Sailing away: Nick Mills joins the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club for an afternoon on Wellington Harbour

Published Nov 19, 2024, 11:44 PM

It was a beautiful albeit slightly windy day in Wellington on Tuesday - perfect for an afternoon of sailing. 

Nick, Ethan, and Adam were invited by the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club to spend a few hours getting an idea of sailing and what the club offers beginners wanting to get involved in the sport. 

Nick spoke to club operations manager Chris Scott and skipper James Dunlop-Storey in between steering and tacking - and nearly falling off. 


You're listening to the Wellington Mornings podcast with Nick Mills from News Talks at B.

I always love checking out cool things that you can do around Wellington, and yesterday Ethan Adam and I got the chance to head out on the harbor and go sailing. We were kindly invited to go out in the water by the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, who run a learn to sail programs but also can take you out with your workmates or groups or friends and give sailing a go. Here's a little bit of what happened out on the water yesterday and I had a chat with the club's operations manager, Chris Scott.

We are right out in the middle of Wellington Harbor. Can you believe it? On an eight meter yacht. It's kind of a northwesterly. I got no idea what wind it is, but it feels like a northwesterly.

We're rocking around like having a bit of fun. And I'm here with Chris Scott, the club operations manager of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, on a training yacht and it.

Sounds a little bit rough. It is a little bit rough out here, isn't it Chris, I.

Just an average other day, good.

Spring day and Willington Harbor.

Right, tell us about why we're out here or what you do and what great things Wellingtonians get to experience because of your yacht club.

Well, I don't know, Nick, I was listening to you before. Why are you out here?


Well I was told I was coming out a luxury yacht with shamp paid French sandwiches and everything to go with it. Instead, I'm steering the yacht and I've getting yelled at by everybody.

Yeah, I mean one component of the raw Portnings and Yacht Club is wanting to know to sports.

So we have a training center.

We have these two yachts and also when school groups comes in, we've got sent up paddle boards and kayaks.

We've got a bunch of skippers here.

We've got about seven certifications we're going to go through to be on these yachts and quite strict strict roles working with maritime itself, and we take people out sailing, learn to sale programs, racing programs, cruising crew programs, go for a sale on the harbor, go corporate.

Sale, you know. So, so what if I was.

A family man with a couple of young kids and were watching the America's Cup into my kids wanted to do a bit of sailing.

Is your club the right one to go to?

Well, there's a variety actually, I mean we're the only one that's got Keeler's probably three in New Zealand that have got the Keilers these eight meters. Evans Bay has got a pretty good program there and.

Then we're the Bay as well for dingy sailing.

But you're out there at Aritona for tony and you've got also, I don't know what they work out there.

This is out of the water, and you got.

You've got Eastbourne as well, so you know there's a bunch of places around here for dinghy sailing.

We're the only ones of Keiler's.

Can I just tell the listeners that we are going sideways and it feels like we're into a store and I'm getting very wet.

Here and it's pretty sweet. A no, we have I mean starts that plane and go sideways and we're pretty sweet. An't here.

Oh there's a skirt where you know, we've gone about seven nights going that's about fourteen kilimeters an hour and it's sort of what we call reaching someone are going into the wind and not going down with the wind. We're heading over towards Larry Bay. It's oh, it's quite no, don't you love.

I'm loving it.

But I want to know whether whether the normal family could come here and go out with you guys and learn and experience what yachting is all about.

Yeah, no, definitely, I mean, I mean, that's that's what we do. We take people out with all different ages. They come out, they have a good time, the guys are experienced, the skippers that take them out there, and we can reduce the sale size. We've been out here in some pretty heavy wins, we've learned to sale people and every time the yacht comes back. So what about people with the people neck?

Yeah, hope, hopefully, hopefully we're already halfway through this this recording to be worth them a bit if I end up in the drink. But it feels like a couple of times I've felt like I'm going to end up.

With the drink.

Tell me what why do people think Royal Port Nicholson Jot Club is elitist?

Why would they think that? And is it an elitist sport?

Well, I mean one thing I really like about say clubs, and if you look at the Yacht Club is that it's very eclectic. So you've got a variety of people that go there. The word royal obviously connotations, but we are a royal club and it's been you know, succepted in eighteen eighty three, so we're in one hundred and forty second year.

But it's you know, we've got electricians.

Carpenters, bankers, coountants, Joe blogs, people from governments.

So I mean you've got a huge.

Variety of people out there doing different work and they all come together at.

The club to either on a social side or to go sailing or both.

And yeah, and it's not the most wonderful day in Wellington, but by god, it feels good.

Well, yes, it is a standard spring day, isn't it. You know, it's quite pleasant that it's not cold. We've got it. We've got our gear.

No, it's definitely not cold, and it is and you know we've got some block on, so it is a bit sunny bock on there.

The boys are doing a good job. Ed him and Ethan here they're running the boat.

Hey, that scares me even more than I was scared.

Before it sounds like they might come out and work for us, and they drop said b bab say.

Adam, Adam and Ethan trying to control the boat. I've got to tell you that was another experience. I mean, gus, I was the one that was mostly controlled by the way, just quietly. The yacht we were on was skippered by James Dunlop Story. I was able to have a chat to him about sailing and let Ethan, Chris and Adam right drive the boat.

Drive the boat with James Dunlop Story.

He's a skipper and he's just taken us through all the safety. He's got us all this fantastic gear, and he's told us all the things are going to happen. Now we're on the yacht and we're sailing through the harbor.

And all the stuff he said to.

Me went right out the door, and I can't remember any of it, but it's amazing. James, welcome to the show. How often do you do this and do you really love this sort of thing?

Well, thank you for having me, sir. Yeah, I do love. I do love coming out to sea and spending time and see some of the most fun I've ever had in my life has been at sea. I've been sailing since I was very young, and I've done in a variety of contexts and very much enjoy it.

Well, I've got to say that you were fantastic and your presentation, I mean, safety comes first.

You made us all feel very welcome.

I was terrified because I thought I was coming, as I said to Chris, I thought I was coming out to a sixty for luxury ya yacht, not actually holding them and steering the yacht as we went.


Absolutely, this is a sale training craft or stc an a point to keiler mure. So we don't take passengers. We're not licensed for passengers if you're on board your crew.

Okay, you did tell us and you showed us that this yacht can't go over over on the one side. Now, a couple of minutes ago, when you were steering the thing, no one else, it did feel like I was guarding out the back door.


Because they're keilers, they won't capsize as soon as they get to a certain angle. The weight of the keel holds them at that angle, and the wind that's pushing on the sails shears off the top of the sails. There's a number of things you can do to either injuice heel or reduce heel. All boats to sail should have a bit of heel on them and that's the most efficient sailing angle for the actual hull itself.

Can anybody come out here and do this with you? I mean, with your guidance?

Absolutely? Yeah, yeah, I don't see why not. I do believe there's like nobody under five than that. I think it's five.

Do you feel do you feel comfortable?

You've come out in the shop and we're in the middle of Wellington Harbor.

You could hear the planes above us.

I mean there's a bit of wind blowing, we're rocking around a bit and you're.

Out with novices. How does that make you feel fantastic?

Yeah? No, it's great.

What happens if you fall overboard? What happens you go overboard? What do we do then?

I don't I don't go over I've only got one rule, stay on the boat.

We have got all safety gear, we've got life jackets and we've got all that, but we're not chained to the boat. The last time we went over one side, I thought to myself, I'm going over the side and there's nothing tied.

Me to the boat. That's a long swim home.

Ight, what don't swim at top the heat escape lessening position and I'll come and get you.

Why do you actually do this?

And is it just to get people interested in yachting or is it people that want to get further, people that want to increase their talent base.

Sure, absolutely, it's a little column, a little column be. What we have is we are trying to grow our sport, but we do want to grow up with people who want to get involved in the sport. My recommendation is always do learn to sale course and then where you're getting proper instruction, and instead of just going out with your mate who isn't an instructor, go out do a learn to sale course and then if you like it, you can carry on. If you don't like it, you can stop. But as soon as you think I might line to take up sailing, don't have a crack at it then, because if you love it and you left it ten years before we actually went on the course, you've just missed out on ten years of something that you love.

Does things like the America's Cup help you.

It certainly raises our profile quite a bit, for sure. Yeah, and to a lesser extent of Volvo. When New Zealand was sorry it's called the wild yacht race. Now, when New Zealand was involved in the Round the World yacht races, we got a lot of a lot of them.

Do you remember when they used to come to Wellington? Oh god, how good you would have been a kid? But how good was that?

Thank you for thinking I was a kid then I was probably in my thirties. Nice trado, Thank you very much. You can come again. I went three you over the side.

Wasn't that a great time for Wellingtonians?

Absolutely? Yeah, absolutely, those are really impressive boats, even in those days when they weren't foiling. And now you've got people like Alex Thompson on Hugo Boss sailing around the World solo and the Vendi Glove around the World solo yacht race. We've got the World Yacht Race, We've got the America's Cup. There's a lot of good, interesting and exciting sailing activities happening. But again, not many people know that much about sailing, and it's not as high a profile as it should be for an island nation. Like New Zealand.

Absolutely, And it all starts right here, right now with learning.

Yeah. Absolutely, And there is no substitute for proper organized tuition to pick up a new skill and do it in a safe manner.

Final question, I had to be captain and steer the boat from its mooring out into the harbor. Out of ten, how did I score? Be honest? Be honest because I got us out pretty clear. Right, there's a little tiny gap and I had to steer us out. Yeah.

Absolutely. For the first go first go four marks top Marx. You listen to instructions and no, no, you did what you did what I hoping you would. You didn't hit anything, you didn't run over anything. You did well.

I was well, I was a bit scared, so I thought of I was. I taken control right from the start.

Absolutely. Well, you're not here as a.

Passenger, James. Thank you very much, appreciated. And it has been an absolute ball. I can tell you that this is what I call fun.

Yeah, me too, He's fun I've ever had is at sea.

Chris Scott then grabbed the microphone. He saw the microphone sitting there. We were all busy, Ethan keeps.

And I where we were. You know, we were running the boat.

We were putting up the sails and mucking around, and he grabbed the mic and this is what he took over.

Hey, I said the interview he becomes the interviewer.


All right, Ethan's on helm. How are you doing, Ethan? How was that last tech? Mate? Yeah, nearly went off the side, off the side over kite we got. We got very very close. But we're good. I don't think where are you're heading for now?

South of Son's Island on the toolames.

Yeah, we're still there. I am not pretty good. I think we're all right. I'm pretty good at keeping a straight a neck. Did you get weird on that last one?


I did.

I was just out of the water. I kept on saying, you said it ain't gonna flip, But it ain't gonna flip. I'm okay.

Yeah, what about.

You, mate?

Yeah, diceing was danger a little bit felt a little bit of splash, a little bit of water. But I enjoyed it. Yeah, he just.

Said to me before you came over with the microphone, I'd rather be on the high side than the low side.

I don't like it. But he was meaning that me as a fadny was going to pull the boat over. That's what he was worried about, you know, And why we're going along here.

Hey, Ethan, did you see that boat just on the left hand side. No?

Oh you got this? No, I should probably keep an eye. Oh my god? And what do you reckon the wind speeders at the moment? How fast? I have no idea, no idea.

It's under twenty now it's dropped right down.

Yeah, way light mate, lied. Hey, look at these guys who were grinning away so quick. Last word from you out him. That's a great sport. I want to do it again. I'll be back out.

I'll be back out in the summer.

We'll do that me too. I think it's a great sport. And you know, if I had the money, i'd take it up.

And then Ethan find away from you. I'm just trying to focus money. Great fun.

Big thanks to the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, especially Chris and James for taking us out yes day. It was a fabulous thing to do. And Ethan and I Coop said, had a little tiny been out in the yacht once before, but Ethan and I had never been on a yacht and here we were, we were actually yachtsmen. We're actually doing it. It's not sit there and watch, let's actually do it. So it's a great experience if you get the opportunity. Definitely, their doors are definitely open if you want to learn about sailing or head out on the water with your friends or workmates. Yeah, just give them, give them a yell.

This isn't an ad.

This was just something that we wanted to do, we wanted to experience, and we've got it right here in our great harbor, beautiful Harbor city. It was a great experience and I slept like an absolute baby last night. It was absolutely naked.

For more from Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills, listen live to news talks It'd be Wellington from nine am wee days, or follow the pod cast on iHeartRadio.