he doesn't do it in a very suave way. It's very awkward. Peter Parker eyes.
Himself, so he changes in the hallway like in a stairwell, and then goes over swings over to this building to see what's going on at the burning building. He meets the arsonist, confronts the arsonist. Who is this dude with like a helmet and two flamethrowers on his hands, who you think is Butane?
So I did.
I will say it is, but I wasn't sure. But in the credits they credit him as Buttane. If you have never heard that character, don't worry about it. He's like a Marvel British character from Excalibur issue sixty four, created by the legendary Alan Davis, and he is essentially in that he's more of a magical fire character like Johnny Storm. He sets on fire, but he was thin. He's essentially yeah, a mutant, and also he was very interestingly was tracked down by the government and kind of tried to help start a superpowered army. I think they just wanted to do something that was a little bit like different. Hered The character is really really cool and as you will notice, his armor is kind of branded with some logo, but it's unclear like if we know where that's.
From, right, the flamethrower stuff, he didn't clearly, it's pretty clear that he didn't make this gears somebody someone else teck yeah. So Peter fights this guy and the fight spreads to a nearby pet store, and Peter has the same with the animals by fighting.
That's my favorite part of this episode is he's like swinging around with a cool gi yeah and that, and he's like swinging the jubbles out of the way like a really great ground level supera stuff.
So Peter extinguishes the flames with aquarium water, then saves the fish, and then knocks the guy out, and then happens to notice that on the flamethrowers there is that little logo. It's like an eight that you.
Mentioned yeah and infinity sign and a.
Yeah sign something like that. Peter is then comes a realization that he needs to get back to work, like right now. He rushes back to Oscorp. Whitman is super fucking mad because Peter was late.
Not for this man is this man has never been for.
Any other possible reason, but because Peter was, like.
Definitely just because he was late.
And Peter gets called to Norman's office. Everybody's like, ooh, you're getting fired.
You're in trouble.
Is at the football party wondering where Peter is at. Peter gets to Norman's office, he begs for his job. But that is not what this meeting is about. This meeting is about the fact that as Norman turns around his laptop, he knows that Peter Parker Spider Man because he watched him get changed the Spider Man costume on the security cameras.
Why did Peter do?
I was crying one bold to just change your clothes in a static dude, Like just go to somewhere, go to a public moth room or something, or a telephone box.
We have a superman passion. Don't do it and you'll the boss is building, He's gonna know it's you.
What a great cliffhanger the first two episodes, that's not good Cliffhangers and Jason, what do you think it means that Norman knows Peter is Spider Man this early? Where do you see that going from now, Well.
You mentioned it. I think that they're gonna use him as as the kind of role that Stark plays for Peter in some of the more recent more recent but like in the last twenty years Tony and Peter twenty five years of comics history, Tony and Peter have become closer, like they work closely together to the point that Stark is outfitting Peter with gear. And I think that's where we're going to go here, is that Norman is going to be tremendously excited by this and tremendously excited by the talent and the genius that is Peter, you know, like coming up with that web formula all on his own, all the gear that he did just out of his house, and he's going to be looking to gear him up, which is something that he was doing in comics anyway, He's going to be looking, you know, as CORP does do, like Stark, a lot of like military contracting work and weapons work and armor work, defense work, and I think he'll look at this as a potential proving ground for some of his big ideas. What do you think?
Okay, yeah, I totally agree with that. I feel like this show is specifically playing on what I love about comics, which is you have a situation where Norman Osborne is a villain, but he is also an incredibly benevolent man at times. And I think the fact that we get the kind of maybe he's going to play that Tony Stark role is very interesting to me and also potentially pre heartbreaking because I will not want to see his fall from grace, you know, which will inevitably happen. So I thought that was a really cool ending. I'm very excited to see where it goes. And the other thing I would say that I'm interested to get your thoughts on Jason is Spider Man is legendary for having that catchy theme tune. It's been played by the Ramones, It's been you know, interpolated, it's been changed, it's been mixed up, it's been remixed, and here we get a new version of it Neighbor Like Me, which is by the Math Club, Relay and Mellow Makes Music.
And I have to say I was very into it.
You get that classic Spider Man kind of song, and then it turns into this more this like rap track about rapping about what Spider Man does, which I love. I love like a rap credits theme that just tells you what the characters do. They used to have them in like the Adams family in Casper of all things.
So that was fun for me. What do you think about this new the New Spider Man.
Love, because that's a big part. I really enjoyed it, and I think to your point there is the Spider Man video games were important because they kind of were a place to re engage with the things that really are exciting about Spider Man, his relationship to the city, the way the city is part of him, his youth, and all of those things come together in the in the details of this show, whether it's the friend group that they've picked for him, the way they depict the lives, like the private lines, which comes in more as you go, and I've only seen episode three, but that comes in more and more and feels very lived in the way they've depicted Lonnie. The choice of music, I think is one of those things, and it's great, It's really it's really fun, you know, once I got used to the animation style, I was I was locked in.
I think they're yeah, I did look in it's not second screen watching.
There are so many easter eggs, like in when he goes to Lannie's apartment, and when we go to Lonnie's apartment, we see, you know, what Lonnie's home life is like. And then you see on a end table there's a daily bugle with a picture from Spider Man saving Harry Osbourne. Mm hmmm, and yeah, that is it. That is, you know, a direct reimagining of Amazing of Spider Man's debut story. And he's got the guy under his arm, like from that it Amazing Tales fifteen.
Or Amazing Amazing Fantasy fifty.
Amazing Fantasy fifteen. So it's just so sick. It's sprinkled through the tale.
Yeah, a lot of comic books is so is so so clear here, Okay, Jason, So the way this show is going to get released is going to be we get the first two episodes Wednesday, twenty ninth.
That's what we're talking about.
Hope you guys watch them on Wednesday February fifth. We'll get three, four and five on Wednesday February twelfth, we'll get six, seven, eight, and on Web Wednesday, February nineteenth, we'll get nine ten. How do you feel about that double kind of triple schedule. It's a little bit different for Disney. I'm glad they're doing weekly because I think there's stuff to talk about hair like X Men.
It's interesting. I think that clearly these are arcs that you know, like the episode's strategy is, these are the chapters of the story. So I think one and two there's a clear cliffhanger. How they feels like a new Yeah, it feels like when we get to three, this is a new part of the story. And I think that is what they are kind of structuring around, and we'll see how it goes. I think it's pretty smart if it if it works.
If it's character, if it's like comic book arcs, like different little stories.
I love that take. That's really smart, Jason.
And also, finally, if you could, like, what's your big dream, wild character or moment that you hope to see in the ten episodes in this style or that speaks to you in this kind of storytelling.
I don't know, Gosh, that's a good question. I guess we would I would love to know how active the other superheroes in the world are. I guess like that Strange. Yeah, they didn't know Doctor Strange. He's a wandom wizard guy. He might be just like so low key that you know, you never hear from him because he's like down in Greenwich Village. I'm just doing ship like in other realms. But I would love to know if we're gonna get any similar cameos to the Doctor Strange cameo. And then I would love to know if any of like if Nico or Pearl or any of the other Friend group, if their comic book alter egos start looking like they're going to be part of the story. I think that's what's going to be interesting to me.
What about you, Yeah, I agree.
I would love to see Paul and Nico kind of help Peeter out in the late episodes. Maybe in their comic book guys is, maybe not. I'm very pre heartbroken by what Lonnie's arc is inevitably going to be, but I am still excited to see where that goes because I think they're doing it in such a thoughtful, interesting way, and generally I would just love to see more of those cameos, which is something we've not been asking for recently. We've been like, hey, if it doesn't make sense, don't put them in there.
But actually, I thought the Doctor Strange one was so cool. We get that.
Image, you know, we know that maybe there are these different superheroes out there, So I'm interested to see how that goes. And yeah, I just I can't wait to watch more of the show. It's really great. I'm loving it well.
Coming on on X ray Vision, we're diving into our favorite winter TV then includes some spy shows as a burgeoning spy movements by TV is really a thing right now, and revisiting the adventures of a certain Peruvian bear. That's it for this episode. Thanks for listening.
X ray Vision is hosted by Jason Concepcion and Rosie Knight and is a production of iHeart Podcasts.
Our executive producers are Joel Monique and Aaron Kaufman.
Our supervising producer is Abu Zafar.
Our producers are Common Laurent Dean Jonathan and Fay Wag.
Our theme song is by Brian Vasquez, with alternate theme songs by Aaron Kaufman.
Special thanks to Soul Rubin, Chris Lord, Kenny Goodman, and Heidi our Discord moderator,