

Published Nov 26, 2024, 7:00 PM

While Matt and Tammy get settled into married life and Anna jets back to Melbourne, we're taking a look back to when the newly weds were first engaged and it was all getting started. We can't wait to talk about the wedding next week x

Hey guys, Matt here. As you know, on the weekend I married my beautiful wife Tammy. It was a weekend full of celebrations enjoy. But before we talk about the wedding, let's revisit Tammy's first appearance and Where's Your Head At? Enjoy shall say, how are we? Hell?

Where's Your Head At?

Is a podcast that talks all things relationships, breakups, reality TV, trending shows, and everything in between.

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Okay, hello everyone, we have a very special guest in the studio today. We have Matt's beautiful fiance, Tammy.

Hello, Hi everyone, I.

Am welcome beautiful Tommy.

Happy to be here here, so nice for you to be in Melbourne. And it's actually the weather has turned up today. It's boiling for one.

Yeah, it's sunny today. The weather he is so up and down. I never really used to come to Melbourne because the weather's just a bit crazy for me.

But have you been to Melbourne before you started dating.

Before I started dating you, I think us came once or twiceever, and have.

You been a couple of times? So we just came back from the local pub. We walked down and went and had a what would you call it a loosing the whistle shot of the Quire.

Don't out us if we're going to do it. It tends to be a secret.

Oh no, everyone knows. Yeah, So we're feeling a little bit good at the moment.

Feeling good.

We're also going to the Australian Open tonight's with Michael.

Yes, Little double Day. It's gonna be nice.

Tammy's ever been to the tennis obviously.

We really.

You're in for a treat. It's gonna be so fun.

Do you know anything about tennis?

No? Not really. I know that like love means zero.

Love is what we have. Baby, there's not mean zero here. No, I don't know the rules unless I'm actually sitting there watching it. Then I like, remember the rules. It's not something that I just think about every day today today, you know what I mean.

Well, look, you guys are recently engaged. How is the love bubble going? Because you guys are so in love. It's honestly so beautiful to see.

It's really good.

Yeah, we're very much in love. The love bubble hasn't worn off. I don't think it ever, will you know? They say the honeymoon stage. I just don't want the honeymoon stage to end, and I don't think it will.

I don't think it will either. I don't believe the honeymoon stage should end. I think if you keep like working at things like you should be able to like maintain it.

Yeah. I mean it's just about communication, isn't it. And I think that we're really good at that. We've recently discovered our what's the word forum figured out that Tammy's avoidant and.

I'm that's my attachment style and yeah.

And I'm anxious, so like when there's something.

I'm just trying to avoid, it's just like something.

Yeah, we found like a happy medium.

Yeah, we figured that out.

We figure that out.

Very much in love and super happy.

Yes, very happy. I met my match, our soulmates. Yeah, we tell each other all the time with sots.

You guys, I actually like to never thought soulmates was a thing, but I actually do now.

Really so until you met Matt, you.

Just literally like I was like, oh, like soulmates. Nah, but I think we're like supposed to be together.

I agree. I said that. I think that like we're always going to meet at some point, and this is going to happen inevitably.

Guys, Like, literally, both of you are melting my heart.

I'm so obsessed. Let's take it back, shall.

We to the beginning, to the beginning, because right now you're so happily in love and in the love bubble. But let's take it back to that very first DM that Tammy received from Nat. Take me through like your thought process when that came through through, because obviously I'm sure you get heaps of d ms.

Yeah, so I usually like I won't open d ms, I won't really look at them.

But he had been coming up, you guys have been coming.

Up in my for you on TikTok like heaps, and I always just like swipe past and really like looked much into it. But I just I just always thought he was really really handsome. Yeah, And I so, I like, I knew about your guys podcast, and I just always thought he was really cute. And I was like, and when I saw his message, it sort of stuck out to me and I was like, you know what I'm gonna I'm going to open it and.

Then I just gave it a little love her like yeah, and.

Then I was like, oh, he'll message me now, because like that was sort of me opening the door.

And then I did nothing. He did it. Yeah. I was just like okay, she liked it, and then what happened. Okay, I guess i'll see because I invited you to the live show and I was like, well, I guess i'll see you there.

I wasn't actually like planning on coming. I think she was planning. I was. I was just opening the door for you to like make a move and make a move.

Yeah, well I didn't obviously like I didn't and then yeah, a.

Bit slow and then you had to yeah.


I was in Sydney with my little sister Ava, and I was going to dinner with a bunch of friends and I was like, I'm gonna because I thought you lived in Sydney.

I didn't know you were in Melbourne. So I was like, I'm going to see what he's up to.

And I was like, you in Sydney and my sister was like, I was like like this guys really cute.

So I messaged him.

She was like no, why, She was like, you know, now, yeah, I like best friends.

Yeah I give a about that.

So I just pretended that I didn't message you, but I like, secretly, while you were next on the plod I was with her. I was like, you know what, I'm just not going to tell her.

Do you think that's that that Matt had sent your message and then you liked it and then he didn't message that made you think about him more?


No, I feel like that definitely made me like what the hell because I'm not really.

So I was like, excuse me, I love it.

Well, No, I just like I said to you, I was not really dating at the time or anything like that. I was just like, you know, I've invited you nicely. I just didn't think of it.

I mean, neither was I. I had sort of like sworn off dating.

I'd been on some like not great dates, so I was like, I'm not dating. And then I don't know if something was just like pulling me to you. It's the chiktok algorithm.

If it wears your head and the rest is history. So let's talk about the first date, because obviously you weren't in Sydney.

And then so we started texting each other for a week and then I was just like I'm saying to you, I was like, I don't know if she gets like my sense of humor, Like I don't know how my crude or how like you know, how far I can go. I was like, you know, it's early day. So then I messaged her. Remember I left the studio and I was like, I'm just going to message her and say, hey, here's my number. I give me a buzz when you're not busy. And then what did you think when I yeah, what did.

You think of?

Like I went into the office and I was talking to all the girls, and I was like, why does this guy want to call me? Like I don't like I just thought it was a bit strange that he wanted to call me. And then I was like, oh, maybe he's going to ask me to go on his podcast. So I was like, I was like I thought maybe he didn't get that I was trying to flirt with him, and then he was just going to like turn it into like not not that. Yeah, So I was like, hopefully he realizes I'm like hitting on him and he's not about to he's going to ask me on a date not to go on in his podcast.

And then yeah you did, Yeah.

You called me, And then I missed your first call. Actually, I was washing my car and then I called you back and then we spoke for like over an hour and then yeah, the rest were I asked her.

And then he just randomly booked flight.

Was that the first day where you he just sent me like his flight confirmation to come to the Gold Coast? I was like, yeah, a bit presumptuous, but that's a bit much.

I mean I.

Thought it was like a bit assumptuous. I was like, what if I was busy.

But you were busy with me?

Yeah, I thought it was. I thought it was really.

Where she had another day? Did I say something like that? Because I remember I sent you the flight itinery and then you're like, oh, you're actually calming or something. After mind you like telling me to come, and then you're like you actually coming, yeah, and then you're I was like, fuck, do you reinon she's got another date on it. I'm just like crashed the day and then yeah, so I flew up that weekend.

I thought it was cute. I liked the decisiveness.

And then for the first day tell me everything. I want to know everything.

I did say, like you said you wanted to go somewhere fifteen, didn't you. So I let you book that obvious because I wasn't familiar with the Gold Coast. Obviously, if it was Melbourne, I would have organized that, but you said you wanted to try somewhere or something, so we went there. Well, I booked bowling because I felt like bowling was a bit better than going to the movies. And then we ended up.

Yeah, we didn't want to sit in a movie and not be able to talk and get to know each other.

Yeah, I think so.

Yeah, but then we're at dinner and talking and like your conversation was so good and that we ended up we're not going like talking through.

Yeah, dinner was really good.

Like you, I'm really shy and nervous when I first meet someone. It made me feel really comfortable and like you know when you sort of just don't want the night to.

End, like I've been on.

Dates where I've been like can be over, Like I just want to go home. But it was like the opposite of that.

Yes, so we so right through. That's really nice. I was felt the same way.

Yeah, we had a first kiss to tell about that, tell us about the thirst.

It honestly was like probably like my dream first kiss, like, it.

Was really it was really it's cute, it was hot, it was hot, like.

We had just been obviously getting along really well, and like, I don't.

Know, I just was super super attracted to him.

And then I just remember I went to the bathroom and I was like texting all my girlfriends and I was like, I literally just want to make out with this guy. I was like, he's so hot, he's so funny, like we're getting along so well, and I was like telling them how much I just wanted to kiss him. And then I came out of the bathroom and he was walking down like towards where the bathrooms are.

And he literally just like grabbed me and kissed me. And I was like he just like read my mind, Like, yeah, it's very hot. That is like a movie moment. It honestly felt like I was, yeah, because.

He stopped and like, yeah, it was amazing.

Yeah, and was sparks flying, yeah, definite, the world stopped around you.

Yeah. I definitely felt the sparks. Yeah, guy, And then we just kept chatting. We've got another drink and kept chatting, and.

Then the night kind of wrapped up and then yeah.

We went back to the hotel, had a couple of drinks there, and then the next day actually I.

Came and got a coffee.

Yeah, I messaged you and I was like, hey, I've got some time to kill you want to come and get a coffee?

And this is before your flight back to me.

Was only flew in for the night.

So then I was like a big gesture.

Yeah, I wasn't dating at the time, and I was like, you know, what do I have to lose, Like, I'm going to go meet this really hot girl, which sparks like the conversation has been flowing so well.

Yeah, and how is the chat in the morning?

It was good. Did we make it out in the morning? Yeah?

I think so.

Yeah, I think we were. We think we're cuddling at the cafe in the booth.

It's so cute because when you do meet someone who you're just like meant to be with the moment you meet them, even like the phone conversation when you first talk to them, you just like don't want to get off the phone or you don't want to stuff hanging out with them, and it just like meshes so well, and it's just the best feeling in the whole world.

Were you nervousy for the first day.

Yeah, I definitely was a bit nervous.

What was your first impression of me?

I thought you were very tall. I answer like, I was instantly very attracted to you. I was like, wow, he's a tall man.

I remember in the elevator, didn't I say something like am I wearing something of yours? Yeah?

Because I was just staring at you. You're nice to look out baby.


And then I thought you were really funny and I thought you were sweet, like it was really good.

Were you nervous, Yeah, I was nervous. Yeah, like good nervous, like butterflies nervous. And I remember like when you first walked off, I was like, shit, she's hot, because you know when you see people on Instagram and that and you're like oh, and then you see him in person, like I feel like you were hotter like in person and you're hot.

You are, thanks, man, You guys are just a hot couple together, like a very hot couple.

Like that's all you're getting from me.

So you started dating obviously long distance relationships still long distance relationship kind of how.

Is that going? Because that must be a challenge.

I'm not cut out for long distance. I hate it so much, like literally hate it.

It sucks, like when it comes rough, it's like when you've got like a I was saying the other day, because I'm still working obviously here in Melbourne, and then like you finish the day at work and you just want to go home and like just you know, cuddle.

Like I thought it would get sort of easier, like I would get more used to it or it would get easier. But I feel like the more, like the longer we've been together, want to be with you more and more like it's making it harder, Like it's getting worse and worse.

I'm like, I need you with me.

Granted that we haven't spent a week.

We've never spent a week apart.

Yeah well yeah, sorry, Yeah, we haven't spent longer than.

A week apart since the first the first day.

It's the first day. Yeah, I think, what's the longest we've done, like me six days, five days?

Yeah, probably five days.

Five days, I reckon, Yeah, not that long at.

All, but that is still too long.

Yeah, I really don't like it.

We like have had times where we'll like fall asleep on FaceTime and bit cute.

That is so cute, not the same A lot of face.

When you missed the one big part of relationship, which is the physical intimacy.

Yeah, yeah, we face time a lot, though you.

Guys are always on FaceTime? Yeah, is that your like go to method of communication?

Well, that's how like I face time everyone, Like I facedime all my friends, my employees, I faced on literally everyone.

I don't I didn't before you, but yeah.

Well, I just feel like it's good, like being able to see the person you're talking and like having icon.


I started calling and sometimes my family.


I'm just so used to it.

No, if someone calls me normally, I feel like it's so strange to me. So was that first call you had with Matt really weird because it would have it was a.

Bit weird for me, like because it was.

You're hiding in your car as well.

Yeah, all my kids were like all screaming inside.

I'm like, I'm just gonna take this outside, not yelling shouting kids in the background.

When I missed the first friend call, did you then get out of the car and walk back inside.

Yeah, and then I like went back out to my car.

Oh that's cute.

And then from there there must have been like an official chat. Did you guys have an official chat to make it like boyfriend and girlfriend?

Yeah, do you want me?

Yeah? It was really cute how you asked me.

So you shoot, Tammy was down in Melbourne and we had a picnic on the beach. It was cold as oh.

My gosh, it was freezing because it.

Was like a sunset and then like the sun setting and it got like real cold.

Freezing, Like yeah, I don't know what is with Melbourne weather.

That was so but it was nice while we were having that.

It was beautiful and then for sunset.

And then just went cold, you know how it is here. Yeah. And then so Tammy from the start, like even when we would staying like I'd come to the Gold Coast and all that, you'd ask me heaps of questions like you would should google like a different what do you call them? Like questions to ask Yeah.

Just like you know, getting to know. Yeah, Like we had the like, well.

Yeah, so you bought a box of cards. It's like questions to get to know your partner. So she was like that's so cute. Yeah, we're going through them while we're sitting there at the picnic and like what was one of them, like what concept would you want to see stuff like that? Like, yeah, how would you react to this all this sort of stuff. What's your just getting to know, like your future partner? And then we got like halfway through the game. We've been playing for a while, and then it was my turn and I picked one up and I was like, oh. I was like, this is a good one, and You're like what is it? And I was like, will you be my girlfriend?

Oh? So you made one up?


It was so that's really cute. I don't know that I have never heard.

And then I was like, we be my girlfriend? And then you were to say yeah? He said, yes, it was.

It was really sweet. Were you expecting it?

I mean I was expecting it sort of about some point I was we were going to end up together.

It was a cute way.

It was very sweet. It was very shit.

Had you guys said I love you at that point?

Yeah? You had pretty much that yeah that day.

Yeah, so before time you met my family, Do you.

Guys think it's awkward to say I love you to someone for the first time, because I feel like it's so awkward.

Well, I feel like.

I feel like it's okod when you don't get it back.

If I guess that would be worse.

Yeah, I mean, I just I think like every time I was looking at you, I was just thinking in my head.

Yeah, didn't something happened when you were going to say it one time or something or doing something? What was it? We were sitting having a drink at the bar and you were like, what do you say? I don't want to say it or something. I was like, where, I feel the same way. Yeah, I feel the same way.

I was just very like, I feel like our connection was just so like instant, so it was it's really easy to fall in love with you.

Yeah, the same. And that's right because I knew what you were going to say, and I was like, you don't have to say it. I feel the same way.


I had to describe the connection that I see in front of me right now, I would say it's very magnetic, Like you guys are so drawn to each other, it's really beautiful.

Well, like the same person Yeah.

We always make jokes that we're like the.

Same twinning, same personality, same like sort of like yeah, a lot the same, Like I feel I can be really goofy with tell me and she like accepts my like goofy side.

I have a really goofy side as well.

Yeah, so like I can be silly and I can do goofy stuff, and like she just gets it, and I feel like I get her as well.

Yeah I love that.

Yeah, Like I don't know someone that like when me do stuff, like it's not like like she gets it. She doesn't frown on it. Like I don't know, like should I say how, well.

That's weird.

Yeah, we just do like we just do weird stuff. Yeah, weird. We just get each other.

Yeah, that can just be beat. Just beat. People can just imagine what said, but.

It's not what they probably think though it's probably.

Yeah, I mean that's what you want in a relationship, right, you want someone who you can just be yourself with, be silly with, be goofy with, like not judging each other, just like have fun.

Well that's it. Like even that thing that's going to be like that's like, don't you think it's.

So weird how he says beef. It's be say how you say it?

You say I'm saying deep.

I just a lot or something.

Yeah, but even that, like that's not like that's fun and then there's other stuff that happened as well that are sort of like that.

I say, oh, like this should be funny or this would be hot or this, and it's like, you know, Tam, He's like, yeah, let's do it, and you're like cool, you know what I mean.

It's like you guys are on the same wave, like yeah, double areas. You guys met had the best first date ever movie moment kiss, followed by like this little whorldwind romance.

Shall we say?

That led to I love you and being in an official relationship. And then I guess, for you, Tammy, with such a huge platform, I guess like the question of do I launch this into the public, And I know that was kind of taken away from you guys because there was videos of you guys that were caught together, like at our live show on one of your dates. What was that process like?

Because I've had very public relationships obviously very public breakups and it's not fun to go through.

So I was I was just sort of.

Like my next relationship, I'm not like posting anything about it, like I don't want to eat the public or anything like that. But then like I'm just so obsessed with you that I was just like, you know what, fuck it, Like, let's I just wanted to like shot, like I'm so in love and I'm so happy, and I just wanted to like it's such a like a nice thing, like I love love and I shouldn't have to do.


It's sort of hard though as well, when we're hanging out so much and doing stuff. Yeah, both putting stuff off it like because obviously I post on social media as well, like so like we're postings at the same place and it's like we're taking video or content of each each other and stuff like that, and we couldn't post it.

Were you guys annoyed when other people kind of took that hard launch away from me?

Or was it just kind of like it is what it is.

I mean, it is what it is.

Not so much them taking it away. It was more that like it would have been nice to Yeah.

It would have been nice for us to choose when we wanted to sort.

Of share it with the public and have that.

Just keep it christian us for as long as we wanted sort.

Of thing, Yeah, not have the public pressure. Like yeah, so early on like almost like you know what I mean, near the start of us getting to know each other. That would have been different. And then like, you know, I mean, but I guess it is what it is. It wasn't like you know, it wasn't detrimental.

Yeah, and then obviously you guys did soft launch it hard launch the relationship. Very cute by the way, What was the public reaction, I guess to Matteo people is.

Just like there's a lot of miserable people out.

There that just like, I don't see why so many people are so negative about it.

I really don't understand.

I don't understand why they think we care.

Yeah, Like I really could not care less. It's like, why do they care so much? Like either be happy for us or move on with yours.

I've always said, imagine actually commenting on something neative, Like imagine just sitting there and doing that.

I can't imagine it. I actually just can't.

And I certainly know what they're trying to achieve as well. It's like, what do you like? What do you get out of this? Like it does it make you feel better about your own life?

And someone people that are so happy and actually don't give a shit about what you're saying either, Like we laugh about something like most of them that we read, if we read it, we laugh and like ahaha, yeah yeah, and we're just going to keep the receipts anyway.

Yeah, And I mean I just sort of can't wait for everyone to just get over it and.

Like, because I mean, we're going to be together, Like people get over it eventually, I'm sure, but I think.

They'll have to if they don't fucking fault.

Like yeah, so they're still quite negative even now, would you say.

Well, you know what, in the very beginning, it was obviously overwhelmingly negative, like a lot more negative than positive. But the amount of like positive like DMS and stuff like that that I get now is like I think as well for people trying to like stick up for me because they see like the hate and stuff as well. So that's been really nice. So I feel like it's honestly like more positive now.

That's that's Yeah.

Sometimes I feel like people just say a negative comment because obviously it's a big platform, so they're like, I want to say, like something wild, so it gets.

Like yeah, they comment back, and then hers gets more like I.

Rarely comment back to one who I commented back to someone about something and then like my comment will obviously like blow up and then they'll just delete them. Or what some people do is like I'll reply to someone and I'm like polite and nice, but then I will be like, oh my.

God, I didn't mean like that, or like just I'm like, don't comment.

Something rude stick toy guns.

But usually I just you know, ignore everything, like whatever. People can think what they want.

Yeah, I guess some random comments on mine, like I've I've seen a few of them, and people are weird.

So weird.

I just don't get it, Like I couldn't do it, Like I just don't, Like I said, like you think of zingers to comment on, like tiktoks and that, you know, like if something something something wishy, like I never would comment, Like I have mates and stuff that send me tiktoks and they go read the comments and I'm like, no, like who cares comments? You know what I mean? Yeah, so if you are commenting on stuff, we don't give a ship.

No, I'm getting a lot of nice.

Get that we read the nice ones. You obviously do you take in the nice ones?

Yeah, because I feel like it's easier to sort of take on board the negative ones. But I think I'm just because I've obviously like been on Instagram stuff for so long, so I'm sort of good at like not listening to the negative ones.

Now I'm just like taking you as well. Yeah I did notice that. Yeah you did say that that you don't take on the negative stuff.


I think I've just grown a thick skin with it, and I've just like told told myself, like it's not me, it's them, Like if they are so negative, like they have something going on, you.

Know, is there any comment that someone will or could say to you that does cut deep? Is there something that hurts a specific like source spot that they sometimes can like push you over the edge because it's it's must be so hard.

I wouldn't say like something that just like really hurts. But more so that is annoying. Is stuff being like oh her poor kids. It's like you literally know nothing about my kids day to day life. My kids are very happy children, they're very loved, they're like it's just it's it's frustrating when they think like they can say anything about my kids, like you really have no idea.

That's awful.

Yeah, it pisses me off a bit, But yeah, that piss.

Me off and then yeah, they say about you being a mum, like you're a great mum.

So I mean, yeah, I feel like mostly I get good comments about like my parenting and stuff like that, but it's like people don't actually know, like my day to day life, my kids.

They don't know, like, well, what do you put on Instagram?

Like what a story? A story is what like fifteen to twenty.

Yeah, it's like that's just like a little glimpse into it, you know, like thirty seconds.

And then people they know you like this.

Like chemen their whole day, Like.

How much more it happens in a day?

Yeah, totally.

But it's like, yeah, like my kids are very happy, very well taken care of. Obviously I didn't plan on like the breakups and things like that, but it's just the way it turned out, and you just make the most of like what you're given kind of thing. Absolutely, And I'm very happy now and I'm sure they'll the benefit from seeing me happy as well.

One percent.

So you guys decided to take your first couple's trip to.

The beautiful mold Ives.

What kind of sparked that idea? Like where did the whole mold Ive's trips come from.

Well, I was actually planning on going.

I was planning on going with my two little sisters.

There's another reason for ava.

So they got the boo. Yeah, so we sort of wanted to go, like somewhere.

We wanted to go somewhere.

I thought, why didn't we just.

You threw it around and then it was sort of like, yeah, I'll go, let's do it. Yeah, you got thrown around a couple of times, and then it got closer and you're like, do you want to come? And I was like, yeah, I can come. Let's get let's go. It would be fun. And then I thought it would be good, like early on as well, to go on a couple's trip to you know, get that over there, we go, see how we go.

We could just get it.

Over you know, get it out of the way, see how we go, because we don't have one of the things that people were like, Judge, it's like a test. Yeah, I've never thought of it like that. I never have.

I reckon it is.

I reckon it's a test really, Like sometimes I can get the eck from people, like on holiday, I'm like, you nearly got the.

Eck for me at the Star No I did it stressed, oh about the proposal in.

Generally really get the ink. I just couldn't understand why you were so obsessed with the weather.

I was like, it's still a beautiful place, Like if it rains, it's still beautiful, Like get over it and move on.

Literally every half an hour going and staring out off the balcony into the distance.

Yeah, wondering. Yeah, I don't know how I didn't put two and two together.

Well, yeah, how did you not? Yeah? Did you guess it at all?

Or anything?

Literally not not in the slightest So no suspicion. I thought maybe, if anything, he was gonna like plan like I don't know, like a dinner or like, I don't know, something cute and romantic, not a proposal like that was definitely not so she had no idea.

Did you have any idea? Like when we were walking over.

Well, I thought like you just planned a cute, romantic surprise dinner, which I thought was so sweet, Like I almost started crying, like I thought it was so beautiful. I wasn't expecting it. And then when you got down on one knee, I think I.

Almost passed out. I was so like shocked.

And then you thought out the real Like as soon as I saw the ring, I was like I I sort of blacked out at that point, like it was.

All very surreal. Yeah. Yeah, and then I think we just.

Both spent a lot of the evening crying. There was a lot of tears. It was very emotional. It was very romantic, like probably the most romantic night in my life.

It was. It was it was magical.

We've both said that, like we don't remember what was said as soon as I got on one knee, Like I don't remember I remember like before saying what I was saying about, you know, and wanted to all that sort of stuff. And then but we both agreed we're sort of happy that like those two people have that moment.

Yeah, it's just like in that moment, in that moment forever.

Yeah, And it was just like because all I remember was as soon as I want one knee and I started talking, like I started to like to hear and I was like choking up and like.

Crying, I'm gonna start crying.

Yeah, But I didn't think I was gonna. I didn't think I was going to cry. I didn't I didn't think so.

I mean, you cry, but I didn't don't think I was going.

To, Like, I just like rehearsed in my head and like thought about what I was going to say, and I thought about the moment over and over again. I was like, naha, be fine. But then like I don't know about how what other guys are like. But then as soon as you're actually in that moment and you get down on one knee and it's like real, It's like, yeah, I just started tearing up and crying.

It's so emotional hearing you guys literally like so perfect.

It was.

Everything about that whole trip was like very romantic, very Yeah, it was beautiful.

It was the best trip holiday have ever been on, the best time in life.

Guys. I'm actually going you're getting serial. I'm like, I'm getting a bit trying to keep it together.

Yeah, and then we just spent the rest of the trip just in our love bubble.


It's just like so cool when you meet your person.

And I just feel like going from like boyfriend and girlfriend to engage, it just feels like a different level of closeness.

Don't you guys agree?

Yeah, it's so nice.

It just made sense as well, Like everyone's like saying stuff like oh they're rushing all that sort of stuff.

But like it's just it's just like when you know, you know, like it just feels so.

Right, it just makes sense.

Yeah, it just it feels.

Yeah, like we just know we want to be together forever, and we just yeah, not going to waste time.

Yeah, wasting time?

Yeah, why would you? Yeah, when you know, you know, I feel like at.

Our age as well, Like I mean we're all roughly around the same age. I'm a little bit older, but I think things move quicker definitely.

Well, I think maybe.

You just have like you have just learnt with the past, and so you just know like what you want more, you know.

Like yeah, you know, I said from the start, So a lot of the things Tammy said, like remember if we're going back, so like should ask me questions that when we were together, and should ask me a lot of like what are you looking for in a partner? And I asked, like, I've done a lot of self work and a lot of stuff like working and like thinking about that sort of stuff before I met Tammy, And I don't sound selfish, and but like we've said on this podcast before, like when you're dating, you have to be a little bit selfish, do you know what I mean? Because at the end of the day, you're finding who you want to be with. And I said to I said, from the start, like I'm looking for how they make me feel, because I've been in relationships where they don't make me feel good. And I was like, that's what I'm looking for. And Tammy makes me feel good. I feel good about myself. It makes yeah, I feel good when I'm with you. So I knew what I was looking for and that's what I found.

Yeah, I mean I feel the same.

I just feel like I sort of have like expectations in how I want to be treated and like the type of person I want.

And I feel like he's definitely.

Like treats me perfectly and he's so amazing and I feel very lucky.

You guys are just each other's person, really and truly.

It's getting really emotional.

Who did you guys call first when you like announced the engagement.

Who are you calling?

I don't know. I didn't really call anyone.

The reception the Wi Fi wasn't that great.

I was like messaging people like photos, stuff like that.

A lot of I said before my dad got upset. Because I didn't call him, but I remember calling like mom, and it was like, really, ship, wasn't it the Wi Fi? Like he couldn't really see much in that so like and I felt as well, like everyone, like I told everyone before what I was doing anyway, Like I told your family as well, Like I told people what.

I can't even believe that that I told Yeah, like I just had no idea about any of this.

You were well. I only got a coffee obviously with Amy and told her. I snuck around the house and told everyone else.

At one point, I was walking downstairs and him and Ava and Style were talking and Ama was.

Just like oh, And I was like, what are you guys talking about?

What did you cover it up?

I don't remember like what the excuse was.

We were in her office as well, and all the girls in her office stuff, having lunch downstairs, and you're in the gym and I was with them, and I was showing him photos of the ring and I remember.

The whole office near Yeah really, I just you.

Know me, I'm so excited and I was like I'm in love. Yeah, And then I remember someone said it's massive or something, and you walked in and you're like, what's that? And I was like, no clue, no clue, And I was like yeah, and I cracked a what's the word joke? Inappropriate joke refeat?

Oh god, So did he do well with the ring, because yeah, the ring is perfect.

She's amazing.

Like as soon as he was getting down on one knee, I was like in shock. But then we like showed the ring. Oh my god, like it's stunning. It's honestly like my dream ring. It's perfect.

Yeah, and I came to help, was there with me when we did it.


I was saying to Taming the other day, I can't wait to wear my band, Like I just want to wear that.

So like I saw you with a ring on, and I thought you had a wedding band on the other thing.

It was the other Yeah, I think some A couple of people commented that, Yeah, I'm really excited to wear my wedding band.

Just to you know, let everyone jealous.

Yeah, I'm most jealous. You get to wear a ring at the moment I can't.

Yeah, I want Michael. I want to ring on him too.

Everyone knows everyone.

Okay, so you guys are engaged, happily engaged, wedding planning.

Is that happening?

Matt's kind of spilled the beans that there's going to be a wedding this year.

Yeah, I don't as Timmy keeps saying, it's whose wedding is it?

It's yours? Baby?

No, that's been a bit of a groom has he. I feel like he's very like into the wedding planning more than I would have thought. We barely just started, and I feel like he's like, what's this, what's that?

What's like? What do we do? I'm like, whoa babe?

Yeah, I would say, and then he has all.

These like suggestions and stuff.

I'm like, I mean, i'll take someone on board, but i'll get back to you, like spend business day.

I wasn't expecting you to be so.

And then I don't know, like a meeting with the wedding planner.

You're a meeting with the wedding plan tomorrow.

And I was like fixciting. Yeah. I originally was like, I'm not going to go. It's not you know, I don't need to be there. It's not for black. But then I'm like, no, fuck it, I want to go.

Yeah. I was always want to. When did you not want to go. I think I thought you.

Weren't getting harm and then you let me know that that you were definitely coming.

I've had some suggestions at a forum, pretty sure in case I do get him over the line.

I mean, this is a good thing. Michael has absolutely no interest, Like he's.

Like really leaving it up to me.

I'm like, hello, I can use a little bit of help here. I don't want this all to be.

I honestly didn't think i'd have an interest. Like I always said, I'll just rock up and say my vows, and I do and that's it. But like I don't know, Like it's so fucked hit my tiktoks now just wedding algorithm.

Yeah, I'm on, I'm like, how to write your vowels properly?


Yeah, I've like already started writing, so have you.

I've got my main points. I want to hear it compre.

I was like, when I was writing out, I was crying.

So I feel like I'm going to be a mess on our wedding.

Yeah. When I did my one, I was I was tearing.


Is it going to be a big wedding a small wedding?

What are we thinking.

It's going to be like one hundred and twenty people, So I think good size.

That's a really good size.

I realized it. I was thought it was going to be hard putting people down, but it's.

Actually not putting people down, like cutting people, cutting people.

Anyone you're getting invited, no, But I just I was like, all right, if I hadn't hung out with you in the last X amount of years, Like my mom said, she can't even like she doesn't even know half people at her wedding now, And I was like, I want to keep it to like my nearest and dearest share that moment, Like am I going to invite people that haven't come through my life?

And they come out of the woodwork? Trust me, a lot of people have.

I'm not surprised.

They're coming out.

And everyone loves the wedding as well.

Like people if people know like they're going to be in the vicinity and there's a wedding going on, they're like, why would I not get some free food and some entertainment.

Love weddings as well, just the like vibe in the air weddings is always so nice. It's haven't we.

I've too as well too.

Yeah, Yeah, I'm really excited about ours and yours.

Yeah, I know.

Well, yeah, you guys will go to my wedding together. Yeah, love will be in there, so.

He should we just a lope in Greece take over.

The day after.

I say that I might propose before I should probably propose.

He's like, I'll take I'll take the back of this. Oh my gosh. I was like, it's fine.

Yeah, is a better choice?


Have you guys peaked like a date and venue or is that like not happened yet.

We've got some front runners.

Yeah, we've got a few venues we're looking at. Wait, we don't think we were going to tell our guests our venue. I think we're going to like have a meeting point and just bring everyone on buses.

So it's a little surprise.

I love that idea, so exciting.

We have a date. Yeah, we have a date that we want that we want, so I've already told some people to save it. Yeah.

I have blocked that week out, and I was lucky enough to get to see Tammy's dress news Eve.

She showed it to me. It's very beautiful.

Yeah, it's my perfect dress. Really. I don't want to say yeah in front of you.

No, I've never like gotten a wedding dress before. I've never planned a wedding before. I've never you know, yeah, never gone all of this stuff before, so and on that people like comment stuff and all that sort of stuff.

And I don't really care. I've been engaged three times.

Get over. I make light of it as well.

I call her than Yeah, I'm collecting stones affinity.

She's got her own Golet I mean.

It's a good thing, right, Like when I was twenty nine and hadn't been engaged at all, I was like, I'm offender that I haven't been proposed to yet, Like.

I mean, she's a catch. Of course she's gonna. You know, I don't know why people have such a problem.

With it, Like I don't and I'm marrying, so what's their problem?

Yeah, it's all but yeah, I've never like started planning a wedding before.

So, yeah, this is all very exciting. Are you guys nervous at all?

That's what she meant when she said rooms the other day. I sort of what did I say? I called you up? Have you found anything else out about the venues?

He's very just like hounds me about.

What I wanted that I'm like, like, I didn't think.

I like, I'll let you know.

I'm like, why are you so? And he was like send me the wedding plas number this older. I'm like, just let me do it.

I honestly didn't think i'd be that invested. I didn't think and that I am. I want like I didn't think. I think I was chill out a bit more.

Once you're going to get you got to be like full Noel by the end of it.

Why don't you focus on things like you know, your suits, like your grooms men.

Maybe you can make them a little buck.

But what we said that because obviously tell me to the bridesma thing and I picked my groomsmen and I've told him and I was like, well, like I want to do a dinner or something with them. But I was like, what do you like, what do you get the guys?

You guys do that? Probably not?

Maybe just take them to the.

Pub, Like what would you get him? Like, I was thinking, like cotholics for the day. That's yes, nice, that's nice.

To get them engraved.

Maybe you get them in grave with m Z.

Again, collect them back at the end.

Yeah, Tammy Sekowski that that rolls off the tongue.

Yeah, will you change your name? Yeah?

I think I love that, I said, I don't.

It does sound nice, Actually, I said, I understand if you don't want to.

It's like none of my kids have my last name, so it's like I'm not trying to you know, like yeah, so it's not like I'm trying to hold on to it for a reason.

Like that is true. But your brand is your name.

Yeah, obviously my like brand, but you'd keep it.

But yeah, I can still Yeah, like people can call me whatever they want.

But yeah, it'll beam.

That's exciting. But back to the Greens. And I didn't know what to give them, So I think anyone's got any ideas let us know.

Haven't you already asked?

But I want to do something. I want to do, like, you know, give them so up thing at least, like what what would we wear? T shirts or something on the day.

I don't know, like jammers.

Yeah, Peter Alexander, my.

Face my face printed off? You do, you probably won't make the video wedding video and I want my face.

You guys can have my face.

Makes more sense. We were going to get a top made for me with like Tammy and then the different photos you know, those ones that come from the TikTok.

I love that, definitely one of them when definitely definitely shot.

Oh the bucks and hens. That's exciting when he when's your hands?

So I don't know. Actually I am having my hands in.

April, and I think it's literally just the bridesmaids.

Yeah, we'll take that as a hint.

But I'm not planning it. I haven't planned anything. You guys might will be invited.

I'm not sure what's your plans.

Yeah, I'm living it up to my sister, Yeah, my best man. Yeah, I think we're going to do something separately and then come together.

Oh nice, that'll be cute. Yeah.

I think it's just the groomsmen and just like the bridesmaids sort of the same sort of yeah, same vibe, same vice.

So then we all I'm getting the hint.

To yours, the obviously be extra ones shucked around and then it's not up to me. I'm not making it. And then like we'll meet up, and then I think it'd be good for both wedding parties to get to know each other. I can have that almost like drinking session like sort of thing. Because obviously drinking bonds everyone.

It really does. Do we love a tequila shop?

Yeah? Yeah.

One of the last things that I think we've not touched on was I wanted to know how you thought Matt was with your kids.

He's really good with my kids.

My kids love him, like obviously not trying to put him into like dad role or anything like that, but they he's really good with it. Wolf is especially obsessed with him, really like coffy things that he does and stuff.

It's really really tries to impress.

Him and like that will have his hat backwards and then will put his hat.

I'm like, you've never done that.

Or when I came downstairs the other day, what did he say? It was so funny. He was like, Matt, tell me a little bit about your browser or something, and he was trying to like sell me this browser for my phone. Took him upstairs. It was like talking me through. Yeah, he's fine. I love Posy as well, and obviously sask here as well. Love them all very very sweet, good kids. And yeah, I get along with them all so cute.

Yeah, I love to hear it.


Should we finish on a quiz? Guys, there's this a bit of an impromptu quiz.

Not know what's coming?

If it's something, how well we know each other? I reckon you, Yeah, I don't know. I always go blank on this sort of It's okay.

If it goes really bad, it will be out. So if you're hearing this right now, it.

Went I'm going to just go Matt to Tammy, Tammy to Matt as we answer them. Okay, So I would just like point at you guys, okay, describe each other.

In one word, kind loving kid.

We're getting a bit more tricky. You can't look at each other this time. A color of each other's eyes.

His eyes are like hazel, they're like brown and green. Yeah, blue.

Welling that Taylor Swift song. I'm going to Taylor Swift with Tammy, now are you? I'm so excited bort a Travis Calcy Jersey to Melbourne, Melbourne.

I would not be surprised if Matt brings a sign about Travis.

He's so obsessed with him.

Not normal, Okay, how does your partner like their coffee if.

It's a weekend. First of all, both always iced, never normal if it's a weekday, just a straight long black iced. If it's the week end and alm and ice latte with caramel syrup.

Is that right? Wow, that's impressed. He usually just has like a soy latte.

He's a simple guy. Well, I am always like your soy milk because I hate it. So now he started drinking.

Almond milk or oat milk.

Okay, it's regularly switched out and the occasional long black ice.


So you guys are doing very well so far.

This is going out. Okay.

Your partner's favorite color.

He likes red and black and gold.

Is that Yeah, that's my favorite.

Yeah, I don't know. I was.

That's really good.

Yeah, yeah, that's very good.


Yeah, I love pink. I'm a pink girl. Love love pink.

That's pretty cool.

You remember, I'm pretty sure you told me on like your first day, and like I think i've.

You're like, it's so weird that you remember. It's my football team since a kid. It's a football team winning the Grand Final.

Say that, I have a really bad memory. So that's impressive.

Okay, favorite TV show at the moment, Your partner's favorite TV show at the moment.

At the moment, Vampire Diries.

Yours is also a vampire because yeah, that's what I'm forcing to watch.

I can't even look at my phone or anything.

If he starts going point, I'm like literally pauses it and just I pause it.

I'm like, oh wait, that's what I do to Michael. But that's so good.

You used to play all the time that like you hate when people use their phone, like even like if your mum used her phone.

I did, and that's why I went. But then when tell me one time.

Was you're the culprit.

We were on the couch and you did it, and I was like, fuck, we are too much alike. I was like, we're seriously too much alike. And she was having like telling the media off my phone.

Okay, we have it.

Two more.

What's your partner's signature dish that they cook that you love? Breakfast Breakford pancakes, pancakes.

Okay, are you deep frying or something? Don't you deep from something?

You on a pan?

But wasn't there don't isn't there something like extra butter or something you said? But yeah, and then you like put something extra in the whipped cream I love.

Yeah, I put maple syrup. I do whipped butter with maple syrup.

Yeah, Matthew, have you ever caught me?

Ever? I don't think so, mouthing out, I don't think I cooked you.

That needs to be on your list of something to have.

Not cooked a barbecue for something.

You never cooked anything for me, which I'm fine with, Like, yeah, we haven't really had that much of a chance to like actually cook through.

We just go out to.

Yeah, we even sometimes I'm not even like restaurants.

Yeah, it's also like honeymoon phase. I feel like that's so normal.

Have not cooked you, You've never hes like surely with me?

Yeah, but I'm not. I don't. It's very well talking on this podcast, I don't. I'm not being fan of cooking full stop.

Yeah, that's that's I don't really want you to cook for me.

That okay, probably best don't cook for you, okay.

Last one is your partner an introvert or an extrovert or both?

I think Tammy is an introvert at heart, Like even before we came in this podcast, she was very nervous and very shy. Like everyone would you think, with who Tammy is and all that sort of stuff, that she's extroverted, but she's not. Really. She does well for an introvert to be out there so much and put herself out there.

I feel, Yeah, you're definitely extrovert. You're like the loudest Tirston I've ever met in my life.

Always like good balance.

Yeah, guys, we are so happy for both. You guys make an incredible couple. All of the haters can go fuck themselves because seriously, you guys are so magnetic, so in love, and it's been really nice having you on the podcast and just witnessing it in here today.

Thank you so much, Tammy for coming on the podcast.

And I've never had, like I said, like, it's been a big deal to bring you on the podcast. I don't know how nervous you were, and I really appreciate you coming on.

Thank you guys for having me. It's been fun.

I wanted to tell our stories. A thing asked here. Good I am.

She's giving you a lot. She's giving you a lot. Thank you. Bye bye.

Where's Your Head At?

Hosted by Love Island fan favourites, Anna & Matt, 'Where's your head at?' talks all things relation 
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