
Democrats Are Better

Published Dec 9, 2024, 8:00 AM

Danielle discusses how Democrats do have moral superiority over Republicans, and the recent events in South Korea.

Good morning, peeps, and welcome to OKAP Daily with me your girl, Danielle Moody, recording from the home bunker. Folks. I don't normally spend a lot of time on this show, or frankly, any of my shows talking about foreign affairs, because I'm an expert in what happens in America and in American politics. But I will tell you that what is transpired in South Korea and has occupied our airwaves and social media has my Spidey senses off in Itzzy. But let me start with my favorite topic, shall we, which is goddamn democrats. Like Honestly, frankly, I can't tell you enough how many times I have said this over the last ten years. I am not asking for Democrats to completely flip the table and say, well, if they're not going to play by the rule of law, then we're not going to play by the rule of law. No, but there are times when you must recognize that the law has its limitations. And right now, this both sides is a bullshit that Democrats find themselves in with the comparison the audacity, first of all, to compare what has happened with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden pardoning him, and the myriad of crimes that Donald Trump has committed and also his inner circle has committed, and Donald Trump then pardoned them all four the fact that Democrats are even uttering, how can we possibly hold Donald Trump accountable when Joe Biden pardons his unelected son for filling out a form improperly. But you want to compare that to thirty four felony counts. You want to compare that to hiding documents when you were asked by the National Archives on multiple occasions to return them. You want to compare that to can you do me a favor? Though? You want to compare that to find me eleven seven hundred and sixty four votes? Though? You want to compare that to Mike Flynn being a foreign agent. You want to compare that to Steve Bannon grifting off of the American people and telling them that they were going to be paying for a brick to build a wall that oh, Donald Trump said that Mexico was going to pay for and then pocketing that money. You want to compare that to Charles Kushner, Jared Kushner's daddy, blackmailing and trying to pay off a prostitute to blackmail his own sister, who is now going to be the new ambassador to France. You want to compare Hunter Biden to that, like, are y'all stupid? Like? That is the question that I have for establishment Democrats at this time. Are you all dumb? Because you act like you have no fucking sense and you act as if you haven't learned anything anything over the past ten years. So for people to say that this pardon is gonna send Donald Trump over the edge, bitch, you should have had a parachute a long time ago, because we've been over the edge for the last decade. Miss me with it. But you want to talk about Joe Biden pardoning his son on trumped up political charges that were only created so that Merrick Garland's bullshit, lackluster, spineless Department of Justice could have the perception of both sides. Did you hear the list of people and crimes that were committed by Donald Trump and his inner circle? But Democrats right now have themselves up in a tizzy over one pardon that if his last name as Eric Holder, said former USAG said that if Hunter Biden's name last name had been Smith or Thompson, or anything other than Biden, he wouldn't have been awaiting sentencing to begin with. So in the push not to quote unquote play politics, all Merrick Garland has done is play politics. And frankly, the only mistake that Joe Biden made with regard to this is that he should have never said that he was never going to pardon his son. He should have said, I'm going to allow the Justice Department to move through their investigation, which is separate from my administration, and then we will see and keep it fucking moving. But the actions that Democrats are taking right now are exactly the reason why people want to abandon the Democratic Party to begin with. You see, folks, the Republican Party has been waging war on Democrats on democracy since the beginning of the Tea Party, okay, which started during the Obama administration, Right, so, since the Tea Party and Donald Trump coming onto the stage asking for Barack Obama's papers, right, they have been waging war on democracy. And what have Democrats been doing just hang ringing, pointing fingers, trying to pretend that they are the adults in the room when guess what, folks, everybody else has left the fucking room. Because they're tired of the both sides ism. They're tired of the run that Democrats are doing, running up behind the Republican Party as they continue to move into further extremism. Guess who's chasing them to the right. It is Democrats. So, friends, we can't sit around here and say, oh, well, we have to be better, because my thing is we are better. We don't have to create trumped up charges. We don't have to create this both sides ism and bullshit in order to showcase that we are better. No one should have said anything when Hunter Biden was pardoned, not a fucking person inside of the Democratic Party. They should have all done what Jasmine said, which was bravo, and then follow that up with the list of people that Donald Trump had pardoned who are known criminals, which is what Rachel Maddow did. It is an abdication of duty and responsibility that Democrats continue to show in this moment that while they should be bracing themselves for the incoming of fascism, for the incoming of autocracy, and how they plant to function in that, No, they're gonna waste the next couple of weeks talking about Joe Biden pardoning his son and think that somehow what Republicans are not laughing at them and thinking how ridiculous they are. This is why we are in this space right now, because Democrats abandoned their base in an attempt to try and court the Republicans that somehow they think don't follow Donald Trump and somehow would be able to bring them over as opposed to amplifying the issues and creating the solutions to the problems that are actually plaguing their base. We find ourselves here, folks, not just because Republicans have shown us who they are, but because Democrats don't know who the fuck they are. That's why we find ourselves in the place that we are in. And so let us now look and take a gander at what has happened in South Korea. So, folks, let me give you just a quick little history lesson martial law. What is martial law? It's a word that is thrown around all the time, a phrase that is thrown around, but I don't actually think that we really know what martial law is. Well, it says here martial law is the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule, typically invoked during emergencies. It has been used folks roughly sixty eight times in the United States's two hundred and fifty year history. Nearly read here. In the US, it can be declared at both state and federal levels, and is often associated with the suspension of constitutional rights such as habeas corpus. The Posse Commeatus Act of eighteen seventy eight generally prohibits the military from enforcing domestic law without congressional approval, but exceptions can be made during periods of rebellion, invasion, or public safety emergency. Let me pause here. Why are we talking about this time? Well, because the president of South Korea, President Yun, decided that as he was being alerted to the fact, Well one, his approval ratings are roughly around twenty two percent. He is the conservative in South Korea, and the parliament is controlled by DP, the Democratic Party, and there were rumblings that they were getting ready to impeach him along with some of his cabinet. And to avoid that impeachment, this mffort decided that he was going to invoke martial law. Y'all put a pin in that. So go back to our history, lesson, when was the last time that the US declared martial law. Well, it was in nineteen forty one, actually December seventh, nineteen forty one, to be exact. And when did it occur? When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, the US federal government declared martial law in Hawaii, which persisted through October nineteen forty four. And again, the United States has only declared martial law roughly sixty eight times. No martial law was not declared during nine to eleven. So I want to bring you through exactly what it is that happened. South Korea's president declares martial law and during that time, the military helicopters everything basically broke out at parliament to try and stop members of parliament from entering the building to vote to end martial law. So President Yun calls for martial law because Parliament is getting ready to potentially impeach him, and he does this to suspend all political activity from stopping Parliament from organizing and voting. And what do the members of parliament do. They break into parliament, hopping the walls, breaking into windows to get in to organize to vote. So the military was breaking into parliament, smashing the windows and attempting to storm the National Assembly because they were initially following the president's martial law order. Because why were they breaking in the military because Parliament voted to unanimously, unanimously lifting martial law so that they could reclaim democracy. Because this mffor wanted to hold on to power visa via dictatorship. He openly threatened to stop democracy so that he wouldn't be impeached. And then they had to break in to parliament to vote to stop the dictator and the military didn't know whose rules to follow. Folks, Why am I talking about this today because I don't know if this is foreshadowing or not. So I'll read you this. Let this sink in. A government trying to restore freedom is being silenced at gunpoint. This is the first time martial law in South Korea is declared since nineteen seventy nine, when it preceded the informans I will butcher this Yangzhou uprising President Yun Sukiel's justification. He claimed martial law was to stop quote prepare for it, folks, anti state forces. That he claimed that the opposition party, the Democratic Party, was working alongside North Korea. Do you see follow the bouncing ball here, he basically lied to say that the opposition to him were really enemies of the state and that they were working alongside the North Koreans and he had to issue martial law in order to stop these communist forces from taking over the country. Folks, what does this sound like? This tweet goes on to say, this isn't about protecting the nation, It's about consolidating power. Martial law is being weaponized to suppress dissent and control the media because the added benefit of issuing martial law in South Korea means that guess who gets to take over the media? The president, So guess who gets to stop any objections from coming in President Yun? Guess who gets to relay their message that I'm doing this for your safety because the Democratic Party of South Korea is working with North Korea and I'm here trying to save democracy. Who does this sound like, folks? The person writing the tweet goes on to say, South Korea is standing on the edge of authoritarianism and the world is watching this, My dear friends, is what this should remind all of us of. This is exactly what was happening. January sixth, twenty twenty one. Donald Trump wanted to hold on to power, so he told his band of insurrectionists to go take their country back because there was what illegalities as it attains to the vote. Their vote was stolen. The Democratic Party was stealing their votes. So you need to go take your country back. And this mob believed him. When Donald Trump was told what was happening, did he call in backup to help the police, No he did not. Did he call in the military, No he did not. What concerns me about what we just saw unfolding South Korea is that parliament is actually still controlled by the opposition. However, for us here in the United States, Democrats don't control a goddamn thing. On top of the fact that they don't even control their fucking message. So going back to the top, the United States has only declared martial law, which the President of the United States has the ability to do, Congress has the ability to do, and governors have the ability to do. But in cases of natural disaster, rebellion, or unrest, laws can be suspended. What did I say yesterday about how Donald Trump will decide to manufacture crises in order to push through his plans of authoritarianism. And the thing here is that, unlike South Korea, again, Democrats do not control the House, nor do they control the Senate, nor do they control the White House or the judiciary. So what is to stop Donald Trump from coming in and saying one that we have an invasion, language that you have heard him use when discussing undocumented people in this country. He has said, we are in an invasion. These are when you're able to institute, whether it be the Insurrection Act, which is what his followers wanted him to use on January sixth, which also, by the way, allows you to designate a militia. So the fact is, yes, Trump has zero guardrails, and he has been given absolute immunity by the Supreme Court. There is very little, friends, except what a handful of Republicans that maybe still believe in the rule of law. But if they did, then they would have voted to impeach Donald Trump. So either he declares right that there is an invasion coming across the border and we need to call in martial law, or he manufactures a state of unrest, which is what we did actually see during the twenty twenty summer of twenty twenty. The uprising following the murder of George Floyd. Again, Donald Trump and the Republican Party is looking for an opportunity to do exactly what it is the South Korean president had done. But we don't have a parliament that is working in our favor. So why are we all paying attention to South Korea right now? Because much like Brexit was foreshadowing to the election of Donald Trump in twenty sixteen, I believe that we are watching democracy crumble around the world and be tested in ways that it has not been tested in decades and decades and decades. So this is where we are. It is absolutely terrifying. But I encourage each and every person to understand these laws and understand what powers the president has and what powers he has been given by the Supreme Court of the United States. They believe, folks, that they are at war already, as Jasmine Crockett, Representative Crockett said so adeptly. They already believe that we are at war. They already see any opposition as enemy forces. So if you believe that you are at war, if you no longer see the opposition party right as your colleagues from across the aisle and you start to see them as the enemy within. Believe me that they are going to find a way to be able to suspend the Constitution to usher in autocracy, and I honestly don't know who is going to stop them. And this is where we are. So while Democrats again want to have conversations about what Biden should or should not have done, Republicans are getting ready to take power and never let it go. And then what so, folks, we are in for it. And I encourage people to be paying attention to what is happening around the world right now. You know, America is very good at existing inside of our own siloed bubble because we're so far away from everyone else. But there have been bad actors that have been taking their cues from Donald Trump, and unlike in America, other people are managing to hold their Trump lights accountable, whereas America has just re elected ours. And if that is not wild af I don't honestly know what is that is it for me today? Dear friends on wokf as always, power to the people and to all the people. Power woke and stay woke as fuck.

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