
There Is No "Center"

Published Dec 10, 2024, 8:00 AM

Democrats still trying and failing to capture the "center" of the political spectrum are not realizing the gravity of this moment.

Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with Meet Your Girl Daniel Moody recording from an unknown bunker because I am on the road, folks, I want to start off today with Donald Trump over the weekend on Meet the Press and him talking about the fact that he is going to end birthright citizenship. And I have to be honest with you. I've said this before, but a lot of what this administration is about is shock and awe is, you know, disrupting nervous systems and creating fear and anxiety and anger. It's like a consistently being on air with a shock like that is what they want because they get off on the level of fear and anxiety that they're able to produce. And the fact of the matter is that Donald Trump, as President of the United States, does not have the power to end birthright citizenship. That is outlined in the Constitution. And even though we know that there have been a number of federal judges that were appointed to do Donald Trump's bidding, we also have to remember that judges are actual people who want their legacies to remain intact, who actually believe in the rule of law. And so while they may have been appointed by Donald Trump. The fact is is that they took an oath to the Constitution as well. And when pressed on a lot of topics, what does Donald Trump continue to say, Oh, we have concepts of a plan. I have to remind myself when I get into a place of deep anxiety and fear about what is to come, and folks, this is not me trying to minimize the fear or concerned that people have, because I know that it is very real and we do know what happened in the first administration. But I think that it is important to be reminded that these people are fucking idiots and that they actually don't know how government works. They don't care to know how government works, and the things that they think that they're just going to be able to do at the snap of the finger is not going to happen. That there are going to be a mountains of court cases and blockades that are put in their place in order to stop or slow down a lot of the actions that they want to take that go against the constitution of these United States. And you know, while we are watching as governments around the world crumble, as in Syria, that are becoming non functional as in France and that are teetering on authoritarianism as is happening here. We are witnessing that the people right have more power than we are being led to believe. And it's why I end my shows with power to the people and to all the people power because if we as people actually recognize that these autocrats, that these want to be autocrats, are actually afraid of the people that they are supposedly here to represent, then we recognize that they can't oppress us without our consent. We have to go along with the get along of their bullshit in order for their way to happen. Right like, we have to believe that while there is no rule of law, while the people have no power and they can do whatever they want, and if that is what they allow us to believe, what they make us believe, then yeah, they are going to get their way. But at the end of the day, no one can oppress you without your consent. And so collectively we have to understand the power that we have in this moment to slow this administration, this regime down and recognize that while they're talking about starting things on day one, that there are also right, whether it be the deport mass deportation. There are whole industries that will crumble if, in fact that happens. And there are also protocols, checks and balances that have to happen in order for this mass deportation plan to take place. There are laws that have to be put in place, there are policy measures that have to be passed. Again, none of this happens because Donald Trump thinks that he is fucking bewitched and can wiggle his nose and then all of a sudden, you know, everything just goes all one. That's not how it works. And I think that we need to be reminded consistently of that fact. I have a bone two pick, and it is one that I am just. I am so fucking outdone. And I tell you that every time that I think that Democrats have reached a new low, right like, every time that I think that they can't show their spinelessness, they can't show an even more that they are not built for this moment. Boy, do they like go above and beyond to prove to people that they are not built for this moment? But can somebody fucking explain to me why Jim Clyburn had the audacity to say that Joe Biden should pardon Donald Trump so that we can have a clean slate. And who is the we that he is talking about, because I can tell you that there are people black people sitting inside of federal prisons that deserve to be pardoned for trumped up charges that they have been held on. Donald Trump is a fucking criminal. And so I am so confused about why Jim Clyburn, a man that has been in Congress for as long as he has been, that has worked with many of the administrations, would stare down the American people and say that Joe Biden should go ahead and pardon Donald Trump because somehow that would excuse the stealing of documents, the inciding of an insurrection. I have to tell you that this is why, this is why seven million people sat home. This is why people look at the Democratic Party and they say that you are no better, and why you have these Democrats that are so busy trying to either chase Republicans or chase the center that no longer exists, rather than rooting themselves in progressive policies and ideas that the people actually want that are actually popular. To pardon Donald Trump would just to be just to state fully and unapologetically that we are not a nation of laws. Because how is it that Brazil is able to hold their former president accountable and guess what, their entire country doesn't collapse, right, How is it that other nations who have had criminal presidents are able to hold them accountable? But here in the United States that is supposed to be somebody's beacon of democracy. That we're saying to you, no, no, no, overlook all of it. And in order to give America a clean slate, we must deny the truth about who Donald Trump is, right, because that's how the rule of law works. It is beyond disappointing. It is at the point of absolute disas gust that I find myself with the Democratic Party in this moment. And this is why I continue to say, these people are not built for this moment and it is time for them to retire. There is no center when you have one party that is built of extremists. Democrats are proving that they are not extreme enough in their progressive ideas, that they are not pushing enough for the people. And that's why seven million people stayed home, because they say, I see no difference between you all and frankly, I want to opt out of this system. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is is that if you don't have a voice in this system, your non vote was a vote for Donald Trump. So we all know who pay attention that his win was nobody's landslide and nobody's mandate. But the fact of the matter is is that those seven million votes they were absolutely fucking needed. But instead of going after the American people and saying that we need you to understand not what is that danger, but what we are doing to make your day to day life better. What we are offering, what this economy that was turned around after Donald Trump bottomed it out because of his response to COVID. This is what Democrats are doing, and this is what we will push on so that we can be the model in the world and not the laughing stock. I want to switch gears for a moment and talk about the ways in which America is a laughing stock, and that is around our healthcare system. So we see right now, as allegedly the man who committed the murder and killed the CEO of United Healthcare, we see the reaction that people have had right I've talked about it. It is wild. It shows you how dark of times we are living in one where jokes are made about the murder of a CEO. But it also shows you how fucking harmful our healthcare system is towards millions of Americans. That man Brian Thompson, as president, overseeing an over three hundred billion dollars over three hundred and fifty billion dollar budget, was responsible for denying claims of thirty one point five million Americans, sick Americans who are paying into what I can only refer to as one of the biggest fucking Ponzi schemes, which is our healthcare system. Why do I call it a Ponzi scheme because you either pay out of pocket every single month or your employees pays out of pocket, only to have insurance companies take your fucking money and then deny you coverage and have the ability to say, oh no, we're going to cover this but not this, which is why millions of people go bankrupt when an unexpected illness befalls them or their family. Why in this country of supposed abundance are people being forced to do go fundmes in order to pay for necessary surgeries, in order to pay for medication most industrialized countries have universal health care, but in America we make it as complicated as possible so that the CEOs of these companies that have the ability to deny your claims to decline them, can make as much money as possible. That is why people reacted the way that they did, because if you kill one person, as I saw stated, you're a murderer. But you kill hundreds of thousands of people, oh well, you're providing quality for your shareholders. It's sick and it's twisted, and the darkness in people's response to this act of violence shows you that healthcare is actually something that we can all unite around because there isn't a person that does not have a story that is heartbreaking or terrifying or anger inducing that involves chasing down your insurer in order to get coverage of basic shit. So you know, I do not unlike corporate mainstream media, I am not wronging people for their reactions and their responses to this murder because what it illuminates is a much bigger problem And maybe instead of these CEOs now looking for security, maybe you should actually think about your fucking practices that are harming people as opposed to helping them. It's wild to me that you would get into an industry that is supposed to be about providing healthcare to people and you're getting high fived and celebrated for denying millions. It's disgusting and it is it is deplorable, but we have just lapped it up in this country as well. That's the way. No, it is not. It's the way until it isn't. And maybe this is the eye opening moment where people, you know, across party lines recognize that, yeah, you know what, why don't we have universal health care in the United States? Why am I supposedly needing to be woken up in the middle of a fucking surgery because oh, Blue Cross, Blue Shield didn't want to extend the anesthesia that you had because your surgery was running along. You see how they quickly reverse that decision. But they try and find these insurance companies try and find any way to screw people who are spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars if you're in a family on healthcare. It makes absolutely no sense. And I'll tell you that when I was covering this on the Daniel Moody Show and on others, that people who listen from around the world, from Australia, from the UK, from Canada, where like, we don't get it. We don't get it, and it's disgusting and we are so sorry for you all. And I'm like, until Americans begin to demand better and also let go of the illusion that somehow America is better than other nations, when what is coming into our site is that we've been lied to, we have been bamboozled, we have been fed this line that America is exceptional, and it is not. It is actually exceptional in its cruelty. It is exceptional in its hate. It is exceptional in its low quality public education. It is exceptional in its obesity problem and its mental health crisis and its gun problems. Right, you can list out the ways in which America is exceptional, and a lot of them are fucking terrible. What I have continued to say about America is that we have the best pr of any country, because when you're actually here and you visit someplace else and realize that, why does our infrastructure look the way that it does. Whenever I see these memes of high speed trains in Europe, or in Japan or in other and they'll say, oh, my god, such and such country is in the future. No, they're not. America is just living in the nineteenth century. Everyone else has created policies, infrastructure right in a way that is forward thinking. America, however, in too many instances, is living and existing in the past. And we are at a moment, at a critical moment, when we have a new administration coming in that has no imagination right, that is not interested in innovation, that is not coming from a place of abundance, that it's going to be operating from a place of scarcity and pushing America to fall further behind. We live inside of a global society, and this idea that, oh, America first, when America is literally last in global metrics of so many things, is embarrassing, but it's also incredibly ignorant. So well, I don't wrong people for the feelings that they have expressed on social media, because it is again a symbolic of a much deeper problem that we have in this country that we refuse to address, and we are at a breaking point. And what I believe is that look, this administration that is coming in, they are coming in with a hammer to damage as many things, as many agencies our spirit as much as they possibly can. But I will reiterate what I said at the top. No one can oppress you without your consent. And we still have the Constitution of the United States, We still have the rule of law, and we still have the will of the people, and we need to exercise that and think about what does our resistance look like moving forward. That is it for me today, dear friends on WOKF as always, power to the people and to all the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fun

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