How Have Mission Trips Made an Impact on You?
In this final episode, the group shares their own testimony about how missions trips have shaped their lives. We often go on a mission trip ready to change the world but we often find that the most change happens in our hearts. If you're interested in learning more about Salvation Army missions tr…
Are Short-Term Missions Helpful?
Short term missions can be incredibly powerful and helpful. But if done poorly or with the wrong intent can possibly have negative effects on the community we are serving. In this episode the group discusses, from experience, what they’ve learned from short-term missions. If you're interested in l…
What does a mission-minded church look like?
If a church body is going to make an impact in the world around them, they need to stay in a mission mindset. How do we, from leadership, help create an atmosphere of mission-mindedness. And, what does that church look like in practice? If you're interested in learning more about Salvation Army mi…
Is everyone a missionary?
We start off this episode’s conversation by asking if all believers are called to be missionaries. Can you be a missionary in your own backyard?
How does The Salvation Army do missions?
In our second episode in our series about missions we zoom in on how The Salvation Army goes about mission work. Learn more about the work of The Army around the world at and
What are missions?
Today we launch a 6-week series on missions. We are joined by Major Sandra Pawar, Jessy Fagerstrom, and Jon Avery. In this first episode we discuss what missions are, their purpose, and why as believers we should be invested in mission work.
Testimonies from a Mission trip to Norway
This week we continue to hear from another group who attended The Salvation Army Salvationist Service Corps or SSC. This is a mission trip opportunities for young adults to do ministry in a new place while absorbing and embracing a new culture. Learn more at…
Testimonies from a Mission trip to Malaysia and Singapore
For the next two weeks we will hear from two groups who attended The Salvation Army Salvationist Service Corps or SSC. This is a mission trip opportunities for young adults to do ministry in a new place while absorbing and embracing a new culture. Learn more at…
Summer camp testimonies
As summer came to an end we had the chance to hear from kids and young adults who attended Salvation Army camps this past summer. We heard what camp meant to them and we got an inside look at what happens at summer camp. If you would like to learn more about Salvation Army camps visit https://www.…
A mental health check-in with your kids with therapist David Gray. Part 2
As many of our kids begin a new school year- we wanted to pause and offer a mental health check-in with your kids. A new year can mean a new level of stress for many. So, to offer some advice and insight we are joined by licensed therapist, David Gray. For a list of resources mentioned by David vi…