It was what he's wedding on the weekend and he's a married man.
This is the recovery, recovery show.
Yeah, still going.
We're not to all those fifty year olds who insist on calling the show. It's over.
The dream is over for you.
I'm very sorry. I'd say it.
There's a ring on this little leopard, now, yeah, just drop that.
It's good, it's funny, it's not sexy. I don't know where it sits somewhere somewhere between sits somewhere somewhere between lame and really shit.
Is it entertainment? No, definitely not.
It was a huge build up to the wedding, though, and what was an amazing occasion and you, I'm surprised you made it.
Thank you.
It was a surprise that anyone associated with any communication that you had to do over the course of the three months arrived.
It's a treacherous period organizing a wedding.
Lots of well, you just got blacks, you just got taken off. It eventually dropped the handle. I dropped a number of balls and then Nim was like, you're banned.
From the balls.
Oh my god.
I didn't mean to do that.
I promise you.
I didn't do that, but you banned me from all jobs.
This is the lead up to what happened.
On the weekend enjoy Woods is getting married.
Five years ago, I went on a road trip by myself. I'm just driving north and I end up at this location. I'm busting to take away and I pull off onto a dirt road, park my car and just go. I don't even know what the bloody hell this place is and I take away on a wall, on an exposed brick wall.
Two years later, the first wedding venue that Mim and I look at, I get and I go, oh my god, this place looks incredibly familiar. I feel like I've been here before, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
That's the place I pissed on on the day.
Like I want the attention to go towards her. It's her special days, and I know that is going to be the case for most of the night. But we've recently started our first choreographed dance.
Lessons for our first dance.
It's becoming very clear that I'm a far better dance than men.
It's becoming a problem.
I contacted your dance teacher Natalie.
Natalie, he's trying his hardest.
He probably thinks he's better than he actually is.
But what he's doing is training, and that's all we can ask, you know.
Okay, hes any incredibly confident that he's made a much better dancer than men is.
He didn't say that he did.
Oh no, I think he might be two in his own horn.
Really, Okay, Okay.
He's just you know, the rhythm's.
Not great, just too much energy, not enough pocisions exactly.
Is it a good idea that I go off the cuff with my speech or should I write something down?
Let me tell you something. This is one of the most significant moments of your life, right, Yes, let's the vows. Everybody gets all mushy and writes, you know, yeah, I'm gonna love you forever, you know, illness and health and all that. Ye, when you're at the reception and you're actually we're claiming this declaration of love to her, this is you telling everybody in front of you that's known you for your entire life why you're marrying this woman.
I cannot afford to wing it.
I am feeling very nervous and anxious, I said, goodbye to min yeah, like three hours ago, which.
Was why why oh no, oh, it's back. Okay, Okay, you're right.
I'm just very.
Overwhelmed with emotion and I am learning about myself and I'm not a very emotional person. But then when I do feel the feels, I feel them hard.
My best man called me a couple of hours ago and he was like, hey, mate, just double checking that I don't have the rings.
I said to him.
I was like, mate, don't worry, I'm on it.
I've got the rings.
And by the way, I put them in a special place. And then as I said special place, I was like, oh my god, I forgot where the special place is. So I spent like a long time this morning looking for the misplaced rings. Amazingly, the special place was my bum bag. I never use you, but I never used my bum bag.
That's probably why it was a special place.
I think exactly, if we can take myself back to when I said we should a special place this, yes, so the ring I've got them. They're in my bum bag.
Disaster. It's been a disaster, but you managed to get there, mate, And.
It was it was a perfect day. It was unreal wedding went on without a hitch, is a beautiful recovery. Yesterday sun as well. So I think lucky that Mim took all jobs off me. I think that's the key for us moving forward. Don't give me responsibility a right going into the day. I've always thought that the vows that the couple exchanged to each other, personal vows is the highlight of any ceremony because you do get an insight into, you know, why these people that you love love each other. So yeah, I thought it would be a good opportunity to let you guys in on the vows that my beautiful wife and I exchanged on Saturday.
Well well, well, Woodrow, looks like we're getting married today, big dog, a day that we thought was further away. Yet our classic tendencies of making impulsive decisions led us to organizing a wedding in a mere four months.
And when I say us, I mean me amazing. Now, woody cliche, But where do I begin? Where do I begin to try.
And put into words that the one person who truly makes you the happiest means to you.
I'd need hours of everyone's.
Time just to share my thoughts and dates to share the negatives.
I met you, and I fell hard.
I'd never met anyone that made me feel so safe and special to be told I'm too much or to tone it down, just to be told to truly be myself, and in turn, you then opens up yourself to me.
Both kind of hilarious and creative person I've known whose walk flights up every room and easily becomes everybody's favor.
With GIRs, we moved.
Fast, as some would say that in my mind it felt like I'd known you an eternity classic.
When you know you know.
Then we made a tiny housemate. She has my attitude that was amazing. You watch me grow that tiny human and stood by me while I complained about my sore groin, andj watch her dad. To love our little girl the way you do is truly what I've dreapt off. I promise to always look at you the way you look at me, with love and adoration. I promise to continue loving you through your gassy moments. I'll continue to care when you ask her to come look at the grass out the front, and I'll make sure I never do the washing. But I can't guarantee where it somehow still lose a sock. Most of all, I'll continue to love you and stand by you through everything we go through, big ads for as I always say, best friends forever.
Boys whatever, I bloody love you. You're certainly a different kind of cat, and I've known that from the moment you burst into our first date and awkwardly crawled into the booth where I was sitting. You instantly had me laughing at your own expense, and that hasn't stopped. Most people try to hide the parts of themselves that society need to be flaws or imperfections, but you not only share yours, you wear them proudly in an effort to make everyone around you feel more comfortable. You have an innate ability to sense that someone is feeling embarrassed or vulnerable, and you'll instantly make them feel better by sharing something far more embarrassing about yourself, like the time you took a you on a nightclub dance flock. The true story, Please don't do it tonight. I'd spent my life trying to hide my many flaws, but you wanted to know all of me. I'm sure you were a little surprised at just how much there was was going on under the surface. But the more I showed you, the more you loved me. You didn't try to fix me. You just made it clear that you loved all of me, and I love all of you. I love your brain. You'd like to say that your brain has the engine of a Ferrari with the brakes of a Billy card. And whilst I do struggle to keep up and sometimes have no idea what you're talking about, I'm also in awe of what it's capable of. You can be painting a masterpiece and dancing with remy whilst also telling me about the dream you had the night before. I love how sexy you are. I won't elaborated on that though, because your dad is sitting two meters away. Okay, Sari. I love how you bring a childlike silliness and fun to any situation. I love how much you support me and consistently put my needs before your own, and that's never been more apparent than through the birth of our little angel. Life is going to undoubtedly throw some difficult times at us, but I promise to be by a side through it all. I know there will be times where you probably won't like me, and if I'm being honest, I probably won't like you, but I will always always when I have a walk with you in the morning, and I will always always love you. Would I give you this.
Ring as a symbol of my love for you and a reminder.
That I will always be with you. Mim, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love for you and a reminder that I will always be with you.
You too, You've exchanged your promises and your rings. I now officially pronounce you.
Wow, that was awesome. I'm actually really glad we got that audio.
Beautiful, beautiful stuff that is Would and Mim doing their vows for each other as we reflect on the wedding that was this weekend.
One of your ideas was going to chat with my beautiful wife. Yeah, of course this is obviously fresh after she had become missus whitelaw which is which is just even saying that out loud is really nice. Now, but here we were will first ever interview with my wife as missus Whitewall.
Now I've got to talk to you about about the wedding and hate feeling and stuff. But I wouldn't really like it if you could regale for everyone what happened when you went over so excitedly to his mum to tell her that you were finally a white lock.
Yes, that was a brutal.
That was a brutal a little call by Herbert. I was so excited, you know, running over.
I'm I'm I'm a missus.
Whitelaw, like this is this is what's happening. And I was I was a bit shook when she said you're not a Missus white Law. Well, no, sorry, I am a missus Whitelaw, but I'm a doctor Whitelaw.
So and I think it was.
It was a harsh reality of no, I'm never going to write a thesis that's never going to happen.
Never read.
Read the room.
It was really mum saying like, you're not on my level until you've done.
Six years of studying a PhD.
Well then she's then she said that like that Steve's mum's and missus white Law, I'm not missus Whitelaw, I'm doctor Whitelaw. That I mean, iconic, very open so much.
What was your favorite part of the day.
What was the bit for you that was really special?
I think walking down the aisle I reckon that was, Yeah, That was probably my favorite. Seeing Woody's face at the end of the aisle, just in tears. I was I was going to yeah, disappointed if you were crying, Yeah, no, I would have been. I said to everyone, Oh, you know, and and did you cry when you saw me? Did you cry when you saw me? And apparently they cried when they saw Remy, and I thought, this is why I shouldn't have given she.
Did clear the room not a dry yeah, yeah, yeah.
Know, girl, yeah yeah.
Because we were doing the photos at one stage. You were standing in front of this beautiful creame war like looking gorgeous, getting these professional photos, and Remy came out. She'd taken up her dress and she came out screaming in a nappy, and Mimi just like cool and like clear as you keep coming. Not your day, rare.
It wasn't to be honest, it wasn't her day. It's been her birthday for the last two years, so it's my birthday.
Do you guys stuck to the beautiful tradition of not seeing each other or.
Talking to I mean, I wasn't going to do that. But what he was, what he was trying to get away. He was like, maybe I could leave on Thursday, and he was like, oh man, I got the radio show and I was like, you don't want.
To see me.
Also, he also put put us on a property with no receptions.
Yeah, I called you.
Because I text you at one point not reply said.
Because Mim said it's fine if we don't have any contact in the twenty four hours full the wedding, because again I just feel it would have built up the moment of walking down the aisle. But then you said, look, as long as I can contact you just in case I'm really nervous. The night before that, I was.
Like, yeah, I'll answer.
Yeah, it was only it was ten thirty at night.
The night before that I realized that there was zero reception.
It text you something pretty important REPLI.
I thought, weird, weird?
Is it okay?
I don't know.
We'll never know until the.
Day that you were a gay.
So you did have that moment, and we don't want to get into I will save you the absolute debarcle. That was the finding of the rings that he lost on the day we've been wait, what been through that anyway?
He lost the rings?
No, no, no, no, not in the day. Did you actually no found them?
Oh my god, are you being serious?
Well, I'm being serious when I'm saying he's joking. I definitely didn't lose the rings.
I feel a little uneasy in the tummy in the dummy spot. Look well, I've got my I've got my rings.
Yeah, I feel a little uneasy in the tubbies in the dummy spot a little.
Now, don't worry. That's what we can We can laugh about it.
We can laugh about it.
You sent me a gift that I was to open on the morning of the wedding. What did you put the gift.
In a ring box?
A ring box?
Did you?
Why would you put it?
Was incredibly confusing, the.
Ring But I was the gift. It was a year plugs, plugs, imagine, put it on your finger. We don't even call it a day.
Just just send to me.
It's like chucking me in. You'll never be able to again.
It's not diamonds.
You almost people like say, you know, I float like I floated down, and you're like, oh, come on, that's a bit ridiculous. But it truly did feel like I just floated down and then I got there and it was like held hands with you, and it was just like, what's going on?
This is the weirdest thing.
Everybody you love is watching you and witnessing you with my dad.
Walking down, Remy walking down like it was.
It was truly like the best day of my life. Oh yes, I say, apart from having Remy, but I mean that was pretty painful.
So yeah, this was.
Pain free apart from the logistics. But uh and the shoes, yeah, size too small, a little bit brutal on the feet.
It looks great, though, I really do look amazing. The veil and the train Actually hilariously there was the veil was so big that we were doing photos afterwards. Yeah, became a real hazard.
It did.
The other thing I want to ask about, which has come up a number of times. So, right before you finish your hours, would said how much you loved your brain And then he said, I I find how sexy you are and then apologize to your father, who was a couple of meters away, and then proceeded to rigorously make out with you. And you raised a league, And how do you feel about that?
It was funny because I said to Woody, like, let's practice kiss He said, I'm not practicing kissing with you? And I said we're quite tonguey.
There's a lot of kiss It was a lot of yeah, And.
I said, we need a practice anyway.
I was like, wood you're very tonguey. Anyway, I'm very tongue Yeah, I'm the tongue girl.
Actually, what happened is you chose to aggressively tongu kiss me while sitting two minutes away from your dad.
Well, I mean, I think my dad was proud.
I think my dad was proud.
You were just yourself from start to finish, telling people to shut up during the ceremony, you know day you know, they all.
Through the photos like just vigorously making out with Woody. There was like you had a bit of a dance break through the speeches while you loaded all these things that were just like unforgivably you, which was what made it all so special because you stayed true to who you were.
It was quite remarkable to Yeah, to be someone who is you know, at times has been told that you're yeah yeah yeah, I think you know, at times you can feel a bit down about yourself thinking that maybe I am yeah yeah yeah sorry, and then yeah, to be.
Told by all people that you love that that makes you who you are yeah, specially sorry, so yeah, it was it was just.
And then to marry someone who fully.
Yeah exactly who are Yeah, I couldn't have asked for a bit of.
Human love you. Yeah, let's tunks. Okay, I don't think I wanted all right there, you and I could talk about this more, but we had a very not hungover conversation about this straight after you got married.
Well, look, at the end of the day, I'm.
A journalist's a journalist journal I'm a professional broadcaster broadcast and I seized the moment and I was like.
You know what, now would be a good time, will to get your phone out?
Got the exclusive interview with me?
Yes, yes, actually, and obviously I've got to send it over to the Daily Telegraph, who are keen on this as well. But before we give it to them, I said, first DIBs played on the show. Bapers are chasing for it, brother, I know. Obviously better homes and gardens, oh yeah, horse and hound, oh yeah, all the big ones. Anyway, here I am with my best mate and now husbands.
Baby, Mimi Whitelaw or Jacqueline Whitelaw sent shock waves through the crowd. It was very weird was the name was announced in front of everybody.
When the celebrant said, Edward Timothy Whitelaw is marrying Jacqueline Michelle gives people like, we're at the wrong wedding.
The hell of those two, we're the recovery now. So there's a little bit of delirium. But first of all, beautiful wedding. Unbelievable. So you guys, yes, a lot of people, guys. So many moments where it was like only these two people could do it like this, just the all of the tongue kissing, relentless tongue kissing.
So it was that too much time because me and I did have a conversation about that too much really ceremony.
I think the last thing you said in your vows was I love how sexy you are. And then I balled her father and said sorry Terry, who was two meters away from you, and then proceeded to lift her leg up and tongue goucher in front of him.
So, yeah, I did do that.
Yeah, you know, I'm not a Broode, I'm not yeah, but you know that, Yeah I did that. I did turn my toes a little bit. I'm sure so. But but outside of that though, I mean, everything from there was so you guys, and so Mimi as well. I'm looking for catching up with Mim as well. But like everything very much looked like a Vogue cover shoot. All the photos with you guys afterwards, Yeah, sort of smoldering in front of a bowl of grapes in front of a cream canvas, which I found very very funny, particularly for you.
This was a surprise for me as well on the day, because as you know, I didn't organize anything. The touch that personally really lit me out was the cabbages that were everywhere.
Did you notice that there were cabbages?
Yeah, what was that about?
I have no idea.
I think putting cabbages totally, everyone's done, jetic, everyone's doing cabbages. A couple of radishes were lying around, and then just bunches of grapes.
But let's wind back to the day. In the lead up, you were were the groomsmand house. You were incredibly you know, like you were telling everyone when the photographers walked over, I'm more good and more good and more good. And then you you beautifully hand wrote a bunch of notes for all the grooms men. I came up to you and I was like, Woods, that's a really beautiful note that you wrote me. And you turned to me and you're like, yeah, man, man, every work Yeah yeah yeah started breaking down. Yeah, And I said, is here because you're always saying I think I'm going to be fine, and I'm going to be fine.
And then as result, I knew you were emotional. So we got in the car and I was like, you know, should we play some relaxing cello and you were like nap. You're like, I want to play this, and you put on Jamie XX Breather, which those who are playing at home is deep check noo.
And that was kind of the vibe in the lead up was just keep the energy high. I feel like we're going to a duff, not a wedding. Yeah that's yeah, yeah yeah in the lead up because you were going to be so emotional. And I think when we got to the old tar and I want you to talk to her this moment when Remy was a flower girl and she walked down the aisle, I mean that was that was the end of everything.
Yeah. That that broke me. That definitely broke it.
Why so again, it's I think the interesting thing about it, or the part that I think maybe some people understand, is that I haven't seen Remy for at this point two days. I hadn't seen her for two days. I just just missing her for two days is one thing, but then to see her, like, you're marrying the person that you love so much, and the human that you've created is in this flower girl dress holding this basket of petals. And we've talked before about not knowing how Remy was going to react to walking down the aisle, So in my head, it was like, she just start crying, and you know, that's totally fine. I didn't want to push anything on her obviously, to like, you know, confront an intense situation. But when she, like when she clocked eyes with me down the aisle and just kind of like blocked out everything and ran literally ran into my arms, it was just.
It's hard.
It's I think people often spend their entire lives defining what happiness is, and for me, that's it was it. It's so beautiful, that was it. So it was bad, and I think everyone.
Particular moment really just swept through like a shockwave. Ceremonies beautiful and your dad spoke your dad earlier about doing the ceremony, which was it's such a good job, such a good job. It was on the way that he could very glad that you admitted a few lines a few years left in the chopping room. Yes, yes, what for you was the your favorite part of the day after the ceremony.
There's moments that are popping into my head now, like it's it's like a it's like a memory roll of memories that I'm trying to pick out my favorite one. But it honestly is very difficult to do that. Like I can I could talk about some of the speeches that were that were told on the day, which really were beautiful. Every single person who spoke just spoke to the relationship than mem and I have. And you get so surprised by the ways that people perceive you.
Yeah as well, it's.
Really so much more positive than you think it could.
Learn things about yourself, you know, other people are speaking about you.
You just don't think you have that effect or impact on people, and to hear that is really extraordinary. And then on the other side of the scale, you've you've got the moment where my mum was placed on someone's shoulders and she celebrate on top of those shoulders.
And then dad, you know, not.
One to miss out on an opportunity, then also all one hundred and fifteen kilos and got on shoulders as well, and you know, like those moments.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you appearance are on your mate's shoulders. Yeah, that's what that's that's why you get married. Totally beyond the piece of paper. You guys got a kid, you got a house, you got all the other things. The committal is something, but those moments are way yeah.
Absolutely, And then to really finish it off, we a guard of honor was made for us, and we we left the party, and then we were able to go up to the top of the butter factory, yeah, and look through a window at every single person.
Not a euphemism, by the way, they actually we're getting married at a butter factory. I don't know what you were doing after you left the dance floor, but.
We went up to the top of the butter factory and we're able to look through this window and just kind of like hold each other up and watch all the people that we love and just watch them in really great moods. Yeah, yeah, and really happy, and it was Yeah, it was kind of like a moment where it was like, people are so happy for us because we're happy. Yeah, Yeah, that's that's I mean, that's that's more beautiful than.
That's a bit made. It was awesome, you did so well.
So proud of.
You, so happy for you. I says to a couple of people the other night, like, I feel like you've had a lot of girlfriends in the past, or let's just say girlfriends in the past.
Maybe we shouldn't bring them up now.
This is a weird little but to go like, also, let's talk about your enders. I say this to the last let's talk about you.
No, I feel like with so many relationships, I think I actually said this to you about one of your ex's that like, you know, the parts of you I love the most, how silly you can be, and I love how spiritual can be, And I feel like none of those people really let you be either of those things. Yes, Whereas when you met Mimi, I was just like I knew immediately because I was just like, oh, she know, did she let you be those things? She handsws them for you to explore them, and as your best friend and someone who loves you so much and wants only the best for you. To see you so happy and have the luck and the privilege and the honor of meeting that person and see how much lights you are is just the best feeling in the world. Yeah, I'm so happy for you.
Man, Thank you, thank you.
And we shared Also it's worth mentioning that we shared this in the car ride to the ceremony, when you knew I was nowhere, and we had this moment where we were playing yes this deep this deep House songs from Jamie X says, but there's there's these particular lyrics that are happening about being this moment and don't think about the past and don't think about the future. And there was this moment where you did you You reached over and you held my hand and you said, this is perfect. This moment is perfect right now, and I will I will remember that forever.
So I love you too.
It's not about us.
I love you.
I love you too.