
Same Basket, Same Deplorables

Published Oct 29, 2024, 7:01 AM

Trump's "rally" at Madison Square Garden proves these people are exactly who they've shown themselves to be.

Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with me your Girl, Daniel Moody. Recording from the Home Bunker, Folks. On today's WOKF, I am giving you a look inside of the Daniel Moody Show that I record on YouTube Monday through Thursday five pm Eastern Live, and yesterday I got into the entirety of the disgusting Madison Square Garden Clan rally that we all witnessed in real time and talked about the dangers of where we are at this moment as you are listening to this one week until the last day to vote, so please take a listen to the Daniel Moody Show and join us over there. Well, that was a hell of a rally we all watched yesterday and I don't even have a huge opening. Just buckle up, dear friends, because I have been on one all fucking day. And the display of hatred, of misogyny, of racism, of xenophobia, of deplorables that we saw at Madison Square Garden. Oh yeah, the election is in eight days. If you're undecided, you're under a fucking rock. Let's get into it, dear friends. I am going to start off today saying that, like many of you, I am so angry today. I woke up angry. I woke up enraged that we are even at this point, eight days until the election, that Donald Trump, a thirty four count felon, an adjudicated rapist, a grifter, a liar, a misogynist, a racist, is allowed to even run for the presidency. Today, I am filled with anger at Merrick Garland for just abdicating his fucking responsibility as Attorney General and putting it off for an entire year. That twelve month period of time could have stopped Donald Trump from running in the first goddamn place. A second time. I am angry at the founding fathers of this country for not having any foresight into what would happen if a criminal became president of the United States. What would happen if all of these checks and balances that were put into place just all failed. What would happen if you had a Supreme Court that was in it for the dictator and not for equity and justice for all as what is displayed on the front on the front of the Supreme Court. I woke up with so much anger for corporate media that wanted to refer to Donald Trump as anything other than an absolute, unapologetic racist right that until yesterday, folks like the New York Times and the Washington Post and others right that have shown us exactly who they are and where they are aligned over the last few days, if not the last few years, if you've been paying attention this entire time, use terms like racially tinged, colorful language, spirited conversation, all of these bullshit euphemisms instead of warning the public of exactly what we saw, oh for the weekend right, exactly what we saw at Madison Square Garden and so friends, normally I will say this. Normally I don't put up or try or play the hate messages. But I need everybody to be in the same rage that I am in today. And I know that many of you that are watching this on YouTube, that are watching this on x are just as angry. But let us take a moment, shall we, and listen to some of the bullshit that came out of these white supremacist mouths at Madison Square Garden, And let us just be clear that I don't care what this person's job title is, but comedian is not one of them. And comedian write comics. These are people that are you used in order to traffic in their white supremacy. Ah, was just a joke. God, it's just you know, every time that Donald Trump says something that corporate mainstream media gets a hold of and ask questions about, the response is, oh, he was kidding, as if he's some type of fucking stand up. Well, this is the kind of comedian that finds themselves at a Trump Clan rally. That's what passes as a joke in the Republican Party. The Republicans themselves are a fucking joke. But we're in this place eight days until an election because of the fact that no one, no one wanted to take the last nine years seriously. Right, When Hillary Clinton back in twenty sixteen said very clearly that the people that were supporting Donald Trump were deplorable, she was torn down by corporate media. How dare she use such language nine years later? And I can't think of a better word that isn't a curse word to describe these disgusting human beings the things that were said yesterday, right, I mean, this is a headline from the Rolling Stone magazine and this is what it reads, Surviving hate surviving Trump's hate field takeover of Madison Square Garden, The MAGA faithful flooded Midtown Manhattan on Sunday in what could be a preview of another four years of American cruelty. The only thing that I disagree with in this headline, friends, is the fact that, oh, it won't just be another four years. Like their assumption that they're making by saying a preview of another four years is that we would have an election in twenty twenty eight, right, And I want people to understand that the whole point of a Project twenty twenty five, the whole point of this over nine hundred page manifesto, the whole point of their fifty thousand plus Republican sycophans, their right wing LinkedIn is so that we do a way with all of the folks that are career right policymakers, that are career employees, and you put in their space people that are not loyal to the Constitution of these United States, people that are only loyal to Donald Trump. And so you do that because you want to ensure that this pesky thing that we refer to as the Constitution of the United States doesn't get in the way of their plans. You see, if there are no career folks that are there to put on the breaks, to be right, the whistleblowers on the inside, we won't really know what's happening until it's done. Except they overplayed their hand by giving us access to Project twenty twenty five. But they also have another one hundred and eighty page plan that is private, that is about the transfer of power that hasn't been made public. But what they offered last night, right is as The Atlantic wrote, Trump's message, his closing argument, if you will, that is one that is filled with hate and one that is filled with fear. It's the same message, folks. It's the same message that we have heard for how long, for nine years, It's the same message that Donald Trump has been offering to the American people. I just want folks to understand that the people that got on that stage last night, they were vetted Donald Trump and the Republicans. They knew who those people were, they knew what they were going to say. They didn't just get up there and just start vamping. So this idea that somehow now Republicans want to come out today and apologize to the Puerto Rican community that represents large swaps of voters in you know, Puerto Rico, in Florida, in New York, in Wisconsin in other places, that maybe insulting these people again wasn't going to be the best move, folks. Look's remember, right, when Donald Trump president of the United States, and Hurricane Maria hit and devastated Puerto Rico, what did Donald Trump go and do? Donald Trump did not offer the people of Puerto Rico any empathy. One, He's a sociopath, and I don't think that he has the ability to offer empathy, right, I don't think that he understands that as like a real emotion. But he went to Puerto Rico and he threw paper towels at those people. People that had lost everything, right, that had lost their homes, that had lost their livelihood, that had lost loved ones. And Donald Trump went to Puerto Rico and threw paper towels at them. There is I mean, I can think of ways that you can absolutely disrespect people, and this is at the top of that fucking list. So the fact, folks, the fact that there were Latinos on that stage last night that support Donald Trump, that said and spoke in Spanish that they needed to vote for Donald Trump because nothing had been done over the last four years. These mfors have amnesia. And I say this often. You know, not all skin folk or kinfolk, right, Not all people that have a certain label or from a particular community are representatives of those communities. Right. There are people that will sell you out for a dollar so long as that dollar goes into their pockets. They could give a damn about what happens to the community or what happens to democracy. But last night, after these disgusting, disparaging things were said in and here's the funny thing, and it's not like funny haha, But the funny thing is that the only apologies that the Republicans are making are too the Puerto Rican community. Rudy Giuliani's unhoused ass got up there and disparaged Palestinians basically saying that it was okay right to murder small children because they've been taught to quote unquote hate America. You had that mfor talk about make a watermelon joke, write a joke with regard to black people, not carving pumpkins, but watermelons. This was a minstrel show wrapped up in a clan rally, and the reason that it happened at Madison Square Garden, friends, is to send a message to folks inside of Blue states that you're not safe nowhere. This was a terrorist tactic. This was a tactic to instill fear in those that were walking around Madison Square Garden that, oh my god, that imagery, that power that a full stadium could impart on the world was we are coming for you. That was the point, that was the goal. Donald Trump knows that he's not winning New York right in his wet dream, New York would vote for him if the New York were only upstate Staten Island and aud Ea Sto Long Island. But the majority of New Yorkers right are living inside of the five boroughs, you know, eight million of us. Following those attacks, they want to apologize to Puerto Ricans and bad Bunny Jennifer Lopez, Mark Anthony, Ricky Martin and others united and pushed out to their tens of millions of followers a message to vote for the vice president, pushed out her videos, her content, or just played that disgusting man Tony Hinchcliff's clip on their page so that it could be very clear exactly what these people think about you. Now, I would love to know what the hell took those folks so long to endorse the vice president of the United States. But that's the conversation for another day. But I do know that bad Bunny, I think on his Instagram alone may have I don't know, like forty five million followers. So the point here, being folks is that, like the poem Martin Nea Mueller wrote, first they come for, no one is going to be safe in the second Reich of Trump, no one. He ran through the laundry list of folks that he wants to as people on the stage said, slaughter, Slaughter is not a euphemism for anything. They want people that disagree with Donald Trump to die, to be killed, to be murdered. Donald Trump has talked about the enemy within, and what does he want to do to the enemy within. He wants to turn the US military on US citizens. Because you see, if Donald Trump becomes president in eight days, according to the Supreme Court, everything that he says becomes gospel. So if he says that Danielle Moody is an enemy of the state, then guess who I am? Guess who I become there will be no trial right inside of the second Reich of Trump. If he calls you a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and that's it. You're over and done. This is what those people said last night. And I have to go even further because I think that it is so important for folks to really get it in their souls what was said. Here's a piece of it. Quote. Other speakers were only somewhat better. They're referring to Tony Hinchcliffe at the beginning, and they go on to say to write. A childhood pal of Trump's called Vice President Kamala Harris, quote the Antichrist and quote the Devil. Radio hosts Sid Rosenberg called her husband Doug m Hoff a quote crappy jew. Tucker Carlson had a riff about Harris vying to be quote the first Samoan Malaysian low Iq former California prosecutor ever to be elected president. Let that sit in. Stephen Miller went full blood in soil, declaring, quote, America is for Americans and Americans only. In nineteen thirty nine, a Nazi rally at the old Madison Square Garden promised to restore America to the true Americans. Right. Milania Trump also delivered in her speech as well, misogyny, hatefulness. Right, So folks want to believe folks want to believe that. Oh, you know, not all of them are bad, right, some of them are good. No, they're not. No, they are not. If you and this day and age and time are referring to yourself as a Republican, you are a racist. You are a misogynist, You are a white nationalist. Right, unless you are pledging allegiance to the Liz Chenese and the Adam Kinsingers of the world. You know, I'm not trusting you if you have an R after your name. Oh, very good question here. So Trump talked about a little secret, right that he had yesterday on stage. He talked about a little secret that him and Mike Johnson have. Speaker of the House, Fisher Price, Speaker of the House, Mark Johnson. And the little secret is that Mark Mike Johnson won't certify the election if the election is called for Donald Trump, Mike Johnson is going to find a way not to certify the election. They are coming for this election, come hook or crook, and they're filled filled with a bunch of crooks, folks. The Madison Square Gardens stunt was a preview. It was a preview. But we have known, we have known who Donald Trump and these Republicans are, but it has been legacy media. It has been other folks that wanted to tell us that we were being hyperbolic when we said that Donald Trump was a danger to democracy. Donald Trump got on the stage and said everything. There is no quiet part. They went for every group, a range of speakers at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, his disparage Latinos, black people, Palestinians, and Jews. I'm sure the list goes on and on of who was disparaged because they left no racist stone unturned. Let me tell you something, Sonny said it all, and she's been saying it all. I very rarely watched the view. It's not like my cup of tea. But there are some very good clips that come out of that have come out of that show over the last several months. Because those women, in particular Sonny Anna whoopee, they get it. They get that they have a platform with millions upon millions right of people that are tuning in, not just tuning in so that they can find out a latest recipe or a movie or a celebrity to go see, but tuning in right because they want to know what's going on in this country. And so when those women sit up there and say very clearly, Donald Trump is a threat, he's a threat because you're a woman and you have a uterus right that he's coming for all of us. It's Puerto Rico on Sunday, it's black people on Monday, it's queer people on Tuesday. Right, it's pregnant people on Wednesday. Like the list goes on and on and on and on. No one will be safe. Somebody said to me, Danielle, I think that we'll be safe new York, right, I think I think that we will be okay, right, Like we're in New York. We're in a blue state. You know. I know that it'll be bad for other people, but I think that we'll be fine. Do you know what My response was, what part of Germany was safe during Hitler's reign? Point to it, Point to it on a map, and show me what part of Germany was safe. There was not a place that was safe. So miss me with the bullshit in terms of oh, I live in a blue state because Donald Trump during COVID was holding up FEMA funding for New York because he didn't like Cuomo, who was the governor at the time. He held up aid to North Carolina during their hurricane because he didn't like the way that they voted in twenty sixteen. Folks, these people are out for vengeance, They are out for blood. There is going to be no place that is safe inside of these United States. Certainly not a womb and certainly not a blue fucking state. So if you are sitting someplace right now and you're saying, woof, well, thank god I'm not in Texas or Florida, the places that will be attacked first are the places that did not vote for Donald Trump. He does not consider us to be Americans. It's why he talks about Puerto Rico the way that he does. He does not consider Puerto Ricans to be Americans. During his administration, he talked about swapping them out with Greenland, like they were just some pawns on a chessboard. What AOC said is what I want folks to really pay attention to this rhetoric. This rise in rhetoric is about priming their base. It is about getting them prepared to do whatever they can that is inside and outside of the confines of the law in order to make him president. Democracy does not die in darkness, as the Washington Posts moniker says, right, it dies in broad daylight, bit by bit, piece by piece. Because you tell me of another time outside of Jim Crow, when we saw news reports of drop boxes either being stolen or being set on fire. You want to talk about, Oh, well, you know Donald Trump has a rhetoric, but he doesn't really mean what he says. Well, guess what, the people listening to him believe what he says, and so they are taking matters into their own hands in order to finish the job that started on January sixth, and they want to finish on November fifth, twenty twenty four. I want us to understand that we are up against so much in this election. And I know with you all that I am speaking to the choir, but I know each and every one of you that are watching and listening have family and friends that have been caught up in the world of maga. I know that people know folks that they say are far gone and lost, and I am imploring you to text them, to call them, to go and talk to them about what they are setting this country up for that. For those folks that think that this election is not going to affect them, they are young people that are disaffective because they're like, I'm never going to be able to own a home. I'm never going to be able to buy a car. So what difference does it make. It can get worse. So I beg you to have the hard conversations, to do the hard work, because we have eight days, eight days to figure out whether or not what we saw at Madison Square Garden is the beginning or if it is the end. We have eight days, folks to either be done with Donald Trump or in preparation for life under the Trump second Reich. This election is not a game. It has never been a game. And for those people who are in Michigan right who are saying that they're going to vote third party, or the Muslims that Donald Trump pulled up on stage right and said, oh, these are Muslims that we like, and they said, oh, we're voting for Donald Trump, I mean, I guess, you know, well, I guess that the cow should vote for the Hamburger. I guess that the chicken votes for KFC. Like it won't end well. For you write whatever kind of protests that you think that you're doing in this election, third party, it's not going to end well. So don't fall for the ropodope here. I want to end today on a somewhat good note. Right as we are eight days away, more than two hundred thousand subscribers to The Washington Post canceled their digital subscriptions since the announcement last week that Jeff Bezos cares more about Amazon primes, government contracts than he does about democracy. Two hundred thousand, and by reports from NPR, that is roughly eight percent of their subscribers. So when people say that, oh, boycotts don't work, watch this, watch it work, it absolutely does. When people decide collectively, you know what, I'm not investing in this trash anymore. I'm gonna invest my money and my time in independent media. Right. This is why it matters to me so much that you all show up Monday through Thursday, that you all like and share, write and subscribe to my content. Because these people are not in it for you. They are in it for themselves. And just to say, this is what one of the folks on the editorial board wrote his in his resignation letter. Quote. For decades, the Washington Post editorials have been a beacon of light, signaling hope to descendants, political prisoners, and the voiceless. David Hoffman wrote in a letter Monday explaining his decision to leave the editorial board. Quote. When victims of repression were harassed, exiled, imprisoned, and murdered, we made sure the whole world knew the truth. I believe we face a real threat of autocracy in the candidacy of Donald Trump. I find it untenable and unconscionable that we have lost our voice. We the people have not lost our voice. Our voices. We the people are voting, We the people are marching, We the people are showing up. Forty million Americans have already voted in this election. Over the course of the next eight days, the rest of us will vote. My prayer, my clarion call, is that we vote for democracy. Democracy is not perfect, it never will be. But a government for and by the people is better than a regime under the thumb of Donald Trump. Jd Vance, Stephen Miller, Bannon, and others. America deserves better than Donald Trump. So, as Sonny said on the View on November fifth. Let's take the trash out, friends, police. That is it for me today. Here friends on Woke af AS always, Power to the people and to all the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.

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