The Rings of Power 202 & 203

Published Sep 3, 2024, 7:00 AM

Despite its impregnable defenses, Jason and Rosie walk right into Eregion to recap The Rings of Power Season 2 Episodes 2 and 3. They discuss the confounding number of unnamed characters this season, King Gil’s concerning new obsession, and the turmoil in Khazad-dûm.

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Warning, today's episode can spoilers for episodes two and three of Rings of Power season two, so watch that for you listeners. Hello, my name is Jason Concepcion and I'm mersday Night and welcome back to x Ravision, the podcast where we dive deep but dear favorite shows, movies, comments, and pop culture. Coming to you from my Heart podcast where we're bringing you two episodes a week, every Tuesday and Thursday.

In today's episode in the Airlock, we're covering episodes two and three of the Rings of Power. So get ready to hear us say calabrimble, calabrimble, calabrimble.

Rings of Power season two, Episode two. Here we go, Rosie. We open in Kaza Doom during the fourth and Desa. They are outcast now after the events of season one, during which during the fourth got into a massive row with his dad King during the third over mythrill, over mining mythral over sharing mythrill with the elves and all that sort of shit. And now they're just normal citizens of cosdo amount shopping.

Just having a nice shopping in this little market, like that's very nice. I was gonna say, this is.

How you know there's so much money in this show, because even just the market, You're like, I'd like to go there.

You're like, that's fancy that I'm feeling it, like the dwarf market.

I would like to spend a little weekend that perusing the wes.

Suddenly, and as residents of Los Angeles, you and I both understand this feeling. We know that there's a shutting desa a shudder and a shake. The whole mountain begins to tremble. Boulders are falling out of this feeling. They're falling into the marketplace. They're crashing down, and all of a sudden, the light from above is extinguished. Kase It Doom has a very clever system of mirrors that reflect the sunlight from outside down to the gardens below inside the mountain, and all of a sudden those are significantly damaged and the light from outside is cut off.

I felt like Lisa new before everyone else, like, do we think she's going to have some kind of connection to the mines or to Kasy Doom? Like it did feel like she had a little bit of an inclination.

I think so as a say, my read on that was as a stone singer, she has a connection to hum and could kind of feel it. In Lindon, Gladriel has a waking nightmareor about Kelbrimboor and a stranger that's come to visit him and is there message and this we know what power and all of a sudden it's been at least yes, it is clearly guilt about the fact that she is at least.

Saron, and as we know, Saron has just gone to visit Calibrimba.

So also want to say.

Another extremely gory segment here. We're really moving into the horror part of Tolkien Law with this series.

She wakes up and the Elves have received She learns that the Elves have received intelligence that Sarn was last scene. I love this like APB last scene, Saron, last scene Ederick Mordor potentially to join forces with Ada.

I don't know if I believe that.

I don't believe that either, but the Elves are very keen on this intelligence and they want to invade to destroy the threats of Adar and Saron. While they're both together killed two birds with one stone. Gladriel tells King Gilga Hat glad that you know what I gotta feeling?

What if Sarah?

Yeah, what if Sarah's not there. What if he's somewhere else. He wants to rule all of Middle Earth. Let's not forget about that. He needs rings. He wants more of these rings, which would mean would it not mean kelebrimbore Gili is Mike. Listen. If there's one thing I know about a region, it's that it has super duper strong defenses. With walls and with the moats and with the all that shit. There's no one can get in there, nobody, not even.

Sarah bro Sarah literally walked into Lyndon just at somebody's side.

Do you think he may be able to do that again? Like, come on, I have.

To say I'm not, like I said this on the last episode about the show.

I'm not.

I'm not someone who likes to point out plotholes because I just think you got a vibe with the movie.

Yeah, and this is not a pothole because this could never happen.

But multiple times throughout this three episode premiere, I was like, imagine if they just had phones, Like if they could just call each other and be like, Yo, this guy showed up. Is how's everything going? Like?

Is that going well? I'd be like, don't do that like he's a bad guy.

You raise an excellent point, which is Lindon's defenses I'm sure are also very very good at Saran just fucking walked in exactly, And I feel like there.

Should be a quicker way. Think about House of the Dragon, think about Game of Thrones. Right, they're using the ravens.


The ravens are not so quick, but they are quicker than sending a man on a horse, And.

I feel like here's a r ip to that man and the other people that they were with that Like this is I'm saying, like, just send like some kind of magical creature a bud.

I'm seeing all kinds of high tech creations in the dwarf land. They got like mirrors that are reflecting light. I just feel like even some kind of version of like a tingcam with string would actually help this.

Gil, Gil, get your fucking head out of your ass. O. My god, you are You're too dumb to be king dumb to be hiking anyway. Glad Reel disagrees that region necessarily would be completely secure from Saraon, and she's been seeing, of course, visions of the unseen world since she's been wearing this beautiful ring of power, and she wants Hiking Gilga Glad to send her to a region, which sounds like a type of Italian cheese.

Yeah, it really, it's like, oh, I'm going to a region or like a l a restaurant.

Right, could I get the bugatini with a little bit of a region on it?

It's like a it's like an air one com Oh no, I don't go to air one anymore.

I go to a region.

Hiking Gilga Glad, let me tell you, does not think that it's a good idea for and he has as something he does not think it's necessarily a great idea to send Godril on a mission to confront, potentially confront Saron, seeing as she has very recently been taken in by the charms of Saron and was his complete and trusting dupe in all of his schemes. So she's like, okay, fair point. What if I bring someone with me? Who could it be?


Could it be we go to a region. Calibrimbour is like, listen, I'm not letting that man who's just waiting outside in. No, actually I know, I'm not letting him in.

Actually, like maybe there's a Reggio. Maybe it's maybe it's gonna work out because he's got the right idea.

He's like, I'm not gonna light him in. I don't know, I'm not letting him. I don't fully know why. But he's just like, I'm not gonna He's like, I'm just not vibing.

Now. He did help us. He came up with that alloy thing, which is a great idea. But maybe here's my head it Rosie. Yeah, we know that Kelibrinboor is extremely ambitious. He is quite eager to outshine the reputation of his uh calibrinble Or the elder. So I think there's maybe there's something of like jealousy. Hey, I want Yeah, I was like the alloy thing, I want that to be mind.

Why are you coming trying to get credit for the alloy?

Yeah? I want. I don't want this guy's help. I'm good, I'm doing it. Uh sourn Slash whoever he's pretending to be at the moment, brand right now, Okay, is like that's fine, I'll just wait out here now, assistant Calibrinbles assistant and let me just pause here. Oh God, one note for the riggs of power creators. I love the show. I'm having a great time, having a great even though we have notes, but there's no perfect show I'm having. I'm enjoying the lover. Too many characters without names.

We also remember we are watching this in an early form, so we do not have the fantastic X ray you know app that they added to Amazon where you can just pause any film and it will tell you who the actor is and what their character name is.

So we're just calling him Keller. Brimble's a system. But there are many There are many.

Characters in these first three episodes who we are like, what is that man's name?

So Calibrimmer's assistant is out there and she's talking to him, and then he turns around and she notices that how Brand's back is like all torn up. He looks injured, and she seems concerned. Kelbrimbor is like, listen, I promised Gladriel that I'd never talked to Halbrand again, which I don't remember. Must have happened between must have happened between seasons, and clearly, by the way I clearly Gladriel also did not say because he was Sarah.

No, she was just like, she was like, don't talk to that man like, and he comes, don't don't him again, don't.

Talk about it.

So he says, listen, I promise, Glad, I'm not gonna talk out right anymore.

And he said that's it.

He's not coming in, and he's like, I'm waiting.

His back's torn up.

I'm waiting to hear from Gilga Lad, because like, yes, I'm were close pals, and I'm just waiting to from.

I'll I'll wait on the High King's message. Well elsewhere somewhere in the woods between Lindon and Reggaeon the messengers that Calibrinborg is waiting for are all fucking dead. They are dead as door nails.

They are like gruesomely killed and being dragged away by like chains.

Yes, and their squirrel. This message scroll is just like I'm just torn up. We go to the wastelands of Western Room and the town of kars Gayer, where a dark wizard who also does not have a name.

Who is this man?

Who is he? Played by the wonderful Kieran Hines you remember from as Caesar from Rome and many many other projects. He is presiding over a spell which involves like a lot of moths, which are coalescing into a form, and they turn into a white witch. The witch that we saw a type of witch that we saw from season one that was stalking the stranger in the heartfoots. The witch tells nameless dark Wizard that surunshadow is gathering and he's taken a new form, but we don't know what it is. The Dark Wizard, meanwhile, is like, fuck off, I don't care about all that.

Who cares. That's not important.

That's not what I'm interested in. I'm interested in this stranger guy who also doesn't have a name, but we're gonna fucking call Gandalf because that's what definitely must be is out here in my wasteland, and he's powerful and he's just.

Like doing like makeing some leaves fall off or setting things on fire. Like what is going on?

Yeah, he's doing magic, and and what happens if he figures out how to use his magic while he's here? I can't have that. I need to find out what this guy's up to. Just then, one of another of the wizards, the Dark Wizards Trackers, comes in does it also doesn't have a name, and says that if the wizard, the dark Wizard who also who doesn't have a name, sends him against Gandolf, which is the Ista.

So I do think because this guy's also wizard, but I guess he's not an Istari.

Okay, right that.

He promises he'll be able to bring him in. Okay. Meanwhile, the Stranger Nori and Poppy are going across the desert. Poppy is like, can't you just like condure water? Like like you?

I mean, who is this man like Avatar the Lost Ebb and hang because he's like, he can control wind, he can control he can control plots, but he can't control water.

He's not the Avatar yet cannot do that. And he's like, I can't you know, I can't do it right now. Meanwhile, they hear riders approaching, so they hide, and we know how good they these these very hiding The trackers walk right past them, can't find them, and move on back to Kose Doom. Everyone is freaking out because the earthquake and rightly sow and plus the collapse of the light shafts and what that might mean for their crops and the ability to feed themselves. Repairs of the shafts are very complicated. The Stone Singers are having tremendous problems because they can't find the correct frequency.

Which never happens to them.

Never happens to them. Desa and her trio give it a try. They start to sing, but instead they cause a worse cave in, and now the light is like basically almost completely extinguished. Now yeah, and Lisa is like, this is so concerning because our connection to the rocks has been severed, and what are we going to do? And King during the third is completely vexed. Lisa tries to get King during the third to apologize to his son, but he's very stubborn and the sun stubborn, and it's gonna be tough. Meanwhile, during the fourth is getting absolutely roasted by all the dwarfs of kose Doom because he used to be a prince and now he's just a fucking guy because his dad hates him.

I his dad was just like, bro, you're just a guy, Like just there's nothing Sai.

How's he making money? I guess he's rich.

Mythrol I don't know.

I don't know. He's got his little percentage of the of the mythral business.

Which by the way, is clearly Can I just say if I was Desa, I'd be like, stop mining that myth roll like this is obviously the issue.

Stop it bagging Ohm. Desa now tries to get four to apologize.

To three, and.

She says, listen, I am scared because this is we can't feel the mountain with. This has never happened before. Back in Lindon, Al tries to get el Ron to join the mission to a region.

Aaron is so sick of her.

He's over this show, so sick of He's just trying to make a nice boat, and.

I fucking agree with him because no one is listening to him. Saraon is free running around the Gladiel, the High King, and cured On are all wearing rings touched potentially definitely but as far as they know, potentially by the taint of Saraon, and like, what's he gonna He's gonna make boats now because he wants to live a simple life. He's like, listen, I don't agree with all this. Gladiel is like listen, I need you because now get this. I King thinks I'm vulnerable to sarah Oh why would believe it?

And then he's you believe it and she's also like, look, I will admit.

She's like, you know, he did play me and make me do a bunch of stuff I would never have done if it wasn't for him, And then I love it beca Aaron's like incorrect.

He made you do a bunch of stuff you exactly wanted to do. He's played you.

He's like he played a song of your soul and made you exactly wanted what you wanted to do. He acted like he was a sexy king that you needed, who.

Is gonna come in and save the day.

Oh and I'm just like doing snaps like Ald you fucking tell them you gotta do this.

Just everybody read her go over and everyone.

Read her down. He says, listen, what if imagine Saron, who has been playing us this whole time, actually wants you to go to region have you have you considered that? And he further says, it's absolutely crazy that you guys are wearing these fucking rings that he touched and are made from Alo's idea.

This Like, I'm sick of it, and also as well, like he makes a very good point.

God, Reel, you've always wanted to be the hero, so now you're getting visions that you think are going to help you be the hero. No, you're just getting visions so that Saron can see you again and propose to you again clearly. And she says get out, stayn He says, excuse me, get out and stay out.

Cure Dan talking with el Rod, then defends not destroying the He's like, come on, they're.

So fucking cool, man, look at this thing video.

Games high schools only, Are you kidding me? Look how nice it looks on my like I'm matching it now with my robes. It's a great work of art. And also, look how easy it makes fishing. I love that that's the example he watches. I just grab a fish out of the water.

Also, I also like that this is if you weren't already aware that the rings are bad, right, and this and this is something Galgalat should absolutely clock onto, but he won't because this is his dream.

I like the way he's like to Alron, He's like, only the ol should.

Yes, side note olf supremacy.

That's not going to go badly at all.

We go back to Ruin, where the stranger has collapsed from heat exhaustion or the fact that nobody's drinking any water because the desert yeah. They drag him to a well that's like one hundred feet away, like right there over the hill. They drag him to the well and they managed to hydrate the wizard. Gandalf finds a staff that's just lying there.

That seems like more points towards the Gandalf theory, just saying uh.

And just then the trackers ride up on them. They charge their throwing knives at them, but then Gandalf uses the cast the staff to cast like a sandstorm spell and that gets rid of the attackers. But also the sandstorm just grows like way beyond Gandalf's control and the winds carrying away.

Sorry, okay, before the trackers who have no names get forgotten, I will say do I absolutely love the costume design on that scary like steam Me too, me too, so good?

Ten out of ten.

Big fan back in a reggaeoni. He's like love in his life. He's continuing his work. He's quite pleased with his latest creation, which is a form of mythrill that's like you can it's invisible except in the moon.

I see by seeing people trying invisible while wearing a ring.

This couldn't go wrong.

And then while he's working on this. He just gets it in his he just gets it in his head that, you know what, I'm gonna go talk to that guy out there.

I'm gonna tell him off. I'm gonna tell.

Him I don't need him. He gets down there and he says, listen, Helbrand, either get out of here or I'm gonna make you get out of here. How about that, My guys, they're gonna fucking hustle you out here. Halbrand slash Saron says, oh, well before you that, have you not heard from Gladriel because.

Ladriel big fan of the rings, big.

Fan of the rings. Oh you didn't hear about the ring?


They walk, they work, they work great, they're BEAUTIFU first of all, they're beautiful. High King gilglad is wearing one. Galadriel is wearing one.

I'm just saying, like, I don't really hear anyone mentioning that Calabrimble made them, just like, yeah, they're not talking about it and not talking about it.

He's saying, these cool rings.

Look at these cool rings.

Yeah, we love them. It's so you know, nobody's really calling out your name now. Kelibrinble is freaking out because he wants some feedback. He wants to know. He wants to get up. There's no yelp, there's no Google reviews. He wants to get on there and be like, wow, Calbrimble snapped with this one. But he's not hearing that, so he invites Hal Brandon fucking side all of a sudden.

Oh yeah, this I have to say, so on no notes. This man is so good at playing everyone. He can read their little insecurities. But these people are so bad at like defending themselves from sourn. I'm saying, I understand there's a love storytelling to do, right, but this man spokesh for like two minutes. I was like, you ain't getting the credit you deserve and he was like, okay, come in, let's let's change that.

He he went from I'm gonna have you physically removed from the premises to come inside and yeah. Uh So they go inside and Hal brand slash Saron slash. The King of the Southlands tells Kelibrinbor that the rings are beautiful, baby, god they are. They are perfect, babe. The stunning Linda is saved because of these rings in the tree.

It's all going good.

It's oh my god. The leaves, it's glowing. Kelibrinbor is thrilled. Yeah, he is so stoked.

And also how Brand's like, isn't it interesting?

He does he goes on a little bit of me and Jason Ramp when we're talking about like Jack Kirby, He's like, isn't it interesting that the creator never gets the credit? Like everyone comes in and we take the credit.

From the creator. But the ones who are.

Doing the work, the people who are putting in the hours, no one's talking about them. They're just talking about the rings, just talking about the thing they make. Isn't that interesting? And Calibrin was like, it is interesting?

And you know what else is interesting? Maybe the elves are just like not good at sharing the credit. What if follow me here, what if we made more rings this time for men?


Because I bet you I think that, And I bet you men would be like calibrinboor Calibrin boor Calibriver we love.

And Calibrinbo tattoos, maybe shouting Calibrinbo's name. They're getting banners with Calibrinbo. They would just love it.

And Calibrim was like, I don't know, that sounds like a weird idea. And then Sarah, and.

He's like change.

He's like, I gotta change, I gotta change, Like this is not working, Like okay, you don't buy the.

Let's change lights.

Put a pin in that, and he goes and all of a sudden, he turns into Elf form, but not his original Elf form, like like Charlie still Charlie Vickers. Yeah, it's still Charlie Vickers, but like Elf. And he says, guess what I'm not Halbrand, I am, in fact, a messenger from beyond the Valor have sent me to give guidance to the wise and talented like yourself, so that Middle Earth can resist the darkness. You, Calibrimbor, have been chosen. You're the chosen one to help with this crucial mission. Calibrin was like, I don't buy it, sauce. Yeah. So then Halbrand then does his.

Like magic act, like Las Vegas magic act.

And then he says, guess what, call me by a new name. We've got characters with no names, and we've got certain characters with like five five and call me Anatar, the lord of Gifts.

I'm bridge gifts. I'm giving gifts. If we all know that's bad. That's another Sarah name. Baby.

That's another Sarah name from the second age, and so this is a big This is a big kind of like road map mark for Sarah.

Also interesting because we had wondered before, like timeline wise in the first season, we were like, has he already been anatar? Had he already tricked? But no, this is so we're seeing anatar.

Here he is.

And Calibrin was like, oh my god, I can't believe the world famous Anatar giver of gifts is in my forge.

This is unbelievable.

My dad never met with anatar. He thought he had everything.

You know, he had never met with the famous, beloved Anatar giver of gifts who I've definitely heard of before this moment.

In Linda and More Red Flags hiking, Gil is staring at the ring.

Take that out, anyone around, just stop looking at it. Stop looking at it.

You're just standing by himself. He's like gazing at the ring. He so Hi, King Gil says, listen, Gladial mean, think about your thing. I'm going to send a group of five of our bravest selves to a reggaeon under the leadership of and Gladiel like leans forward, like rubbing her hands, like yeah, el Ron, you.

Know, like, look, I I do wish Alron to be that because he is a bit more sensible.

I think I would feel this is the one good decision Gill.

So I do feel like the fact he's sending Galadriel at all after just staring at his ring is like Salon was like looking through the ring.

Like send her, send her, send her, send her, you know.

And then a little bit of el Ron's like set a little bit of like King Gilgalad's sense was like, oh, I better send Elron so she doesn't get totally sucked.

Then meanwhile, a cause of doom four gets a letter inviting him and a delegation of dwarves to a reggaon, don't go, and we'll be going to a region right after the word from our sponsorbility.

Yeah, and we're back.

Season two, Rings of Power, Episode three, Ellenville is arguing with Brick, his late late question mark son is Sildur's horse, who simply refuses to follow him and get back on the boats and go back to newman Ar. So he sets Berg free. And let me tell you, Barrick, that is a he's a real wamp top top animal companion, he says, like a trayer level horse, like he is serious actually you know what not you know, we all love a trio ur pizza. That horse.

He stays alive, So I don't know.

Berrick is actually like a true badass. Like the Orcs are trying to come for Brick, and.

Barrick's like, oh no, oh no, ors you got me around my neck.

Psych just booting the X all over the forest like he's going to Mordor.

Barrick's a real one.

I love him, absolute real one. So Barrick runs all the way fucking across the Southlands to Mordor. Orcs are trying to capture it. He's not happture it. It flees into the black forest, where even the Orcs are like, well ly, Barrick runs right up to a cylinde who's trapped. It is still alive, still alive, doing great.

I just want to say, everyone else, it so does that. It so do's mony ass, sister, Everyone just leave a Silda. Oh no, he died. Oh they're doing Mordor like the creation of Mordeor.

Oh rp.

I'm so sad about it. Let me go cause the problem, you know who never left him behind? Barrick Barrick was like, I'm finding it. I can sense he's still alive.

Barrick is the very one to you. You bet to feel guilty. Ensolda inevitably shows up.

That's right. So Silver is trapped in a spider's web and he does manage to fore himself with some help from Barrick, and he kills all these baby to maybe toddler baby and toddler giant spiders, you know, I mean.

These are obviously we're seeing a version or early versions of like shilloop very famous yeah Tolkien spider.

Character he venile juvenile, shaloob juvenile.

Sup baby shlup shl Yeah.

Sildur and Barrick then flee. We go to New Minor, where Ellendill is paying his respects to the now late King Tar who was super fucking old and finally died of New Minor taken a long time, like taken a long time to pass. And Captain Ellendill talks with Muriel, of course, the King's daughter, Queen Regent, and she tells him that listen, the political strife that had been brewing in Nu Minor before we went to war in the Southlands is kind of getting worse. Now, and Muriel thinks that Arizon him in the Northern nobles up to they're up to something. Just then, a mother of a fallen soldier who died in the Southland campaign attacks, just fucking flat out attacks the queen Queen regent rather than have her guards like chop off her head or yeah, embraces the woman.

And this was a great moment. I love her moments like this.

They played it really well. That actressly plays Queen Muriel is so good. She's one of my favorite characters in the show. And I kind of love this moment where there was anger, but you see here that Queen Muriel's reasoning is, you know, you got to soothe anger, you gotta love, and she she embraces the woman and the one begins to cry. But this is letting us know that there is significant anger in neuman Or in the wake of this war that has killed many, many people exactly.

Parison brings Muriel her father's stuff and he says, listen, it's time now for you to choose what color down you're gonna wear to your coronation as Queen of newn Red or white red.

That's what Pharison wears, so He's definitely like he's put Remember Miro is blind, and he keeps like he's just putting the red towards her, like, oh, you want to.

Wear a red?

Would you wear a red? How about red?

And she's like, listen, my dad wore white, I'm gonna wear Okay. Later, Pharizon is out drinking with his buddies, talking sheer treachery just.

To bad ship.

I have to say, this is one of these things where I feel like, you know, in in Game of Thrones, House the Dragon, you.

Can't just be in a pub talking that.

You can't even be singing a sassy riddle about a member of the royal family because you're gonna get your head chopped off if somebody hears you. These people are just in the bars and they are just talking like get rid of her, it's your time.

Is very very reckless. Yeah, all the all the northern nobles, no names.

They're trying to put the double ends.

The double ends are trying to push Pharason to just you know, why don't you just I think you I think you'd have a lot of support, or I think you'd have pretty good support enough. He's like he's like, listen, listen. To his credit, he's like, no, like, come on, don't do this. But then to his discredit, he says, forget it because we don't have quite enough support. And then you betray it. That's right. And then Iarian Ellen Dill's daughter says, Okay, what if what is we can get enough people on the coup train and we you know, if we get some support, then maybe we do it.


Is not comfortable that. He's kind of like, oh, he's also intrigued. And also maybe he realizes like we're having this in a public place. Maybe he's a bit smart, and he and and so he's just kind of like he's nervous about it. Valandil comes over to start and defend.

Up there for the real trophy alongside Barrick.

He's like, listen, I was there. The Queen fought bravely and fiercely in the war, and she got blinded, she got injured, Like she walked.

Into a fire to save the lives of the common people.

Where were you, Farizon, with your fucking with your fucking bone spurs.

Yeah, like your.

Little red fancy cloak. You didn't want to get it burned. I didn't want to get it Okay.

So this gets squashed, but then Arian tells the Platters that listen, I know something secret. I found out something very very secret, very dangerous and very forbidden that I think would shock the people of Imanoir. And it is the pallanteer oh Ohuriel has been using.

And it seems like Arian stolet that she was just like I'm taking it.

In the Southlands, Ada and his orcs are preparing for war. Damn Rod the hill Troll arrives in at our camp.

Just chill.

He's here to help, and he's like, hey, where's Sarahn? I heard he was around back in a region. The Dwarves have arrived and they meet with Kelibrimbourne fucking Sarah.

I feel like again I love that sour On number one, like selling when he just comes around and he's like, I know by sour On his it's not here, but he's somewhere and I.

Can help you stop him. I'm like, how many times is this going to work on people?

Keller is like, listen, I have a great deal for you guys. I'm gonna make you make some rings, rings of power, okay, and with those rings you can heal the mountain the mountain, just one small thing. I do need mythrill from the minster Craft, the rings.

So you're really what you need is the dwarves.

We desperately need the dwarves. So can you speak to King Durn you know about this? Four is like, there's no way because my dad's a butt head. I love it.

I love that he's just like my dad's a big butt he's like everyone in on his personal business.

Tell it everybody, the Royal of going badly.

Dad's billy here. H.

You could definitely come and do some kind of takeover because we're very vulnerable.

So no, there's no way because my dad he did in the third he's.

A but that's really good, thank you very much.

I appreciate that. Amatar asterisk. Then he dials up the terma. Listen, listeners, l Rond your good friend. Don't you love el Rond Duran? You love that guy, don't you? He told me that he just wishes he could be here, not even smartiest man.

He knows it's a beautiful, yeah.

The beautifulst beautiful beard and the best so much breaker of stones, and he just wishes he could be here with you. And four is like, who the wait who the fuck are you?

What going on?

I really do like that Four just like doesn't He's not charmed at all. He's like, whatever version of Saron is gonna work on the Dwarves is not this version because four is like a brick wall fours like us watching the show.

He's like, no, and I love that the reason when.

Lisa is like, so, why what's wrong? Like why did you act like that? And he's like, Arond would never say those nice things about.


That's not how we roll. We roast each other.

We like, you know, we have a little jous, a little bout like, that's not how we roll.

So I know he's making it out.

So Sarah goes, well, listen, my name's anataruh not Sarah used to be how Brandon. Anyway, Eventually, during when she's having that conversation with Lisa, who's asking him like why the fuck you do that, he basically says, listen, we can't. We can't bring it Mada because he doesn't want to apologize, and no one wants to apologize, and that's it and that's the end of it.

And also, I will say Anatos is like trying to push He's like, you can't take a moment.

He's like, you're gonna do it right now.

We got it.

He's like, just slam take the time.

So calib Rimborg tells Anatard listens, you know the Dwarves, they do things their own way. Just let them, let them marinate on this and no, no, no, no, no no no, here's I forgot this detail. And by the way, here's a red here's another red flag. Everybody who's dealing with Sarah. Anytime there's more to the story, it's.

Never just he tells you before the story.

There is always something as well. Here's the something is okay? Uh, I forgot to mention this part. High King Gil. If he gets wind of this whole rings for the Men thing, he's not gonna like it because he's kind of like an elf supremacist.

Which is true. He's also saying like, no more rings. He's just like the.

He's gonna be like just the hard no rings, only the l's get rings. So we kind of need to do this before he figures out about it. Kilierbrimber was like, wait, hold on, I'm gonna write a letter to Gil and tell get this watch this. I'm gonna write a letter to Gil and say, oh, the Forge.

I shut it down because the Ring is such a success, Like we don't need.

They were such a huge success that I don't want to follow it up. I'm done. I can't top those and I don't even want to try. So the Ring the Forge is done?

Can I just say, like what.

I Calibrimble, Like, come on, my guy, I get that you're enticed and intrigued and you know, beguiled by Anatole.

But even Anatole was like, so you would just lie to the king?

Yeah, you would just lie to Okay, you're even crazier than I have.

But I was like giving him a dit you look.

He's like yeah, ants like Ben, it's gonna be easier.


And then and then Keler Brimple was like, no, I would just give us the space to finish our rings.

And I'm like, this is a battle, all right, uh A sil door. Back in Mordoor and Barrick ride through the dead marshes see all the fallen from the battle against Morgoth. They eventually come to the place where the Orc's ambushed wagon and the loan survivor of this attack stabs is Sildur in the leg but then she's like, oh my god, I'm sorry, like I thought you were in Orc and she tells him that her father and the rest of the Neuminorians have been fleeing, and they ride to Pelagear, an old Numenorian town, where they get mugged by bandits. But then Aaron deer that fights off the bandit down Don Don and he comes in.

This is like pure action, Aaron, there's like action.

John kills him off.

Ye, he's doing flips, He's shooting everyone. It's great.

But sadly, one of the bandits gets on Barrick and rides off. Now you think Barrik would just be like, no, I'm not fucking going.

Eric would just like kick him off.

I'm just gonna stand her. But Barrick, in a moment of madness, I guessed, and so uh Isildur is like, hey, mister Elf, great job. Can you help me get my horse? And arandars like no, well, Arnds. He's very very sad because he's got to go to Bronwyn's funeral.

Shocking twisted I did.

I actually had to look this up because I was like, wait a minute, Bronwyn was amazing.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did not die.

I think it was more of like as she could die, But from what I looked up, it was a that the actress stepped away from acting during twenty twenty two to focus on activism, so she kind of didn't wasn't able to film the show.

I was very sad. I was a bron Win fan. But yes, now she's dead.

So Bronwynn got dost died off screened.


THEO though sadly her all this still there, still a dick and when Arunder can't bring himself to set the Bronwin's pire alight because of course, you know, elves have a very different relationship to death, and they would never do this sort of thing. Uh, it's THEO who just does it. Yeah, he's like, fuck my mom, Fuck my mom. We go to Kazado. The dwarves are all lined up to talking. The dwarves are there is a big problem because you know, with the with the sunlight cut off, no crops growing, we're gonna need food really quick. And so they're like, can we get access to the grain reserves? And three is like, I'll think about it. Four comes before his dad to talk about the ring proposal from Keller Brinbore, and he says, I'm sorry that, I'm sorry, I'm sorry about and three says that you listen, I don't trust what's going on in Oregeon, which is the right idea. Yes, back with Aaron Deer in them. He's still very sad about Bronwin, but he's happy to see a Sildur after their battles together. THEO is also very sad that his mother has died.

But he's as sad as he should be, much more sad.

He's not at all guild ridden is. Sildur then tells THEO like how awesome New Minor is. And it's like you should come to newman Or. They have plumbing Like that's literally what he says. It's like there's plumbing and fountains and stuff like it's running waters great. Like yeah, he's like ground.

Because because they he actually shows him. He's like, we actually built this. It's called an aqueduct. You guys could have had all these times. And Theo's like, what are you talking about?

I don't know what are you talking about? I like I wipe my butt with my hand. Yeah, like and then THEO says, okay, well, it's to show his thanks for this offer to come nor He's like, listen, I know how you can get your horseback meet meat. Tonight is sil door chats with Estra, the survivor there. Estra it apparently has a fiance and there's no news of him. She has survivor's guilt. There's something weird about her, clearly, and when a Silver goes off with THEO, we see what it is. She's like got the brand of Adar on her and.

She's like, okay, so is she doing Is she burning it off because she wants to be freed from a dog? Or is she burning off because she's there as a spy and she's like trying to catch up with this though I'm not sure I.

Don't have to learn a lot about her.

I the way I interpreted it as she was taken, captive and enslaved by it he's been doing to all the people of the Southlands, and maybe she escaped and is ashamed of this, because I think a dark can't be so dumb as to send people with his brand to be spied, Like just capture somebody, don't brand them, and that's like maybe your spy.

That's a bad plan. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to it.

THEO and a Silver sneak up to the bandit camp camp. THEO distracts the bandits by saying, hey, by the way, speaking of a doll brand, I'm super girls branded. I'm yeah, I like have done a lot of work for that guy. That guy, And they're about to seize THEO when the camp is suddenly like just ripped apart by something huge that seemed like end.

And so much. Suddenly it's oh and why depending on the time, but yeah, it's it's I think it's the trees.

So then a still do escapes on barrit we go to Murial's coronation. She's wearing white. Parizon is like, yeah, I think it's an off white. I agree with you. Now citizens are fucking heck, they're They're in her ass.

They are like like Friday night, like in your local an open mic.

They are Hecker's tomatoes everything.

Yeah, to my head, to my abou, his sists, you know that kind.

Of she she she stops ceremony. She's like, listen, I see your grief, I feel it. I share it. And then in a very queen like way, she says, now shut up. So we could continue this, and Irian walks.

Out, Oh my sage says, dramatic, ass fool.

She says, nope, We're not gonna do that because you think I'm carrying a bowling ball. I I'm not carrying a bowling ball.

Is actually.

I have this magical bowling ball which I am presenting to you in the name of my fallen brother. Is seal door not dead. And she pulls the sheet off it and she's like, look at this, it's the elven pall andeery.

Yeah, it's the pal It's an elfstone.

It's an elf stone. Our queen has been consulting with this. Who is ruling us? The queen or the elves? And everybody's like w and pharas I was like, whoaha, who whoa, whoa, whoa? Hold on, this is.

Misunderstanding play from Pharas on Hair I'm not gonna play.

I could not agree more. I was like, that is a very clever move from say no, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on, my wife would never consult with elves by my back. So just destroy rid of yeah, just throw it, throw it in the trash. And then Mirry was like no, She's like she could have been much more clean.

Yeah, but she's like, no, no, no, you could have been like, guys, you gotta understand, like the elves think they're using me, but I'm using the ouse. She could have gone for the galadrial defense Benstead. She's like, no, I love the Paletiner, I love my magical bolly. Yeah yeah, yeah.

And so the new in Orans freak out because they are there's there's tremendous anti elf feeling in Neumonora right now. They don't want anything to do with Elf culture, elf technology. They're historic ties with the elves. They don't want to that's they don't want to deal with that. So they do a fucking january.

They're about to do a January. Say, they're trying to hang out as it's going.

Back when the ceremonial eagle lands on the platform, and I think pretty clearly seems to choose first.

As long as I.

Think I think that what happened to me, I.

Was like, you think he's just standing closer.

I was like, the eagle's just there, so maybe this means he does like Miriel. But I think what was what really happened, And this was another smart.

Move on the northern nobles.

The double ends here. I think what happened is the eagle showed up. Everyone was like, whoa an eagle?

And then he started going fat.

Everyone's like, yeah, so I think they took advantage of the eagle.

BA the Muriel and how.

I don't even know who are her support was Alendel. I feel like that's a romance. I don't know where Muriel's support really comes from.

That's a great point. Listen, Muriel, you gotta stack the coronation room with your like, where why isn't Valandil and his folks here? Get Valandial, get him in the room.

Let this happen.

He would have been chopping off tongues like he was, you know, thrones like he would not have had it.

Okay, so the queen is overthrown, and then we go to a reggaeon where Keller Brimbor, using the newly delivered Mythrill, forges more rings and very very foolishly. But of course he lets anatar who anatar is like, He's like, hey, let me touch let me touch the mythrill before it can I can I put it in the forge?

Please? Controlling him, I'm like, guy, please, my guy.

And they drops it in the melter, and there's obviously a big fucking mistake.

And obviously I think we do get to see, we get we get to here a little bit of that famous rhyme you know about all the rings. So I'm assuming here that he is making the elves rings. Like that's what we're seeing is because Sarah's not stupid. He's not like, come here, bring that mythroll for the men. He's like, let me make these rings that are gonna help you out. Yeah, it's gonna be only good things. Definitely completely selfless of me to make these rings.

Well, uh, two fun episodes. I would just ask that the Rings of Power names some of their characters.

Yes, I want to know the names.

And I will say, like the surn stuff is the best stuff. I'm really enjoying the stuff.

I'm loving it. I'm loving the Suren stuff.

I'm loving the way that they have actually reframed the show as if he is the main character.

So yes, which is wise.

I think while we are like laughing at how easy things go him, that is the nature of being the protagonist. Like things work out for you, you go to different places and things occur. That's like storytelling, and yeah, so it's very funny to see that. I'm sure he will have some mild challenges or and did kind of almost appear.

To be one of those. But yeah, I'm loving that.

I'm loving the horrory elements, like when we saw Keller Brimble getting all like eaten up by the tree or the people being dragged along by the chain, so it was all very spooky.

I'm excited to hopefully see the ents next episode.

I'm guessing maybe THEO will finally stop being such a little jack off and it'll be like, you know, he'll be like a little He'll.

Be he'll be like learning something from the Ens. I don't know what happened to Norii. She got blown away.

I thought that was rather hilarious actually, so we'll see where she ends up.

When will they admit he's Gandalf? Okay, let's do odds.

Do you think that he's gonna they're gonna admit he's Gandalf this season or are.

We gonna have to wait?

I think I think it has to be.

It has to be.

I think it's getting crazy now, like it's got to be within the next couple episodes, not end of season. Like I think he's as fine Man, so yeah. On the next couple of episodes of Extra Vision, we're continuing the eighty fifth anniversary celebration of Batman with a deep dive into Batman the animated series, and we're gonna come back Friday for a recap of episode four of Rings of Power. See you next time. X ray Vision is hosted by Jason Kitsumsion and Rosie Knight and is a production of iHeart Podcasts. Our executive producers are Joelle Smith and Aaron Kaufman. Our supervising producer is a Boo Zafar. Our producers are Carmen Laurent and Mia Taylor. Our theme song is by Brian Basquez.

Special thanks to Soul Rubin and Chris Lord, Kenny Goodman and Heidi.

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