The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area marketing representatives in studio discussing their focus on using multimedia to encourage all voters, but particularly those under the age of 34, to show up at the polls this election cycle.
Jim Jorstad and Chris Haskell spoke to the more than 67,000 new voters eligible to vote this election. Jorstad said he joined the League of Women Voters’ efforts to help them with videos showcasing younger individuals and why they value voting.
League member Chris Haskell said the group’s efforts include showing the power of their vote as well as getting into high schools to emphasize voting.
The League is using yard signs, billboards, and more using donations to reach potential voters.
When asked how they promote voting in a neutral way, Jorstad and Haskell said they try to emphasize that voting is a way to ensure the issues people value are being addressed.
The League directs people wanting to know the fundamentals of voting to . The website can help you determine where to vote, if you are already registered to vote, what will be on your ballot, and in weeks leading up to the election, how to get an absentee ballot and where it is in the process once it is received.