Democrats seem to be unable to do anything right. The party's failure of imagination led us directly to this moment.
Good morning, peeps, and welcome to wok F Daily with Meet your Girl Danielle Moody, recording from the Home Bunker. Folks. Here's my thing right now, why can't Democrats ever get anything right? And I say this having spent the last three months trying to get Americans to believe that Democrats and their desire to preserve democracy was in their best interest, and that obviously failed because in just a few weeks we have a fascist, right wing, white nationalist government that is going to be coming in to destroy basically what is left of our democracy. And instead of focusing their attention on the incoming devastation, what are Democrats doing right now attacking Joe Biden for pardoning his son? Now, Folks, I was on yesterday Tavis Smiley's radio show, and Tabs asked me a question and said, did Joe Biden lie to the American people when he said that he had no intention of pardoning his son? And my response was no. What Joe Biden is doing and what he has done is politics. The fact of the matter is, when he was asked would he pardon his son, Joe Biden should have done what politicians in the past have always done. I'm going to allow the Department of Justice to move through their investigation and come to a determination at that time. What does that mean. It means exactly what I said, and keep it moving. Democrats continue to play with rules and in a game that no longer exists. Then Tavis asked me, well, Danielle, do two wrongs, then make a right with regard to the fact that Donald Trump is a criminal and has been charged with criminal behavior, all of which has been wiped away because the crimes that he committed in order to stay in office in twenty twenty now that he is back in office after the twenty twenty four election have magically disappeared. And you want to compare Hunter Biden filling out a form wrong with thirty four felony counts with Donald Trump pardoning his entire inner circle for being foreign agents for grifting off of constituents. You want to compare Hunter Biden filling out a document wrong while he was battling his substance abuse addiction with Donald Trump being totally incompletely coherent when he told January sixth insurrectionists to go take their country back. You want to compare that to the perfect call to go find me eleven seven hundred and fifty some odd votes. You want to compare that form from an unelected person to all of the things that Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Paul Matafore, Charles Kushner have all done. And look at me in my face and think that those accusations that Democrats are wielding right now against Biden are fucking warranted. And this is why Democrats will continue to lose because in their desire to play the adult in the room and chase Republicans off of their right wing extremist cliff, they are leaving the entire base of their party behind. And I'm no longer going to tell people moving forward, well, this is the most consequential dout dot dot fill in the blank, and you must vote for the Democrat because guess what. Seven million people stayed home in twenty twenty four. Seven million Americans decided that they would rather toin costs this election than actually put any skin in the game. Well, now your whole body's in the game, because you're getting ready to lose your health insurance, Your mother and father are getting ready to lose their Social Security, your family members are getting ready to lose whatever type of stability that they may have cobbled together for themselves over the past several years because of that coin toss. But then I have to ask myself if you're looking at this from the vantage point not through the lens of a racist, but you're looking at this through the lens of well both parties are bought by corporations and high dollar donors that every time that we think that we have moved with the Democratic Party into a place of progression, then they want to go back and embrace the Liz Cheneys and the Dick Cheneys of the world and talk about having Republicans in their cabinet when they can, and even get a pro Palestinian person to bring on the stage for the DNC to talk about gaza. So we do live inside of an upside down world and Democrats continue to play in our faces. And why do I say that, because I actually expected them not to be better, meaning be on their high horse, but understand that when the rules of the game change, that they need to move in a nimble fashion. And this is where Democrats refuse to be because they are allowing once again for Republicans to set the agenda, and all they are positioning themselves to do is to respond in this point and place of destruction. We need to be in a place of bold imagination because guess what, for the next several decades, we're not going to be able to do a fucking thing under the Trump Maga regime. So all you have right now is your imagination and thinking about what can be better, because inside of these systems that we're holding on to and saying, oh my god, the institution, the institution, Donald Trump is going to destroy it. Well, the fact of the matter is, folks, is that if we're talking about the Department of Education, and we're talking about the Environmental Protection Agency, and we're talking about health and human services, if you talk with black people, if you talk with low income people, they're going to tell you that those agencies haven't been doing a fucking thing for them except for the semblance the perception that they work for everybody. But in actuality, we know that that couldn't be further from the fucking truth. So if we know that Donald Trump is coming in to destroy everything, then why is it that Democrats still have a failure of fucking imagination about what could potentially come next. Not that in that next phase we're all gonna benefit from it, No, we will be long gone. But in doing this tit for tat bullshit, what Democrats continue to show is that they have learned nothing. And if you learn nothing, then tell me again why the people of this country should trust you, because that's what this all comes down to. And whether or not we want to admit it, they trust Donald Trump because they trust him to destroy what it is that they don't like, and he says that he will. And now I put my faith in trust in a Democratic party because they say that they're going to fix things. And then at the end of the day, I look and what they have done is continue to paint a rotten house. What they have done is continue to put a band aid on a patient that is on life preserve. You know, at some point, folks, at some point, we have got to reconcile with the reality here that Democrats are not built for this moment. I could give a shit about what Joe Biden's legacy is going to be, because if we think that the part in is going to be the thing that tarnishes Joe Biden's legacy, well then we haven't been paying attention for the last fucking year plus that he has provided weapons of mass destruction to a fucking toxic, genocidal, homicidal maniac in Israel. Joe Biden's legacy is going to be what has always been America's legacy, which is that we are on the wrong side of justice almost all the fucking time. When it comes to liberation movements. America is not there unless it is serving our best interests, and our best interests look like a financial investment or an extraction of some kind. And because all we can see is that the people of Gaza are begging for humanity or begging for reprieve, Well, if there were oil underneath Gaza, that then they could offer up, maybe the United States would give a fucking damn. So when seven million people decide to sit out, let's not all just shrug our shoulders as we been known to do, as I have been known to do, and say, well, those people are stupid and they don't care about their lives. Maybe they do, and maybe what they have been seeing over the last decades is that they have lost track of who the Democratic Party actually is. Because in fact, the Democratic Party has clearly lost track of who it is. It's so busy trying to be the adult in the room, they didn't recognize that everyone else has left the fucking room, and so now they're just talking to themselves. I just saw something, folks, and I don't know, like I have to do investigation right. What I saw on top of my own anecdotal evidence rings true, it said, and I'll pull it up here so that I read it accurately. I follow this site called boardroom on Instagram, and boardroom posts, you know, business news and this, that and the other thing, and so well, I see this post, folks, and it says the average age of US home buyers. Get this jumps to fifty six years old. And they write this, and this is according to CNBC, home ownership is increasingly out of reach for younger generations, with the average age of US home buyers rising by six years since twenty twenty three. So in twenty twenty three, the average age has jumped six years, which means that prior to this, the average age for buying a home, folks, was fifty, and now it is fifty six. They also go on to say that the National Association of Realtors points to a confluence of factors. The median home price has surged thirty nine percent since twenty twenty to four hundred and thirty five thousand, while the average thirty year fixed mortgage rate has more than doubled, exceeding six percent. So here's the deal. The lie that has been told is that all is well and good. The fact is, folks, is that wages in the United States have not risen to match the increase in the mortgage rate as well as in the housing market. So if you're telling me that the average age of a person that is able to afford a home is fifty six, and then you're telling me that after you're able to buy said home, that you're supposed to then have enough money to be able to retire at sixty five, folks, the math ain't mathem, and it doesn't make any fucking sense. The fact is is that this country has been privatized within an inch of its fucking life. You have had foreclosures happen and then companies come in and scoop up those homes, increase the mortgage rate, increase the amount that it costs to buy a home because you're no longer going from person to person you're going from corporation to person no one can keep up. Not only that, but if you live in a city, then you would also know that the fucking rent has risen astronomically since twenty twenty. So you can't afford to buy a home, you can't afford to rent, and your wages have it increased at all but everything, And now you have Donald Trump coming in that's going to put a tariff on every single thing, So your money is not even going to go as far as it did in twenty twenty three. In twenty twenty five. So again, when I talk about the incremental change that Democrats have allowed folks to become complacent in, we have not had an aggressive conversation station about how millionaires and billionaires have basically swindled the United States United States workers out of every single fucking penny. The only people that have ever consistently talked about this is Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Everyone else wants to tell you that all is well. All is not fucking well. So you know, I see this now, and I look at it from the vantage point of a voter, right, the average voter, not me as a voter, but the average voter, you can't afford shit. The gig economy made you believe that, like, oh, anybody can get rich quick. No, the gig economy basically just said that in today's world, you need to have a May nine to five and a side hustle in order to be able to just make ends meet. The side hustle is not extra money. It's become necessary just to do the basics. So you're working harder and longer to actually have less. And you don't need to be a math wizard in order to see that the math is not mathing for the rest of us. So then Donald Trump comes in, he gives people a few catchphrases and tells them that, oh, don't worry, I'll make everything better again. We'll just get rid of these people and those things and then there'll be more for people. And that's the easy solution, and that's what folks want to hear. Then you add on the racism and the misogyny. But you see how we get here. But Democrats do not offer a rigorous economic overhaul of this country that would have the middle class and the working class be able to be back in reach of the American dream, which they have been out of reach of for the last thirty years. Folks. I was having this conversation the other day with my parents and saying that at my age right now, which is not at all young, I am old I make more money than my parents did at this age, and yet I have less. That has been the direction that this country has been going in over the last twenty years that I've been working. And roughly, what do we say, really, it's about twenty three years, so you can see then why seven million people sat home. I'm not saying it's right. You know how many times I told people to vote and get their neighbors and their friends and the young people and this, that and the other thing. But the reality is is that Democrats are losing and need to come up with a better plan for what winning and success look like, because it's sure as fuck does not look like chasing Republicans over the fucking tariff hill. And it also does not look like lying to the American people and telling them that the economy is great, when in fact, maybe the Dow is great for those that have investments there, but for everyone else that is just trying to make ends meet, just trying to have a little bit in savings or have some type of retirement. Things look pretty fucking bleak and Democrats frankly, are not meeting the moment. So while they want to get themselves tied up in knots about a pardon and hunter Biden as opposed to creating an actual plan not for how we're going to work with Donald Trump, but what the plan is for a revision at reimagining of the Democratic Party that is steeped solely in progressive values, then we might as well all just sit home and wait for the end to come, because these people seem to be out to fucking lunch right now with no sign of returning to their senses anytime soon. The fact is Americans are indeed suffering because they will never be as well off as their parents or grandparents are, and we need to pinpoint when that changed, and I would argue that it started to shift dramatically about twenty to thirty years ago, and now here we are. So Democrats cannot continue right with this circle jerk that they have been doing with this followed the leader in terms of following Republicans to the right if they plan on having a party, because right now all they're doing is talking to themselves while everyone else has decided to stay home, shut off the news, and shut them out. The future does not, dear friends, look bright right now, and Democrats seem to have put their heads in the fucking sand. That is it for me today. Dear friends on wok af as always power to the people and to all the people. Power, Get woke and stay wokes. Fock