Today’s episode is all about the trauma, trapped emotions and beliefs that we hold on to like it’s a newborn, why we need to let that go, and how we can clear it quickly and easily, in order to create the life that we truly want.
That armour is no longer serving you, time is up.
Love Gus xx (God, Universe, Source)
To celebrate the launch of my Re-Brand and new website, I am offering for the month of November only.... $50 off a Human Design & channeled Reading or a Human Design Love Forecast! Limited availability so don't sit on it or you will miss out!
In other exciting news you can now download your own human design chart and receive a free report AND a relationship chart! I was told today that out of all the Human Design charts and free stuff they have seen, mine is the best - Yay for making people happy :)
You can get yours at: (get your chart)
We are also about to launch an incredible membership that is like a dating app on roids! Not only will you have the opportunity to grow and evolve on a personal level, you will have the access and opportunity to meet other like minded singles - It is written in the stars peeps, so if this sounds like just what you need please add your details to the data base on the Wing WoMan Collective page (WWC) on the website.