What Does Reconciliation Look Like? - Conflicted: Part 4
We are continuing in our series, Conflict[ed]: Pursuing Peace in a Cancel Culture, learning the importance of handling bouts of conflict in a God-honoring manner. In our culture today, it is easy to succumb to the simple ways of handling conflicts—canceling each other. However, Jesus calls His chil…
Do We All Matter to God? - Conflicted: Part 3
Today, we move further in our series, Conflict[ed]: Pursuing Peace in a Cancel Culture, taking place in the gospel of Matthew. We are to love and care for our family of Christ, the same way God has displayed to us. He calls us to not tear one another down but to lift each other up in love and harmo…
Are You Leading Others into Sin? - Conflicted: Part 2
We are continuing in our series, Conflict[ed]: Pursuing Peace in a Cancel Culture, looking at the body of Christ and how to handle when conflicts arise. When we claim Christ, it is important that we stay vigilant of our words and actions. Our impact on others is vital, we should have a motive of no…
Healing for the Hurting - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 7
Today, we are completing our series, Thy Kingdom Come, where we will see Jesus’ reign over disease and death. Many times, in the New Testament Jesus is seen healing someone. We see His power and authority displayed through His acts of healing. That same power is alive and active, today. His healing…
Who Has Power Over Evil Forces - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 6
We are journeying on in our series, Thy Kingdom Come, learning from Mark chapters 3-5. Today, we will be reminded that Jesus reigns over the demonic realm. Jesus’ saving grace transforms us. He takes unclean, sinful people wipes away their sins, and restores them to new life. In Mark 5 Jesus heals …
Who Rules the World - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 5
Today we continue in our series, Thy Kingdom Come, looking at the Gospel of Mark. We will be reminded of the great comfort that Jesus reigns over creation. There are times when we face all-consuming anxiety, when doubts and what-ifs fill our head. In these times, we can lose sight of God and forget…
Why You Should Share Jesus’ Story - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 4 - Woodside Bible Church
We are continuing in our series, Thy Kingdom Come, traveling through Mark 3-5. This week we will see that Jesus’ reign advances through his shared word. In Christ, as His vessels we carry His light and gospel with us. We are shining lights in a dimly lit world. But we will discover that even though…
Where Does Your Loyalty Lie? - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 2
Today we are continuing our message series, Thy Kingdom Come: His Reign in Our Lives. We will discover how the Lord asks for our full allegiance and commitment to His kingdom. Letting go and giving up control is a difficult task. In our walks with Christ, this is what He asks of us, to allow Him to…
What Happened When Jesus Arrived on Earth? - Thy Kingdom Come: Part 1
We are beginning our new series, Thy Kingdom Come: His Reign in Our Lives, today we will see how Jesus’ reign brings heaven to earth. Arrivals are exciting. We wait with great expectation for what we are anticipating, rather the arrival of a loved one or the visit of an influential person. This wee…
How to Understand God's Call on Our Lives - Elijah: Part 5
We are continuing in our series, Elijah, where we will learn how God faithfully calls people into His mission. In our society, work is an essential part of living. We work to make a living and to provide for our families. We desire to do well in our careers and see how far they can take us. God has…