Words & VoicesWords & Voices

James Gaffney on being off the cuff and what offends him the most

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James PM Gaffney is an international K-Pop sensation and brand consultant to aliens and minor gods.

There's not much to say about him that hasn't already been said - and your imagination is probably a lot more interesting than the true story.

So, make up what you will about Jimbo™ (as he's known here on Earth) and he'll keep on keeping on doing the things that makes the rest of his industry say "WHAAAA?!?!"

https://jamespmgaffney.com is where you can join his Astro Cult and be counted among the holy when our overlords return to take us back to whereever the hell it is we're actually from.

Act quick, the hour is upon us.

In this episode, we discuss James’ views on small-mindedness in a world where we have access to everyone’s thoughts, why he thinks humanity isn’t going south or how algorithms are wired to hit our base instincts, including parenting in the post-pandemic world.

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We live in a noisy, buzz-word driven world asking for our attention. I’m Neelam Tewar and I believe  
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