On this week's episode of the College Football Apostles, George Wrighster and Ralph Amsden review the action and major storylines from week 1 in college football.
Does Sherrone Moore have an unsigned contract with Michigan?Why did TMZ drop a two-year-old story about Miller Moss farting on his roommates pillow?Did Billy Napier go too far calling out Online Gator fan trolls?Does DJ Uiagalelei's father need to stay offline for a while?
Plus, the guys go over last week's picks, and talk about this week's top games- including Texas' first ever trip to An Arbor, the Cy-Hawk rivalry, and Colorado visiting Nebraska.
Finally, why is Ralph mad about the gestures made in the LSU loss to USC, and the Texas A&M loss to Notre Dame.
I'm George Reister, He's Ralph Amsen, and this is the College Football Apostles, presented by the Unaffraid Show. We got a lot to talk about today, the top twenty five playoff predictions, Sharon Moore is playing well, coaching without a contract, Miller Moss parts and a pillow and that became national news. But why though, and the five best games of the week that you should not be missing, and of course our picks against the spread. We got contest going and everything else, and Billy Napier, Oh, he goes full Lebron James and tells everybody to go back to their miserable lives and get out of the basement and everything else. And Brian Kelly gets angry after the USC game. So we got a lot to talk about it. We thank you guys for joining us here. You guys make sure that you guys go on UNA Fraid Show. We got so much content every single day, We got shorts, long forms talking about the acc SEC college football playoff and breaking down everything in between. But we will start today though, Ralph with Sharon Moore. So a message came out, well, a report came out that Sharon Moore is operating at Michigan without a formal contract. And this made me laugh. This made me laugh because I don't think people really understand and know how many coaches are operating and coaching without formal contracts right now.
Yeah, I don't fully understand. I would assume that the defending national champion would want to have their coach of the future under contract. Does that mean that either one of these parties can walk away?
No, No, that's not. What that means is that there is something signed, most likely, right, because what typically happens, well, number one.
Well, somebody out that he was signed. They tweeted out a picture said pen to paper with Yes, I cover high school recruiting. I know the stuff the kids sign on signing day. They're e signing right, Like, I know that all those signatures are fake, but that that picture confuses me a little bit.
Yeah, but the pen to paper was most likely like ninety nine percent of the time when those things happened, they are signing something. It's called an m OU memorandum of understanding. It is essentially the term sheet and the deal and it's like pending. Nothing weird happening, so he knows how much money he's going to make how much the university is committed to pay him, his assistance and everything in between. So they're being paid right right now. And and this happens every time a con a new coach signs his new contract, like Dan Lanning his final contract didn't get a PREW for months after that. And that's typical because they agree on all the terms and then you got to get the lawyers involved. And that's where the lawyers are saying, Okay, well what if this happens on a Tuesday with the full moon and you know all types of clauses, buyouts, everything else. So they work out the small minutia because the majority of things are already agreed upon. Let's go back to Arizona with Jedfish because remember everybody was like, oh, the deal's done and all that. They're just working out the details. And the same thing with Kaylin de Boor at Washington, they were like, oh, hold salty and all them all the details, the details. Well, no, they hadn't signed a memorandom of understanding. In Washington's case, Kaylen de Boor wouldn't sign it, and in Arizona's case, they wouldn't let Jedfish sign it. So so that's how it works. And part of the and part of the report it said that there have been some things that have held it up. Yeah, Connor stallions and the recruiting violations have held it up because remember, Michigan wanted to protect itself against Jim Harbaugh and the allegations and all sorts of things when they were trying to re sign him. So they're doing the same thing with Sharon Moore. That's what's holding this thing up because if you know, he was named head coaching what the end of January, beginning of February sometime around there. Okay, So that my question is.
What, if anything could Sharon Moore loose? Could he loose? It? Does? Is his buyout not set in stone or like that? What's the difference?
It's a little bit see see. But the thing is, if they can fire like this, this is where the gray area is. Is that this is why they try to get it done as quickly as possible because maybe he could be firedired for cause. And part of it is, so let's say Michigan comes out and loses three or four games this year, all that cause might get real sketchy, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I mean, it is arguable that a lot of coaches could be fired for cause. Herm Edwards certainly could have been fired for cause, but they chose his former agent chose to pay him a four point four million dollar buyout instead. You've seen other coaches get fired for cause, turn around and sue for the for the full amount. That's pretty common. Isn't that what's going on at Michigan State right now?
Yes, that's exactly what's going on at Michigan State. And it'll probably be he won't get the full contract, they won't have to pay the whole thing, and he won't get nothing. It'll be somewhere in between. So that's the Charon Moore situation at Michigan and the best thing that he can do to help himself win football games. That is the best thing that he can do because if he starts, because look at look at what happened at Michigan State. Had he been twelve and oh last year or the well the prior year, had they had another good season and gone to the playoff or won to Big ten, do you think they would have fired him or you think they would have just suspended right football five and seven.
They felt like they were trending in the wrong direction, and it very much seemed like they were looking for any reason to get rid of him, and he gave them one. He certainly gave them one.
He gave them a big old reason, all right.
There was We don't know how big the reason was. I don't want to.
Or it could have been an enormous reason. You never know.
I don't know. I don't know, do you know?
I have no idea and I don't mean okay, all right, oh wow, Ralph. And if anybody knows, Ralphis is kind of the what is the because squeamish implies like like blood and stuff like that. So what is the goodie Trues version of like a big a blushing during sex jokes.
Prude or repressed or catholic?
I don't know, all right, all right, the next thing up, So USC beat LSU and on Monday and no sorry, on Sunday. That was a big deal, you know what I mean, like u USC fans fist pumping. We did it. We're back. Everything is good. We're so happy. Yes, And I was like, slow down, people, slow the hell down, because you beat a name brand and we don't really know yet how big of a victory. That that is because LSU's defense was horrendous last year. It was almost as bad as USC's. And we know that when you make a tremendous jump on defense, even with what de'anton lynn did at UCLA, it still is not like a top five or top ten defense. It just goes from being number one twenty one to like thirty one, twenty one to like twenty eight. So I mean, and that's a ridiculous jump, and or one twenty one to like forty that's insane when you have a lot of the same players. So we have no idea how good LSU really is, and we don't and but we know that USC is better than LSU at this point and point in time. That's what we know. So I want USC fans to enjoy the win and all of that. But there is one hilarious point about this entire wind though, Ralph, you know what that is.
What is that Lincoln.
Riley tried to get this game canceled because the schedule was too hard. He tried to get the game canceled. And now he out here peacock and like, ah see, look, hey, hey, hey, we knew, we knew, we were ready for this. This is what this team is built for. This is usc Troshan football. Bro. You didn't even want to play the game. You've been talking about canceling the Notre Dame series to make an easier schedule to make the playoff. So no, Lincoln, No, just just take this win and accept it because you tried to get this game canceled. Yeah, man, this is it.
You know what reminds me of is like go into your spouse's work party, Like after six days of complaining about having to go to your spouse's work party, and on the drive home you look at your spouse like that was fun, and like.
Oh really, that that was fun. I had to I had to poke your eyeballs out to get you here, but it was fun. Okay, all right?
Oh man, he's he's a character, he really is.
Yeah, all right. So next thing up, Miller Moss. There was a story that came out in Miller Moss on TMZ, right, it was on TMZ and then it made actually more noise locally here in LA than it probably did nationally because the La Times picked up a story about Miller Moss over two and a half years ago. The resolution happened two and a half years ago. He had a dispute with a roommate and he allegedly farted in his roommate's pillow. And that and that made TMZ Yes, yep, and that made TMZ.
Okay. So I have two questions. How does USC not have anything to trade to Harvey Levin to keep a very dumb story like that from going public? Like how could USC let this happen because you know they trade information?
Yes, yes, they could have.
They could have given TMZ anything. He could have given TMZ a sit down with Lincoln Riley.
This is a non issue. I'm not trading anything for this. It actually makes Lincoln ryle, It actually makes Miller Moss look like a normal college kid who hasn't farted on a pillow? Well, but like who has not known somebody who's farted on a pillow? Who hit? I mean, it's it's not like he put eye drops in somebody's drinking. They ended up in the hospital. It's a it's a pillow fart like rhythm rhythm, Relax. There was no investigation needed. What what are you gonna do a DNA smell test to see? Now that's it. Now, that's rotten egg there that didn't that he doesn't eat eggs that didn't come up out of that didn't come up out of Miller Man.
I I there's there's like roommate disputes all the time. It would it would be a little confusing to me if USC was rooming athletes with non athletes, So it could have been like a teammate or something. The university having to get involved in this because that was like moving some of his shirts and that, you.
Know, like that he kind of bullying the kid, probably a non athlete, damn big because I mean, unless I mean, I just can't imagine. I mean, I guess that another athlete that he farted on his pillow, like another football player, right, how would that have normally been adjudicated in most amongst most football players?
Now, you got to eat this pillow, yes.
Yes, you gotta. You gotta eat these hands, or you gotta eat this pillow or IM gonna break some of your shit. I mean, it's just that, like, it's not gonna end up with like a you farted on my pillow. Now, it's gonna probably end up with.
A toothbrush that tastes funny.
Yep. Exactly. Okay, cool, Oh you farted on my pillow? All right, cool, cool, no problem.
Okay. So here's my second question. Do you think that it's a coincidence that the publisher for the UCLA rival site, Edward Lewis, is a sports editor at TMZ.
Now, No, I don't. I do not. I think that they've been sitting on this story and he was like.
A wating on that story, like Miller mass sitting on his roommate's pillow.
But at the end of the day, it's a non story. Nobody cares. It made less news than I mean. I I skimmed through the story and I was like, oh, okay, who cares, Like I wouldn't care if he? I mean, if he, I would have cared probably more in terms of I would have read and dug more deeply had he used his roommate's pillow as tissue than a fart.
It felt very much like like, oh wow, the things nineteen year olds to do every day made the news.
Like, okay, if Mike, if Micah farted on Jet's pillow and came in and was like dad, Dad, Michael farted on my pillow, how would you react to that?
I would say, like, you you know how to do laundry. I wouldn't even Yes, that's the point.
This is how much of a non story that at this sage you'd be like, wait, wait, wait, wait wait. You came in while I'm recording this to tell me this, man. If you don't get your ass up out of here, man and figure it out yourself, just just do not nobody end up in the hospital.
Yeah, nobody. Don't ask, and don't bother your mom.
Exactly, because we're not trying to talk about this all damn night, all right, Billy Napier, Oh, he never got into it with his fans, Ralph, he never got into it with his fans. They got drunk, they got held underwater and drowned by Miami. And remember we put together the coaches under the most pressure list on Unafraid Joe. Yes, that pressure list is looking real big time because there's some inside stuff that I knowed that's going on in Colorado. So I'm gonna tell you right now. It depends on what happens after this game. I may be able to share the story. But Dion's feeling the pressure. Just know that Dion is feeling the pressure in Colorado. Do you do you think that, uh, Joey McGuire at Texas Tech is feeling the press. In mind, Deon's not getting fired. Joey McGuire's not getting fired. I mean they they would have been extremely upset. He would have actually gotten on the hot seat had they lost to Abilene Christian. But he's just on the pressure list. Do you do you think that that now Texas A and M fan, I mean Texas Tech fans are like, damn, George, you were you were right. There's a little bit of pressure there, especially now.
Hey, if they're not telling you you're right, at least they're not talking back at all. I noticed. I noticed they all got on you when you put them on that list, but when you asked how they felt about it. Now there are some crickets I'd love that. Actually exactly, your issue has always been their issue. They scored, they give up points. That's dangerous. And you want Joey McGuire's team to look different than Cliff Kingsbury's team, that's of course what you want. You want progress and it still looks like more of the same. And to have one of your old quarterbacks do it to you, uh. In Maverick mc iver, you know, for Abilene Christian. Shout out to Keith Patterson. By the way, I got Ablin Christian looking good. But yeah, no, that that type of stuff has to end eventually. It has to.
And can I talk about when I was recording that video of the games, how many times I had to say Maverick mcgiver. It took me. It was probably like the tongue twister. I might as well have been saying selly shell seashells by the sea short like. It was the most tongue twister thing that I've come across in quite some time.
It always kills me that you can say fu mafala like without even blinking. But it's like, but Miller Moss, You're like, uh.
But Billy Napier dude, he got into it with his fans. He said to the effect of, man, you guys shouldn't be paying attention to what a guy in his to his team, what a guy in his basement in Central Florida has to say. And I was like, Oh, don't do that, Billy, Oh don't be the guy that gets so mad at his fans that then he liked that the same people that have to back you Now you're like double burden nim when they have a right to be upset. But the best part of this whole thing, though, was Matthew Berry's tweet and who retweeted it. Who is that retweeted it? Dam On Florida's last coach. He went to three straight New Year six games and then year four he got fired.
That'd have been the Dan Mullen of ESPN.
Hey, he didn't give no fs, no f's. He was like, oh, that's a great tweet because I bet you Matthew Berry sent it to him because they work together.
You know the worst part about Dan Mullen like retweeting that was because I mean, there's been some petty like RG three out here holding the grudge against Paul Finebaum, which cools.
But to actually stood up for RG three, which is the craziest thing when he got fired by ESPN. So Ralph is Billy napier like because he's clearly feeling that pressure. Is he right for saying this or is he because his criticism is majorly high? Because I'm like, bro, you you got to keep the little bit of people that are in your corner left. You have to keep them there and he needed that Miami game to like to turn his hot seat to like a Okay, hey, he's actually got stuff moving in the right direction. But I do believe he pulled out. He pulled out his possible get out of jail free card. Like you know, when people out in out in the world, when they get in big time trouble or they say something or do something, there's only a couple ways out there is to cite mental health issues, like serious mental health issues, drug issues, right, like like drug or any type of addiction. Right, So mental health or addiction, those are the ways that you can kind of get out of jail free and be like yo, I'm man, and man, I've I've had a crack addiction, for you know, I've been snorting snorting coke, or I have a sex addiction, or I have mental health like those are your get out of jail free cards. Well, like you get you get to pull that out in life one time and come back from it. His get out of jail free card might be DJ Lagway. If he said this was going to happen, I told you, I told you, And now DJ Lagway is starting. Granted, Grand Merch is in the concussion protocol. But we saw this happen last year with uh over at Arizona.
Yeah, and Jade and De Laura.
Yeah, we want to make sure that Jade de Laura is one hundred percent healthy, not not ninety five, not good enough to play, not ninety eight, but one hundred healthy.
And no one kept telling the trainer to squeeze his ankle real hard to ask him if he feels any pressure.
Exactly, bro, exactly.
So how are you asking you a question? You asked me a question? Was Billy Nape you're right for for calling out the fans complaining about Florida online and he was telling his players not to pay attention to them, which is smart. Yeah, because some people out there pay too much attention. Shout out to Big Dave.
Oh Man, I get mc dave, though, I G yeah, we'll talk, we'll tell, we'll get we'll get into that.
But no, I would say this. Telling your players that you don't need to listen to people tweeting from their basements made sense ten fifteen years ago, But in this economy, people who can afford basements, those are your potential nil donors. So you you kind of need to listen to the people who have multi story homes in twenty twenty four, he look, he's frustrated. So getting coaches at mom's that's mom's basement. But getting getting coaches to talk right after a loss, I never take anything they say seriously. I didn't take well, we'll get to talk about it later in the show. I didn't take that seriously either. But you know, getting coaches to talk right after a loss is always a recipe for absolute disaster. I don't think billion people are looking for reasons to be mad at billion Apier right now. The result is plenty of reason enough. They were down thirty eight ten at one point, cam Ward was making them look like kindergarteners and then insulting the SEC right after the game, saying PAC twelve crowds were, you know, harder to deal with than the people in Gainesville.
Yes, all right, So so now on to that thing that you just mentioned, and and that's Brian Kelly. So Brian Kelly got upset after the USC game and was like, we keep dealing with the same thing. And when I first saw the clip, I was like, oh, this is fake outrage. But then when I went back and watched the whole thing, I was like, Okay, he's genuinely upset. So there were two parts to it. Number One, I actually appreciate it that Brian Kelly didn't just blame his players, that he was like this, this is my fault. This is my fault. Okay. So I can deal with a coach taking responsibility and blame for when his coach does not perform at the level that he should, right, and it is important that we see that part of it. The other part of it is like it felt like he was like, we're just keep dealing with the same thing and they're not listening in and if it like like it felt like a Maya kopa, like, well, I'll just take the blame for it as opposed to him actually because he said it but didn't wasn't genuine though.
That's the way I talk to my kids because I like that. I'll be like, hey, wear shoes when you go outside, because they'll step on a nail to go through their foot and our insurance premiums go up or something like that. So every single day I'm like, wear shoes when you go outside, Wear shoes when you go outside. By the end of the week, I'm like, take your foot, take the thing designed for your foot, put your foot inside it, lace it up. Because I must not be saying it right. It must be my fault. It must be something with my mouth shape, a problem with my worth. It's got to be me, because I've told you six days in a row to put shoes on before you go outside, So it must be on me, Like that is mental illness on my part, and probably and I you know, I actually I think Brian Kelly's an awesome coach. I think that his team's always look better at the end of the season than they do in the beginning. But this is LSU. You don't get. You're not afforded the luxury of actually like coaching a team from being one thing to another team. You just got to be good. And when you're dealing with this amount of money, people expect your quarterbacks to be good right away. People expect your coaches to be good right away. So I understand the pressure that he's under. But yeah, no, I recognize that type of talk from Brian Kelly, Like, no, it's definitely my fault because if you're not getting it, and that's actually true, like as a teacher, as an educator, or as a coach. You have to find a way to get through your players. So does he mean it? I don't know, is it true yet? Yeah, it ultimately comes down to him.
Yeah, absolutely, all right, next thing up about being overprotective, So DJ Dad Big Dave. I wasn't sure whether that was the old clip that just circulated again or was this a new one, because I think it was.
There's quite a few well that he's on every California high school spaces he's on.
He gets on the got two kids, one at Oregon and then his son has obviously had a very you know, he's been at Clemson, he's been at Oregon State now is that Florida State? So you know, and he went to Saint John Bosco like they're a big deal around here. So they were on spaces. Somebody was criticizing his son and he wasn't. He didn't jump bad initially. It was when somebody called his son sorry essentially and was like he needs to move the tight end. We didn't want it, sorry ass and all of that, and he went he went full like gang bang on him. He was like, hey, yo, homie, you wouldn't say that to my face, Like dude. It went it went pretty that's how that's how street stuff gets started.
And I'm about to ask you, I'm about to ask you the most ignorant question of all time. But I grew up on the West Coast, so I'm used to it. But people are experiencing Big Dave for the first time out here in the Southeast where I live now on the West Coast. It feels like Samonan's get a pass for using certain words. Oh yes, yes, yes, I don't think you get in the South correct anywhere?
Really correct? Correct? Yeah, yeah, the USO's it's a little it's a little different.
And uh, because then who's gonna stop Big Dave?
This is this is a fair point. This is a fair point. And here and Big Dave and his security company and the people that works with bodyguarded for Snoop and all the big West Coast rappers for a very long time. The question is is did he go too far? Because or did the people go too far? Because I do think that in what is going on with DJ over at Florida State and what happened at Clemson is did has DJ been playing well this season? The answer is no, is his team helping him out when he is playing well. No, his team is not stopping to run. They're getting pushed around. When he hits people in the numbers, they dropped the ball when they're wide open. He misses like it's a it's a disaster, right, and it's not all his fault. But the expectations with being a five star stick with you. Just like if you're a five star, you're gonna get more opportunities than the three star is going to get. Like if, like Malachi Nelson can transfer from Boise State after this season and there's gonna be a bunch of people who want him, It's just that, like, there's going to be teams that want him, and they might and they're gonna be FBS teams that want him. There's gonna be FCS teams that want him. So playing Division one college football somewhere next year, regardless whether he's starting or not, somewhere else besides Boise State if he chose to leave.
What mar what marriage is she on?
Uh? She just finished with number three?
I think Yeah, there's big I can fix her in energy exists in college football.
Oh, there are plenty of people that will sign up for the Kim Kardashian experience.
But that's just it. Like the whole thing about being a college coach is you believe that you can develop better than somebody else. You believe that you can coach somebody else better than somebody else.
Like you.
You have to believe those things. There's that meme that goes around. It's like a It's like a record player and the sign on it says broken but could be fun to fix. That's how people look at a lot of these four and four and five stars that go somewhere and don't play right away. You know. I root for a team that collected like fifty new players last year in Arizona State, Like they're they're on that list of like, hey, well we'll take your Texas four star d line, and we got three of them right now, you know, like we'll we'll, we'll give it our best shot because I think I can coach them up. I think I can communicate with them better, you know I. And so yeah, definitely, there there will always be those opportunities for people who had a lot of hype coming out of high school. But what comes along along with that is people calling you a failure ten months into your journey, or people calling you a failure because your d line can't get any penetration. But you're a quarterback. So I don't think things have been fair for DJ. But if Big Dave's mad, now, he's gonna stay mad because these they are meming that kid to death right now on the internet.
Yeah, and that's the thing. And Okay, so here's the thing I've learned about being a number one professional athlete. Now granted it was before social media, well or at least social media being big, right, So that's number one. I've learned something from that. I've learned of being the high school or the quarterback of the data of a quarterback at a big time high school. I have learned seeing other people's families all sorts of stuff, is that you have to know when it's time to turn it off, right, Because Big Dave doesn't want to be seen as a guy who's running away from it, right, because he's in these streets, like in terms of in the high school football streets, like he's big time in the community. He has other kids that are coming up that you know that not are only his own kids, but he's got nephews playing in college stuff like that, So he doesn't want to be seeming like a person like, oh, things didn't go well, so I'm not gonna show up to the spaces that I'm always on and all that stuff. But sometimes you got to know when it's time to check out for a minute. And it doesn't mean that you're running away from it. You just know that this ain't gonna be positive right now, and nothing that you're going to say is going to And if people know that this bothers you, if they can hide behind their burner account or this or that, they will do it. So you have to know. So you either have to be prepared and be okay with whatever is said up to a certain certain point, and you can correct people. But once people know that they can press your buttons, they're gonna press your button. Yeah.
I have two things on that. Some people believe wholeheartedly that the only impact they can make on this earth is a negative one. But they don't want to be thought of as somebody who doesn't make an impact, right, so they will troll and and you'll you're gonna be the victim of that troll.
And the other thing.
The other thing, and this is directly to Big Dave. When you say out loud you wouldn't say that to my face. You gotta believe that yourself, because it is true. Yeah, it is absolutely true. People are very very different in person than they are online. So you don't have to say it as like a challenge to that person's manhood because there's no risk for them to come back and say, yeah, I would in that moment. You just got to know they would never say this to your face. You are talking to pond scum. You are talking to people who have not accomplished will not accomplish anything. They're on a burner on Twitter talking about college football because they don't have any better options for what to do with their time. And hey, we love people on burners talking college football. You can control up. But when it's questioning your you know, when somebody is on there talking about your son, that's got to be really, really tough for a father to deal with. But you gotta believe that that they wouldn't say it you like it is true?
Yes, yes, because I know that like the things that I can hear and accept versus what Damon's mom and my wife can accept are two different things. The one of them things is not like the other. And listen, you just got to understand what's what's true and not true? All right, we got a lot of big time games up this week and Unafraid shows Week two. Pole is out top twenty five and here it is is Ralph, we got the top twenty five graphic. And guess what else we got. We have the playoff graphic as well, the updated playoff graphic. So we have updated playoff graphic and we have the top twenty five. So and remember, the top twenty five is ranked upon the three most important criteria, uh, quality, wins, schedule played, and dominance. Those are the three three things. So, Ralph, when you see this list, what do you say, well, conduct penalty? It's oh, well, I.
Say nothing because I can't see it on my end. Uh. So you're gonna have to Okay, the way our recording is set up, I don't have the ability to see it. So you're gonna have to tell me. Uh, tell me who you have where and what you want me to react to. Okay, So, UH moved ore again from number two to ten. In Notre Dame goes to two, penn State goes to three, Miami goes to four, and USC goes to five. Okay, I actually have it pulled up on the Unafraid Show community tab. Make sure you're subscribed to on Affraid show dot com for daily content. I'm looking at this first of all, I love your criteria. It is it is different. And I see Georgia Tech up there at twenty. I see Michigan at sixteen. I think that's something that would give a lot of people pause. This is the defending champion, and people root for the laundry, they root for the brand.
But you're talking about stuff they got they don't. They're starting to walk on that quarterback. They had like twelve draft picks. This is not the same team as last year.
I heard Tom Fournelli make a point and I want to get your reaction to it that everybody's talking about how Michigan is going to struggle because they have a new quarterback. But everybody criticized me Chigan last year because they didn't make use of their quarterback. Does it matter who their quarterback is at this.
Point, yes, because the difference is is that last year they were able to just lean on everybody, and granted this defense still looks really, really good, they were able to lean on everybody, and I think that after last week, I was like, oh wow, JJ McCarthy might have been better than I thought he was, even though they did let him throw at times. It feels like more now that they were holding JJ McCarthy back than them protecting JJ McCarthy.
Yeah, and I mean, I gotta go with the so well, I think what might be interesting to some people is looking at Oregon at ten after a ten point win over not great competition, and then looking at Utah at eleven after beating the hell out of not great competition, and.
So and remember, so it is that's a fair question. Is I have always gave you the three most important criteria quality, wins, schedule played in dominance. Now the preseason rankings, which I do not take into account or try not to take into account when we are putting it into our model for the is that the preseason rankings is about recruiting, returning roster and coaching, and then we throw that away and then we see what we got and other rankings like the AP pole and other people's polls they project out. They're like, this is a good team. We know it's a good team. Yes they haven't beaten anybody yet, but you know, so that's why Ohio State fell to six. Their dominance was high, but all the other teams in front of them played a better schedule, and once Ohio State puts a good win down, they'll probably move up.
And if we're being honest about Oregon too, they're there's a there's a team that there's a team last week that won by a million. I watched their game and I thought they looked like garbage, which was Mississippi Mississippi State. Yeah, there's another team, Oregon that went forty one to forty nine. Yeah that was yard no turnovers, lost four sacks.
And but the basketball is that the dominance is that Oregon's box score didn't match. It was efficient yards. They ran the ball okay, even though it wasn't great. They ran the ball okay, and their defense stopped the run. They were really good against the pass aside from trick play. So it's like their dominance was still there even though the score didn't necessarily reflect it. Like at no point in time where you, aside from looking at the score, where you like, oh, they could lose, like you, you never felt that watching the game that that that Idaho had a chance to win.
Can I ask you, I I think Bruce Feldman said, it was almost the biggest upset in college football history. How do you feel about that? Like, would it have been the biggest upset in college football history?
In my mind? Sure, right, because it would have mattered to me. But I think that that is that that shows how much that that feels like a badge of honor. If you can be part of one of the biggest upsets in college football history of almost that means how highly people think about you and your program. Because if Appalachian State had beaten Georgia right now, or Alabama instead of Michigan when Michigan was down some then like, yeah, it just means that if people are attaching that sort of moniker to a win or a near win, then that means that that means that your program is thought about in the way you want it to be thought about.
True, very true.
All right, So we got to get onto the five games this week that must be talked about that are must see TV you cannot miss. And the first one is and you guys, there's a video on this on Unafraid Show. Make sure you guys go check it out. There is the Picks against the Spread or on Unafraid Show. You don't want to miss those as well. But Texas Michigan, Ralph Texas Michigan. Texas Michigan minus seven and a half. It's in the Big House. This number grew from six and a half, I think, to seven and a half. How are you feeling about this?
All I can think about is Quinn, you were was going into Tuscaloosa last year and not even breaking a sweat. That's all I can think about. Is like everybody thinks that the Big House is going to be the thing that rather because really, when it comes down to it, the Texas quarterback room is. You know this game is going to create stars, but you want stars to come in. You want people to be able to hype. And the truth is the only thing you can really hype right now is that Texas quarterback room.
And so.
I look at the way Keny Quinn ears played to Alabama. I look at the way that he played in last year's Big twelve championship. I think he's a gamer. I really do. I like Texas. I like Texas to cover. I don't I don't know much about this Michigan team. We're gonna learn, We're certainly gonna learn. But I really wonder if they have the ability to slow down this Texas offense.
M And that's see, I do believe that they can slow down Texas's offense compare to what Colorado State was able to do, where they were less than a speed bump. Right, because Michigan's defense is going to be significantly tougher. So are they gonna slow him down yet?
My biggest question is ken Michigan scored enough points to win? Yeah? Who race is down to a halt?
What is it?
How many points? Is they a halt? Like twenty four?
I mean, Donovan Michigan scored twenty four points? Is the question? Twenty five points is the question.
It's a great question. And I Donovan Edwards looked good against Washington last year, and he looked good as a sophomore. But he's gonna have to be a star he and I don't know if he is that we'll find out, we will see.
See. Here's the thing about running backs is that now, granted, if you watch the film, when you find out he missed holes and stuff like that or cuts, then that's or didn't break tackles. That's a whole different story. But running backs, you can put Barry Sanders back there with no blocking, it doesn't matter. That's why running back is so devalued is that they're more dependent on another position than anybody else. Because a quarterback, a free runner can come and he can juke the free like one free runner and then still throw a dime. And yes, quarterbacks are subjected to the office line blocking and all of that stuff, but no more position than running back because if you get hit when when the ball is handed off, or you can't even make a juke or anything like, there's nothing you can do. So I'm withholding the Donovan Edwards criticism until I see him be bad. You see what I'm saying?
Yeah, that makes sense.
So before we get to making this pick, what was our record for last week?
I went four and one. We were opposite on four picks. You went two and three. The two you you went with Florida and you went with West Virginia against Penn State.
Okay, so how did that go two and three if you went four and one, if we had four opposite picks.
Let's see here. So the games were you I already talicked this up and now you're you're you're now you're gonna make me do an audit while we're live.
Yes, yes, I'm I am, I am. We are auditing this live. Okay.
So you had Florida. I had Miami yep. Okay, uh gosh, what were other the the other games we picked you had, I'm gonna have to pull I'm back on Unafraid subscribe to Unafraid show dot com. I'm back up reading the reading the description on that video right now. It's going to take me a minute to pull it up. I was not prepared if I did ten minutes of preparation.
Oh okay, okay, I got it.
I got them.
So we had Clemson Georgia, which you got right. I did not, yep, Penn State, West Virginia.
I got that.
When you did not Miami Florida.
That was good for me, bad for you.
Notre Dame, Texas A, and m We were both on Notre Dame and LSU USC. You took LSU yep and who and you took USC.
I did yes?
Oh, okay, okay, okay, that makes sense.
I passed the audit. Take that irs.
All right. So I am taking Texas minus seven and a half in the Big House rundom boys out of the random boys out the big House, and so much so that they're going to try to fight Texas in that single tunnel.
Will I will join you on that Texas minus seven and a half?
All right? Next game up. This is one of the lowest, if not the lowest over under of the entire week, and that is Iowa Iowa State. Iowa was favored by three and a half. I think the over unders thirty three and a half, which if we were betting unders Iowa, I wouldn't be nailing them unders. Boy, So everything in me feels like I should take Iowa here, right, Okay, But it's that hook that's bothering me, because Iowa wins by one point two points, three points, and this is a rivalry game, and I know that Iowa State wants to get a victory at some point in point in time.
Yeah, Matt Campbell won and six in the Syhawk game, but we.
Still don't know about I was passing offense yet, because Kate McNamara looked okay last game, what he threw for like two forty or somewhere around around there. I was gonna play better. Iowa State's gonna play better defense. Give me Iowa State plus three.
And a half. Okay, I'm I'm gonna join you. And here's why not a good idea now that I'm thinking about it, But that has nothing to do with you. But I am a person who will walk up to a roulette table in Vegas and if I see Black has hit six straight times, I'll start betting Red.
Oh God, because that's not how it works, I know.
But it has to turn at some point, right, it has to. And yeah, I'm gonna be for twenty years, I know, but that's just who I am. I gotta be true to myself. I'm gonna bet on Red. I'm gonna bet on Matt Campbell. You pointed something out in your video and on a Fraid show that there is a really weird scenario where both these teams could make the college football playoffs. It is very possible. I was schedule is I think if they lose to Iowa State they kind of lose their chance. Yeah, but but Iowa State, if if they lose this game, they could win out and they could make it.
Yep, win to Big twelve. You are right, this is not a Big twelve coms.
This is the first time since Brock Purty left that, I've looked at Iowa State's offense and thought to myself, it's being run the way that Matt Campbell wants it to be run. So I'm I'm gonna even though I was defense. Oh my god, those boys can play. I'm going to the Iowa State and the under ten ten to seven Iowa State.
Oh my god. All right, Cal Auburn Cal is favorite. Oh Auburn's favored by thirteen and a half points. This game is in, This game is at Auburn. Cal travels well, they may or may not be withouts. Yes, they may or may not be without their star running back Jayden Ott. I feel like that if I knew the answer to that question, if Jayden Ott was gonna play or not, that that would change my pick because he's the most dynamic player on that team. And if they can't run the football, they got no chance to win, no chance to win. And Auburn's quarterback situation, they are what's his last name, Payne Pine?
No, yes, yes, yes, Peyton Thorn. I mixed him up with Drew Pine for some reason. So Peyton Thorn all Auburn's hopes and dreams this year are on Peyton Thorn's showers, and this is a game they have to win and all and the and last year this was a much closer game than people would have would have thought. And yeah, yeah, I am going to take the thirteen and a half points and.
Col okay shout out to Stam Jackson, the fourth. He's been making news this week. He's he was the starting quarterback in the game against Auburn last year for Cow. Now he's a wide receiver at Auburn, and he caught a touchdown this last week. He wants to win real bad. Historically, I don't think it's gonna happen. Cal Cal schedules like crazy at a conference. CAL schedule is the way you wish SEC teams would schedule at a conference. And Justin Wilcox is five and three in these games, and the last three have all been lost as but they've all been by less than one score, including last year to Auburn. In fact, combined, they're less than the spread thirteen points. This spreads thirteen and a half. I don't know if Cal wins this game, but the idea of Cal losing by more than two touchdowns, will Cox really prepares this team. Well for out of conference games, it would be going against everything in Justin Wilcox's history for Auburn to get this blowout. So I'm with you. This is the same Justin Wilcox that's beat Ole Miss twice. This is the same Justin Wilcox that beat BYU on the road, same Justin Wilcox that beat North Carolina twice. He's great and out of conference, I'm rolling with cal Yep.
I totally agree. Next game up n C State Tennessee. This game is in Charlotte at Bank of America Stadium. I think this is a ten point game, Ralph, that the line is ten points, but we.
Made our picks when it was at seven and a half for Tennessee. So we'll ride with that one because you already got your picks in videos already out. So we'll take the seven and a half.
Oh, this is easy work. Seven and a half and for tenant Tennessee, and I'm gonna take the balls. I love Nico e Amalava. I think that I put him on the Heisman list here on Unafradho so go check out that video as my dark horse candidate. And people are like, why did you put him on there, and after one week they were like, I said, why you put him on there?
Yeah, I'm gonna join you. My biggest issue with NC State is they went out and got a quarterback who likes to move around and yeah, he was a four year starter at for yeah, Grayson McCall Coastal Carolina, yep, and he ran the who's Liberty's coaches name? He ran his offense and almost perfected it. It was fantastic. Having been a walk on, he's had one of the most awesome college careers you can imagine. And you figure, like, oh, NC State, they went and got this quarterback. That means they're gonna start throwing wrong has always thrown, and they've always.
Thrown too much.
Always they've they averaged like thirty six thirty seven a game over Dave Dorn's tenure, which is a surprise to a lot of people. So now you have Grayson McCall chilling throwing ten twelve more times a game than he ever has before against this Tennessee pass rush. I don't love it. I think Tennessee travels well, that's a short trip from Knoxville to Charlotte, just over the Appalachians. Give me Tennessee.
Yep. Now, how about if you're just betting it now and it's ten, do you still love it at ten?
No? I think ten is a ten is probably about where I see like thirty to twenty. So I'm that seven and a half. That's a nice I think that's exactly where you want it.
I'll take it at ten too, take it at ten too. But for the purposes of this bet, it's seven and a half. All right, we got Nebraska Colorado. Nebraska's favored by seven points. This feels like an overreaction line to last week. Ralph Ay and you are eating crow on? Well, actually, are you eating crow yet?
Dylan Ryol because his numbers looked exactly like they did in high school.
Yeah, he had that one rush for negative six yards and then he threw a couple of bombs. No, he's got a soft schedule. I think he's set up for success. I do not think this game is going to go well for Nebraska.
However, Oh, I thought you were on the Nebraska train. No way, man, it is something. It is something burning, and it's got nothing to do with Dion. And everybody knows that. If anybody watches on a Frase show. They know that I have that I'm critical of some things that Dion's doing. This This Nebraska feels like fool's goal right now. This feels like a sucker bet to me. Sucker bet, give me Colorado plus seven, because I don't think that Nebraska, even if Nebraska is you know, takes a lead or something, this doesn't feel like a team that's good enough on defense to just keep Colorado from scoring. And I don't think that they're experienced enough on offense with Dylan Rayola that they're going to be able to just put the game on his shoulders and he make no mistakes.
What did North Dakota State do to Colorado last week? What did Cam Miller do? He ran all over them? Correct, he ran all over them. Dylan Roola going to run all over Colorado. No, no, So you're talking about a freshman quarterback in his second start having to win the game with his arm. That's an unfair expectation of anybody, including DJ Lagway who's about to start for Florida. So yeah, at least he's got a layup of a game. Though, Right, I'll take Colorado. I'll take Colorado.
Money line, Hey, Dion I told you. Remember, we've talked about this in the offseason. This is one of the most anticipated games for me of the year because this is two teams. This game is gonna send you in two different directions. This is either gonna propel Colorado to a bowl game. This is gonna be the game that determines whether they make a bowl game or not. This one right here, that's it. They lose this game, They're not going to a bowl game. They win this game.
Maybe they were three to oh last year before going one and eight the rest of the way, so maybe maybe because you know, they might be a little thin, but I'm but.
They do appear to be a little bit better against the run. Yes, not not the quarterback run, but that's not gonna matter with Dylan Ryola. But they do appear better against the run. So the one thing about as from just running all over them, they got a shot.
And road energy doesn't seem to bother call it. Now, do I think a Colorado player maybe does something stupid and Lincoln, if I had a million dollars, I would borrow another million to put it all on. That app absolutely, But like I don't think it's gonna affect their play on the field.
Okay, over under a number of fifteen yard penalties on Colorado. One thousand fifteen yard penalties, Okay, and it's all gonna happen, right, I'm gonna set the over at one and a half fifteen yard penalties for Colorado, and I.
Will I will say there will be five of them. Damn, Islo is gonna get two by himself. This is gonna be a physical game. It's just gonna be Yeah, I don't know. I cannot wait. It's gonna be so fun.
Yep, me either. All right. And the games that we tell you guys to stay away from Georgia Tech Syracuse because Georgia Tech's highly volatile. We don't know who Syracuse really is yet, so that's a game we would stay far away from. Don't think that you know Georgia Tech quite yet because this may bite you in the buns, Buddy, bite you in the buns.
Yeah. Georgia Tech has not had to play quarterback that can throw, but they do average six yards of carry and Syracuse gave up like six and a half yards of cary last week, so you could see Georgia Tech. Just go back to the Georgia tech of old and run away with it, or Kyle McCord could show that Ohio State made a mistake.
Yep, all right. There were a couple other games that we're not gonna cover as much, but I'm gonna read them off to you. If there's anything that you want to comment about it, let me let me know. Baylor Utah in Rice Echo Stadium, Cam Rising is there. Yeah, I'm excited about that one. Yeah.
Yeah. Utah won this game at Baylor last year with none of their weapons, and Utah is really looking forward to paying back the favor of that rude welcome that got in Waco for being upset about possibly having to go to the Big Twelve. So I expect Utah fans to be on there. I expect them to act like Utah fans, and I expect that to be one of the most hostile environments in all of college football.
There's another game rauph that I feel like a coach is going on the ejecto seat if he loses this game, and that is Sam Pittman in Arkansas plus eight against Oklahoma State. If Sam Pittman does not win this game, he is on a vaulk. He's on Mount Saint Helen's of a seat.
Will they promote Petrino to replace him?
Yes? Oh oh yes, yes they might actually do that, Yes, yes, if they get their wars knocked off this this game, Sam Pittman might be gone and Patrino might be back there in a neck break soon.
I don't want to hear anybody talk about character ever again. If that happens, that'd be.
The most really second chance society Ralph.
I guess, I guess. I mean, I do you think that Miramax is gonna hire Harvey Weinstein back?
No, he's.
No, I think he got let out.
Oh god, all right, No, that would probably be a really bad idea.
Well, so would promoting Patrino.
All right. The last game I want to mention is does Oregon break their losing streak against Boise State because they are over in the history and they're nineteen and a half point favorites.
Yeah, yeah, that that's That's one of those just real weird statistics, kind of like how Texas and Michigan have only played once. It's just it's just or ASU has never beat an SEC team in their history. It's just like, you know, one of those really really weird things. That I think will come to an end.
Oregon's favored by nineteen and a half points. George Will will they cover the spread? I have two words to say about this game, and then we will drop it.
And those aren't they better?
Yeah? They better? That's they better?
I want to I would laugh if Oregon went fifteen to o this year and won every game by like one score twelve, Yeah, just to cause you art problems.
Oh my god, dude, we don't have time for that. I mean I would still be happy at fifteen and oh, but I'd be like Brud, this is stressful, dude. On a side note, my kid has a game on Saturday four. Why did they say that he needs to be there at one o'clock and it's one hundred and some degrees outside.
I don't try to teach him about hydration.
I guess.
What do you think of some of these kickoff temperatures? So like I saw in Death Valley there was a low of ninety eight over the next couple of days, ASU is going to be like one ten when Mississippi State comes to town. It's did do you think? Do you think this type of stuff matters? Do you think the the weather stuff at the beginning of the season matters as much as like at the end of the year if you have to go to Minnesota or something like that. Do you think teams get affected by the extreme temperatures. Uh?
Yes, yes, because it's hot as fish grease, or it's cold as fish, or it's cold as a or as cold as a witch's titties. Either way, Mike, my question.
Has always been because I think you can prepare for the cold, you can be a cold weather team, you can adapt your style to it. But doesn't the heat just hurt the team that practices in it every day? Isn't it bad for them.
To just always be No, it is more, dude, because heat is so overwhelming at times it can cause you to cramp. It is like so it just lays on you. It's like a blanket. I rather play in the cold than the hot. Then, like the extreme cold than extreme hot, because extreme cold you can sit on the warming benches when you're not in but and be reasonable in the In the heat, there it ain't enough fans or shades to fix it. So that's why, all right, the final thing that we want to talk about before we get out of here on the unafraid show college football is Ralph is a is being a get off my lawn guy right now. And this is the thing that caused it. So there have been some incidences in college football where some people have been aggressive, if you will, and in terms of their celebrations, and Ralph has not liked it. And here is it happened in the LSU game where uh, there was a like a shotgun blast if you if you will, like a close close range that resulted in a fifteen yard penalty and then there was a bunch of pumps after a tackle for loss conduct penalty. And that's a good call. That is a good call. And for college football players around the country, we get emotion. It's all. If you're going to have fun with your players, do whatever you want to do. But when you do something like that, when you get so Brian Kelly called that a point, Ralph is that is that a point?
Well in a way, in in a way, I don't think he was pointing at a friend, as Brian Kelly said, they was. It was like a shotgun blast celebration. It wasn't even a celebration, was it.
That doesn't feel like, yeah, what what it was?
It was I mean sort it was a taunt.
Yeah, I think I would get fired over this as his coach. Why because I don't know if you could talk to people the way that I would, right, I'd be like, hey, I need you to look at me. You're an actual idiot. I'm not sure we could trust you with sharp objects. I'm not sure we could trust you with dull objects. You are a literal moron, and you're here representing a collegiate institution. I think we might have to saran wrap or arms to your body until you show you could be trusted. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.
I am going to I could get fired over the ass chewing. You're gonna get on this one. I could get But there is a chance, now, granted we're trying to win the game. There is a chance, like if I actually saw it, right, not bigger because sometimes people get personal powers and the coach never sees it until after the game, Like fully, what happened. So let's say I did not see what happened, then the ass chewing is gonna happen in the team meeting room, which is in private, and then in the team meeting room, and it's gonna be well understood that that ain't gonna gonna happen. But actually, I just can't see if I were a coach a player on my team doing that, because we're gonna be buttoned up in general, like we're not getting fifteen yard penalties. The first person that gets a penalty like that'll be the last person that gets a penalty like like that. That's one of them. Nah, not a a went was because you do stuff like that at practice sometimes too, and that shit's getting nipped in the butt immediately.
Yeah, And I don't have a problem And people will be like, well, it's about the entertainment they're consuming work. I don't have a problem with it when it's make belief. I don't have a problem with it when it's entertainment. But like I'll say to this kid, the same thing i'd say to Jason Whitlock, you're not omar. This isn't like you can't compare the wire to your real life.
See, you're upset with it for a whole different reason, and I'm upset with it. I'm upset with it because I'm like, you hurt the damn.
Team, right, and You're like if you're gonna hurt the if you're gonna hurt the team, make it a late hit. Make it something that the other team is gonna feel, not something that just brings attention to the fact that your brain cells aren't firing correctly. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. But the Texas A and M one, that's a funny one to me because you're lou you know, it was still early, it was tight game or whatever. You have the tackle for a loss, and then I thought, what is it? Shamar Turner, same dude that punched an SMU player in the junk and got thrown under the game last year. He poses for the camera to make sure everyone's looking at him, then gets up and does the on one knee three pumps, which, according to Key and Peel, that is a penalty. Three pumps. Can't do three. But like that one too, is just like, hey, man, you've been here for a long time, You've done some really dumb stuff. You're a senior. Now we're trying to compete for a championship. You're getting paid. Dude, are you going to be able to function in society beyond Texas A and M.
Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. And uh oh, good point. And you guys, that is the PAC twelve. You did it again. That is the football apostles presented by the UNA phrase show peace out. Catch you guys next week.