⚡️MINI: ‘He’s Still My Ride or Die’: Poh Ling Yeow Opens Up About Her Ex-Husband Marrying Her Best Friend

Published May 20, 2024, 8:39 AM
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Well and what do you podcast? Many, Hey, it's willing, what do you all? Thanks to Australia post this up there, and I hope you have being a great drive home?

Sure my move.

Sharing how you're going is one of the best things you can do for your mental health.

But when you most need to tell someone how you're going, it's often the hardest thing to do.

And if you don't address how you are, your feelings confessed and lead to things like anxiety, depression, even suicide.

In this podcast, we ask a range of inspiring people how they express themselves in the hope that we can all learn something more about arguably life's most important.

Skill, to ask yourself, how am I feeling? How do I express how I'm feeling? How do I share my mood? Previously we've chatted with people like health and well being experts def Claire Smith.

So I feel incredibly sick, but also mentally I was just a mess every night because.

I just felt like I was continuously disappointing myself.

Legendary Australian comedian Will Anderson. It's a nice thing to say, because I'm not sure that I've actually said it out loud.

Recently, and that feels honestly about right now and author and Mega Marathon runner Ned Brockman.

When you start letting these words of burnout, I think it comes back to the power of the mind and if you can continuously say these things and be positive. Our time here on this planet is very limited, and you're a long time dead. I want to make the most of the time I'm here.

Our latest guest on the Share My Mood podcast is Poe ling Yao. If you want to hear the entire chat, then just look up share my Mood wherever you get your podcasts from. But I think, well, the most surprising thing from this chat with Poe was the talk about relationships and about how her ex husband actually ended up with her best friend.

Can I ask you about relationships? You comfortable talking about year past relationship? So you've had two divorces, yes, And I've heard you talk about the fact that within these relationships you were and please tell me if I'm using I'm using words wrong, but losing this sense of individuality, yeah.

Losing myself? What the first one? Who I'm He's still my right or die Matt like we like and we still have like the hugest domestics in front of his partner, who's my best friend. That's not part of the whole.

Awesome good story.

Sorry sorry sorry. He So your first first ex husband, yes, is now with your best friend yes?


Wow, and then you're all still good, amazing, so amazing.

So he that's great. Yeah. I think that's personally. I think that's a mark of a really mature person is when I meet them and then they're like, oh, you know, you find out that a person you've been hanging out with is their ex. But it's like, we're just so much bigger than what was.

Yeah, Because I think if you fully I believe that if you haven't been able to metabolize, like whatever was causing you the grief, it's still always there. Yeah, and it's so and it's like, I think it's unresolved love. So you have to actually work through it and transform it into something else for it to be healthy, so you can both move on. Because I think when people are still triggered by their partners, I think there's something about them that still has a hold over them, and you want to be rid of that, you know, so that you're an empty vessel to be like go on to your new relationship.

With I feel like I got some really good advice around that once, which was that, like, the fastest way to kind of get over someone is to realize that you'll always love them. Oh that's beautiful, rather than thinking that like, oh, I'm going to get over it, because the English we always say when you get over them, to get over them, And it's like, well, no, you kind of got to go through yes them rather than over them, because yeah, yeah, you're always going to love them. It might just feel differently.

Yeah, but you.

Were talking so so the quote that I saw sorry was about this idea of you having individuality.


So I think that, like for the first relationship, that's when I identified that it was getting really unhealthy because I was getting so lost in the dysfunction that I didn't recognize myself anymore and I was just reacting all the time. I was just so easily we could just push each other's buttons and just you could have an argument about this that that like it was just insane. And that's when I'm like, I'm getting lost in this like bitterness and I need to find myself again. And so when we finally broke up, it was I was like, wait a minute, this is so cool because we now get to like keep all the things that we still love about each other because we loved each other's company, like we were great friends, but as a marriage it just didn't work. So we got to just throw all the bad things in the bin and keep all the good things.


God, this podcast come up twice now on this show, but it's a good podcast. On diariav CEO, I was listening to Esther Perell talk and she's so good, so good, And she was saying that she obviously if you don't know who she is, she's psychotherapist. She works in relationships. She was saying she always finds it really funny when people walk in. She sees a couple and they walk in and like, one of the first things I'll say is that they're adamant that they're individuals. And she's like, well, you're not, because you've chosen to be with someone. And as soon as you choose to be with someone, who you are is defined entirely by the pattern that you've agreed to be in with that person. And she was like, if you think of it like a figure eight loop, you both feed the loop and then people break up when the loop's broken. So like when one of you goes, okay, I don't like the way that this keeps coming back to me, and it's exactly what you said you were like, just everything just get coming back in the same way. So to realize that, I think it's enormous.

If you want to get the whole thing, just look up Share my Mood, wherever you get your podcasts from. We are going to play you a tiny bit more right up next, though, where she tells us that she still calls her ex husband to unpack their relationship. It's phenomenal and you won't believe the things that she decides to unpack still with her ex husband.

We'll play it for you right up next.

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