A mini pod check in with Arden and Dr. Banana!
Welcome to Will you accept this Rose? A production of iHeartRadio.
Oh yeah, We're gonna get all up in you tonight.
It feels so good.
I just got one little question.
Finger out where you reaccept this rule? Will you reaccept this role? Listen to your word.
Oct oh, I will accept your rose? Hello, Hello, well everybody, look, here's the deal. We're just dropping a podcast to let you know that we are safe and sound and we are sending so much love and like what a fucking weird, horrible, horrible opener to the year. And as we do, we just continue and so we are here. I I mean, it's your Queen, Artie Guardy Marine with my doctor Hannah Montana, Arianna Rosanna, Rosanna, Dana Mittens, me Irene Hoosey Levine. I am up in Berkeley. I had to evacuate with the girls. I drove up with cats. Nothing like a road trip with cats. So they love two cats cats. They loved it. Meow yes, as she did last fall, she her carrier fucking opened in the car again. This happened on the at least we were on the plane last time. Her fucking carrier iums.
She's opening them herself.
But it's meow, it's not Mittens.
It's right now, so that maybe Mittens is helping her.
Dude, Miow was inconsolable. I don't know how to give them Gaba pendan its okay? Are queen? Doctor ban is into York City. She's a city girl. Hijactor bee Hi.
You can't figure out how to give them Gaba pentin.
I need to get liquid, Gaba pent in?
Do you have liquid?
No? Well, Mike Hout is a nightmare monster eater, so it's not hard to like trick him into eating a pill pocket he will.
Ray Meyah is a chow how. I'm sorry. Mintence is a chowhow. And she was the runt of the litter and now she's a curvy queen and we're here for it. She's hot, She's a gorgeous girl. I'm obsessed with her body. Her body is perfect.
She's chunk?
Is it chunk? She's like short, she says, why does she is short? Her hands are in her head is the size of a tiny green pea.
Swished it.
She's perfect, her proportions are perfect. She eats everything, but she will She's like, bitch, I will not be fooled by your stupid pill pocket, like it's not I know there's medicine in there. I don't want it. I need to call our slightly shady veterinarian. Can I say that I have.
To tell you? Okay, why, I'll tell you off air one that that has helped me a lot recently. I okada say kind of a ride or die for me right now?
Okay, I mean, look, we love her. I also didn't know that this person is gorgeous, like I also like, ha, didn't seen this person in real life in a long time, and.
I'm like, really, oh, this person stunners.
This person is like an Instagram model like I had. I had only talked to this person on the phone numerous times, and then I saw this person and I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. I didn't realize I was dealing with a bachelor contestant, like I didn't. I didn't know when when I was having the pop up Bengal Wrescal and the Great Rescue in the Yard, I hadn't. I hadn't like that was the first time I'd really been I r L with this person. And honestly, honey Bati of.
Course, and also she sometimes we got into when we were dealing with something recently, which I won't because it's gonna get me in some trouble. But she was like calling me at night and we have these long cards. Am I friends, are you dating your area? We are like hanging out kind of like.
That. I got to get some liquid Gaba pens and both for me and the cats from our hotel.
Tell her what you need to be like, look, I need it. Also, I don't think she knows we know each other.
That's even better because maybe maybe maybe you could help me out. Well, okay, here I am. If Sergio is making it, Look at that queen behind me. At who's there that person.
On her little bench.
By the way, If you're looking, I did design this room. Don't kid yourself, obviously I did. Look at this room. Isn't this cute? Look at that?
I love the wallpaper?
Thank you? Obviously she puts some wallpaper in here. Look at this? How gorge So yeah, I uh, look, we're doing this because first of all, sometimes people need good cheer. Happy twenty twenty five. Everybody, we're thinking of you, or if you're in the Los Angeles or your loved ones are in the Los Angeles area. We're thinking of you out in the world because the world ain't no joke right now, honey. And look I'm in I'm in the San Francisco area early, but we're going to be here again. Get your fucking tickets. Please come, because they're not they're going to stop inviting it and we need and we but we always sell out and we want to sell out again. San Francisco is sketch fast. We are going to be February second. Yep, Doctor B's flying in from New York. I'll be there. I'm sure Laurie will be there obviously. So we have this Sklar Brothers and will you said this roads first?
That's interesting.
We have Doug Benson obviously a king. We will be doing draft picks in Theory in the Bougie Podcast studio the week of the twentieth, but like hopefully the fucking world has not ended by that. And then so we're also having Kate mccouchee are from Garfunk, Call of Notes and Big Bang Theory. So they're all coming. And I've been texting with Charity and to come to guess because I know that he because he loved comedy. So this was a text I got yesterday.
Oh we got to stand up on our hands.
Okay, so here we go. We've got a We should let him do a set.
Honestly, I'm not against that.
Should we say? If he wants to do a stand up statsh I text her right now? Yeah, okay, my god, we would love to invite nottton to do a five minutes stand up set at the show if he wants to exclamation point. I think our fans would love that exclamation point. I love that you guys can hear me in real time. And this is how I text. And by the way, I never reread, and it usually like it never says what I think it says because Siri doesn't understand me.
Yeah, it's probably like you should ship on your stand.
You should ship on your stand. It means like, yeah, I love Ann Rand.
I'm a huge fan of Iron Rand. Are you interested in doing your show?
Are you interested? You should know about me huge Iron Ran Ran? Okay, okay, okay, okay. I just so, so we might have dotten a charity. If not, we're gonna have somebody else. So let's just talk. Let's talk gossip to Will's and Gabby are both on The Traders, which I haven't watched yet. Have you watched the whole season? Is it out on people?
No, they just dropped the first three episodes, which I watched because okay, I gotta watch.
And who's the star? Like who who is the Porsche? Or like who is it? Who is the star last year?
Yeah, like uh uh, surprise was the star last year?
Who's the surprise star this year?
Well, there's a few. There's Bob the drag Queen. Okay, there's Dylan e fron zach Efron's brother.
Okay, well you know that we love it. That's also now we're combining that show that we love where we try to guess who someone is related to.
It's like that celebrity sibling show, which we.
Are the only two people who watched him. Okay. And then and then we have to get back on Southern Charm. We have to redo our Patreon because oh.
We yeah, I know, sorry, just you guys know, we did stop charging on our Patreon because we're not charging. We have not been putting out episodes, and.
We're saying, yeah, but we haven't put any out because Anna moved to New York and I went to Europe and then came back and broke up with something.
We have really been on a journey.
We've been on a bender. I want to worry on the trip and then immediately broke up with the person.
We haven't been charging because look at us, we're sorry.
All I know is, look, the holidays are hard for me. We had a good time. It wasn't my final rose, but I did take up on the overseas trip.
You tried to give a rose.
I really tried, and it wasn't the right match for me, but like, but for a variety of reasons. But yeah, dude, I mean there's so many things I can say right now. There's so many things I want to say right now, but because it's a public forum, well that.
I want to say real quick.
Sally Sally from The Bachelor and then Bachelor in Paradise where she like cried and like couldn't come on the show and like threw a fit about her ex and stuff.
She left night one.
Yes, she is on Southern Charm. Now, whoa like full on character on the show is like in a fight with Taylor because Taylor's new current boyfriend is her ex boyfriend and there's like this possibility that he cheated on her with Taylor, but also she at one point slept with shep this girl, Sally. It's crazy. I was like, where did you come from? How are you like so entwined in all these reality She's.
Super twined and then has like made a star turn by like showing up and leaving like so she's like haunts these shows. She's like a rumor, like rumor has it there wants that like, but like nobody's actually ever She's she's an urban legend of a person.
She is, but now she is fully on the show. Just also she apparently she she I don't remember if we talked about this, but she like controls robots that do like spinal surgery and apparently she makes like four hundred k a year or something like that.
Yeah, I don't want her to be my surgeon.
I know, it's so crazy. I'm like, who are you?
Apparently Joey and Kelsey have said a wedding date.
That's cute Joey and Kelsey.
Okay, yeah, Joey the tennis playeria, like dad whose dad choked on the Golden Bachelorette Mark.
So that's that's water over there.
Dude, is Joan god Joan Joan born to be a white collared criminal's wife? Have she and Chock? Let's lick up Joan and Chalk. Let's see what the latest on. Let's see if there's news on Joan and Chock.
What could they possibly be up to? Nothing?
In my book, two days ago, they're still together.
I know that. I mean we would have heard if they broke.
Up, right, Yeah, they're still together.
But there's no way they're doing anything interesting.
Yeah, that's no, there's nothing. They expose the major relationship disagreements, so they're trying to still stay in the news.
But like, what disagreement could they have had?
But they're saying that it was fake.
Yeah, it probably was.
Kind of proved that they're a real couple. They took to instagram their latest disagreements. This is how we like our temperatures. Oh and they showed their thermostaff from the car. That actually feels like they're that boring. That that feels on the temp in the car. I cannot here, Yeah, I hear.
Okay, so when there's a murder suicide, okay, I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in temp agreements.
The world is literally like right now, it's actually like an actual dumpster fire right now, Like, don't don't talk to me about like cars, I'm for sure get out of here, dude. Our sweet friend Miles lost his house. Yeah, and there's a GoFundMe which I have donated to. And our sweet tennis coach Brent has lost his house. Maybe we'll both there. GoFundMe is on our Facebook page. Miles has done. Miles has done the podcast numerous times, He's done the live shows. They have a little baby, their house, they lost everything, and.
Also I know I was I was waiting to hear back, and then when he texted me back, I just like burst into tears. I couldn't handle it. I was like, what does what the fuck? Like I know all the people, yeah, they lost when the people you love like just it feels so helpless because there's like nothing you can say or do and you're just sort of like, I'm sorry, and it doesn't even like it doesn't even mean anything at that point, because like I know it was gone, and I do want to say. I feel like people being like you know, when someone tells you they've like lost everything and they're like talking about the things they lost. I think it's so unnecessary to be like, well, at least you and your family service. It's like, don't disregard everything they've worked for every I mean literally their possessions that they care about, like those things have memories, and to like just disregard it, to be like it's some real objects, It's like it's for you.
How about I come take all your stuff? Like we got up here. I came with my friend and the first day, like you know, ELI was scary, like just it was like tornado level wind and you know, I got an evacuation notice and like this guy was black and there's fires everywhere, and but beyond that, like your friend's houses are burnt. Like so we went to lunch at this place here, and like the waitress she was like, oh yeah, you're the third people from LA today, Like okay, and she goes, she goes, well, it's just stuff. I'm like, yeah, I remember when my when my mom died, you know, I found out a torking class, a torkout, like and there was a woman there. You know, I was on the phone and they found her fucking body, you know, and like like I thought my mom and I were meeting in New Orleans, like she'd been there for three and she goes. She's like she's in a better place. She's in a better place. I'm like I had just found out. I was like, oh, really, do you want to switch your your mom's in Saint Louis. Do you want to switch for your mom? Is like, don't shit like that, Like it doesn't make it better when somebody says just stuff like that's there, it's all their stuff. It's there.
Yeah, it's their stuff.
It's like and and they have to deal now for years with like you know, insurance companies having to like rebuild their asset.
Like I mean, it's not like, uh, this isn't gonna It's not like you're just going to mourn the stuff and move on. Like it's just like, you know, this is like the next four or five years of their life dealing with this, like like the paper trip, like all of it.
Yeah, anyway, it's so necessary to like dismiss that, to be like, well, at least you have your health, and it's like okay.
But yeah, I also used to have my photo albums.
Yeah, photo airlooms are just gone.
You know, I know. Anyway, it was I didn't know what I took my mom's pajamas. I packed like such a dangon. I just took a bag with like I fucked no shirts, no bras, no tops. I packed like a pair of pants, ankleweights, my mom's pajamas, like my paperwork, and then like my fanciest parts, and then my cats. Like I was like, well, I have everything I need.
Gotta go.
No no shirt, bra I like I bought like every coat and boot I own, but like no top. I don't know whatever. Man inconcludes, what's fun in New York right now? What's been the most fun? So you seem like you just hit Like looking at your Instagram, you seem like you're having a good time, like you hit the ground running, you're playing tennis. Are you having fun? What's been a fun thing that you've done?
Actually? Does my instagram really portray that? Because I have not really done much since I've moved, So like the last few weeks.
Present fun, like at least your New Year's world felt like you felt like Terry Brown, Terry Kitty Bradshaw.
Well that's a facade. I have not done much. I've mostly been unpacking and like trying to like make my place a place to live. Yeah, I mean I like it. I enjoy I got my rug, so I'm like happy. I have like little things I need, Like I need my TV so I can like really.
Just obviously now obviously.
I need a coat. I don't know why I love coat racks. I'm like such a coat wreck girl. Yes it's weird. Yes, I got a rug, which I'm obsessed with that. I've been doing my plates on.
Where'd you get the frug?
It's a ruggable, but it's the Jonathan adlt ruggable.
Yes, queen a girl. Okay, he's being a good she's not being a demon.
I look at her. She's so cute. I missing, But yeah, I don't know. I haven't really done much. I've just been trying to get my life together.
And how's your neighborhood? Do you like it?
I do like it. It's nice. There's some nice restaurants I've gone to. I've had some like friends come in and out of town, which has been nice. And like, I've seen some friends who live here. I definitely I do need to, like, I don't know, get my ass out there. It's also cold, so I'm also pretty lazy. But I will eventually start having a social life. I think maybe.
The girls, if my maybe the girls there will hop on a plane and.
Come down just a train away from you. Let's do it.
I mean, honestly, why not. It just feels like the world is like, Okay.
You're I'm working out with me. I need I need my friends. I know LA people here.
Quite honestly part of the reason because I love New York is a city. But all my friends moved to LA. But now if people are moving back, let's go back, and you don't have to help me twice. I'll fucking come with. The girls have kitties will travel.
Kitty's got to travel.
Kittie's got to travel, dude. Okay, so what are you excited about? So sketch Fest is going to be fun. We always have a good time at sketch Fest.
Yeah, I'm excited for sketch Fest.
Grant is going to be a fun bachelor. I think he's so hot.
Okay, they dropped his ladies. Yeah, I'm intrigued.
Let's look for a second. Let's just do a quick scan through.
I'm excited to do me a link to the ladies. Yes, hold on, let me pull on. I know I texted to you, Katie, so I gotta find that chat here.
Oh let's see. Oh they're looking cute right out of the gate. I mean the first one is real cute. The gals they put they having like weird variety of clothes, like look at there's like a bright purple tank top and jeans, and then like a pink dress. Like it's all over the like somebody gets a dress, some people get dressed, and some people get like fung jewel tone tops and jeans.
But don't they I forget. Do they get styled? Do they just like bring.
The No, No, it's clearly styled because they all you're basically either in the dress category or you're getting a weird top in jeans. I don't love the color background they gave all the gals.
It's like a rust.
It's like a rust. It's like two categories. It's like go to the dress rack or go to the jean go to like Arizia.
I do love Ariaits yeah, I do too.
I love reads.
Maybe it's more like good a old navy or go to the dress rack.
By the way, I got a great set of jeans yesterday since I an old navy, an old navy. Yeah, these I hope. Look, I'm glad that Joey. I'm glad that Joey is finding love. Has there been any other Bachelor news? Some of these galtic like they've been on before. I'm actually happy. I hate to say the fact that twenty eight feels old now, I'm like, oh, they have age appropriate, you know what I mean, Like they were starting to be like twenty two. Only twenty eight is still exceedingly young. But oh, there's a thirty year old. That's exciting.
I think it ranges from like twenty one to thirty one something like that.
Okay, how old is he? Do we know how old he is?
Let's find out thirty one.
Okay, that's a great age.
Not mad at thirty one.
I'm not mad at thirty one either, dude. I'm excited to start the season. I feel like it's nice to start. This is the longest break we've ever had.
Yeah, it does. I honestly I could not remember when the show started again.
It normally starts right after New Year, it starts, so it starts. Oh, I guess it starts the week before Sketch Fest. So it starts so we will be talking about the first episode and sketch fest.
Yeah wow, mm hmm. Yeah, it is so late, I realize.
Yeah, it's been like that. We don't normally have. I feel like they got all fucked up when they stopped doing Paradise. I feel like Golden really through them, you know. Yeah. So I think it starts on the twenty seventh, so we're gonna do We're going to record our draft picks on the twenty second, so they'll go up to twenty third, and then we'll record the first episode on the twenty eighth. There you go, look everybody in conclusion. Oh yeah, okay, So on Southern Charm, not that everybody watches it, but Page broke up.
Yeah, Page and Craig broke up.
It's the rumors around it.
It is interesting watching them interact now knowing that it's over. Oh wow, it makes.
Me go, like, how does it feel watching it? I haven't watched it yet.
I mean, I don't know. It's like you're trying to look for things, but you know, sometimes.
She just wanted to live in Charleston and she wanted to live in New York.
Yes, I think, I mean to me at a certain.
Point, he's not going to New York and she's not going to Charleston, and he wants babies right now, and she's like, I'm ascending and I don't want to have babies right now. Like that's not what she was It's not like you can ascend with babies, but like that's what she wanted. So, like, you know, it just seem like they were just different. Her star is rising, and he's really grown on me. I think he's adorable.
Oh, he's definitely come a long way.
He's a catch. Whoever she cleaned him up for, Like whoever gets him if it's a nice person. Page whipped him into shape. Yeah, Page got him trained for like somebody to be delighted.
Yeah, that's true.
I wouldn't want to be compared to Page for the rest of my life because I no one would stack up.
No, there's like people being like he'll be married with kids in like a year. He'll move along so quickly because he's finally like okay, he.
Wants it because he's like thirty six, he's ready. Like that's fair. But I would hate to be the person to try to follow him Page's footstuffs. Oh yeah, definitely not I mean good for Hannah, Hannah killing it with her stand up special and like good for her.
I know, Giggly squad Man. They've really they've built the empire with it.
Built an empire. They must make so much money.
I think. So that's why she moved into that new place. And you're like, okay, these.
It's like she's full breakfast at Tiffany's, like boogier. Okay. So in conclusion, we will be at San Francisco's Sketch Fest. I will put a link in my Instagram, in my in my we'll put it on our Facebook page and I'll put a link in my Instagram, Uh link tree, and uh, you can get your tickets. Please come. So it'll be me doctor Banana, I'll say, Laurie, Doug Benson, Kate mccoochy, Uh, the Scholar Brothers, and hopefully Charity in Dotton. If not Charity and Dutton, somebody else exciting. Uh. And it's February in the afternoon. I believe it's at one or two pm. I think it's like two two pm on Sunday, February second. So you can still fly out. You can still fly out and get out of there, and you know, it's always the most fun. Sketch Fest is a blast. San Francisco is awesome. We would love it if you would came. Everyone needs a laugh right now. We always have a great time. We love meeting you guys. Maybe dot and we'll be doing stand up. That would be incredible. That would be incredible. And yeah, we would just absolutely love it if you guys came. Yeah, and then and then we'll be back with our uh you know, we will be back doing our draft picks. Will be up on our draft picks will be up on January twenty third, which is a Thursday, and the first episode will be up on January twenty ninth, which is a Wednesday. There you go, exciting, Doctor Burnanda, I'm I miss you. I can't wait to do our draft picks. I miss you. Okay, until next time. My name is arda Marine.
Thank you so much, goodbye, goodbye.
Oh yeah, we're gonna get all up in your tonight. I feels so good.
I just got one little question here.
Where you accept this roll? Will you reaccept this roll? Listen to your word? Where your accept this rolls to your world?
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