Season Watch with Wendy ScottSeason Watch with Wendy Scott

THE UNRIGHTEOUS STAMPEDE TOWARD DEATH: Anti-Israel World Pursues Destruction

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DAILY we see NEW EXAMPLES of the most OUTRAGEOUS RIFTS in CULTURE and POLITICS and the VALUE for every HUMAN. These things were unimaginable just a few years ago, and now they MULTIPLY EXPONENTIALLY day by day.


And this is a SATANIC STRATEGY used, as these last days develop, in order to get us to DENY our TRADITIONAL BELIEFS AND VALUES, and to SURRENDER to the TUMULT of LIES—to OVERTURN justice, and peace, and foundational truths, to create chaos, disorder, anarchy, and to LOBOTOMIZE the world of HUMAN RIGHTS, MUTUAL RESPECT, and TRUTH.


And so, the Lord WILL JUDGE the wicked and rebellious, who oppress THROUGH lies, but He WILL UPHOLD and Honor those who hold steady to TRUTH and KNOW THEIR GOD.


And so today, we look at another OUTRAGEOUS TREND in an already OUTRAGEOUS WORLD, and of course, it comes from the BIDEN Administration. Israel’s “FRIEND.”


So impatient America has made plans to unilaterally IMPOSE on ISRAEL (a sovereign nation) conditions for peace and ending the war in Gaza. US demands include:


  • Declaring & recognizing a Palestinian State in Gaza and Judea/Samaria (the so-called the West Bank) • Removing thousands of Israeli citizens and their cities OUT of Judea/Samaria (the "settlers" in “the West Bank”) • Giving “East Jerusalem” (half the city) over to the NEW Palestinian State for THEIR capitol, as if the US has any part or ownership in Israel's National sovereignty.


HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority WILL NEVER AGREE TO PEACE, in exchange for RECOGNIZING Israel as a nation. They will NEVER AGREE to stop trying to kill all Jews. Only a CEASE FIRE until they are ready to attack again—just as BEFORE OCT 7.


Israel can NEVER AGREE to such a demand because it is NATIONAL SUICIDE, and the US KNOWS IT


That’s why the US is plotting with the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, ARAB NATIONS and IRANIAN PROXIES to put such pressure on Israel, that they will be fighting the WHOLE WORLD if they REFUSE these conditions.


That is why the US is funneling money and resources to UNDERMINE ISRAEL and is PLOTTING WITH enemies WITHIN ISRAEL to OUST NETANYAHU. They believe that if they overturn the government, and INSTALL A PARTNER within Israel, they can IMPOSE these conditions on Israel, press the government into an agreement, and SET UP A FALSE PEACE that will endanger and destabilize the ONLY Jewish homeland in the world.


God will not STAND BY and LEAVE SUCH INJUSTICE UNPUNISHED. And all those who think such a thing is right, and mindlessly support it, or sit voicelessly by in light of such genocidal anti-Jewish hatred, will be part of the judgment.

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