Look at you.
Hey, it's Will and moddy. Are you having a crack ive home? David Volumes is in the studio.
I just gave you an admiring glance and then he said, look at you.
Look at you?
Dream is he is? Thank you.
He's a beautiful man, beautiful to look at. Anyway.
I can say way beautifully on this actually, because David, last time you joined us it was a zoom call. I believe you're at your home. Yes, somehow we ended up here.
When I'm over, Why don't do that?
All three of us would have radio interview in this studio and we will all be tucked.
That would be something. Are we allowed we'd be tucked? What does that mean?
It was pants down?
Pants down? And yes, okay, yes, well, I mean I'm game.
That's what I was worried about.
I'll do anything to promote these shows.
I told you, I told you not to play the audio.
I did tuck in the Little Britain Live show. We came here in two thousand and seven and one of the I took off on all my clothes is the character Sebastian is in love with the Prime Minister. And I did tuck and we got there I brought aut Okay, it was only when I saw the video of it did I realize that you could see my venus and balls from the when I turned around from the other side. No one felt to tell me. So I'm we literally eighteen months and then I finally we filmed it. Oh yeah, what, no wonder people were laughing they got to see that. But you've got to have a hobby Ofnue. You've got to have a hobby, and that's for me.
So if you want to see David's venus and balls, potentially he's doing an audience with David.
By yes, excuse me, excuse me, you won't be seeing that because I'm doing a family show obviously, and I'm not doing in the grown up show either. I've grown out of that. And also I don't want to be.
You just said you were a game.
Well I'm game now because we're in those four guys in a room together, I mean.
There's a room of people out size, there's four women looking at us.
Well, you can draw the curtain, calm we.
And also, hilariously, your back is to the window, so you'd have the same problem.
Let's not do it.
It would be seriously remiss of us not to mention the other interview that you've done on Kiss since you've been here.
Yes, the clash with Kyle.
There's obviously a lot of people asking whether or not that's a real thing.
I was a bit surprised that he didn't let anyone else speak, So he hasn't already stay on a subject for very long.
If you haven't heard it, this is the bit.
Do you go in a darkened room and cry? No, really you should try.
I'm not a comedian. That's what comedians do.
Saturday, the Fish of October.
It's softened me.
Do you think you'll live to see him reet his teenage years?
How has he had this career? I mean it seems I was homeless.
I was eating out of the bin.
It will be again.
Our securities at the door.
Thank you very much. You've been charming, as have you, my friend. It was interesting.
The security thing for me made it sound very fake effectively.
Well, yeah, I didn't even know, but I saw a clip and there's some security like that. Yeah, but I wasn't They didn't actually have to use the security guy.
No, I didn't sounded a bit stage, But was there some real heat between you and Carl you were going back.
I mean for me, it was more pity. That's his style though, isn't it like wind winding people up? Yeah?
I thought it seemed okay. Then the security thing seem stage, but then they.
He brings every subject back to himself as well.
Here's then the following day, which made me think that maybe there was something kind of legitimate about it. Have listened.
That was fun.
And then in the newspaper they wrote as if it was real, he was taking the piss I was taking so behind the scenes, the reality of the bullshit story is that I went to shake his handyway coming and gave me a cuddle.
You were great.
Yeah, And also after the interview started following us, I think if he didn't want to come back, he's not going to start following the show.
Yeah. Well, afterwards, when I hugged him, he had an erection, but it was a bit like as a as a wardrobe ever fell on you with a key still in the lock. Honestly, what it was like it felt like No, I like he was funny. You know, I'd never drink with him. He's an interesting guy. Some of the best celebrities. You kind of love to hate them. I don't mean that as an insult, but you know people that sort of a bit winder, you know, like Jeremy Clark's Simon. He kind of annoys you, but at the same time you go back for more, and.
They entertaining to have a drink with Well, I'm not sure.
I'd actually.
With it.
Have a drink with him, but yeah, he's an interesting guy.
David Williams in Australia An Audience with Dave Williams.
There are kids shows involved, give him mine.
He has an assortment of kids books which spent the Collected with seventy nine weeks at number one, so I'm sure the kids shows are incredible as well. TG Dainty dot com and see David Williams.
And My Friends with Gary Barlow. Is that the question I asked you? Yes, yeah, I mean, you know, he's you know, he's a little bit boring. He's like, he's a bit like a granddad, really a dick in the weird I wrote some songs yeah that yeah, bye gone, that's what he's like. He's a very nice guy actually, and but recently I saw him in a restaurant. We're actually on holiday together, not together we're in the same place. And then I saw him in a restaurant and I sent over to the table a glass of water, and I just want to say thanks so much for all the music, just from all of us. So we were at we were in the Maldives. It's a very nice resorts. Yeah, and there was a buffet and I came up just said, just so you know, there's been a bit of a complaint. They haven't said who, but it's someone from take that and basically they've been taking too much from the buffet. I just want to tell you the buffet is for everybody. It's to share. He liked it. He liked it.
He likes any atta relationship like who would you call a friend with in the celebrity sphere, Like who.
Are you like?
Just like Russell crow Elton John. I wouldn't have a beer with him because he's teetotal, but he's a good holiday with him. Every year you get a little house together. No, he already has a house and he's done very well. He's done very well. Yeah, a little yeah, we you know know. So he has a beautiful house on the southern farms and he's there normally for a couple of months and he invites very friends and family to come and stay with him, and so you go and stay. But my son is eleven and he plays with Elton David's sons, Cher Elijah, so they all go very well. And Elson is hilarious, so he looks very absolutely.
And I can see why you guys would get on because there's kind of like.
Camp humor as well. He sings the song to me, your farm is like a magnet attracting all the men. He's a funny guy.
On the other end of the scale, Russell Crowe. Will you be catching up with Russell cr He he.
Kept on saying to me, because he's got a farm and I've been there once, and he kept on saying, David, have you got time to come down to the farm.
And I was like, no, I'm not milking you again. But I just couldn't go because I was busy in Sydney.
I spent too much time in the city and I'm down in the farm that anyway.
So he's lovely, but I see him often in in in London.
Played most recently.
Made up for Dinner eleven o'clock the evening at China Tang. This Chinese restaurant.
And then he arrives at about you know, half eleven, and then you see in the corner room, you go, oh my god, No, he's got a guitar. Please please God, though, why is his obsess.
He's very he's very good, was very good.
Well he's here today and well thinks you were okay.
I think he's okay.
But he's loving it, I passionately, because he is one of the greatest screen actors alive. And I think, you know, why not do that?
But I think it's just me his passion.
He's always loved his music, and so he's enjoying his life.
He's also he also has a pinchant for tennis. I've heard loves tennis. Have you played tennis with Russell Crowe?
I haven't played tennis with Russell Crowe. Should I have done?
I can't see you playing tennis with many people.
Well, I don't.
I'm not very I'm not I'm not.
Good at tennis. I've seen tennis. I went to the Royal reel in Wimbledon, the Royal and we sat behind William and Kate Wow, and so we chatted to them for quite a long time. Very nice and of course it's all televised. So my mum, you know, next day in the supermarket, she was getting come up to her. Yeah, and we were chatting. Actually was when the Queen was still alive. We were chatting about the queen because she wasn't finding it easy to walk around, but she didn't want to wear flat shoes. Oh it's funny, is sorry? An old lady who's now dead. What's so funny about what came?
What happened in my head?
What happened in my head? David? I'm sorry.
I know Victoria Beckham can't walk now in any issue about high he was actually literally can't.
So what's that got to? I'm sorry? So you were thinking about someone else. I don't believe you for a second.
That's what my mind does.
You're thinking you can't make what you feel guilty. He's like a little puppy dog. You're just taking his heart out.
Melting right now. He's absolutely melting.
That's not fair. No, I haven't played tennis with Russell Crowe.
That's good.
That was that was the answer to that question. But I have met members of the role family. Do you ever have a I do often?
Yes, What am I doing here. I can't believe.
All the time, and I think I think that's healthy. Otherwise, Oh, yes, well this was meant to happen. Yeah, But you know the thing is you meet people, and often very well known people, and but they're just people, and you've got to remember that, however, in all you are well. When when actually this is a question that this is an answer, where this is a story that involves Okay, it can be. I'm sorry, I've had a late night. It So me and Russell Crowe were in New York and we went to see Elton in Concerto Madison Square Garden.
All your mates, all together, friends that ever, just.
Wait because there's more to this story. So we me and Russell went backstage after the show to see Russell. Sorry to see Elton. Me and Russell went backstage off the show to see Elton, and when we got to his dressing they said, I was just wait to meet He's in with somebody. And we waited patiently outside and then out came Bill Clinton and he recognized Russell. Hey, Russell, I was watching one of your movies last night, home alone, and Russell Crowe went on, I'm not in the home alone and Bill Clinton went, no, no, I was. I was home alone watching mone of your movies. And then I went to something recently and I met Bill Clinton. Again. I wasn't gon say I met you, but he went and when he came towards me, when don't tell me I know the face. I know the face somewhere. And then I said, I said, okay, what's Donald Trump like? He's very good golfer, good golfer, but he cheats at golf even when he's winning. And that's kind of all you need to know? So much sense? Wow, what else would you like?
I've got one more question for you, just one if you've got a question, not yet, but during this question something something.
Possible. Do you ever make a meaningful contribution to the show very occasional?
Yes, okay, and we make a big sung in dance about it.
It's very good.
So do you eat?
He's brilliant. He's actually brilliant. So he won a competition, did he?
Well I know that. Like it's obviously a little little Britain.
Got a whole bunch of hot water likes my pencil comics like.
You will do after this this segment.
I'm going to go to this sad.
So Little Britain obviously got a lot of hot water and then went off air in Australia.
Oh did it in the on the A B.
It was on the ABC.
They took it off many many many years, like many moons ago. Did you know that?
I didn't, but thank you for mentioning it. It's really it's really made me happy. I thought, well, I can't be canceled in Australia, but it seems I have been. I thank you very much for the interview. To finish, you can come and see Little Britain characters in an audience with David Won as I come out as a Little Characters.
I was like, this is cool that you're doing Little Britain stuff in Australia just.
Because basically you're a persona non grata in this in this country.
Well, I know, not necessarily. I just think it's I just I.
Didn't get arrested and it was an arrest all. Yes, there's been a sort of you know, there's just spin. The culture has moved on. But tell you what breaks my heart.
Because there's a bunch of stuff that you that you wrote, that you're attached to, that you're passionate about that gets removed for a certain reason that would suck.
Well, people can watch it on YouTube and still laugh and everything, And I think maybe things are going to settle down in a bit and people are going to kind of understand that humor is not to be taken too seriously and too literally. Not worry about it, and you.
Can still get the live day a day where we say you can.
Get the live d V day. It's a challenging wank, but you know you might be able to manage it all right, can you say challenging an audience which also is a challenging.
And the Day Volumes book show gets it tgddy dot com. Thank you, David.
I really helped tell those family shows, no, I'm not taking you to that