Cara was mortified by something Evan did at dinner...
Bri struggles with Rowan's Crazy Ex Girlfriend...
MATCHMAKERS Maddie and Nick
Will not being friends on Facebook ruin their chance at a second date?
MATCHMAKERS Ashley and Joel
Ashley asked Bryan & Mikala to help her break some pretty serious news to Joel in hopes he will understand... that she's pregnant!!
MATCHMAKERS Amanda and Chris
Amanda lied to Bryan & Mikala just so she could get back at Chris. Here are some of your comments... Dude not the place to call him out!!!!! Seriously very immature Amanda is a nasty person. She needs to grow up. Wow, I thought I was listening to Jerry Springer for second there. Whoa! Thanks for a …
Tonya and Jeff UPDATE
Tonya called with an update on her second date with Jeff. Listen to the original call here...
MATCHMAKERS Emily and Shaun
Emily regrets brining Shaun to meet her ex boyfriend on their first date...
MATCHMAKERS Melissa and Mike
Mike didn't appreciate the audience during their first date...
MATCHMAKERS Tonya and Jeff
Jeff admits to lying about why he cancelled their first date. Click here to find out what happened with their second date...
MATCHMAKERS Ross and Michelle
Sometimes it's all just a big misunderstanding.