
The End of American Democracy

Published Dec 17, 2024, 8:00 AM

The systems of power want to keep us broke, sick, and undereducated.

Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with me your girl, Danielle Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks. At the time of this recording, there is news that has broke that there was a shooting, yet another school shooting that took place, this time in Wisconsin, where we are seeing that a school at a Christian school in Wisconsin. There are three people, including the shooter that is dead. This has happened before eleven am local time. Police responded and once again of flood of thoughts and prayers come in. This is that schools last week before the holiday break. It is just, you know, folks, I can't even at this point remember how many shootings I have discussed how many times this happens. That America is the only country that this happens in on a regular basis where our politicians all of a sudden turn into clergy and say that the only things that can be offered are thoughts and prayers. We've had school shootings at schools where quote unquote resource officers are armed because Republicans' responses to shootings have been to turn our school buildings into prison systems where there are armed guards inside where kids go through metal detectors, where there are bars on the windows. I don't know who can learn under those circumstances. It is just a sign of where we are that at this point, I don't really know what else to say, but what the Chief of Police, Sean F. Barnes said in his press conference I thought was really important where he said that there are two people that are dead, but there are three hundred, over three hundred and fifty students ranging from kindergarten through twelfth grade that attend this school, the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, Wisconsin. And he said, while there are two that are dead, which they have not at the time of this recording released, whether or not they were students or administrators or what have you, but that the over three hundred and fifty children in that building are victims. That the trauma that comes from these types of preventable murders don't just affect those who are murdered. It doesn't just affect their families that will now have to deal and process with a horrific loss. We have terrified generations of students who, when entering a school building never know if that day is going to be their last We never talk about the ripple effects of this type of trauma, anxiety, depression that comes from excs experiencing a school shooting. And I would argue, not just for the students, but everyone that is in those buildings. After the headlines leave the news, the rest of us, who had not had a front seat to mass murder go back to normal. But these people, these children, those administrators, they never do. So, you know, I look at this and I am just I'm so over this country. I am so over all politicians and not just Republicans. I'm so over the lack of urgency that has been showed on an issue that we could stop. These are not acts of God. These are horrific acts that are born out of ignorance, ignorant erance to the fact that, guess what, you have a right to own a gun in this country, you do not have a right to use that gun to terrorize the rest of us. And I just am so over these discussions that for decades have gone absolutely nowhere. The only time that we don't have school shootings in this country is over the summer when school is out, and the only other time that no school shootings happened was during COVID, when children were learning from home. So I honestly don't know how parents and caregivers send kids to school without this cloud of fear, anxiety, and just grief. But the fact is, again, this does not have to be the way, but it is the choices that our politicians have made over and over again. Think it was this year that those that perished in Sandy Hook shooting, those kindergarteners in first graders would have been headed to college. And my god, we've done nothing, nothing to prevent it from happening, And the amount of shootings that have happened since is just disgusting. So how we don't look at ourselves as just a depraved nation that really does not give a shit about kids, that doesn't give a shit about public health. I mean, that's what this is. But somehow I'm supposed to really give a shit about a healthcare ceo that was killed. Why our children are gunned down in schools all the time and those same politicians don't give a fuck. This country makes me so sick, frankly, it just you know, I don't even know where to go. And right now, Donald Trump, right at a press conference, is bragging about how all of these everybody wants to be my friend, says the shallow, insecure faberge egg of a man, because everyone from Mika and Joe to Mark Zuckerberg, to Jeff Bezo's to ABC have all obeyed in advance, have all abdicated whatever responsibility that they had to the public to provide information. They have decided that they're going to get on the Trump train, that the job of the media or social media platforms are not to provide information or to connect people to the truth. That we have entered the cya policy era where you just cover your own ass at the expense of everyone and everything else. So, you know, I hope that corporate mainstream media just dies, I really do, you know. And I say that knowing that there are good people that I hope find different pathways for their analysis. But I had this conversation with Mary Trump the other day on the New Abnormal podcast where she was just like, you know, we also have to understand that like, these are not entities. These media outlets are not entities that are owned that own themselves, right. They're subsidiaries of major companies that want to be in good footing, in good standing with this incoming regime, like Donald Trump does not have to worry about anything, because it's not as if what is going to unfold inside of that administration is going to be reported. Everything that's going to come out is going to seem completely and totally normal. As your rights are eroded one by one, as agencies begin to fold one by one, as more Americans become sick, as public schools close because we have no Department of Education, as our water and our air continues to become increasingly polluted causing more illness because they got the EPA, As free speech and freedom of the press goes out the window, because you have investigations that are going to unfold at the hands of Cashptel, who is going to be in charge of the FBI, and the threats of using the Department of Justice to sue media outlets for their coverage. This is it. You know, We're at the end of American democracy. Beginning January twentieth will be the beginning of the American braligarchy. I've said this before here and I've said it in other places that I really do believe at this point that Donald Trump is necessary. I do believe that the ensuing violence hopelessness. All of the things that are going to come because of this administration are necessary because Americans don't learn the easy way. It requires, apparently, to make the same mistakes over and over again for people to realize that, no, your grocery prices are not going to go down, they're actually going to go up. You're going to lose your life savings, You're not going to be able to retire. There will be no social security, there will be no medicaid, there will be no agencies that are protecting the food and water that you drink and the food that you eat, and vaccines will all be repeating old. And the goal is to keep Americans broke, sick, and under educated, because that is how you rule in a dictatorship and an autocracy. Look at people in Russia, Look at people in North Korea. The populations of North Korea. You know, these are depressed societies that have nothing to offer like the world in terms of like, oh, the best innovators are oh, you know, people come to attend their universities or anything of that nature. Because the goal is just to suppress the people so that they keep functioning as the cogs in the machine, so that they keep putting money into the oligarch's pockets, but that they have absolutely nothing, because if you keep people broke and diseased and downtrodden, they'll be at each other's throats for the scraps that are left behind while you're laughing all the way to the bank. And that is going to be America. It's not going to happen all at once, right, It's not going to happen in the first one hundred days. But I would argue that probably halfway through Donald Trump's regime you will see it all over the place. It will be unavoidable. And for those that think that they live in blue states that are going to be safe, that is not the case, because there are many ways that this incoming regime will squeeze resources out of blue states, deny them access to federal funding that they deserve, which means that they will have to tap into their state fundings, which means that guess what state taxes will go up in order to cover But people aren't not making it need more money. So it's an ugly picture. And maybe from this ugliness something new and beautiful will be born, because it's not coming from the Democratic Party, which their members from Fetterman to Rocana to Cliburne and others are showing their complicity. Oh, pardon Donald Trump, because the country needs to move forward. Oh I can work with doge this made up bullshit agency, and I use that with like a roll of the eyes that's being put together that Elon Musk and Vivekar are gonna run. I just wish people had cared enough to make the right choices. I wish they had cared enough about themselves and enough about their neighbors to do the right thing. But it is evident that that is not the case. And so here we are, with just a handful of weeks left, it already feels like Donald Trump is president. And I don't really know how folks hang on, but I do know that you don't do it by engaging with corporate mainstream media because they don't give a fuck about you. So, if nothing else, continue to support independent media, Continue to support independent content creators like myself, who do this because of nothing else other than a responsibility and obligation to the truth and providing you with analysis as I see the world unfolding, not sugarcoating, because oh what about you know, my investors nope, because everybody else is set up to lie to you and that is their goal. And it's really scary and it's really sick where we are. But I will continued to say, folks need to ground themselves in truth, create community, and do the things that help you stay sane and safe during these really dark days ahead, knowing that they are coming. Find the ways to protect yourself, to inform yourself, and to build real life community, because that's the only thing that is going to allow us to be able to push forward. That is it for me today. Dear friends on Woke af AS always power to the people and to all the people. Power, get woke and stay woke as fuck.

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