This week, Danielle is looking back at some of her favorite conversations from the last few years of Woke AF Daily. Today, Danielle revisits one of her favorite conversations with Democracy-ish co-host Wajahat Ali about the self-destructive nature of white supremacy.
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to WOKF Daily with me your Girl, Danielle Moody. Pre recording from the home Bunker. Folks. It is our holiday week at WOKF and as we wind down seven incredible years of bringing you interviews and information and content, I've wanted to revisit some of the most important conversation I think that we've had on WOKF and so I'm excited to revisit this conversation with my co host of Democracy Ish, which is live on my YouTube channel Fridays at twelve pm Eastern, with my friend jahahat Ali. In this episode from last year, we talk about the self destructiveness of white supremacy and if you remember, at this time back in twenty twenty three, the NAACP had issued a travel advisory on the state of Florida as Ron DeSantis' fascist agenda began to take hold. The NAACP and what would follow are some LGBTQ organizations that would say that Florida ain't safe for us, and so you may want to be advised. And in this conversation, Jase and I unpack white supremacy and you know how we are going to navigate through this very self destructive, self eating, self defeating ideology. And you know this comes right now with a couple of weeks until Donald Trump takes the oath that we know that he will break as soon as he puts his hand on that Bible to give a damn about our constitution to uphold it. And we know that Donald Trump could care less about our constitution. And frankly, right now it doesn't even seem like he's actually the president elect. It more so seems like Elon Muskiz. Has anybody heard from JD Vance? Probably not? So Buckle up as we revisit this conversation, because sometimes going backwards helps us figure out our path forward. Folks, I am always very excited when I get to bring on my co host, my weekly co host of a Democracy Ishaha hot al Lee, who is an author, a columnist and all around badass on Twitter. If you have not read his book go back to where you come from and other helpful tips you should And if you're loving wokf daily on iHeart, you should absolutely check out Democracy Ish, which drops new episodes each and every Thursday with Waja Hot and I and some really amazing, amazing guests that we get into conversation with SOA was you know, first of all, I just America. You know, I'll just start there America and then slap my head and we can just go from there. But over the weekend, the NAACP issued a really intense warning to black people in America and members of other marginalized groups in saying that you should be wary of traveling to the state of Florida, that Florida is essentially a hate state, that it is a dangerous state for black people, for LGBTQ people, for women. It was lengthy, it was necessary, and it harkens back to essentially a time in this country during Jim Crow segregation where Black Americans had to if they were traveling, they got something called a green book Juaja hot Ali. They got a green book at different gas stations in different places of respites in between their travels from the North throughout the South that would signal to them in providing great detail places that would accept their money and their presence as black people, whether it was at a restaurant or a gas station or a hotel. And traveling was so precarious and could end up resulting in a lynching, a rape, a robbery, a beating, all of these things, that the Green Book was necessary created by Victor Green, a postal worker who created this and printed it himself and was disseminated throughout the South. And so here we are fast forward to twenty twenty three, where the nacious, longest and oldest civil rights organization has made this stark warning. How did that land with you?
I thought The Green Book was a movie where Vigo Mortensen was taught by Mahershala Ali how to write letters to his wife and then they and then they had been Ali Weather. Oh yeah, my bad. Sorry. Look. I think the NAACP should be joined by the National Organization of Women, who should give an advisory to women who want to go to Florida because Ron DeSantis, the wet noodle that we have always said that he is on our other podcast, has now restricted abortions after six weeks. I think GLAD or any organization that represents LGBTQ plus communities should also issue an advisory because don't say gay. I think educators and librarians should all so issue an advisory because they're banning books, they're banning ap African American studies, they're silencing academics and they're threatening librarians. And I also think any group that tries to protect immigrants, especially on document immigrants, should also issue an advisory warning because with the new anti immigration bill, which none enough people are talking about that he passed, basically they could just stop anyone who looks mexicany ask them for their papers, and out of state driver's licenses apparently aren't enough. So it has led to Danielle as of last week and something that people should mention massive stoppages in construction in Florida. Why because just like in the African American community, in the immigrant community and migrant community, especially the Latino communities weren't spread and people are like, yo, unless you want to get detained and deported, don't go to Florida. So I would say, Danielle, if you go anti woke, you'll go broke. And another thing I'll say is good on the NAACP. And we were talking about this earlier. A tweet came out from a friend of ours, historian Kevin Cruise of Princeton, who's excellent on Twitter follow him if you don't and Ted Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz, who cares so much about his constituents that whenever there's trouble, he goes to can Kun. You know he's now leading the charge with all these other Republicans. How dare you, nubacap, how dare you? And he invokes doctor King. Doctor King would be so embarrassed, and then Camvin Cruz says, ah, as a historian, I have receipts. Actually, Doctor King back in the day called for a boycott of this state called Alabama, precisely because as you described, Danielle, it was a haven for white violence, white vigilante violence against black people and those whites who helped black people.
So yeah, So Kevin Cruz and folks, it is Kevin and Cruz k r U s E. He tweeted this in response to Ted Cruz, who said, quote, this is bizarre and utterly dishonest. In the nineteen fifties and sixties, the NAACP did extraordinary good thing, good good helping lead the civil rights movement. Today, doctor Kin would be ashamed of how profoundly they've lost their way. So quote tweeting that Professor Kevin Cruz tweets this. In nineteen sixty five, doctor King called for a national boycott of the State of Alabama saying that the Democratic governor George Wallace's policies constituted a quote, reign of terror against black Americans. And so, just so folks don't get it twisted, Ted Cruz knows nothing, and I know that it is. It is very hard to dig into the bin of idiots see and lack of intellectual nimbleness and honesty when we're talking about the Republican Party writ large, but in particular Ted Cruz much alike Republicans love to do coming around the Martin Luther King Junior Holiday, which is to take out the one quote that they know out of its context. Daniel quotes, you're right, you're right, and admonish black people for acknowledging the racist policies that they put together, because US acknowledging racism is what is racist, not the policies in and of itself. So Professor Cruse said, let me provide you with the actual receipts of the New York Times article that was written in nineteen sixty five. And so I think was what gets me here is that facts don't register with the Party of Lies and the Party of hate. But what should register with Americans and the pop is that this party hasn't just regressed, it has devolved, right, It has devolved into something where we thought that the commentary that we understood around the civil rights movement we would always look at through a historical lens. But here we are in present day, twenty twenty three America, following the successful two terms of our nation's first black president. We currently have our first black and an Aapi vice president woman of the United States. That we are still in the midst of experiencing some extraordinary first But here we are with the nation's oldest civil rights organization having to issue travel warnings to black people in America.
And you know, Daniel, I'm going to google this because I wanted to get the quote right. You know, we mentioned George Waller for those people who forget George Wallace ran for president. He was also elected as governor of Alabama in nineteen sixty three. This is what George Wallace said, in the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny. And I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever. And what I said during the tyranny of Donald Trump's four years in the White House is that he has a lot in comma George Wallace. He's a demagogue. In fact, people support George Wallace should support Donald Trump. So you say devolved. I say they're returning back to their roots. This is who they were, And people say, oh, well, job, that's too harsh. I want to remind you all that Donald Trump said when the looting starts, the shooting starts, another famous pro segregation and dog whistle in those parts right from the sixties. So these folks Ted Cruz and the modern Republican Party literally, I mean, do we really think if they took a Dolorean back to the sixties, would they be on the side of Doctor King or would they be on the side of George Wallace. And I'll give you this, don't say gay banning, any treatment of transgender kids, banning books written by Tony Morrison, going after Colin Kaepernick for bending a knee, but supporting white supremacists and Christian nationalists who tried to literally overthrow our election right, calling Donald Trump, calling the black officer who defended these Republican congressmen a thug, but praising Ashley Babbitt, who was radicalized by QAnon, praising people like Kyle Rittenhouse who shan killed two white folks at a BLM protest, praising and the guy, the white guy who got convicted by a jury of his peers in Texas for shooting another protester at a BLM protest. Tucker Carlson said, parton them, and Greg Abbat said, sure, I'll part on this white killer who was convicted by a jury of his peers, literally lynching I'm at Arbury for jogging while black in his neighborhood. And if it wasn't for the video that was released, they would not be in prison. So you tell me, Danielle. Would these people, these modern Republicans, be on the side of doctor King because they only know three of his quotes and forget everything else, especially the condemnation of corrupt capitalism and white supremacy? Or would they be on the side of George Wallace? And I would tell you they'd be on the side of George Wallace. So NAACP is finally flexing and the way you go after these folks. And this is why I've always said that white supremacy is ultimately self destructive because Ron DeSantis, in order to feed the magabase that has been radicalized and weaponized, has to go after Disney. He can't double down, he can't retreat, even though you and I know on the DL the Republicans like, whoa, whoa, whoa, there round Santiss. You can bite the hand that feeds you. Now they've gone all in to feed this radicalized base that wants to stand its ground. That Florida is, I'm sorry to say, getting some karma. Disney flex last week, right, they're actually just a couple of days ago Disney said, all right, that huge billion.
Dollar complex pulling it.
Peace out. NAACP said, oh, Disney's gonna peace out. We're gonna peace out. Educators are gonna peace out. I think what about college athletes, black athletes. Will they go to university Florida schools for football? You tell me, I'm gonna say no. So this is one of those situations where you need this multicultural coalition. And when I see the NAACP, I was serious. I want now the National Organization of Women, I want Glad, I want all these groups now to say, all right, Florida, you want to go anti woke you're gonna go bro. That's my take on this.
You have to go after, right. I think that it should be colleges, big sports entities, ticket Master, Live Nation, all of these places that do business that do multi million dollar or a billion dollar business like Disney and say so we're done. And there are people wash who come out and say, well, you know, you can't harm the people that live there that are trying to do the best that they can. And I said, well, you know, money talks and bullshit walks. So if at the end of the day, we are still operating under this capitalist regime, right, and you have the power to sway you know, the ticket masters of the world and the big names from going and performing in places like Florida, if you have the ability to say, you know what, NBA, nc DOUBLEA, NFL and others that we're not going to support you if you are playing games and giving money to this state. Because it isn't just construction that is now faltering in Florida, it is also guess what, agriculture is faltering in Florida, right, because they literally have fruits and vegetables dying on the vines. Because our agriculture market requires, right migrant workers.
Whether or not we want to pay them, acknowledge them, provide them with dignity and respect. This is how things work. So you know, when I see the NAACP and Equality Florida, and I think there is one other organization that I am remiss at remembering right now who has issued warnings with regard to Florida. I believe that everyone else, the Human Rights Campaign, glad ACLU, others, Southern Popular Law. Everybody should fall in line.
I forgot pen America joined up with Penguin Random House, one of the Titan publishing corporations, to sue Florida. That happened last week. Also and the last quick thing before. It also goes to show you, in this capitalist country where all that matters is money, the color green trumps all of the colors. In God, we trust it's right there. It also goes to show you, Danielle, if these corporations actually cared about freedom, democracy and human rights overnight, there would be changes in this country. Disney. Disney's kind of like the unexpected hero because they pushed Disney to the point where they finally had to step up. Disney could have done this on its own right, so it just goes to show you how much power these organizations have that if you go after their bottom line, they're going to go after the Republicans that they also feed. But it also goes to show you that if they actually cared overnight, they can rain in the Republicans and the majority can stop, you know, being hijacked by a minority. That's the sad part. This could happen overnight, you.
Know, speaking of things that happened overnight.
Well, good, well done, excellent segue.
With a few minutes that we have left the lone black Republican Senator Tim Scott has you know, said, you know he's running for president, and you know he's doing so wa was by stating that America is not a racist country. Now, we've just spent the last sixteen minutes talking about all the ways in which America is absolutely and totally racist, right from hearkening back to George Wallace to today's policies that are happening to the NAACP's announcement. But in Tim Scott's America and the reality that he lives in, in his hehaw America. He believes that anybody who tells you that America is racist. They are lying to you. That's what he said in his announcement speech. And you know, Tim Scott has been the literal blackface that the Republican Party has trotted out to deal to come up with compromise legislation that fell apart after the murder of George Floyd. He was to be working with his counterpart, Senator Corey Booker to create legislation that would, I don't know, stop cops from being able to kill unarmed black people and use police brutality and wield unimaginable force. And that all fell apart after about eight months, and they have yet to come back to the table again on those issues. But anytime there is an issue with regard to race or racism, it is Tim Scott that the Republican parties pushed to the front, and he is saying that he wants us to get back to a place of unity right where we can have differences with one another, but that we are all part of the same American team. He harkened back to Reagan that America is this beacon on the hill. He pulled out every single trope, every single Republican talking point, But the differentiator here is that he is not referring to his Democratic opponents as his enemies. He is not calling for them to be round up and hunted like dogs, like Governor McMaster just said at a South Carolina Republican convention meeting.
Wow that one. Wow Yeah yeah.
Yeah, rounded up and hunted like dogs. That he wants them Democrats to be so rare that that is the case, and Democrats in South Carolina are calling on him for an apology. I better they wait for hell to freeze over. What do you make of Tim Scott his announcement and how he is positioning himself right now with another black quote unquote rising star Byron Donalds, who is an election denier. Who's the other black face that Republicans are loving to trot out.
Every community has a token, a cultural validator, a black or brown face that acts as a trojan horse for white supremacy, one who believes that they are either special and exalted and different from US savages. The Clarence Thomas wants the ones who hate themselves or the ones who realize this is a good gig because the money is lucrative and I can parrot all their talking points and I'll be the token black I'll be the Candice Owens. I'll be the Nikki Haley, the vivid Ramaswami. Right. And the interesting thing is they engage in all these petzel circusile rational you know, gymnastics in their head. Nikki Haley said the same thing when she ran for when she announced her candidacy, and literally right when she did, and Colter told her to go back to her own country. People always forget this, right, Literally, Donald Trump said she has the wrong complexion to be my running mate. Right, So they're being racist to their face and they sit there and they eat their shit sandwich, because that's the fausting bargain. Tim Scott knows what's up, but he's made this fasting bargain. He's never going to be president. He effed up. Literally, he took the mic and did a Howard Dean moment and effed up even making his announcement. So it's over. He's he's going to be a punch line. But what he'll get is a lifelong tenure in the Republican Party as the token black. He'll get a six to seven figure book deal, he'll get a consulting gig, and he'll allow Republicans to get away with the fiction that they're not racist, because look, we support the black yep.
It is a gig as old as time right to be and I love your phrasing, the embodiment of the trojan horse for white supremacy. It is it can't possibly exist because I exist, right, And the reality is Tip Scott, you know his grandfather, I believe, you know, pick cotton, right, lived in the lived under the weight of segregation. And so Tip Scott has a lot to be proud of. His family has a lot to be proud of. Right, you go from in two generations from picking cotton to picking policy, and that is that has always been you know, his line of thinking. But there's something that got contorted into did in his mind about because he had said ability and advantages that then every black person in this country has had the same ability and advantages And everything else that we see is just a product of our imagination. And if we just ignore it, if we just align with our oppressor and be grateful to share stages with them and share microphones with them, then all will be well.
Pull your pull yourself up from.
Yes right, and don't let your don't let your complexion be what causes you to not be able to succeed. That's just an excuse, right, So it is it is such an incredible place where you named you name checked all of these black and brown faces. Uh, that the Republican Party is pushing forward to cloak their white supremacy in right, And and I just wonder do you think last question for you, how do we we think this is gonna fair in the long run? The Decks and the Nikkis and the Byrons and the Tim Scotts. You know, is this the new Republican Party or just the same old ropodope?
You know, Colonialism like herpies, lingers forever, and it gets passed on generation and generation. And it's not just black people, but it's people of color who've come to this country, right, They unconsciously, oftentimes chased whiteness for protection and safety. And I've given this analogy before they came here, like, huh, who's winning, who's creating the policies, who's on top, who's on the billboards, who's the hero white folks, who's in jail, who's hated? Who's beating up black people? Even though my natural allies will be the black and brown folks, let me chase whiteness. I'll never be white, but I'll be protected. I'll be asymptotic to whiteness, right, and then you engage in all these rationalizations, and I am the good one. If they only pull themselves up from the bootstraps like me, if they got rid of their pathology and self loathing, if they became post racist, then everything would be better. And yet time and time again, you can't wipe off the blackness and the brownness. This country reminds you violently your place in the hierarchy. And so what I think is going to happen is that whiteness has always evolved to survive. It is trying to win over Latinos and Asians and black folks through family values, through the transgender panic. I think they will win over a minority of our community. I think they will, and I think you're going to see, like the Latino white supremacist in Texas who killed eight people, We're going to see more and more of that. But I do think the cruelty of white supremacy is finally animating enough people, Danielle, thanks to the work of Martin Luther King, the Silver Rights Movement, our ancestors who fought in bled that they say I'm done with this, and enough whites. Maybe if enough whites can say, oh, this is self destructive for our families and this country, we can get that coalition of about seventy percent. But I think this will be the norm. You're gonna see more tokens. You're going to see more Latino, black, brown, white supremacists, and you're gonna see our community having to call them out and expose them and do more education. I know that's not the answer that people want, but that's my realistic answer as to how white supremacy will evolve to try to stave off the inevitable minority majority that is America.
Well, Wajah hot Ali, my good good friend. I thank you so much for all of your work, for the continued ways that you use your platform to sound an alarm. I know that they don't listen to us all the time, but our track record, as you say on Democracy Ish every week, we're bat in one hundred over there. If only we would be wrong, then we would be multi millionaires and have our own shows on Fox but Friends. If you enjoy our conversation today on make sure to check out WA and I each and every Thursday on Democracy Ish. You can catch Democracy Ish wherever you get your podcasts. And if you have not read Wah's book, go back to where you came from. Folks, you are missing out. Be sure to get your copya. We appreciate you. That is it for me today. Dear friends on wokf as always, Power to the people and to all the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.