
S3E4 Pauline Nguyen "The Way Of The Spiritual Entrepreneur"

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In this episode of the Writes4Women podcast, Kel interviews one of her greatest inspirations as a writer, a business person, a thinker and a women, Pauline Nguyen. 
Pauline is the author of 2 very different but equally impactful books "Secrets of the Red Lantern" and the about to be released, "Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur", she is co-owner of the most awarded Vietnamese restaurant in the world "Red Lantern" and has achieved the greatest heights possible as an international speaker. She is unstoppable it seems and in this interview Pauline gifts us with a a peak into the grit and hard work it took to get her where she is today and what she has learnt along the way. The very lessons that became her latest book and movement. 
We hope you are as impressed as we are by this amazing human and her perspective on the life, living and business. 
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Pamela Cook
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Kel Butler
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Pauline Nguyen 
Facebook @paulinenguyenspeaks
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