Friday Sport Kickoff: Grant Nisbett and Jason Pine celebrate 2024's sporting successes

Published Dec 20, 2024, 12:00 AM

It’s been a magnificent year in sport.

New Zealand had a record haul of 10 gold medals at the Paris Olympics, Wellington took out the NPC championship and the Phoenix had their best ever season.

To talk the sporting successes of 2024, who better than legendary sports broadcasters Grant Nisbett and Jason Pine.

The pair joined Nick Mills for the final Friday Sport Kickoff of the year, live from Prefab Cafe in Wellington.


You're listening to the Wellington Mornings podcast with Nick Mills from news Talk.

Said b.

It's the Friday sport gigaff with the glass shop servicing Wellington for over forty years.

Joining us are two of the great legend broadcasters of sport. I get emotional evens suggesting that I'm sitting next to grandeners Band and Jason Pine.

Good morning to both of you.

Good a Nick, and I can tell our listeners that granted this, but this year drove down a one way street the right way.

Yeah. I made a mess of it last year, big time. Actually I didn't even try this year.

I walked because I knew I'd do exactly the same thing. I get a bit confused myself around these around these parts.

Great to see and.

It great to have you both here. Let's start by talking rugby. I want to have a little bit of a section about rugby, because obviously Grant Robinson came in talk over. Let's go for initial feelings. Where did you think it started? Club uns book?

Look, I think on reflection, I've been a bit disappointed, mainly because of the conservative nature of what Robertson went through. He went basically with Foster's team obviously with guys retiring at the end of the year. In that White London Abritallic didn't have Smith didn't have more longer. But fundamentally, when you look at the Test teams that he put out this year, they were largely teams that Ian Foster put out. We didn't see a lot of new guys on the block. There are exceptions, Wallace a TETI confirmation. I think the cam roy Guard, even though he had a very short Super season, is our best half back. But I think he could have been a little more expansive with his selections. Put it that way.

Piney, there's noo.

Just mentioned five names, pretty big names.

I mean no first five really no done first five.

Well, he did have two pretty quality players though, yea Damien McKenzie and Bowden Barrett. Look I think I mean Voden Barrack's been World Player of the Air a couple of times. Damien McKenzie has long been regarded as a high quality first five eight.

So it wasn't as though the cupboard was bare.

But it didn't have a Richie Marnin.

No, it didn't.

And I think what you'll find and obviously we'll look ahead at some stage, but all.

The Mailers that Richie is coming back next year.

He'll come back the after Super Rugby or the Japanese season and be available for the All Blacks next year. See if I'm Damien McKenzie and Boden bar And I'm not sure what to make of that. Harry Plumbers already decided he's not got no place here.

He's gone. Stephen Petefetta, wat's his future.

Nisbo's right about the conservative selections, you know, Billy Proctor, the quality that the form center and Super Rugby. I'd say Nisbo a couple of test matches that was all. He should have got, a couple of Rugby Championship allings.

Why did they not play him? That's a big question.

There, very good question, and I can't answer it. I really can't. I mean, Rico Yoanni occupied the thirteen jersey throughout the year, and I remain unconvinced. When I talk about it with people, they say, look, why don't they put him back on the wing where he started and when he was world class they put him at center because there was a shortage at the time. I'm not so sure there's a shortage now. And I'm with a Piney here, Billy Proctor should have been given an opportunity. His super agby form was impeccable and when he did play for the All Blacks, he looked like a blow who belonged there. So that is one of my criticisms that he didn't get it right in the midfield.

He's got time on his side though, Billy Proctor, to be fair, you know, and I think, yeah, it's funny Recchi and he's played what eighty Test matches now and I think you're right in as by. The jury still out on whether he's a top quality center in terms of being able to set up as outsides like guys like.

Bumps and Stanley were able to.

Yeah, you know, But having said that, he's very good on the other side of the ball, very good defender.

Billy Proctor has too, probably.

Had his worst year though well, but still it's still not a bad year.

I mean it's again the cupboard doesn't bear here.

I think Billy proctorant's probably a bit of Wellington bites as well. I think he deserved more opportunities than he got.

I think he didn't do anything wrong. When he did get an opportunity. He looks like he's in. I think he's got him better nick than he's ever been. I think he physically he looks great. So I mean the big question is why and how long we're going to wait?

Yeah, look, I don't know. I really you don't know. And maybe this year twenty twenty five will be his breakout. Yeah, who knows. Ricco Yoani doesn't to me look comfortable in the midfield. As Jason said, Censer's job as to set up the wingers. Now I can't remember, and I might be wrong here him actually making a decisive break, drawing the last line of defense and sending the winger, and I cannot remember one occasion that happened. You're right about his defense, no complaints there were at all. But we need an attacking force in number thirteen.

Just on Robertson as well.

In a wider sense, I think he quickly found out how different test rugby was from Super rugby week to week. With the Crusaders, if he lost a game was the end of the world. He had another five or six days and then had another game. But the All Blacks you can't lose Test matches. And the fact that I think the Argentina loss here in Wellington was kind of pivotal in the way that he selected teams from there on, went to South Africa.

A couple of losses over there. The end of year two was actually all right. You know.

I think a lot of people thought that they probably lose one of those three, but when they won the first two England and Ireland, and got close to France and probably could have won that French Test and should have one, Yeah, there was.

Probably a little bit of disappointment.

But you look at it, you say, Okay, fourteen Test matches, ten wins, it's only just a pass mark on that metric.

Yeah, four Test match losses in one season, that is kill an all Black fan. Is not acceptable, and you're right. The low point of the season was unquestionably the lost to Argentina, particularly when you're leading with ten minutes to go. All Black teams simply don't lose. And I think that's where he went conservative after that. He said, the only way that I'm going to win Test matches from here on and is to be conservative. Pick the blokes that I've had faith in right throughout season, and I'm not prepared to take too many risks. And we even saw that against the Italians when you know, I think we knew we're going to win the game, but he didn't take the opportunity to maybe blood a couple of guys. And I think that's goes right back to the Test match at the stadium.

Yeah, and even the All Blacks Player of the Year, Wallace Atiti, only got a game because of injury. You know, you remember he was over in South Africa. He hadn't I don't think I'd started a Test match before they got to the Republic, had come off the eventure a couple of times, but Ethan blackaded Luke Jacobson a couple of injuries.

So wall was the techi who's a number eight.

Really he was for the Chiefs, you know, were slotted into the number six jersey and had this incredible back end of the season which led to him being the All Blacks Player of the Year.

So I'm not saying it was by accident.

I think he would have found his way in there eventually because he's such a talented player. But again it goes back to Scott Robertson going largely with what he knew rights.

But I want to ask you, because you've been around for so many years and seen so many all black coaches. Where do you rate razors? Where do you put them? You've only had one year? Ye see, but how do you what's your gut telling you?

Well, it's too early to tell, it really is. And the guy I've seen all black coaches have a bad year and bounce back. I mean, look at Graham Henry losing the World Cup and then coming back and winning the next World Cup. So look too early to tell. I think he will sit back during the summer and say where did I go wrong? And I'm not going to tell him where he went wrong. He'll have worked it out himself by now. I think he's just got to be a little more positive and put his faith in some of the younger guys coming through because we can't rely on the old guys, which we've done in the past a wee bit. And I think he just has to be a little more inventive and super Rugby's going to be big this year. Because we were sitting here twelve months ago, did anybody in all honesty know who Wallace the teating was? No? Did you have a clue who Wallace the teat was?


Right, I've got to go to a break.

But I just want to quick we say, to get a score out of ten for Razor as a coach.

What do you think I've got him at six?


Yeah, I've got him around there too, maybe six point five. But losing four tests not acceptable?

Take a short break. You know what I reckon is wrong.

He's listening to too many people in a new job. I think once he gets in there and actually starts to be himself which he's been selected to be, has confidence in his own ability, I think we'll see the true Razor can.

Well, did you get rid of le On McDonald?

It's Friday sports and it's grunt and has been in Jason Pine. Okay, guys, let's get some gigs. Look at some other sports. The Olympics was this year. Gosh, it seems like a lifetime ago that the Olympics was on Piney. What was your high and lows of the Olympics.

The high was definitely the high jump goal by Hamish Kerr. I think going into the Games we hope that he'd do well, but I'd love the journey to that gold medal and that he missed twice at two meters twenty a height.

That he normally clears comfortably in qualifying.

He almost didn't make the twelve man finals, and then to get there and also be in a situation where we miss a couple of attempts at a certain height, got there, then they had the jump off. It just I just loved the Hamish curve gold medal.

That was certainly the heighth of me. Let me think on that. I tend to be more positive. I know you've got it.

Lows, no, no, you could be your What you remember when you look back at the Olympics, what do you remember?

I remember the ten gold medals. I remember sitting there after two or three days, thinking this is going to be awful. We started badly for some reason or other, and I can't remember why we started badly, but we did. Then that just suddenly all happened. I think my height probably the women's sevens Blackmern sevens Hamish curve fantastic. When did we last have a world class high jumper? I can't remember. And the surprise of Fin Butcher, who knew anything about whatever it is. They call it sort of paddling in rough water. I don't know what it is. Anyway, I enjoyed.

That kayak cross.

It's called yeah, good stuff, And if you can ask me Mallow, I'm sure you are. It's got to be the men's sevens. They just in front, haven't since you.

See, for me, sevens is seven's and we get them every year. So that's not an Olympic game.

I'm a bit of old school Olympics a sport that we don't talk about normally year to year, don't have World Cups year to year. So that's those sports that we look at, and that to me is probably swimming. And I had I mean only because I have so much respect for him as a swimmer and his family. But Lewis clear bird. I thought, you know, I was disappointed for him. I would have loved to have seen him do better.

I think we find we find out at the Olympic Games just how just how deep the pool is as far as not you know, not the literal pool, but how many great swimmers there are two meters deep?

Is that right?

I think I thought it was three, But like, yeah, I think Lewis, Oh that's right.

I think Lewis himself will probably but that too.

Erica Fairweather was another one we had high hopes for didn't get on the podium. But again, you know, I think we're absolutely overachieved, you know, Dame Lisa again, Elise Andrews, Finn Butcher, as Nisbou said, and and others too, you know, the our rowers.

Now, I want to get to a sport that you know more about than anyone around this table. Sorry, and I'm sure you know a lot about football as well, but piety is our football guy.

Phoenix have got some brothers at arms.

They have Aukland f C.

I like it just before that great season from the Phoenix and twenty three twenty four, that amazing game down at the stadium which was sold out for the semi final.

But yeah, I think it'll lift them.

I think having Auckland f C has been a real boost of football in this country. And the Phoenix have to keep up. Auckland f C have started really well. Phoenix have to keep up.

Boy are they smug though? Aren't they smack?

They do come from Auckland.

There's a full coming. There's a full coming.

We keep telling Auckland that for forty years, but they don't listen to us. Yeah, and I've got to mention Warrington Lions because the NPC Championship now Brad Shields and Duper Secret feel they are the ones for me. I mean I love them both as individuals. But Brad Shields have never won the NPC before.

Great for him. Criefy, what a man?

What a man?

Can I just say on Kalify he was in here before. I just need to let people know this. He was leaving, he said, said to see you later, guys. He's paid for our coffee tap.

He has.

He's gone up there and paid for our coffee tap. He didn't come over and say I fixed it up, guys, bridget here at prefab, but to come and tell us, I mean that's it's a high quality human being, high quality rugby player.

I don't think there's too many rugby player or any athletes, any basketball, any athletes.

We got to remember. You gotta remember that Wellington won the MPC and he didn't play a large part of the season. I was out there at Jerry Collins Stadium when he broke his jaw and he was pretty much gone until the playoffs and so and when he came back he made an amazing impact, of course he did. But it just shows I think that the the Wellington Lions team had real depth and they fully deserved it. And that was almost one of my sporting highlights of the year because, as you know, Nick, I'm born and bred in Wellington and I'm passionate about Wellington, so you know reason me passionate about the hurricanes, but they come from all over the joint, but when it's Wellington, it matters.

Great to have you both, and thank you very much for taking time down of your busy schedule.


But Jason Pine, have a very very merry Christmas to you and your families and next year let's do it again.

Absolutely you will still.

Be on the same way on the road as you come down.

I need to make Jesse Street two ways.

The Wellington Mornings Friday sport kickoff with the glass Shop Superior Glass and Glazing Service glass Shop dot Co dot in Seid. That's two p's and an e in shop. For more from Wellington Mornings with Nick Mills, listen live to news Talks It'd Be Wellington from nine am weekdays, or follow the podcast on iHeartRadio.