Will on Monday. I hope you have me a great drive home Woods.
Well, there is a new movie out now called The Bike Riders. It stars Austin Butler, and I am very excited to announce that the man the myth a legend.
Austin Butler joins us right now on the show, Austin.
Before we get into it, Mate, you should know that there are five women huddled around a monitor outside, So if you could stay higher them, I think you might melt some mines.
Hello has passed out? I have passed out? Can I say? Mate?
Every time I see you on character, Mate, like I, I truly believe you are the person you in body.
So that's great to hear that. Thank you.
I just want to congratulate you, whether it's Elvis, whether it's that terrifying villain in June two, and now.
With your latest character, Benny.
I feel like whenever there's a fight in the film, Benny runs towards that fight. He's quite attracted to a scrape. What would Astin Austin Butler do if a fight broke out around.
Him, if a fight broke up broke out around me, I don't know. I'm a lover. I'm not a fighter.
A few more chicks just hit the floor outside, dropping like fires out there.
I try, I try to ease the situation.
It's just speaking of fight because I know recently I read in his You with Ulson about the fact that you were asked, who's the persion you would least like to fight in a boxing fight? And you said, Tom Hardy, who is your coast?
When did I say this?
That's isn't that amazing?
Tom's a tough guy.
We did a little bit of jiu jitsu together and he's he's a tough guy. He's surprising because he is. He has a witten sense of humor, almost more than I've ever met.
In somebody wown't he tells you a story, he'll have you in stitches laughing. Wow.
So that's what I didn't expect, is how funny he is. And he has a really warm heart. I think I lucked out as well because our characters. It lent itself to the characters for us to have a bond and to have love for each other.
Oh that's night.
So when he was like choking you out, just off to the side of camera, but you, you know, did you feel the love there? All.
You know, there's that one moment in the film where I'm just hitting a guy over and all.
Yeah, yes, yes, yes, I remember that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and.
That's why I really felt the strength. Yeah. I love that.
And probably you know when you get really strong people that treat you a bit rough and it feels kind of nice, your real throwdown factor.
Yeah, a little bit of massacres.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely absolutely, I know.
Yeah, imagine that.
I asked him.
You've You've said before an interview that aging can become the pursuit of comfort.
I mean, the aggressive pursuit of comfort.
The aggressive pursuit of comfort, and I'm interested to ask you, do you then seek out ways to get out of your comfort zone in life?
Yeah, I'd say so, yeah, because I think the idea behind that is that you could do the same thing every night. You can sit on the couch, watch the same TV show and listen to the same music, go to the same restaurant, or eat the same meal, and do it all the same and at a certain point your life, I think that's what makes life very short, because.
You're in the amount of experiences.
I think as a kid, you're experiencing new things all the time, and comfort obviously feels nice.
That's why as we get older often we tend to lean to.
That because now suddenly I know the meal that I like, and so am I going to try a new one?
Or am I guess it's going to go for the old faithful.
The more than more that I think about that, I try to try and change it up myself out of that comfort, like that aperture of awareness.
I know you said recently, like Australian coffee? Are you going for a wild coffee order in Australia? What do you like?
Just to that?
What is it?
What are you getting?
What are you gett?
You're gett to decaf armond?
I still, what are you going for?
I just go for for an old milk flat white usually.
Oh wow, man, I like that.
I used to do all the boundaries. I get crazy about the Gold Coast. Have you tried? Yeah?
It's almost too good? Like I don't know how it could be good for us because it taste.
It tastes sweet, doesn't it has this sweetness? Does good gear?
One of the things that well, one of the things in the movie is that it takes Johnny ages to cry all these horrific things happened doing throughout the movie. We're big on men's mental health and thing it's good to talk about. You know, your feelings and how you feel. Do you remember, like as a guy who's kind of pitted, as a kind of a masculine guy who played lots of masculine roles recently, when's the last time you cried in your personal life?
We're getting deep, guys. No, I was just talking about this, you know. I often feel that there are those moments where where you just know you need a good cry, and how life gets overwhelming and and things build up, and we also try to protect ourselves from that the pain, that sort of searing pain that sometimes you can feel in any which way, or frustration or anger, any of those things, and it kind of can bottle up. And and it is amazing how when you have a good cry, how suddenly it snaps you back into reality.
So it's like it's like a decompressing, isn't it.
And I mean it to be very sincere right now, Like there are I've done things like there's this therapy where you do breath work where you just deep breathing for hours. You do like two hours of this deep breathing, and that's made me cry harder than almost anything. It's amazing how we store things and how when you hold your breath and you store things in your body, and when you're able to just actually breathe, it helps you to metabolize emotion that's been stored inside you.
Yeah, it's a great Have your fingers bend in?
Did you have totally that way?
Yeah? Isn't that crazy?
That's such a strange. That was great talking to you so man, Thank you.
It's a pleasure.
Yeah, hopefully saying to try against sin absolutely, ryamuddy