DISCLAIMER: Episode was pre-recorded Thanks for your support
On this episode Jeff and I focus on fantasy booking wrestlers into different brands. Whether it’s AEW talent crossing over to WWE or vice versa, we explore what a jump would mean if we went way back to the as if ‘90s during Monday Night Wars.
Now your Mate Events. Introducing the hosts.
I'm wrestling with Freddy, Jeff died Hand, Freddy Prince Junior. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of Wrestling with Friends. Wrestling with Freddy. I'm Freddie Prinz Junior with me as always is the great Jeff Jackpot.
How are you, sir? Gooday, feeling good? Feeling happy? How you feeling.
Fantastic, sir. I'm gonna be cooking for the family tonight. We have a farm stand in our backyard that's all hydroponics, and for those who don't.
Know, that's like no soil.
We use these like corn, these coconut husk things, and the sort of self waters in this tower and recycles the water and we just feed it like nutrients once a week and we grow this crazy crop all the time, from tomatoes to zucchini, basil and.
Kale and lettuce and strawberries. I grew.
I picked some holowpanios this morning off the top shelf of it because they're light. I'm telling you we can cook anything, So tonight I'm gonna make some soup harvested some bakchroy. It's like an Asian leafy green and some well onions, but I didn't grow the onions. Some spinach that's also from the farm stand, some kale, also from the farm stand, a whole bunch of mushrooms from the farmer's market. I don't have like a log that grows mushrooms, and if I did, it wouldn't be that kind of brew. And then I'm gonna cook it all down and make my wife this vegetable soup for my kids. I'm doing beef, ground beef, and ground chicken lettuce cups, which is another like Asian dish, and I do that with some onions, some yellow peppers, red peppers and green peppers, sesame oil and soy sauce. Wrap it up in a leaf of lettuce, Shove it in your face hole, eat it up, and that's dinner for the Prinz family.
Fall. What about you, dude, Are you doing the same thing. No, I've never harvested anything. I don't know what the heck all that crap is. I just want to I want to just come to your house. That's what's gonnappen. You're just gonna get a knock at your door at seven pm. I'd be like, did I miss dinner. I always make too much, so you have amazing You know what I do is I go to this little company. I won't get I'm not going to tell you which company are. I'll tell you, but I'm not going to put it on here because it's not a commercial. This company just makes these little things. They leave them at my house. Every Monday, I open them up, I put them in the fridge, and every meal I just put it in the microwave and then I eat it. I'm literally living out of a microwave. Pre made crap for the last time.
It's not crap. They make fresh food. And I know people that do those food prep plans. There's nothing pro fighters use those to get in shape. It's not crap. Don't sell yourself.
Not as good as kale and strawberries and grapes and mushrooms that you make. I mean, you got to you name it all this great crap over there.
Yeah, man, cook it if it's from your house, if you can, if you have the space and you can do it, it's always going to be better. Man, My kids eat everything all right, done talking about the week stuff. Man cooking cares about stupid ass cooking. It's time to talk about cool stuff like professional wrestling, and we're going back in time a bit, but then we're going to sort of fantasy explore as well. Back in the day when WCW and WWE were going on, fans always talked about like, well, well, the big one, the main one was what if Sting went to WWF like that was that was the big one, at least for me and all my friends, because that was Is it the one that got away?
What was the reason he never did? And was he just a company guy? Or is there some story? I mean, I'm sure it's not a secret. The Internet's probably talked about this a billion times, but well, why didn't he come over?
What I heard is he was a company guy. That was the story that I heard, But there may be a million other ones out there. So hit us up on our socials if we get well, if we get anything wrong, but if we got that wrong, hit us up. So I thought we would talk about sort of the modern roster of ae W and the modern roster of WWE and give you a few. I'll pitch a few to you. You can pitch a few to me on if you think they would do better in AEW or better in WWE. What do you think you want to play this game?
Let's do it? Sounds fun. Also, this is a thing that happened all the time when we were young, So it's like, yeah, there would be Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. There was d C and there was Marvel, right, and so you'd always be like, wouldn't it be cool if Sub Zero fought Rayu? You know, like if they made a game, why don't they just make a game where it's Mortal Kombat versus Street Fighter? Or why do they just make a game where it's DC versus Marvel. And now that we're older and now the people that run stuff are our age, we have become the people that make things. You see stuff like that all the time. But at the time, it was so exciting when Hulkogan and all these guys are coming over to WCW. You're like, what, Like, they're just they're doing it. They're like they're mixing wrestling like this. So now it's not as exciting for everybody because it just whatever. But it didn't used to always be like this. We can say.
That that's so dead on the way you broke that down, because like when we were kids, everybody would say who would win Iron Man or Batman? For the record, the answer is always Batman. But that fantasy was there all the time. They would give us like sort of you know, inter brand fights. I remember like Wolverine and the Hulk fought a couple times, and Captain America and the Hulk fought a couple of times. But you never could get that crossover stuff because well, people wanted to protect their characters and protect their brands. But Ryou versus sub Zero. As soon as you said that, I had like this crazy flashback of my friends and I arguing who arguing, arguing who would win REU or for sure sub Zero. That's insane. That's insane because we would think about it all who would win Stinger Sean Michaels.
We didn't, or at least I can't speak for you or any of anyone else, but I like, I didn't know that there was like like, oh, there's a big company that owns Marvel and they're competing with the people that owned DC. I didn't. I didn't think of it like that. I just go, if everyone wants the game Mortal Kombat versus Street Fighter, what did you just make that game? And it was like, you know, my little brain couldn't understand it. And now I realize it's kind of gross that these companies compete with each other and hate each other. But mortalom It's done a good job of like bringing guys like every game has like a terminator or like a spawn is in Mortal Kombat.
Or the Yeah, uh, they tried to get my wife in Mortal Kombat.
You're kidding? What is she thinking? They couldn't brow she got.
She's got her price dog, you know, cool being when she did call a duty that set a certain president and they weren't able to They couldn't afford her. Man, here's a fun size quest. My wife's the ship, bro, She's the truth. She don't play, she knows her word.
I love it, But I would have loved to be her in a video game. That's why I'm mad about her. Yeah, and I would love to beat her ass. Well, I can beat her up, it'd be cool. A little side quest that maybe not everyone knows is when they originally made Mortal Koma, Street Fighter was the game, Like it was already popular and I think Teken predates it to and there was like these other like fighting games kind of became this thing. There was like two dinosaurs that fight whatever that game was.
That's right, primal instinct, primal rage, primal rage.
So these fighting games were like all the thing, and a lot of kids, Jeff jackpod Die for sure, was like, oh, it's all about graphics. The graphics are so good. Look how good the graphics are. It was a word I used every other's word graphics. Seen the graphics, the graphics. I'm a sucker for that too, especially at that age. And so they made this game called Mortal Kombat, and it was the first one that ever used like photographs of the fighters in different like you know, positions, as opposed to a cartoon like street fighter. And they didn't know if that was going to be popular or not. They didn't know if it would take off. And it was also they were like, we're going to be the bloodiest, and we're also going to have like images, real images of actors doing the thing instead of drawings. So they wanted one character who was kind of like a Hollywood douchebag, and we now know him as Johnny Cage, but they origin Johnny Ky originally reached out to Jean Claude Van dam and they're like, we'll use your name. We'll call him Jean Claude. He'll be like this like Hollywood character that's in Mortal Kommat, Like we'll use your actual thing and your actual likeness. And he was like he was said yes initially, but because his movie was being turned into a video game whatever the movie he had like a big He had a few action movies, but what was the big one. Do you remember? Well? Bloodsports? It was blood first. Yeah, whatever, let's say it's blood not the first.
Black Eagle was the first, and then there was another one in there too, No Retreat, No Surrender.
But like the first one where he was the lead was Bloodsport. I think it was Bloodsport. And so he was like, well, I can't really do that, and then I think my game is gonna be. He had no idea that Johnny Cage would become the leading man of movies, the cartoons, the animation, the everything. So that was supposed to be John Claude. Van Damn, dude, that's insane. Van Dam's had a crazy career. This is all gonna be one big side question.
He's had a wild career, Like he was hated by the martial arts community. Oh really, the legit guys oh my godfather and Jeane the Bell and Chuck Norris, and they all challenged him to fights. He would never fight him because his karate wasn't legit, Like he wasn't a real black belt.
Well, I know that directors and producers hated him because he wasn't a good actor. They're like, you know, we have stunt guys that can do this crap who actually you know, and then we'll have an actor read the lines and.
Hey, dude, you don't know if I can act or not. Okay, acting this fantastic. I liked the blood sport. I thought he was good at it.
I'm just saying like they would literally go back to the production company and be like, hey, this guy can barely read. This guy is even he is no acting abilities whatsoever. But the reason he got booked is because he waited at the hotel lobby of this production company called Electric Bungaloo, and he basically walked up to these crazy guys and did like a big flying kick in the air, and they were like, this guy's gonna be a star. So then they just put him in their movie.
Hey, he's not the first pretty motherfucker to get in a movie just for being pretty well no, and and he could do the splits, bro, that.
Is this is the splits or is go to? Which would have been pretty cool. It's not a coincidence that Johnny Cage does the splits and hits you in the balls. That's a Jean Claude van dam staple.
Straight out of Bloodsport when he hits the sumo wrestler Papa how right in a nutsack.
I'm going to throw a few AE dub.
Names at you and you tell me how you think they would fare in w w E. I'm going to start with the easiest, and I also want to make sure we have time to get to all of these. Maxwell Jacob Friedman, do you think how high do you think.
He could go in WWE? To the top us? I see for me, it's easy. You guys, everybody knows how I feel about him.
He would come in with the right idea, the right story, and I think he would be a world champion within the first year that he was in the company.
But I don't know with everybody. So what do you what do you? What do you think? Sir? I think this is a guy we never see in WWE. However, if he did, you'd have to make him the biggest star in my opinion, because he's just too good and his ideas are good, his execution is good, his his wrestling is good. His look at the character, it's all there. It's perfect, it's it's ready, it's it's so good. I just think they let him be daddy at AEW. You know, they let him do whatever he wants, and they give him full career. He's not dealing with a writer's room full of people fighting for their job to have this next thing that he's not. There's no Vince at ae W who's gone cut the legs from under him. He's getting too big. You know. It's like, I just really think that there's no reason for him to ever leave ae W, at least the way it seems, at least the way things are ran now. But I think he would be the greatest. I think I think he'd be the greatest in any wrestling anywhere he'd go.
You know, it's interesting because Vince's business is established right, so he can he can afford to be wrong from time to time and not listen to talent as he sees fit. Because it was the only show in town. But Tony is building his company up. They're still trying to find their rating. They don't want this to be their normal, and so he has to believe in and trust his talent and give them more rope and let them take bigger swings, so to speak, whether they're going to strike out or not. Because when they hit those home runs, people talk about the product. When they talk about the product, they get someone who tuned out to tune back in. So I think that's why when you say he gets to be daddy, Yeah, he's in a position where he's helping build something and until they get to a place where this is the business, he probably still gets to do that. And by the time they get there, he'll have so much credibility that I think they'd still let him do it. But his ideas are wild man and he doesn't miss often. It's crazy, Like the only one that maybe didn't smash was the early storyline with him and Jericho. But everything from Punk forward or from Wardlow forward really has just been superstar level, just superstar level. Even when he sings a dumb song and thinks he's Frank Sinatra, I don't care he's awesome.
I wonder if he did that because everybody references that Rosie O'Donnell thing where he was like, I want to be an opera singer and a wrestler. So if they just let him do that, you know, it looks like he made all of his dreams come true. You know. Yeah, no one can talk shit too, yeah, because that's probably if you watched that, they go, well, he didn't become an opera singer. He did become a wrestler, but he's you know, he didn't and then now he's but he didn't get to see and he's doing it in residence.
That's kind of fun. That's probably why he probably a big chip on his shoulder, all right. Britt Baker. Now, between the two main women there, Jade Cargill and Britt Baker, I think Britt is the better wrestler on the mic all around. She has more experience obviously. I honestly think she would kill in w w E. She's everything that company wants in a wrestler. She is the total package. She has an awesome some submission for her finisher, She's really good on the mic, and she can get other people over. It's not She's not the only one looking good out there. I really like Britt Baker, so I'm I like Jade, but I don't think she would do as well over there. I think she would get lost in the hype and it would just be squash matches and like those Omas matches that only you like. But Britt, on the other hand, I think would be up there against Charlotte Flair and they would be wrestling back and forth for the World Championship.
What about you? If anybody at WWE listens to this podcast, get your shit together. With the women's wrestling division in WB it's absolutely embarrassing. I feel like they're not even trying, or they don't care or something. I don't know, like what's going on with it over there. But we've seen women's wrestling come a long way, right from the Diva's era to like net like we've seen it. It has come a long way. But with the exception of like Rio Ripley and Osca, who gosh, I hope that they keep giving her these matches where she keeps crushing and she keeps looking like the menace that she is. She's doing really really good. I keep thinking, is like, we need more girls. We need better female wrestlers and more female wrestlers in WWE. And Britt Baker. You know, I feel like the women's division is so small in AW the Britt would have a lot to gain she comes over, she'd be the main star, really shake things up. People would be talking about the women's wrestling division eight or in WWE, which I don't feel like people generally do. They did kind of when ron A Rousei came over. So I think, bring them all over, Bring over Jade Cargo, bring over Britt Baker. Let's make the women's division in WWE something we want to cover each week on this podcast.
Well then then flip it. How do you think Charlotte Flair would do over in AEW Would she help build that roster to the level it needs to go.
No, I think that it would be a bad idea for Charlotte Flair to come over, even though I know her husband's there and whatever, but she's aging. Well that would just make her happier, that would hope. So yeah, Well, but I don't think would help her career.
All right, This one I think is my best one because I feel like he would be a world champion and him and Max whatever. Well, he would have a great story with anyone. So what about aj Styles going to AE W agree, disagree, don't care. I think he would be the one if he went there.
Mmmm yeah I could see that, but I mean he's he's not loving it though. Well, he's definitely getting lost in we didn't you feel like that. He's kind of like that's why I'm saying.
I feel like if he left, people would go, oh, yeah, that's why he's the man, like because his matches are still top shelf.
Yeah, that'd be good. Yeah, he is lost in the shuffle over at WA. Maybe yeah, he could become like the main guy. Does the AW feel like it runs very young? I mean everyone talks about the pillars, the pillars, the pillars, and they're young. But they've got veteran us. Yeah, they got Billy Gunsting. I mean they've got FTR that he starts as no sprinkhick. Yeah, I guess it. He's a ten year vet like they've got. They've got a lot of people to consider that. Actually, I like that move, right, Yeah. I think that's a smart movie. It re kind of like Reinvents Revitalized, kind of like, yeah, reinvent revitalized, like a renaissance, a rebirth of AJ styles. Yeah, man, I could see him going up against MJF, against helping guys like Ricky Stark get to the next level, you know, anything like that. I've always loved AJ and to see him kind of get not buried, but like you said, lost, that's a better way of saying it. It just sucks because his matches haven't. They haven't lost a step now.
To me, this is the easiest one. Not that would never work. It just wouldn't work. Randy Orton to a W. To me, there is nothing ae W about Randy. He has died in the wool is the old expression WWE. There is no changing that I think is all the reasons people love him in w W would be all the reasons that their fan base would end up hating him in ae W.
I don't know why.
I just don't see that ever working in any type of scenario. And it's not because he almost broke my back with an inverted modified backbreaker.
You son of a bitch? What about you, dude? I agree? I mean, he's just as WWE as it gets. He's he is a big star, mainstream kind of wrestler, although I never thought I'd see Chris Jericho over at ae W you know, like right like me, I know he made it, But sometimes a person comes out on AEW and I go, oh, yeah, yeah, I guess that it works like it works here, it worked there, you know, like Cizarro is crushing it over there. So I think Randy Orton is good enough and amazing enough that he would work anywhere. But he's such a WWE guy. Yeah, it'd be like seeing Kobe Bryant in a Chicago Bulls jersey, Like it would just be weird. It just doesn't. There's some people that have to be lifers. They just they have to be and it and it's and it makes it more special. The fact that Kobe played for one team is awesome. You know, Larry Bird played for one team. I know he coached for another, but yeah, that doesn't count. Played for one team, like stayed loyal. It was weird when d Wade left and then just went right back to Miami like they was like, you shouldn't have left in the first place. Those things are hard to control. Those some people shouldn't lead. Yeah, but there's something that it's hard to It's hard to be. It's hard to be so lucky to get to play for the Yankees your whole career. You know. It's like, sometimes the Yankees don't want you, and so like Derek Jeter, he's lucky, or like Kobe Bryant is like he's there. They're talented mixed with lucky. You know. Sometimes Vince just doesn't like you. You go, hey, that would be a better fit over here than at Auw. But Vince just won't take me. So it's hard to do. It's it takes a little bit of luck and a lot of skill. But I think that Orton is the It's definitely. What's the expression he used. I've never heard that before, but I like it, died in the wool. I love that. I like that for that's old. That sounds old. That's probably Grandpa taught me that. But it's true. You know. It's like Cowboy Bob, his dad was like, you know, the WTF guy, and then he was in the business forever. And he still comes to Randy's matches if it's a pay per view. He says he still watches it at home with his dogs, like he watches his boy on TV. Every day. It's like, there's such WWE guys, and I mean Cowboy Bob was doing it. He saw events grow.
Up quick side quest. Cowboy Bob was involved in the Plan B scandal.
What's the plan?
For those of you who okay, okay, you gotta YouTube this. You got to YouTube Bob Orton Plan B. And it's a video that a group of wrestlers made back in the seventies threatening to expose the business to this promoter if the business that they were supposed to have done didn't go the way it was supposed to go. And they straight up on camera give up all the secrets of the business. How they bleed, they're fake voices. I'm not really from Russia, but I do great you know, I do great voices and all this stuff, and it sounds more like Scottish things.
While he's bragging about how good he is it doing it.
Yeah, but he's they exposed the whole business, and this video is out there. I don't know how nobody's tried to get it taken down that's involved with this. But Bob Orton is one of the people in Plan B. And you will recognize plenty of other wrestlers in there too. It's super hardcore man, and I don't know why it doesn't get talked about more often. All Right, I got her, definitely got to see the people all right finally, and I have the pitch for it, so it's not just going to sound completely arbitrary when I'm done. But Powerhouse Hobbs to WWE, and I know that's like, well, if Freddy Freddy's kind of a mid card dude to lower mid card dude, why would we care?
But I would.
I would say the resurrection of Bobby Lashley under the microphone skills of MVP or something that was really cool, and it allowed Bobby to get comfortable and eventually kind of find his personality on his own time instead of the force time that live television demands because all the pressure is on his manager. To the point now where Bobby is trying to put other people over in a similar manner to the way MVP put him over. I think someone like MVP could benefit Hobbes at.
A massive level.
I don't love all the managers in aew they tend to make it more about them than the talent, and their personalities are very sort of look at me, And MVP is sort of a master at deferring credit and deferring shine, even on someone like Omas, Like he's never talking about himself, He's always just reminding you who this monster is. And I think he could do wonders with Powerhouse Hobbs. Hobbs has the body, Hobbs is legit strong and can really make the moves look great. And if he's not that great on the mic, who better than MVP to help get that dude over? What do you think about my plan?
Yeah? I think is one of these guys too, who could be a star anywhere. Like he's got the great body, he's got the great thing, the great great face too, great face. He's almost three hundred pounds. I don't know how old he is me too, the old or young we're him and I are about the same age, like twenty eight, twenty okay, Yeah, if he's twenty eight or twenty nine, they need plenty of time, plenty of time for me just like me. Yeah, I think he could be great. I don't know, I don't I know such little about him. Like you said, he's not great on the mic, he's not all the way there, but I've definitely seen him have good moments. Well, Bobby Lashley is forming some sort of group potentially with our boys, the Street Profits. The Street Profits meeting with Bobby Lashley in a stretch SUV, so maybe brings over Powerhouse Hobbs. They start this badass new Nation of Domination, if you will, I've been wanting to see that. I've been trying to plant that seed. Love the nation, Bro, We're put in the universe.
I'm putting it in the universe, and we're putting out love to all our awesome listeners in the universe. Don't forget to tune in to sanctioned Thursdays every Thursday of the show that only exists because of you, guys, because of your awesomeness. Keep sharing the show. Thank you so much. On behalf of Jeff jackpot Die. I'm Freddie Prinz Junior and this is Wrestling with Friends poops.
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